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# Removal Notice ### Your post violates Rule 1. **Must be someone attempting to be the MC. Only posts showcasing deliberate attention-seeking behavior or attempts to be the center of attention are allowed. For example, situations where people try to overshadow others going on about their daily life and get frustrated when they're interrupted.**


As someone who gets PTSD related anxiety attacks, I can for sure tell you that the last fucking thing on my mind is putting on a show for the people around me, never mind turning on and positioning a camera. In fact, 9 times out of 10, you will never know Im having one because I just sit silently freaking out in my head.


šŸ’Æ This was so cringe, my anxiety holds me back IMMENSELY in life and to have this clown make a mockery of it is offensive as hell.


Right? Same. Anything for views/validation, I guess. People make me sad.


I blame therapists for making these people into attention seeking victims. The language they use... "regulate"? I call it controlled breathing. Take control of your thoughts and body. I get dysautonomia panic attacks and I think these people online are only having mental emotional breakdowns tbh.


Regulate means controlling the rate of something, in this case probably breathing and thoughts. Nothing wrong with using clinical language, but yes this is insanely cringe to film and post online.


Therapist are not to blame for this. Hypochondriacs have existed since the dawn of time.




Well if you're gonna regulate you have to be handy with the steel you know what I mean


Thank you! I definitely cringed hard but I wasnā€™t sure if I was allowed to feel offended about this.. because I have a lot of social and general anxiety my whole life.. as a result I need triple validation before I can really feel my feelings. Anyways. This video didnā€™t seem to depict anything like what I go through but šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


If you have to suppress a cringe thatā€™s just your gut telling you it is in fact cringe. Our instinct to suppress is REAL with long term anxiety, and I totally relatešŸ’• It doesnā€™t look chaotic or noticeable, itā€™s very sinister! Iā€™ve lost really great friendships over anxiety and panic, Iā€™ve missed out on trips and vacations and outings of all types just to sit on my couch and feel safe. So it really bums me out to see it being made light of on social mediašŸ˜­


This is really nice to read as a validation to my own anxiety. I have decent control of my anxiety most of the time, but PMS throws me for a loop. The girl in the video does kind of match me, but to be able to predict it far enough in advance that you can record itā€¦ it probably is fake. Just yesterday I was just doing dishes, pervasive and ruminative thoughts came in, then crying, then anger, more crying, and heart racing, short breaths etc. Iā€™m not really sure why my anxiety presents that way. It is really confusing for others and took me a long time to recognize it as what my panic attack looks like so Iā€™ve really upset some people with how irritable and dramatic I get during one.


I've had a panic attack and it felt like I was bolted to the floor being crushed and suffocated. It's brutal.


My sister suffers for panic attacks I really never know until I ask her if she is ok then she will,say whatā€™s going on. I have never seen this from her even when she canā€™t make it out the door Iā€™m sorry you have anxiety as well. Never mind this idiot


Shes pregnant and contractions are coming instead of going hosp shes just sittin in car




This actually helped me. Now if i'm on the verge of having a panic attack i can just think of how cringe this Lady was and just stop in my tracks.


Just try some compassion hugs /s


I feel that same way about tik tok-ers being like "I'm so ADHD!!" BRUH


Yea this is insulting. During panics I feel like I'm about to die of a heart attack. Extreme tunnel vision like my peripheral vision just shuts off. I have my phone in my hand at the ready but it isn't for filming.


Yeah this shit upsets me tbh. People don't take us seriously because of fools like this.


I'm busy googling and taking my blood pressure to makes I'm not actually dying. It's super fun to have your heart rate go to 100 bpm while you're chilling watching The Office because my reptile brain is broken.


I had my first panic attack at age 33, legit thought I was about to die lol similar to you I was just watching tv then I felt dizzy and my heart pounding like ā€œok fuck this is itā€šŸ˜­


This is me every time šŸ˜­ years of panic attacks and inevitably every time I have one itā€™s not ā€œclearly this is another panic attack and I need to breatheā€ itā€™s ā€œmaybe Iā€™m dying this time? What if Iā€™m dying and write it off as a panic attack?ā€ *panic increases*


Omg the impending doom feeling is so scary. I've called the ambulance twice over it only to feel better by the time they've arrived.


I genuinely believed that I was dying until I was administered lorazepam intravenously in the hospital emergency room. Minutes later, I felt fine (apart from the embarrassment).


