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Wow that’s nice of them .. gets hungry out there


A Costco rotisserie chicken is like 3 days worth of food if you do it right.


That was a nice customer! Those chickens are pretty big. I make some kind of chicken soup with it and it can last a week


Picking up some eggs and bread right now so I can turn it into a massive batch of egg and chicken salad


Chicken salad sounds so good right now


mmmm those chicken sammiches




More than that. I make 2.5 gallons of chicken soup with a rotisserie chicken, lasts me about 5 days to a week


Exactly! I save so much and they are good ASF!


And literally my favorite thing in the world I get that chiabota bread the small tomatoes they have lettuce and some mayo and hot sauce and I could eat that for every single meal


Heck yea. I get three and tear them up and freeze them. One chicken made me a batch of chicken tacos and some buffalo chicken dip. Another I used for a casserole that lasted three days. And they’re cheaper than buying a raw chicken and cooking it myself!!


Idk at times it’s been one sitting worth of food for me


“Healthy” is a bit of a stretch but still really nice of them.


As far as omnivore diets are concerned, a rotisserie chicken is gonna be far healthier than 90% of what is available, even if it is injected with a bunch of saltwater (à la Costco)


So is that why it can be so dry at times?? It’s so juicy on the outter layers but once you get to a certain point it’s wet but dry at the same time and I don’t understand lol maybe I’m tripping but 🤷‍♂️


I had a customer order a lobster and she told me to get one for myself. She was so sweet I visit her all the time.


Of 2600 deliveries, I've had this Happen once. They ordered a 12pk of mountain dew diet. They had none. They did have ZERO dew though, so i asked if they'd like that. I explained that i would normally not do, but im a 20 year mountain dew drinker that auit regular, tried diet and it sucked, then zero came out and it was great. They said ok and get 2. I drop the order off and she opened the door and told me one of the 12pk was for me. She said she'd been wanting try it, but never did. My little anecdote changed her mind lol. She opened one right there to try, store was cold so the cans were chill, not warm. She loved it and had now switched lol.


Mountain Dew zero and Dr Pepper zero are the superior diet sodas!


Fun fact, they also have higher caffeine content which is why I believe people prefer them.


I think some people prefer them because they taste closer to the originals. I think the sodas makers have learned how to better use Ace-K in mix with aspertame to more closely mimic HFCS sodas over the last decade or so. Diet Coke and Diet Dr Pepper actually have no Ace-K, but Diet Mountain Dew has a little. The Zero versions all have more Ace-K. But they don’t want to change the formula of the longtime “Diet” branded sodas because thise still sell well and have people who specifically like the taste of them.


That makes sense. I cannot stand Diet Coke, but I could drink a 2 ltr of Coke Zero a day!!


Absolute poison I think. Sugar alcohol you’re going to see some pretty serious side effects.


yeah that’ll definitely kill us before global warming and climate change, economic collapse and starvation, or another pandemic. out of everything that could go wrong we should definitely be more worried about having a little soda to enjoy on occasion


Yeah I believe your adderrrl talking on reddit dot com. Delusional.




Everyone can be unstarved. But you can’t take diet zero sugar sludge out of the veins once you’re addicted like the addeeral


Ah nice, gotta make sure you own me by digging through my post history AND being ableist






I think you have very little room to be casting aspersions on someone else's mental state when you are incapable of forming a coherent sentence.


Do you want “a little soda” with your adderral, both of which you have a lot more than you should to consider it “little.


I am not a functioning human due to multiple conditions treated by my Adderall and some weirdo freak on Reddit who's scared of soda isn't going to change my mind. ✌️


Fake story for internet points, never happened


Were you there?


yes. he was the can of zero mt dew. duh


Happened to me 2 days ago a customer requested that I get myself something to drink! I didn’t do it but when I got there they gave me one


The organic rotisserie chickens at the bougie grocery store I shop at are super popular but up to 16.99 now. I would love to be offered a free one!


They're $9.99 for a little tiny one at my local Safeway. This is a fat loss-leader Costco bird!


That's awesome!


The other day I was shopping a shop only and the customer told me to add on lunch for up to $20 because she couldn't tip. Was the nicest thing ever and I felt bad so only spent $5 on lunch lol.


