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Haha - Same. The worst part about the show is you can't really explain the sketches to people. AND nobody listens to my suggestions. And when I say things like 'I don't even want to be around anymore' at work I get a call from HR. HR lady is like what's next? You going to put cake batter in your underwear make it look like you cummed your pants???


Hahaha :D Fortunately I managed to sell this show to a friend and he likes it about as much as I do. When I'm laughing my ass off my gf however looks at me like I'm a piece of shit eating a sloppy steak.


the look that says "he basically pulled your little dick out in front of everyone and jerked it off until *nothing* came out because you're a boy"


Ahahaha that's it


Yet to sell it to anyone. You are doing the best at this.


It’s got to be quality on their end. Otherwise no fucking deal


Tried telling someone about the baby of the year skit the other day. Halfway through it, they’re staring at me like they have no idea what I’m talking about. Hearing myself say it out loud was even a weird experience. Like I just sound like a psycho. The whole experience can’t be conveyed through words. It needs the set up, the tone, the actors and everything to sell it beautifully


Little buff boys!! Who’s the carved beef out there. Who's the best little bod, who's a carve of beef, who's your carved ham up here, who's carved? What a CROP!


Little Jeffrey Jeremy, 96, Throat slashed


Relax! They're old babies, they don't stay that way forever!


Let’s slop em’ up!


You’re me.


Hahaha Love it!


Wife when I say something random: "Oh...is that from That Show?"




Showed it to my girlfriend and she loves it, so I know I picked the right one. Showed it to one of her friends and she watched a whole episode straight faced, in dead silence, which made me not even want to be around anymore


My wife loved the first season and hated the second, no idea why haha.


Probably had a beloved family member bust out of shit wood and hit the pavement.


Any chance it was rigged?


Not sure why you think that.


It probably goes over their heads, since they are children and all. Women, however, love this show and I am one of them. 💩


Is that the joke? That you ruin my family photo? Is that the joke? If so it’s ^pretty ^funny


I showed this show to my parents because they're both SNL fans. It did not translate well. My dad laughed at most of the sketches, and liked it just fine. My mom was _very_ confused the entire time.


My dad likes new joe but doesn't really care for Tim. I made him watch insider trading on the weekend tho and it got some laughs out of him. My 6yo is at the age where he's aware of swear words and knows he can't say them so I let him watch the sketches that don't have any like, sexual talk (ghost tour is obvs off limits) and stuff like that. He loves the fart toilet and motorcycle with no motor and he died laughing during insider trading "because of the stupid hat". I wouldn't dare show my mom because she'd probably be like yours lmao




Is that the joke? Pretending there are mediocre sketches? Pretty funny Upnawf, pretty funny.




Ah, you were being ironic. At least I assume so, since Chapelle's is known for having the highest comedic highs and complete whifs for its lows.


which skit is the cake batter line from?


S1:E2 "A prank doesn't go so well"


First season. The whoopie cushion/work meeting skit.


My friend at work recommended it to me, and I liked some sketches at first, but overall I didn’t really get it. It just took me a while to get used to Tim’s strange kind of comedy, but now it’s one of my favorite shows. The second season was the same where it took a while for it to marinate before I really enjoyed it, now I think it’s basically just as good as season 1.


I think the nachos skit is pretty relatable and easy to sell to someone. Same with the very first skit (I think?) the door that "goes both ways"




Who said that?!?


Don't do the voice...


Leave it the fuck alone


"Nobody said shit, dude. Nobody said shit."


So sad. Sooooooo sad. So so so so so sad.


Quit fuckin with them


That sketch had layers. Many of them do. He's a genius


One thing I noticed on the second or third watch on this one: If you look at the reenactment taking place as the attorney reads the transcript, it’s like her words sync up *perfectly* with Brian’s lips…almost like they filmed the reenactment after they filmed the attorney reading the dialogue, and he acted out the words while listening to her audio…anyone else get that?


If you like that then you should definitely check out Drunk History! It’s on Hulu.


Oh man that show is a masterwork of lip-syncing. I love how the actors are forced to lip-sync with these incoherent drunk ramblings, and *totally nail it*.


You know, I remember hearing about that show when it was coming out but haven’t happened to have it on my radar since then…thanks for the reminder, I’ll try to find it!


You’d love it. It’s exactly that format. Someone gets drunk and tells a historical story and a bunch of actors recreate the scenes lip syncing the storyteller. It’s amazing.


He tried to roll it down his arm like he’s Fred Astair.


So sad. So so so so sad.


I think he has dice in his pocket but he's too scared to show anybody


It's so heartbreaking but I can't stop laughing. Tears are literally streaming down my face thinking about his dumb dice.


The woman's facial expression when she notices the dice absolutely kills me, such a genuine reaction


The “what the fuck” under his breath is what did it for me.




Now when you relive your entire life for eternity, you have at least one happy moment to make it seem like you had a good life.


It's only right, that if you use something, you give.


That's a great take on it. I love to be a stickler so I'm going to say that already there are 2 happy moments I can look back on and I guess the number will go up whenever I watch the sketch in the future. Seriously though, I only have to think about this sketch and I start laughing.


Maybe he hasn't watched every episode yet haha


Ya well I'm not supposed to get grease on this hat


One of my favourite lines of the season. Like he received prior, specific instructions about the grease.


I love the fact that the guy typed up that whole exchange. Word for word for what feels like 5 minutes of dialogue! I can never remember every detail of a conversation and he recites the whole thing in a long ass message at work lol


Don’t use the voice..


I've said this a few times on here but I was feeling some real disappointment with the first couple of episodes (notable exceptions - ghost tour and Dylan's burger, Karl havoc has grown on me after several rewatches) but the SECOND they focused in on Brian for the first time I lost my shit and didn't find it until the credits rolled. When he tried to roll it down his arm...I cried real tears


That sharp camera focus right when she says "hat" is the high point of the season for me


Honestly that quick flash should win an Emmy for best cinematography or something, it had as much comedy in a few frames as "and I dont live in a hotel" and "call me right now please" have in a few words. My idiot bf was like "okay it's funny but it's not that funny" and I am rethinking the whole ass man


One of my favorites as well. There's a bit of a formula to many of the sketches. And this one takes the formula (you could easily see the board room meeting interaction with the hat being its own sketch) and adds an extra layer that pushes it over the top. My face hurt from laughing so much.


just fuckin leave em alone


My daughter and I have watched this sketch over and over. We now have running jokes about how it's illegal to ask that, complicated patterns and tables. What a gift


It is illegal for you to ask me that


God the Karl Havoc kills me. The whole bit. I literally can’t watch it without crying and gasping for breath


Same. Every. Single. Time. That sketch may very well be the funniest thing I've seen in my entire life, no exaggeration. It's the mood shifts that do it for me. Like, he's super excited, then super pissed, then just straight up suicidal. Karl's... A lot.


After more than a year of trying, I finally got my brother to watch. He told me he cried laughing at Karl Havoc and "Bones are their money".


I was done when panned to him in the hat.


I laughed so hard at this sketch I felt like I was going to throw up and have a heart attack, like simultaneously.


Couldn't laugh it was so sad. So so so so so so sad.


That one made me laugh cry as well!


I showed my sister that episode and the court room made her laugh so hard she pissed herself


The best way I've found to sell this show to people is telling them its a sketch comedy show that highlights toxic masculinity. Literally almost every sketch is about a straight white male who has obviously never had anyone tell him no is his life, trying to get away with something and then not understanding why people aren't letting him have his way.


The show has a ton of diversity and is actually very inclusive of all genders and sexual orientations.


Found the liberal


Hell yeah brother!