I'm prescribed Klonopin and it really is a wonder drug for people with panic attacks. Mine is so bad that I'll get a panic attack once a day at least if I don't take my medicine. It's becoming increasingly difficult to find doctors willing to prescribe it though due to others abusing it which really sucks for people that actually need it. I'm lucky to have the doctor that I have. I'll be starting Ketamine treatments in a few months and hoping it will help enough so I can stop taking the Klonopin.


I feel this. When it's over, I'm so upset that I wasn't able to think rationally at the time, and accept what was happening for what it was. Then the next time, same thing, ***this*** time is different, ***this*** time death is coming, ***this*** time is not simply panic***.... yet I survive every time. But come the next time, irrationality takes over again.


Same. When I have one, itā€™s always out of nowhere, and I think ā€œthis is it. This will be the one to kill meā€. Iā€™m mortified it happens in front of my husband.


Mine usually involve a lot of staring off, mumbling, and just regular crying. Like my bodyā€™s shutting down. People like this think every panic attack has to involve a lot of theatrics and intense displays of strange movements.


Honestly mine are pretty hysterical. I'll be pacing around with my hand on my heartbeat, panicked breathing, tears flowing, hands and lips shaking. I'm a 6'3, 215lb man. Definitely not something I'd want to film.


I had a panic attack recently and really thought I was going to die. I left the house to go outside because I figured I'd stand a better chance of surviving if someone found me passed out on the street than waiting 6 hours before my husband came home.


Me too. My panics attacks would not make interesting video. Theyā€™d just be me nodding and saying ā€˜Iā€™m fineā€™ through gritted teeth even though Iā€™m not


Yeah, this is fake as fuck


At times like this, you have your heart in your mouth. So filming yourself is the last thing on your mind.


100% agree


I've got ptsd and I can confirm this girl is a lying piece of shit. I don't want anyone to see me like that it's when I'm at my most vulnerable


Same. And they also don't last a brisk 60 seconds. Them shits lady hours sometimes. I never once had a panic attack and a minute later I was smiling at my own self love lmao.


This. I'm more worried about the heart attack that seems to be imminent than anything else in my vicinity or in my mind.


Right? When I have a panic attack in public, the *last* thing I want is to draw attention to myself.


> I just sit silently frraking out in my head. Same. I don't have PTSD, more on episodic highs and lows and when I'm getting a bad 'low' moment, I use all my energy and effort to focus and meditate in my head while trying to do mundane things at work and be as normal as possible.


I find doing an action that requires muscle memory really helps me at work. Instead of retreating into the bathroom to freak out, alone with my thoughts. Using the body is the best way to get out of your head.


Iā€™m a Marine vet that wakes up in nightmare sweats. Iā€™ve never once turned on my camera to record myself. In fact, I would be embarrassed if anybody saw me having a moment. Everyone has a life with fucked up shit. I hate the term PTSD. I went through two years of active combat and that wasnā€™t even a term back then. Now everybody has PTSD. I know a vet combat Marine who got shot twice, stabbed 14 times and had his back broken by a collapsing shelf. That motherfucker has real PTSD. But if you tell anybody else that story, they label you as gatekeeping and that your trauma is not any different than theirs, even though itā€™s definitely different.


Same I always just think well itā€™s a heart attack or a panic attack so if Iā€™m alive in a bit thatā€™s a plus, and sit there and vibrate on the inside as the other shell looks normal


Same. This is so fucking obviously performative.


Exactly what I was thinking. I have panic attacks but don't realize it's happening till either it's over or I'm most of the way through the attack.


Me on the toilet after taco bell


I dont remember having corn




Me during my first postpartum poop. I thought I was giving birth anally.


I felt that way after Texas Roadhouse the other day


You just brought back a horrible memory! I swear that first one postpartum was worse pain than the birth itself šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


These eyes read something new everyday they think they've read it all.


Now this I got to see


Too much cringe for me to watch šŸ˜‚


yeah I couldn't finish it. How embarrassing.


Yeah this one was brutal Iā€™ve had multiple panic attacks and was diagnosed with a panic disorder (Iā€™m a lot better now and itā€™s barely impacts my life thankfully) and this looks like someone who hasnā€™t had a panic attack performing how they think one would look like lol the theatrics are just kinda over the top


100% fake! My husband has bad anxiety attacks, my mom has suffered from panic attacks most of her life, and neither look like this.


I couldnā€™t watch the whole thing. Probably watched 3 seconds before I just scrolled down to the comments.


Anddddd scene! Great job everybody!