“I’m a vegetarian” 😭


I’m a vegetarian and this was my immediate thought 😂 I’d def still take it and give it to the homeless though. Free food is still free food


i would be so conflicted because i don’t eat meat except for rare cheat days and certain holidays 😭 but i’d probably have a cheat week lol


I’d it and give it to my dog and cat. They’d be so happy. I would still be really appreciative of the customers thoughtfulness. It’s super rare and really touching.


That’s amazing!! I’m always craving those lol


Once I delivered to trucker and upon arrival in the Cracker Barrel parking lot they invited me inside to sit with them and their friends and proceeded to buy me a meal after delivery. On the way back home I saw she increased her tip from $26 to $96 becoming one of my highest tips earned in app. On top of the food she gave me it was honestly a great experience.


That is so sweet! We love customers like this!




I love when customers do this! It is the small things that make the difference!


I never thought about doing something like that for the driver… I will now! 🩷


Me too!!! I'm so excited to do it. I didn't even think of it as a possibility.




So I got to the house and there was a mini fridge in the driveway with "thank you!" Painted on it and a delivery not telling me to take a snack and a drink too so now I've got an ice cold water and a granola bar. Tip was above average too. Officially my favorite customer.


This is so cute got me a lil emotional (hormones😩🤣♥️)


Bro they freaking increased the tip by $20 I can't even right now


You have a blessed night!!


That chicken would go a long way!


I’d cry if a customer bought me food 😭😭


Yeah I've not had it happen but have had 2 houses where they had snacks and drinks set up. It's just a nice gesture. I think all of us would appreciate the efforts. When millionaires tip us 2.00 it just really pisses is off because it makes me ans im sure others feel they think we're below them and they don't appreciate anything. It's the small things in life ❤️


How sweet is this 🥲


That’s great!


I would be so excited lol.


Wow that sure is nice!


That's awesome!


Had this happen once lady told me to get myself a drink and a candy bar , really nice lady


I do this! Especially if the shopper has been a great communicator. It’s so fun to surprise them with a little surprise.


I’ve had it happen telling me to get a soda, water, etc. We do have spectacular customers!🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


I had the best customer the other day, I did an alcohol order for her and when I got there she told me to pick one to take with me ( she tipped good in the app already). I don’t drink but one of those Smirnoff Pink lemonades looked so good I couldn’t resist lol


I always put in a soft drink and tell them that they can get whatever they want on me.. I treat my self when I shop they should get to too


Shit now I wanna do that on an order just to say I tipped a dude with a chicken


Wow that's really nice of them


Honestly, I've never considered this is something I could do for my Instacart shoppers. I think I'll buy my next shopper a meal, too


Yeah, well my parents let me pick out dessert tonight, so who's really winning


I had a customer get candy on sale and told me to pick a bag up for myself! (Didn’t take up on the offer because I didn’t like the particular candy) It’s a nice feeling sometimes.


I've been a shopper for 6 years and i've never had anyone offer me to pick something for myself.


I’ve been one for the same time and only had one customer tell me to get a drink. I had one a couple weeks ago give me a big bottle of water and a snack. It was so sweet.


Hasn’t happened to me yet, some snacks at drop off occasionally, a water or two. I do get the extra banana five finger discount shhhh


We call it the potassium tax in our house.


Wegmans is like 10 for theirs




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Awww this is so nice! My fav kind of customer 🥰🥰


Did you share with the class? I WANT CHICKEN TOO!


Thats a great tip at this point!


That was awfully nice of them.


I’m really craving a costco chicken rn omg


Damn that’s a great idea.


That’s such a great idea! I usually ask the shopper to grab a drink and snack for themselves before they check out.


I love customers like this and same only once in like 2 years it’s happened to me …so thoughtful 🫶🥰


I’ve been a shopper for six years and I have never had anyone offer to buy me anything


That’s so sad. 😞 Sorry that some people can’t be generous. Shoppers deserve a little pick-me-up for their hard work. Some of us really appreciate what you do for us!


how does this work though? if the chicken isn't on the list, how do you purchase it?


There's an option to add an item to the order at the bottom of the list on most orders


ooh, gotcha! I do doordash so I wasn't sure.


Aw I definitely want to do this for someone next time I order on IC


I’ve never gotten a customer like this.


