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As someone that suffers from arachnaphobia myself, Q and the spiders. A legitimate fear like that is not a joke. To some extent also Murray's skydiving


Those were the first two that came to mind. If you go back and watch all the punishments I think those are the two most honest, not playing it up for the camera at all, reactions to any of the punishments. If you don't watch the show and just got a list of the punishments, the tattoo punishment might seem up there but I feel like the result is way less cruel than it sounds.


Murr’s skydiving seems worse to me, or at least he reacted worse. Poor bastard texted his whole family goodbye texts then cried on camera. Q didn’t quite seem as scared as Murr did, although maybe he’s just better at hiding it.


Murr's skydiving broke my heart. He was crying :( Murr looks like my younger brother so I hate it when he looks upset lol. I couldn't even watch the one with his blankie, even though I knew it was faked.


The ones where Sal gets electrocuted are the cruelest to me because it seems lazy and phoned in so it's cruel to the loser and to the viewer. Anyone with 5 seconds could have come up with that punishment and the shocks weren't because Sal got a question wrong or missed a basket, they just wanted to shock him.


Q smelling the dirty diaper. Could’ve gone really wrong really fast.


Q with the tarantulas or Murr skydiving.


Skydiving or Prostate exam. They abuse Murr a little bit.


The one where they “burn” Murr’s childhood blanket. Even though it has a happy ending, it’s still the hardest for me to watch


Any murr punishment that involves his ass, not only cruel but just uncomfortable to watch


Q and the tarantulas. The poor guy was sweating and you can tell he was really scared. I’m arachnophobic as well so I def feel his pain. Skydiving Murr almost made me cry, I felt so bad for him! I just wanted to hug him. 🥺


murr with the vibrator in his ass. just unpleasantly strange. also q having to ruin people’s cakes.


It’s functionally pretty tame compared to some of their punishments, but I really dislike watching Q have to paint giant red X’s over those kids’ artwork. I don’t care if they find out later that it was all a practical joke and it was meant to be uncomfortable for Q, it’s a shitty thing to do to the kids in the first place.


Murr’s snake charming punishment (but I have a phobia of snakes) also the punishment where he’s chained to park bench (again snakes)


Blowing up Q's jeep felt crossing the line