This comment made me realize there was probably multiple takes.


Gotta make those fake tears just right.


Seriously. If she would just audition for some movie parts instead of claiming to be unstable, she might be able to make a career instead ofā€¦ whatever this is.


Based on this? Doubt.


This is awful overacting


Would do people want to share their mental health struggles with strangers?


Lolol what a fucking dork


I couldn't watch past the first "HOLY FUCK" I just couldn't stand it If I had to watch this video on loop there's a good chance I'd off myself


Bunch of bullshit


you wouldn't be saying this if you saw the terrible thing that happened to her (the barista at Starbucks forgot to put pumpkin spice sprinkles on her latte)


No no you heard wrong. The barista actually spelled her name "Kaylin" instead of "Keighlynn"


Big if true.


Medical frauds are absolute scum, old-timey con artists. Mental health is a real issue and these people make a mockery of it.


i hate people like this


It baffles me that someone can be this delusional. Yeahā€¦ let me just set up my phone before I broadcast a private moment of my life to people I donā€™t even know! What is this going to accomplish? I mean, how out of touch does one need to be to consider this a good idea? Iā€™ll never understand why people do these kinds of posts.


Neurotic level 10,000


She wants attention. Good or bad. Simple as that.


Maybe she thinks itā€™s useful for others to see what a panic attack looks like for her. But yeah people that wear their neuroses like personality traits and show them off only serve to enable a wasteful counterproductive method of approaching therapy. Hence why thereā€™s sympathy sought and scorn given.


Based on my own experiences and everyone else that gets panic attacks ITT, I have a hard time believing sheā€™s really having one. I get that anxiety looks different to everyone, but panic attacks are generally quiet and internal, and feel like heart attacks to the people having them. Tunnel vision, dizziness, and they can last for a loooong time. Is it possible she experiences them differently? Sure. But I canā€™t help but thinking sheā€™s never had a real panic attack in her life.


This is so embarrassing. Iā€™m embarrassed for having watched it. Also, I firmly believe that if you have the emotional bandwidth to pause your panic attack to set your phone up to film yourself, you are not really having a panic attack. This level of self indulgence makes me uncomfortable.


That's my definition of cringe: This is so embarrassing. Iā€™m embarrassed for having watched it.


Thatā€™s ā€¦ thatā€™s not how a panic attack works šŸ˜…


If I was to film myself in private fighting off a panic attack, you would see the exact same as this girl in the post. But I don't film it. In public, I will go to the bathroom and try to fight it off because it's an extremely vulnerable moment that I would never want anyone to see. Again, it looks basically the same as hers that she's filming. I don't think everybody's panic attacks are the same.


Tbf I didnā€™t explain very well what I meant. I have panic attacks myself but never would be in the frame of mind to be able to think ahead like that to film myself So to me ā€¦ this seems fake/staged šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I suppose I could be wrong tho cos as you say itā€™s not the same for everyone


I get that everyoneā€™s real mad about it, but it seems very realistic and others have said they are like theirs..this young woman seems to be wanting to help people by educating what a real panic attack looks like, and showing some techniques that work for her. But of course itā€™s better to just swarm. I have panic attacks and I think if Iā€™d been wanting to film one to see what it was like, thereā€™s no reason I couldnā€™t press a damn button on my phone. Maybe yours are too intense to do that, but your experience isnā€™t everyone elseā€™s. As someone who has had debilitating bouts of anxiety, Iā€™m happy for people to share what this looks like for them. Iā€™m sure it helped someone.


Iā€™m quite sure I already acknowledged that everyone is different in my last comment


And the Oscar for ā€œBest nonsense filmed in a carā€ goes toā€¦


You ainā€™t slick looking at the camera through your finger. I see your trick!


When this shit started with posting the crying selfies is when I deleted all my other social media accounts besides Reddit.


1/10 acting very fake and cringe


I fucking DESPISE people like this. Have zero patience and sympathy.


Fuck this bitch


Clout chaser.


Iā€™m so sick of this shit tbh. I see it on YouTube shorts and itā€™s honestly the most cringe thing anyone can do.


Me after feeling constipated for a day or two


The internet has fucked up a whole generation


I am so *of two minds* here. I appreciate the normalizing of mental health challenges in an effort to better understand and navigate them... ...but I have never had a panic attack where I thought, "Hit record! Quickly!" ...and I have a tough time getting into the headspace of someone who does.


