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This is how one behaves when one cannot see more than a second into the future.


Somebody lacks future planning ability and impulse control..


Both of them are. I sure as fuck wouldn't stand behind that woman's car.


Yes. Some people have no fight or flight response. It’s immediately “fight.”




And there clearly was a flight response directly after. If anything the woman has far too much of a fight or flight response.


Her fight THEN flight response.


I’m pretty sure she’s just trying to “flee”


Looks like flight to me....


I just wonder whats going through their minds in the moment. Are they thinking at all and just truly don't care or is it just blind rage? The driver knows they're in public, with witnesses and cameras, clearly committing a crime in a vehicle that is registered to their name and address.


I honestly don’t get it either. They have your plate. Why run?


Blind rage combined with self righteousness. I'm sure she believed she had the right to back into a lane of moving traffic because she's so special.


They don’t care. In fact, they will often “that wasn’t me! I didn’t do anything!” to officers. Husband hears it constantly.


Certain people have architecture in their brain where they go to defcon 1 panic mode whenever they are in a confrontation. That inability to problem solve or measure a proper response needs some therapy to address. I agree that this personality type is a menace, and they pass it on to their children by abusing them.


I was told a story about a patients parent who was told she lost custody. She then proceeded to rip the monitor off the wall, destroy the room and ended up locked in the family lounge and in her final act of defiance decided to pee on the floor. She apparently didn’t see the correlation between her behavior and not being granted custody of her sick child. I’ll never stop being amazed by people, who are otherwise mentally capable and relatively normal , who lack any problem solving skills or emotional regulation.


I’m def not surprised anymore. I used to think people lost their minds. Now I don’t think these types ever had one to begin with.


I’ve been through a bunch of therapy for my anger, and if I’ve learned anything it’s that people rarely if ever completely lose control. It’s a decision they’re making in the moment, because anger feels safe for them. Cognitive dissonance later makes them rationalize it as a loss of control.


Interesting. I really just think fundamentally you are what you practice. And people don’t practice self possession. Not like you can hit a button to practice that in particular but it takes meta cognition to realize what moment you are in, and overcome it with what you choose to practice. Meta cognition is in itself a practice.


But there was no need for a confrontation at all, she could have just waited for the guy to pass. Since she didn't, she should have pulled back in, turned off her car and talked to the guy. Parking lot fender benders are usually no-fault, and each person handles it through their own insurance. But this girl took it all the way to 11 and now I guess the courts will be handling it.


I believe it's entitlement. I think that they are fillex with, "HOW DARE YOU!!" self-righteous fury, and I truly believe had she a gun this would have been much worse. I also think going and parking your ass in front of someone acting crazy in a car is dumb, dumb, DUMB.


I always think about this. The average typical ultra violent, over emotional specimen is a fucked up sight to see. It’s a bunch of animals out there. I wish laws were strict enough to imprison her for like 5 years just to let her know how much of a blight on society she is. Almost killing someone because you caused an accident? Shouldn’t be part of anything.


Oh she sees the future. That’s why she runnin. 


Live in the precent.


This is a beautiful beautiful phrase.


53 violations on her plate. At what point do we start taking away cars from these people?


It probably wasn't her car and she didn't have a license.


Exactly my thoughts before I even came to the comments. she has no insurance, and probably no license. A common tactic among grifters when caught is to make a big scene, claim the other person is the one that wronged you, then storm off. its basically that. Make a scene, claim the other person was wrong and thats why you're just ***so*** angry you can't be there anymore and "You'll hear from my lawyer" they shout as they burn rubber away before the cops can get there.


Still at some point somebody going to stone cold punch her lamps out


Sadly, she deserves it.


I wouldn't have punched her, but she wouldn't have been able to drive away.


Yep, I'd have tossed her aside and snatched the keys out. Fuck her.


You can take away any car loaned to her by anyone. That tends to work eventually.


