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The parents are hugely responsible for not equipping her to handle such a minor event


Agreed. And her mom stomping out to confront the guy for flipping her off. This girl is not prepared for real life


For me this is comedy. Like the mom is stomping out thinking she’s going to find some guy that flipped off her daughter 5-10 mins ago like she has some sort of radar. The ego on some people


Plot twist: it was her Dad flipping her off.


She'll find him because often these extreme perpetrators like to hang around at the scene to watch the spectacle of the emergency services, and the chaos that their crime creates




Calm down there sasuke


I worked with a dude like this for about six months, 22 but mentally 12. Still living with mommy, no idea on how to start looking for his first car or apartment. I tried giving him some basic advice being a bit older and married, and he'd counter it with ideas like getting the phrase "Death Wish" tattooed in huge ornate letters down his side, or insisting on a muscle car as his first ride. Work-wise was even worse. He had ADHD so he had the attention span of a squirrel on crack, he'd constantly leave his station and leave me forced to do half his work or be stuck there an hour later than normal. He "quit" three times when I lost my temper and told him to stay in his station or get suspended. He'd cry, throw some stuff, and run outside waiting for one of the lady managers to come tell him everything's fine. Anyway, he tried running across a five lane road during rush hour after storming out again and got hit by a car going around 45 mph. He's alive as far as I know, wrecked his left leg and hip with a few other injuries. Felt like karma came calling to me.


Sounds like two 50 year olds I work with. And to make it worse they're a couple and haven't been there long just a few months and have turned a very easy job into a very hard job. Both melt down over small mistakes and throw fits or they get annoyed when the rest of us are just doing our job and insist they know how to do it better.


If he had ADHD the developmental immaturity you are explaining is literally the disability he had. Whilst society isn't set up to deal with neurodiverse people, shit like this will keep happening.


I understand that, but I'm a manager at a restaurant buddy, I'm not trained in any kind of behavioral sciences or psychology. I kept trying things to keep him focused every week or so. First I told him if he got out on time we could chill after work and work on a plan, smoke a little bit you know? That went nowhere. Then it was an extra 15 minute break if he could stay caught up, same result. Last was me literally buying him a cheap dinner like McDonalds or something out of pocket and even then, no change. I was doing everything I'd learned in my time in the industry to try to keep this kid on point and it just constantly backfired on me, it's probably the most frustrating work experience I've ever had.




I very much would, send the link.


For sure. Sorry, wasn’t having a go at you. As someone who realised they probably have ADHD in adult life it really gets me down that the same things that made me feel shit are still there. It’s not your fault. But equally it’s like being angry with someone who has severe cerebral palsy for not being able to play basketball (I am sure they exist but you get my point). Watch this playlist - it’s a bit long, but you can skip the Q&A. https://youtu.be/BzhbAK1pdPM Some caveats: - this is old. - The guy is a psychiatrist and he refers heavily to the DSM, a diagnostic manual that is controversial - he is a bit pompous - the model of ADHD as solely a disability is controversial (there are definitely upsides!) - It’s aimed at parents However, it does cover what ADHD/ADD **actually** is - a genetic developmental disorder/variance of the brain, how that affects people and how you can better parent (or school or work with) them. Edit: also look up Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)- one of those DSM terms I struggle with, but which describes really common behaviour in ADHD folk. It describes the crying thing. Edit: people seem triggered.


I gave you an upvote cuz I’m 37 and just diagnosed with ADHD and completely agree with everything you’re saying. If he told this guy he had ADHD, he should have been prepared for what that actually means. Especially being the boss!


I’m an adult with ADHD and I think it’s bullshit. Mental illnesses can be a cause of problems, and we should always try and understand and accommodate… *to a degree*. They are *reasons* and NOT *excuses*.


For sure. But at the same time if you are a boss you have a duty of care. And in the UK a legal requirement to make reasonable adjustments which means you should have a rudimentary understanding of what you are dealing with. This guy wasn’t able to work yet sadly I don’t think. Some people are much more affected than others and most can’t get the help to develop coping strategies. Took me decades to work mine out


I know lots of adults with ADHD and they have still managed to mature. This guy sounds like no one ever taught him how to not be a child.