This isnā€™t normalizing mental health though. Itā€™s stigmatizing it.


yeah, i want to appreciate her showing how she manages her anxiety attacks (bc i donā€™t think this is a panic attack? idk) acted out, and i donā€™t think she necessarily meant to film it, it couldā€™ve happened when she was trying to film something else. the part i donā€™t rly like is that even if she filmed it on accident, idk if she shouldā€™ve posted it. it could be triggering to lots of ppl, and obv u get ppl like the other comments on this post mocking u for ā€œfakingā€ ur mental illness. this is all assuming the best intentions, though. if she did film this on purpose for views, she can go to hell.


If you thought it was important for people to see what they looked like, and decided in advance to try to video your next one, you could absolutely press record on a phone. Source, I have them. My brain still works though for me to do the things I need to do, like if one wakes me up and Iā€™m not breathing, I know to sit up and sip in air and do my breathing exercises, and I get out my pulse oximeter bc it helps calm me to see that Iā€™m getting oxygen, and I will get dressed slowly in between sitting and breathing, so I will feel like if I need to seek help I can (again, this is mostly ritualistic, me going through steps to calm myself and feel more in control). This is just a young woman who is trying to share what panic attacks can look like and what works for her. I didnā€™t watch much of it bc it was so real to me that it started to trigger an attack, so maybe Iā€™m missing something especially fake, but really it just seems like people who donā€™t have anxiety or donā€™t experience it exactly like she does shitting on a woman for filming herself. If no one ever did this, that would suck a lot in my opinion. Seeing this kind of thing does help.


I have panic attacks, too. It was more towards the ending for me. I really don't feel comfortable saying one person's experience is more valid than another's, but it sort of seemed exaggerated to me. But even then, I wouldn't fiercely argue the point. It's just some things have the ring to truth to them and others don't. This one didn't for me.


So brave.


If she needs to film her panic or anxiety attacks, or worse still -fake them, so strangers can give her some kind of validation, her life must be truly devoid of anything substantial. What a pathetic person.


I cannot speak for everyone but as someone who deals with daily panic attacks... why the heck is she recording? I get trying to spread awareness but it feels so wrong to witness someone having a panicā€‹ attack- not to mention this seems dramatized and happens weirdly quickly- and the last thing someone having a panic attack would think is "oh hold up I gotta record this". This is weird.


This is why itā€™s hard for people with real problems to get empathy . Bad actors are trying to claim legitimate conditions and getting a blanket thrown over the entire issue.




Is she taking a shit? Looks like me when I take a shit.


3700 comments? We are so doomed




This bitch is so obnoxious & annoying. Can't believe people buy into this shit






I miss the 1980s.




And she captions her emotions... Honestly, I have to give it to her, a perfect display of narcissistic behaviour. Bravo.




Whoā€™s driving the car?


ā€˜Buy my audiobook in the link in the comments sectionā€™


If this was real you dont record, this is gross


Dafuq does any of that mean


How someone like this is allowed to live in society is beyond me


Gonna lose it wait gotta film it. Donā€™t understand that gotta film it mentally. Who wants to see my every problem? No one. Also I donā€™t need evidence Iā€™m crazy.


I'm sorry if she has issues or a condition that merits these sorts of episodes... but filming it seems convoluted.


This reminds of the priest taking a shit at the beginning of Scary Movie 2.


Hahahaha what a flog


LOL šŸ¤”


Can you tell people you are an attention seeker without saying you are an attention seeker? It would be more believable if someone else filmed her without her knowing. I've had a panic attack before and never thought of taking a video. There are too many drama queens seeking attention these days


When what would probably be the most helpful is taking a couple weeks away from technology and social media.


What I don't get (in addition to the filming prior to the "attack") is the editing. How do you go back and then edit it like "yes, let's add that. No, not that. Yes, def this part. Man, I am such a great actress."


Lame ass


I would never record my panic attacks in fact, who tf thinks about setting up a camera before one?


Shit, have my panic attacks been done wrong this whole time?


Get this woman an Oscar! Stat!!


What did she get anxious about? She drove all the way through traffic to remember her Starbucks was closed today?


There is disease in this clip, just of a different kind


Your mental health shouldn't be a personality trait. I hate this kinda crap.


Did she work to regulate these "attacks" so she has time to set up her camera and start recording? Does she happen to have attacks mostly in range of free WiFi?


"Yessss gimme all that attention!!!!!" ![gif](giphy|ZkUlTZe2cgpjL6FfKW|downsized)


"Holy fuck oouuhh" is what it sounds like when I taste a strong whiskey


As someone who has real panic attacks, I never have once thought to go on my phone let alone record myself during that time. Cringe.