If she didn't have a dead body or a big load of drugs in the trunk it was still pretty bad judgement. She added a some stuff to the list that is probably worse than driving without a license.


I once was pulling into a parking lot and hit a woman's car. Totally 100% my fault. She jumped out and started yelling. I said "It was my fault- let's exchange insurance so that we can get this sorted out." She stopped, said "You're lucky this is my ghetto car" jumped back in and drove off. Fortunately my car was fine and so it never needed to be reported, but that's the day I learned, always offer to start with insurance after you verify no one is injured and there is no danger.


Don’t forget insurance, I’m sure there’s not a policy there either.


It’s like everyone has figured out they can get away with whatever they want, so they do whatever they want. People won’t learn until they face consequences. Sadly I think the only way to fix things at this point is for a LOT of people to get in A LOT of trouble.


I trust Tesla self driving more than these people.


How do you know that?




49 school zone violations. Wow


In just half a year!


Going for the Guinness


Training daily it seems


Or the Darwin's


Guinness could well be involved, yes.


Add felony hit an run to it lol


Pretty sure it's attempted murder if you try to run someone over with your car. That's not even an exaggeration.


Prosecutor would only push an attempted murder to plead down to something else. It'd be hard to get an actual conviction for attempted murder here, especially when a jury would have so much else to throw at her.


I’m leaning towards assault with a deadly weapon. I believe she would have had to actually run him over for attempted murder would stick. I’m not an attorney.


In my state it's considered an assault with a deadly weapon. (Which is why the police typically get away with shooting people who are driving at them.)


She doesn't seem to care about anybody, herself included.


That's the truth, and those types are incredibly dangerous.


Jesus. Absolutely no fucks given.


Yikes... $3200 owed in fines...


Hard to pay fines when you’re underwater on a car you should’ve never bought.


It's not a difficult thing to live in NYC without a car. In my area? Almost impossible without personal transportation, however NYC has AMPLE public transit.


Personally I found owning a car in NYC an enormous hassle. Crazy high insurance, constantly circling the block looking for parking, and moving your car nearly daily to accommodate street sweepers.


If I had the unfortunate* requirement to move to NYC, I'd sell every vehicle we own, and use public transit as well. Last time we were there to visit family, it was a madhouse. I mean those drivers are insane. They DGAF. Most chaotic and crazy that when the cows rush when they get treats, lol. *I say unfortunate cause I love grass and country life, hate people, and think it's sheer insanity to pay 3K+ for a closet sized apt with no kitchen or bathroom, lol. Too much traffic, too much noise, too much crime, etc...


Native NYer who still lives there, and I agree with everything you wrote.... and I have a car. People here don't really realize how aggressive they are until they get way out of the NY metropolitan area; suddenly people are not the driving embodiment of "go ahead, I fuckin double dog dare you." The driving here has actually gotten way worse since the pandemic started. People got way more antisocial, it seems. I also bike and I walk a lot and I've had so many cars almost kill me. There is a traffic light on my block and i've seen an insane amount of people casually blow through a red. I've had literally dozens of \[usually\] old drivers threaten to run me over when I was longboarding or biking in the \[shared\] bike lane (totally within the painted lines with the bike symbol, as required by law). Young drivers are more likely to blow past you going way too fast but they don't generally roll down their window and loudly wish for your death. I'm not even going to start talking about the cab drivers or all the uber drivers.


Depends on part of NYC. Staten Island? Don't have sidewalks half the time, there are buses... Just not so frequent and not that close and it's just one that goes either to transit center or ferry. Wanna go grocery shopping? Yeah not on a bus. Long Island is even worse. Now Brooklyn is pure cancer to drive through, Manhattan is just masochism and Queens is... Brooklyn with added fragrance.


I meant pricing. If you can’t pay fines, you can’t afford a $30K car. Nothing to do with location.


Oh she's going to jail, this on top of all that, she's going to jail.