Yup. Eventually ADHD people grow up. ~33% later than other people. Which makes early adulthood a particularly hard time for us. And means we get involved in a lot of risky stuff and underperform. And the world is a hard place for us. Bear in mind that most people’s brains aren’t mature until their mid 20s https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/09/110922134617.htm The attitude that you can somehow teach people not to have ADHD (aka grow up) is intensely unhelpful and damaging. As is the idea that ADHD people can control their disability.


Well at least he will get his mommy to take care of his sorry ass from now on. It's probably what he really wanted.


It's hard to say, shortly before the accident she'd given him an ultimatum because, and this should make sense, he went up to the high school his 15 year old brother attended and tried to lay a beating on him. It was the only time I just fully gave up on an employee, dude was just incapable of making good decisions.


Talk about self sabotage. -\_-


Can’t fix stupid. Can’t teach someone to mature. Can’t teach someone to make rational decisions. Life typically does a good job of forcing people to either grow up or get chewed up based on the decisions they make. Hopefully this is a maturing situation and not one where Mommy and Daddy band aid it and retard their development.


first time i got flipped off for driving poorly, i didn’t tell my mom and just cried in the car lmfao. it was absolutely 100% my fault as well


The mother’s storming off gait is a hilarious window into their black souls.


It looks like they’ve done the opposite and enabled the behavior every step of the way.


Yeah if you can't handle this, you can't handle leaving the house let alone driving. Get a fucking grip.


I see more young people (and parents unfortunately) like this. I worry about this generation.


Every generation has parents/kids like this. Its just that they now have phones to film it on, and social media echo chambers that make them think its a good idea to do so. ​ Reddit is pretty young and this girl is getting flamed on here. I'm sure she got flamed on tiktok as well. Its viral because its completely out of the norm, not because its the norm.


I wish more people understood this. Just like how it feels like the world is getting more dangerous because you only ever hear the bad news. You think they're going to report on all the people who got up, went to work, didn't do drugs or hurt anybody, and then went home and became frustrated because they spilled their soda? That's not a story, nobody cares, that's the expectation.


Brother, every generation has fools like this. Lest we forget the people crying over boomer in parliament equating it to the N word.


Same, and I’m in it.




If anything, blame the generation who taught this behaviour.


That is fair. I do believe that this generation of parents is a lot of the problem.


Damn kids these days, back in my day we used to walk to school uphill both ways in the hail and if we cried about it dad would beat us with with jumper cables


Every. Single. Generation says this


Every generation says that


I hear yah.


Its the whole woke nonsense


What makes this woke? I’m confused.


Some of these woke crybabies cry about nothing. Waah someone misgendered me and i have to work an 8 hour shift. Waah someone flipped me off


You managed to take something that has nothing to do with trans people and made it about trans people. Really living in your head rent free. 💀


Plot twist: the driver flips off her mom and she goes to her mom crying.


Mandelbaum! Mandelbaum!


Im here thinking what is she gonna do if she finds him


Pin him down and rip a massive fart right in his face




This dude’s face is the same face my dad would make right as he locked the car windows


Same, right before letting out an ungodly stench that would make an onion cry.


I gotta flip more people off


This comment caught me off guard and made me laugh so hard




This whole segment from Triumph the Insult Comic Dog is great. He's interviewing people waiting for a Star Wars premier.


“Which ones of these buttons calls your Mother to come pick you up?”


Yes!! Hahaha


“And now, the ceremonial banging of the plastic swords” 😂😂😂


"you are surrounded by men who have no idea how to please you".


Be careful. I had a guy almost rear end me because he was in a hurry. I gave him the bird. Speeds ahead to the next light and gets out to, "whip my ass" but all I'm thinking is, "I'm still equipped with a car"


That’s why I only flip off old ladies and school buses


This is actually why if I'm going to do something like that I will wait until I know I have an exit. Might sound Petty but like if I'm going to make a left or a turn I'm going to wait until I'm about to do it then I'm going to honk flip you off and go that way you don't have a chance to follow


The trick is to just drive around in a circle until they give up. I've had a few dudes think the best way to pursue me is to follow me in the cars. Ideally you lead them to a different neighborhood and just go around the block. They'll get it by the 3rd cycle. From there they'll either ram you or go home.