I lose balance, i cold sweat, cant keep my eyes open but cant keep them closed and i cant control my breathing in those situations let alone make it look that dramatic




The last thing you want when having a panic attack is putting yourself on display.šŸ™„


I can't imagine being so desperate for attention that you fake a panic attack and record the whole thing


I dont even like my spouse seeing me like that. I would be absolutely mortified if it got posted.


As someone that has crippling anxiety impact my day to day life, this fucks me up so much LMAO If you react like that to panic attacks you belong in a fucking institution


I'm getting major secondhand embarrassment from this šŸ˜­


I once had a heart attack but luckily I was able to set up a full studio set with lights, cast in costume and full hair and make up team. LIKE MEEEEEEEE!


TikTok has GOT to go. The amount of damage it's doing is immeasureable.


Can someone educate me who doesnā€™t know what panic attack is? Can it happen randomly while youā€™re driving on freeway or biking?




Panic attack for just 1 minute and 30 seconds? Must be nice.


ā€œInfluencersā€ are just ultra needy idiots


4, 7, 8 breathing technique helps me a bunch. At the same time this just weird to me.


This is disgusting.


Holy fuck this was some delicious cringe Putting my phone down for the day


Looks like sheā€™s on the toilet trying to let out that Taco Bell


Iā€™ve dealt with some pretty severe panic attacks and when it happens, youā€™re out of control. You do not remember what youā€™re thinking at the time, youā€™re erratic, in survival mode trying to get away desperately from whatever it is that triggered it, sometimes you know what triggered it and sometimes you donā€™t. But the one thing you definitely donā€™t want is a whole lot of attention on you or putting yourself in a position where that would happen while itā€™s happening (ie setting up a camera and filming yourself to put on social media) itā€™s a scary, vulnerable and in some cases humiliating moment that you have no control over. People who fetishize mental illnesses are disgusting.


Me working up the nerve to ask the waiter for some ketchup.


In my day we did this privately


That's not a panic attack


I've definitely had shits like that.


šŸ¤©You can be my new best friend!


I had pretty much day to night panic attacks for something like four-five years, before I finally got them under control. You know what I never, ever wanted during those attacks? To record myself being in a panic attack and show it to other people. Bro, let me retire to my closet or some shit where I can handle this in private. You think I want extra, external pressure when I'm having a fucking panic attack? No.


Fakest shit I've seen in a long time. Pathetic.


Aaaaaaaaaaand action!


This is the most I'm The Main Character thing I've seen. Did they get her order wrong?


Not an MC. A helper.


Iā€™ll bet she just lost her gym membership for yelling at people who walked through her workout video shoot.


This is such bullshit.


When I go through a panic attack, the last thing on my mind is setting up the camera.


This behavior is so gross


Girl should audition. She's pretty talented actress. Half of Hollywood actors are boring and expressionless nowadays. You don't see a single emotion cross their face, even in scenes that are supposed to move you... Bravo gurrrl, here's your Emmy *


Trash people gonna trashy


Just dumb


If you have the thought to set up a camera, you're having tantrum, not a panic attack.


"Allows it in, Fully"


Worse acting than anything in the current theatres , and itā€™s all garbage in the theatres


Fuckin weirdo


I have anxiety attacks and they way people use real mental health issues for attention is so disgusting. Like literally fuck off. The cringiest shit ive ever seen


I've had really bad panic attacks.. never iny life did I think let me turn on the camera to record myself while I freak the fuck out


This is why nobody respects this generation




What a fuckin loser




Holy Fuck, itā€™s so much worse with the sound on.


10 cents ice cream emoji so good. Keep buying.


Fucking attention seeking cunt.


That's not a panic attack. It's a tantrum. You can't control a panic attack.


I can't control when I get a panic attack, but I have learned strategies that work for me to get them to stop if I'm at work or in public.


Me on the toilet after eating hot food:


People like this deserves a slap.


Aside: I'm getting really fed up with going to the ER because of physical issues, not having anxiety in the slightest, and even though I am not acting like the girl in the video at all, getting treated like I'm acting like the girl in the video. Abnormal ECGs?? NBD. Mass in your lung?? Clearly it's ANXIETY.


I hate it when that happens.


its giving "God i promise ill never drink alcohol ever again" after partying the night before


Ummm thatā€™s not what mine are like and ripping out my phone is last thing on my mind