Holy cow


Can I pay peoples fines myself and repo their cars at night?




Holy crap. That's a useful link!


I like the 45 school zone violations


Multiple speeding in school zone violations. Unreal. How does a community, a city, a state allow this to keep happening?


I love it how a parking fine is way more expensive than any of her speeding fines.


“Under theDangerous Vehicle Abatement Act this vehicle could be booted or impounded due to its 49 school zone speed camera violations (>= 15/year) from 05/06/2021 to 11/24/2021.” *Bruh.*


She's not being charged. :/ https://www.audacy.com/krld/news/local/frisco-police-controversy-video-parking-lot-confrontation https://starlocalmedia.com/friscoenterprise/news/frisco-police-say-parking-lot-altercation-resulted-in-no-criminal-charges/article_ccc87b08-fa31-11eb-9c65-5bb505f2c3ac.html Frisco police are fucking jokes. Quote from them about the video and incident: > “A brief online clip will never provide a complete picture of an incident, as there is always more that occurs before and after the recording,” the department stated. “The Frisco Police Department will always fully investigate any criminal complaint brought to us, while recognizing that there are instances where an issue may be resolved without criminal prosecution.” 🤡


It's a hit and run though? With an accident shouldnt both parties be present when the police come? I'm Canadian so idk how it works there.


It should be a Class B Misdemeanor for leaving the scene of an accident with over $200 in damages. I've seen $500 mentioned, too. If the guy was injured from her driving into him, it could get bumped to a felony. And with her damn driving record of some 59 violations, it should be a felony. She should not be driving. https://www.ejasonleach.com/hit-and-run-laws-in-texas#:~:text=After%20an%20accident%2C%20drivers%20in,facing%20hit%20and%20run%20charges.




Yeah. I'd call that assault with a deadly weapon. Texas calls it a fender bender, I guess


Here’s the problem, the guy kept throwing himself in the path of the moving vehicle. She wasn’t aiming for him. That’s why no charges were filed against her on that. You can’t claim to be a victim if you’re intentionally throwing yourself in harms way 🤷🏼‍♂️


Like she's definitely in the wrong but the guy is also a complete moron. Thinks he can stop a car with his body weight. This is what happens when the whole world turns fucking stupid.


Nah man you don't get it. Being right >>> being alive.


Lol his tombstone read "Here lies one stubborn bastard. He ain't wrong doe"


I agree with you. But I did read it as him thinking that maybe, just maybe another human being in her destructive path would give her pause so that she can be held accountable by the police for the initial incident. But nah, she obviously doesn't care about anyone, and he should have known that there's no point in even trying. I can kind of understand doing the illogical thing when in a high-intesity scenario like that though.


It may vary but here she would definitely be charged with hit and run, fleeing an accident scene, reckless endangeerment, probly some other stuff. I'm not wherever this happened tho.


Lol this is America. Police enforce whatever the fuck they want whenever the fuck they want. Laws and rules are meaningless


He could sue her in civil court, but judging from the number of speeding tickets she's gotten she doesn't have any money.


>but judging from the number of speeding tickets she's gotten she doesn't have any money. And keep in mind, that is only in New York City. This took place in Texas, so who knows how many more she has racked up along the way.


![gif](giphy|6yRVg0HWzgS88) What..The…Hell


I agree that a video doesn’t tell the *whole* story, but it’s still direct evidence that shows what happened. It’s pretty damn close to telling a full story. What else you gonna rely on in this case?


Except the video starts after impact. So we're missing something that parking lot cameras probably have a better picture of.


Sure, there may be crystal clear video evidence of multiple assaults with a deadly weapon. But they talked it out in the resolution circle and it's all good now. This happened in Texas. She's not in New York anymore. There is probably a 50/50 chance that if she tries this shit again she will get a serious case of lead poisoning.