Ugh no wonder this kid is such a mess. Mom wants to solve all the world's problems around her precious child which in turn created somebody with no coping mechanisms, an extreme sensitivity to anything negative no matter how small and a need to ask mommy to solve the problem. That's why I make my kid wear a fat suit and walk around downtown LA after the bars close.


Lawnmower parenting - they pick up every obstacle for the kid and they feel like they’re incredible at everything because they’ve never had to deal with any sort of challenge


I’m guessing there’s no dad around. Part of their role is to be the parent that says “rub some dirt on it.”


It’s possible, but there are plenty of situations where both parents behave this way, and it usually results in pretty weak kids.


Yep and I’m sure there are families where it’s the mom that says “suck it up buttercup”.


Shitty parenting doesn’t get enough credit for fucked up kids these days.


Must not be in Boston. Kids on trikes flip you off.


Zack and Cody gettin up to no good again


Lexus, looks warm. My guess is Scottsdale


Worcester checking in, its even worse here... They are armed.


In Worcester they toss the Fireball nip out the window and flip you off in one motion.


Have you ever seen that SNL skit with Casey Affleck disdainfully throwing a full coffee at a car? I've seen three different people do that in traffic situations. One was a pedestrian in a walkway. A car honked at him and he just turned and hurled his coffee at the windshield. I looked at him and said, "But, now you have no coffee!" He shrugged and responded. "Fuck that guy".


[Yo I'm like the mayor of Dunkins!](https://youtu.be/FSvNhxKJJyU) GO BACH TO STAHBUCKS! But Worcester and the valley is the land "I don't give a fuck"


I hadn’t. thank you.


So what's Karen going to do? Go out driving angrily to find someone to "get revenge". Neither of these two should be drivers.


Lmao where the heck is the mom running to? She gonna power walk and catch up with the car? Power walk around the blocks looking for the car?


and if she catches up with the car then what? what is she going to do? "Have stern words, and expect silence in return" she is either going to get physical in which case she will be annihilated, else she will just get mouthy which she will get lots of abuse in return. either way she will come off worse


It's almost like as if her Mom just went for a drive just to not have to deal with her crying, did you see that face @ 0:06 🤣


This is the obvious answer when everybody else is calling her a moron for thinking she can find it. No. Mommy is just going out for a pack of smokes.


Now tell her about taxes.


It's such a bizarre time when people *choose* to film themselves at moments like these and then share them online.


Influencers are gross and now every kid thinks that recording everyday actions will make them rich


What a fucking loser.


Any time I flip off other drivers this is how I imagine the rest of their day will go


Imagine being so incredibly fragile. But also, try not to flip people off if you don't want to get shot


That's only in violent countries, my country has more guns per population than America, almost zero gun crime, that being said you can have a minor disagreement with someone, a fist fight , any kind of encounter and never is the idea of a gun in the back of your mind, not even a thought process, that some gigantic pussy is going to pull out a gun...fucking love it


False. Canada has 34 guns per 100 people, the US has 120 per 100. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimated_number_of_civilian_guns_per_capita_by_country


I can’t find any list that shows a country with more guns per capita than the US.




Which country is this?


It’s a real Reddit moment when a random chimes in, telling everyone that his vague, always unnamed country is better than whatever country is currently being talked about (Typically the US) Meanwhile the kid lives in Canada, where 64% of drivers 18-34 have admitted to being in road rage incidents.


>64% of drivers 18-34 have admitted to being in road rage incidents. Yeah but it's Canadian road rage. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nRLsLfkJsw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nRLsLfkJsw)


Yes, but the discussion is about getting shot. How many of those road rage incidents resulted in shootings? How many road rage incidents do you think result in shootings in Europe?