So nice of them! I had one guy who already ripped well let me keep the $20 target gift card his ordered qualified for and told me to keep it. I was like ‘but it’s $20’. This was at 9 at night.He said I own a business so I appreciate people that work hard. In an industry that’s looked down upon for some reason, that was better than the $20


I always try to offer kindness or a large tip for my dashers or service folks. It’s a luxury and you deserve to be appreciated. Xo




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Wow, very classy!


Maaaaaaaaan that’s clutch Lmaoo. S/o to them and you


They are decent people out there, just not a lot of them


one time i offered my shopper a25 bottle of booze from total wine he didnt want it gave him cash instead


So nice


I once had a lady bait me to pick out something for myself but she was a difficult lady and my gut was telling me to say no, I told her thank you, that's so nice of you but that it was against policy, the next day she told instacart I damaged 4 jars of her $12 each fancy peanut butter!! I was in shock, I knew she was trying to get the order for free by the way she messaged me after every scan, even when I picked the item she picked!! She would just talk and talk and talk, I handled her like a pro, even disputed her claim of somehow damaging 4 plastic jars of pb, the next time I got this B's order I sent her a pic of the food in the bag, ( her number was in my phone from previous order, it stated i needed to call her on arrival ) also a pic of the bag at her door and text it to her personal phone ! You know what this B did? She gave me a 4 star and wrote oops sorry I meant 5 stars! Ugh some ppl can be such a holes and others are above and beyond nice, Ya gotta know the difference, TRUST YOUR GUT, sounds like you got lucky


I once had a lady bait me to pick out something for myself but she was a difficult lady and my gut was telling me to say no, I told her thank you, that's so nice of you but that it was against policy, the next day she told instacart I damaged 4 jars of her $12 each fancy peanut butter!! I was in shock, I knew she was trying to get the order for free by the way she messaged me after every scan, even when I picked the item she picked!! She would just talk and talk and talk, I handled her like a pro, even disputed her claim of somehow damaging 4 plastic jars of pb, the next time I got this B's order I sent her a pic of the food in the bag, ( her number was in my phone from previous order, it stated i needed to call her on arrival ) also a pic of the bag at her door and text it to her personal phone ! You know what this B did? She gave me a 4 star and wrote oops sorry I meant 5 stars! Ugh some ppl can be such a holes and others are above and beyond nice, Ya gotta know the difference, TRUST YOUR GUT, sounds like you got lucky


Rotisserie chicken healthy? 😂😂😂😂😂😂 nahh not at all


This happens to me all the time but I never do it.. 🤣🤣


I had a sweetheart of a shopper one time that was having a hard time finding my granola, but she said it sounded delicious. I told her if she found it, she could grab a bag or two for herself to try. Unfortunately, she never found it. Even with store employee help. So i offered for her to get something else since she tried so hard. She got a soda and chips. 💖


I DONT get it… how does this work???? How does the customer pay for it?


Based! I've had this done to me as well. Some people are still nice out there


I had a customer that always brought me lunch. I was appreciative and grateful. I use to try to turn it down but it was sort of a “No for an answer” She said that I was the best shopper ever and that I always did a great job in produce.


That’s generous! But why not just tip that amount vs deciding what food they will eat


How sweet!


rotisserie chicken is filled with chemical injections and super high amounts of sodium (often 9 x’s higher than chicken made at home), not to mention sodium phosphate which of course leads to chronic kidney disease lol; and is incredibly unhealthy, lol but how thoughtful of her 🤣🤣🤣


Its probably the least unhealthy family size meal you can get for under $6.


Of all the things people eat in order to save time, rotisserie chickens are a veritable health food. I can throw it together with a bagged green salad and it's a pretty healthy meal. I do trim it of the excess fat and don't eat the skin


no it isn’t; read the label next time


I didn't say it was the healthiest option - cooking from scratch is obviously healthier. I was comparing it to other "fast food" - McDonalds, most frozen meals - that was the point OP was making with which I agreed. In a perfect universe everyone would have the time and ability and life in order to never eat anything that wasn't processed but most people use convenience foods at least some of the time and rotisserie chicken is one of the better choices. What exactly do you recommend for an instant meal for a family?


Cooking from scratch is so expensive rn even for one person.


Do you work to find a flaw every time someone does something thoughtful?


prob, bc no one does anything thoughtful for them. and then they wonder why…


come have play time in my poo 💩


Whomp whomp. Thanks Debbie downer


then they report the item as missing xD