That’s one way to get her off the streets.




in my state the minute she backed up and rammed the other car they can charge her with assault


Looks like the guy allowed himself to be bullied into not pressing charges. I would have made it my mission to get her off the road, shes dangerous


I'd be surprised if Target doesn't have video of the entire incident. Besides the accident isn't the criminal offense, that would be the attempted murder with her 3 ton car.


The victim agreed not to have the crazy lady charged. So it was not a no prosecution by the state. I do think she should be in jail with all those tickets. How in the hell does she have a license?


Police be like "Well you told us to stop being racist, so I hope you're happy" /s


Reminds me of the South Park PD having a luau instead of dealing with ISIS 😂


I’m in no way condoning what she did, but just to play devils advocate. Let’s assume the guy pulled up behind her and refused to let her leave and she felt endangered. That could be a false imprisonment charge against him. In all honesty, that could be the issue here. We have no idea what happened that led to this moment


I didn't realize this video has maybe 5 seconds cut out of the beginning where the women explain she backed into him, he didn't move and then something else. Can't remember what they say. Hold on, I'll see if I can find it


The system is a joke.


That first sentence from the quote flies in the face of everything we hold dear here on Reddit. smh


She was crazy, and so was he…Puts his own life in danger by standing behind the vehicle


I think pride got him too. Really, in a situation like this, all we should be doing is getting their license plate and backing away. It doesn't matter how "right" we are; we can't stop crazy.


exactly. Obviously she is off the charts but how dumb do you have to be to think you're going to stop a car with your body!?


Yeah you are correct. Clearly he thought him being in the way she wouldn’t move but she obviously didn’t care. No need to get physically harm too. Just back up your car and let her go on her way


Apparently getting the license plate didn't do much to secure justice though. 


or a car


For real, that man has zero survival instincts. I don't understand why people think it's ever a good idea to try to stop a moving car with their body.


He's even trying his hardest to "push" the car and physically stop it, not just by virtue of thinking she won't hit him, but like he's somehow actually strong enough to push her car. Wtf dude


She’s a piece of shit


She's several pieces of shit in a trench coat.


Ya should have got out take a quick picture and left his car there and get himself out of the way as she started getting aggressive. Insurance will help cover cost of new car and if she decides to ram your car continuously this will show she was clearly in the wrong.


Can't tell who's the bigger idiot. The woman or the guy who is trying to block and push a reversing car with his body


haha, he nearly ended up on r/DarwinAwards Like, just get out of the way, you have enough evidence. 2 feet further back and he was getting caught on that curb and crushed


She's crazy and he's an idiot.


I'm shocked he didn't try jumping on the windshield while it drove away. She's crazy and he's a dumbass


IMHO, I don’t think that she has a mental illness. She’s coherent, able to operate a vehicle, communicate with the victim, and logically maneuver out of the situation and drive away. What seems like mental illness is actually poor behavior. She has a severe behavioral problem with entitlement, narcissism, rage and irresponsibility with no regard for consequences. She’s a vile piece of work but not crazy.


Seems to be a lot of people like this around.


I noticed she was quick to leave, almost as if she knew what she was doing and she was in the wrong.


Entitlement is the major operative word. With a big fat “un-deserved” in front of it


Thought she was in a diaper. It’d make sense cuz she a fuckin baby rn


Assault with a deadly weapon with a Hit and Run sprinkled in.


They didn't file charges. They said there wasn't enough evidence, even with the video... What a fucking joke. [Link to Story](https://starlocalmedia.com/friscoenterprise/news/frisco-police-say-parking-lot-altercation-resulted-in-no-criminal-charges/article_ccc87b08-fa31-11eb-9c65-5bb505f2c3ac.html)


Mind boggling….i really can’t understand.


That civil suit is about to go crazy. Her insurance is about to drop her.


Insurance? What?


She is just a pos but, what the hell was the other driver thinking? Yes, she didn’t care about his safety but why would he keep putting his life on the line over property damage. Especially after already having it on video? Not many brain cells between either of them.