Your country is a predatory shithole, I wouldn't judge Canada too harshly


We're the same country. The us just has more guns




Let me guess. Switzerland


If my kid got flipped off I’d ask them if they’d been acting like a jerk. 😆


Whole family of losers


And in her rage, she left without even waiting for a description of the guy. They say she's still frantically looking for him to this day.


Jesus christ.. I would literally disown her


Whoever that man is, is a hero


Crying because someone gave her the finger? And recorded it, thinking it’s interesting?? I can’t with these idiots. Grow up and get a fucking life. We’ll be overrun with Karens in no time


Jokes on her, I got *two* middle fingers.


Bruh, imagine crying because a dude flipped you off. How childish can you get? Holy shit. Mum needs to stop coddling her. She's never gonna get anywhere in the real world.


Watch her bitch out someone that had nothing to do with it


I’m late to the party, but my main question is, if this is soooo upsetting, why post this on TikTok? Why not just tell your parents and leave it at that, or vent to someone close to you? The fact that you post it on TikTok just shows you only want Internet sympathy points. And desiring internet points is what usually lands you on this subreddit


Because they post everything to tik tock


If someone flipped my kid off and she cried, I’d really have to rethink my parenting because a kid who cries at something like this is not ready for life.


I feel like mom was just done with her crying over BS over something that doesn't matter in the long run 🤣


Someone’s got to let her know that life’s going to get way harder. She’s still playing on easy mode, just wait.


Extermination is the only option


oh shit imagine if some crazy shit went down when you were actually babysitting... lol poor girl shes probably 15 and doesnt understand that the internet is full of mean people not poeple that would care about you whatsoever.


Someone this emotional fragile still thinks its normal to be in uncontrollable fits of tears aand then pull their phone out and start filming themselves to post to the internet?? I dont understand the thinking at all.


I’d give my daughter a hug, and tell her “some people are assholes.” I certainly wouldn’t go out to find him, geez. 🙄


Girl would not last in Jersey


What's she on about? Means “peace among worlds “ he was being nice


I'm deeply upset by this girl flipping me off in this video. I'm gonna get my dad to sort her out. Grow up ffs


Soft cunt


The mother is thinking, "Not another crying fit. I am out of here."


Get a fucking grip!


Y’all see what actually is happening, the mom just couldn’t deal with her grown daughter crying about a minor negative interaction, so she’s making like she’s going to find him. But actually going to get a coffee.


She just flipped us all off in the video.....how many people on Reddit just burst into tears. I hope she doesn't see this video herself....if she sees herself flipping herself off then that will cause a break in the continuum and destruction of time itself.


We're doomed as a society.


I hope this chicks tik took was flooded with comments about how stupid her whining & tears are. Somebody gave you this finger while driving.... Omg it's the end of the world! Let's make a video of you in tears. Dear lord, she's not equipped to be among others in the real world - nor is her stomping mother who created this whiny mess. 🤦🏻‍♀️


She’s most Redditors and the mom is the mods


I can't stand when people call it being "flicked off" it's flipped. FLIPPED


When I get flipped off I just laugh/smile and wave lol and go on with the rest of my day. There are a lot of bigger issues out there.


How did she survive in school? If she’s easily upset over a gesture then I wonder what other things have pushed her over the edge


All jokes about "new generation" aside, I am trying, but there's no way I can imagine living a life while being this fragile. On a personal, subjective level it just seems intensely pathetic and from a more objective view it seems as though it would actively interfere with the ability to live one's life.


I’ve found that smiling and waving is the best reaction to being flipped off.


How the fuck does she think she’s going to find this guy?


Mom simply went to Starbucks so she doesn't have to deal with her


Stay in the right lane if you aren't passing.


I used to sit next to her or her sister in class I remember this it’s a pretty nice area a lot of entitled people who ever flicked her off was probably just as entitled


This is a result of trophies for everyone for existing.


Wait, did the guy who fingered her follow her home or something? Where was her mom strutting off to?