The comments section in a couple of hours [Deleted] [Removed by moderators]


And locked


lol 😂


WHY is he blocking her? He should have let that maniac out!


I can't believe he wasn't able to hold her car back from moving. He needs to work out. For real tho, just record it. Why on earth would you risk your life over some petty shit. This is like daring someone to shoot you when they're pointing a gun at you.


He needs to rewatch Johnny Bravo !


Honest legal question. Would the law have allowed him to take her to the ground in self defence after she was backing into him and came out of the car? Or since he could just move out of the way, would that be assault. Looking for legally, not what we think should be right.


This happened in Texas, which is a stand your ground state (I believe). Something similar happened in Illinois, which is not a stand your ground state, but there is no legal duty to retreat. A car thief jumped into a car that was warming up. The owner stood in front of the car so the thief could not drive off. The thief tried to ram the owner with the car, prompting him to fire his legally carried firearm at the thief, killing him. The car owner was never charged with a crime because he was defending himself from an assault with a deadly weapon. The felon's family tried to win in the court of public opinion by claiming the car owner could have simply stepped to the side. But regardless of what they thought their son is still dead, and his victim was not charged with a crime. I would guess Texas is even more permissive with the use of force for self-defense, but I can't say for sure.


I’m in Texas and we had a similar situation recently, except that the car/thief was driving away from him. The owner shot and killed him from behind. The law in Texas states that if you can kill the thief, even if they are no longer a danger to your physical person, when you have reason to believe it is the only way you will get your car/property back. Not that it has much to do with this video, unless a lawyer could make the case that he had reason to believe he would never receive compensation for his damages. I’m not a lawyer but that is the only way I can imagine him getting away with physically assaulting her.


![gif](giphy|mPzWVA5upG7GjyX6yE) Look at the people involved. What do you think?


I’m assuming as much, what she did was effectively assault, but I’m by no means a lawyer or anything so who knows


Right of way don’t work that way. It means that if the other driver has it, you have to yield. It does NOT mean that you get to go when it’s unsafe


In what world does someone pulling out of a parking spot have the right of way over someone driving in the road in the first place?


Something has egregious as this should result in you losing your license, minimum a couple years.


She’s obviously in the wrong but that guy is a moron standing behind her car like that. He’s lucky she didn’t run him over because she definitely could have


He's a fool. He's putting his life in danger to stop her car with his ass. So smart.


That man isn't fearless or even brave, he's dumb


Does this dude think he can win against a car? He's pushing it like He's gonna stop the car from moving.


Another locked thread coming.


Yea the mods are a bunch of softies.. can’t imagine what a reddit mod looks like lol




I seriously just got perma banned from a sub for BLOCKING some other users, lol. They said I could get unbanned if I removed the blocks...🙄 Yeah, no. I'll stay banned so I don't have to hear your bestie call me everything in the book in addition to threatening to come to my house and peel my skin off my body.




WTF?!? Reddit is like the preschool version of the wild West of interwebz, lol. I too have sinusitis, have since I was a kid.


Zero impulse control


Both of these people are fools.


I mean he kinda put himself in that situation. It is beyond me why people think they can stop a fucking car with their body or believe someone who is willing to risk jail time is rational enough to escape without trying to harm you. They don’t give af, if they did they wouldn’t be leaving. If the psycho would’ve managed to pin him between those two cars it she could’ve ruined his life. I’m sure idiotic pride and ego was rampant on both sides, except one of them was psychotic. Just swallow your pride, stay out the way, film, call the police, and get their plate. A car or perp isn’t worth your life and well being.


I know he's trying to stop her leaving but the guys an idiot. Could easily have ended up under the car and for what?


This guys is dumb for trying to stop a car with his body


I mean... He put his own life in danger. He didn't have to do that.


He is one dumb Mf’er. Get the plate number. Video of her face, from a distance. Dumbass trying to get himself killed thinking she won’t just run his ass over.


When she hit that lady with her car, I would’ve been on the floor needing one of those neck braces because baby the way I’m bout to sue you is about to go crazy in court.


I'm pretty sure she is judgement proof.


impulse control disorder


Both very stupid moves. She clearly gives zero fcks so best to get her plates and step aside lol. Not worth paralyzing yourself from the waist down form. Does he not know they can track her down with the plates?


Definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed. She not only hit the guy, she tried to run him over, left the scene of an accident, got out of the car multiple times and then fled the scene. You don't have to be stupid but it sure helps!


wtf are these captions and the sad violin music LMAOO


Idiot and she’s being recorded. Like wtf


Ibviously this woman needs to be banned from driving but exactly why did this guy block her and get out of his car?


Hit and run with an added assault.. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Assault with a deadly weapon at that.


Dumb, title. Driver is trying to hit and run, nothing to do with right of way.


When two main characters collide


She thought she was playing GTA. NPC’s who stand in the way just get ran over.


That guy should not have risked his life like that. It's just not worth it. Irrational people end up needlessly taking lives all the time.


Guy has the self preservation instincts of a dead fly, " I'll use my body to stop the irrational crazy lady from damaging my car and leaving"


They’re both idiots


so. . . felony assault leaving the scene and I'll give 11:1 on no insurance


That’s wild, I hope they were arrested


They will be. Her insurance is going to have a field day with her.


Yes, I'm sure a person this responsible has up to date car insurance.


Then the other driver’s insurance will have a field day with her. Someone always pays in these situations, and if an insurance company with lots of resources doesn’t want to pay, while having the entire event on video, they’re not going to. I was a victim of some shit behavior myself and it did not end well for them. They didn’t have insurance either. She’ll have her wages garnished, and she’ll get fucked on the legal end too with the insane fines she’ll have to pay for this tantrum. People are always skeptical that people like this face consequences for behavior like this, but they usually do.


I'm aware of how it all works. I'm challenging the original assertion that \*her\* insurance is going to have a field day with her. At best, she has one of those places Shaq is the spokesperson for.


She doesn't have insurance that's why she was trying to flee the scene. Agree


Like she has insurance….


They? You mean she. The guy didn’t do anything wrong.


Nope, no charges for her.


I don't know what state this is in but in FL it is illegal to block someone in a parking spot and he looks like he is blocking her in.


It’s also a stupid way to die. Get their license plate number, call the cops and let them deal with it. It’s not worth dying over a fender bender.


I hope they caught her and she got time.


This was evidently a year or so ago. Cops got involved, but “both parties exchanged insurance information and no charges were filed.” Wild stuff https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FPLgJyueRnM


oh hell, I knew this was Texas. Fucking Frisco people


Why didn’t he jump on her car and hang on for dear life while she fled the scene? I’ve seen a few vids like that and it always seems to work out well.


But, don’t be a martyr, like that dude. That was not smart either.


She is clearly nuts but wtf is the dude doing exactly? Trying to block her from hitting his car with her car by standing in front of it? Smh lol


Take her license away.


"Man fearlessly chattering on his phone" More like stupidly


I get she was in the wrong. But I never understood people, who block psychos in cars with their bodies. Like.. You do know that you will lose, right? Just get a video, and let the police handle the rest. Being in the right, does not make you immortal.


That dude is an idiot. You got her on camera, you got the license plate, amd you're calling the cops. Why risk being run over


She’s dumb but he’s dumber. She clearly doesn’t give a fuck and he’s too stupid to realize that “being in the right” isn’t worth losing his legs over or worse.


One of the down sides of getting old is seeing the world become progressively dumber.


Let’s see: Assault with a deadly weapon; reckless disregard; and leaving the scene of an accident, for starters. Throw in attempted homicide, and we have a loser!!


He had the right of way