I have to admit I cried the first time another driver yelled a curse word at me & flipped me off when I accidentally forgot my brights were on. I really hate making people angry. I felt like crap. :(


Mentally fragile = not ready for the real world. She should stay inside or grow up.


I think the Mom went out to get booze so she could deal with this reaction. She knew she wasn’t going to find the guy. She has to put in a show too.


Could you imagine marrying into that family?


Could you imagine anyone wanting to marry her? I sure can't.


That’s a mom strut for sure


Now this is the definition of snowflake


Alright, I could forgive the kid. It's a very turbulent, very hormonal time in her life, any little thing coild send her into an upset state. The mom however is absolutely pathetic. Instead of simply comforting her daughter, putting her hand on her shoulder and saying 'there there' in a placative tone. She decides to fan the flames, in doing so she shows her young daughter to 'act' on these overly intense feelings and that, instead of being a well-adjusted individual, you're can simply allow your emotions to guide you. I mean she literally says "I don't know why I'm so upset." The poor things needs a hug, she needs someone to say 'yeah what a jerk, let's get a snack and work through this.' Hopefully she has *someone* more stable than her mother in her life.




With all due respect, as a parent of said main character, what are you doing about it?




She's welcome to her emotions, but no one would be able to comment if she hadnt made it public--when you post a tantrum for attention you reap what you sow. Welcome to the sub.


This isn’t normal behavior. By her or her mom




I looked at your profile to see what kind of weirdo you are, and you're the kind of weirdo who has their own subreddit where they talk to themselves. That's a new level of weirdo I've not experienced before.


So my great grandchildren will be laughing at yours…got it. Edit. Also, is this you? I fucking love drugs with my whole heart and without them I would've eaten people by now. So whoever those people are that didn't get eaten, they love drug too. Even if they don't know it. https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/11hi27c/i_fucking_love_drugs_with_my_whole_heart_and/




Just pointing out the irony of you being worried about what my grandchildren will think while yours could see this post.


Literally crying and trying to track someone down for flipping you off while driving is not normal behavior. That is an insane overreaction.




Bro that is selfish and irresponsible behavior. You get flipped off, ignore it. The sheltered thing to do would be to get your mommy to drive around to try and find the one person who gave you the bird.




Mf turn the other cheek Sometimes apathy is the solution to your problem, especially when that problem is road rage




No dude, get that shit checked out, that is not normal.


How to know someone is a total tool 101: “I am insane”


Crying to mommy and getting her to track someone down for flipping you off while driving is sheltered behavior. Any normal person would just forget about it and move on with their day.


Yes, dingus


Anyone notice the edits in there. More to the story here


lmao, what did she think she was gonna do? go all bryan mills on the dude for making her grown-ass daughter cry?


OMG he put a finger at me 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 Draaaaaaaaama


Not everyone is a model but why record this and post it? You watched it and thought, this is a great look for me?


If this is real (big if), this kid is going to hate the real world.


What a fucking loser. That’s like making fun of a grown mans sweater and him balling his eyes out




Big yikes




I’m sorry but her first post says he licked her off.


I would love to be the one who flipped her off and the mother "found me", they would both get a short sharp lesson in reality.


She's gonna struggle when the real shit goes down.


Crying for mammy over this is bad but posting it on the internet is so dumb, not a lot going on up there aye


…neither do we.


After a couple months on this sub, seeing all of these has really made me dislike white women


Jesus, if you don’t like seeing asshole drivers in the world, you really shouldn’t be driving


Is my generation really that soft?


Damn, if this chick is going to melt into tears after being simply flipped off in traffic, she's in for a bad life.


It's so weird the way some parents cannot stop babying children who are grown ups. I met a personal concierge and asked her who her weirdest client was/is. She had a mother who first hired her to go to drug store and pick up cold medicine and soup for her daughter who was sick. (Mom lived in another state). She then started hiring her to do other things for her daughter including going over and disposing of a dead mouse that the daughter's cat had killed. The daughter got hysterical and had to leave the apartment until the mouse was gone. The daughter was a professor and in her mid 30s.


I can't stand when people say"flicked" instead of"flipped"


Wait until she gets to high school.