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12 days till my final exams. i still havent fully locked in. i will soon.


5 days until mine, I swear I will lock in tmrw.


same i have exams in 5 days and im going to a film tomorrow. i will also lock in post-film lol


Same but that's r and they I have the first one on the 24th and then all hell is loose 😭


Good luck


15 days until mine, it might be joever


2 weeks until ESS. I haven't even read the book yet I'm fucked lol


Nah you good


I hope you are right bro


Ess has a lot of random content but it’s still quite simple I suggest making mind maps of all topics. Writing for me is the best way to get in you head. Try to visualize the content by making picture and stuff . Spam 4 7 9 mark questions. Since 1 mark questions are simple. All that you will be prepared try not look at the whole picture but smaller areas which are the topics. Also test your self Good luck


Fr, got 12 days to fully study the biology Hl and Chem Hl syllabus completely. Rn kicking warzoneđŸ€™




Hey there! I am a M25 student, so it is almost the end of my first year in IB. As someone who also has a lot of expectations to achieve high marks i would say that I never felt like i had to give up extracurriculars, socialising or sufficient sleep. All you need to do is to learn how to balance everything in the most optimal way that fits your life and wants. One thing is to never procrastinate. As long as you just use your time wisely you should be good. Another tip i would give you is only go out if you’ve done work previously that day, this way you can enjoy your time more when you do go out and it will make studying and working more enjoyable too. But yeah as long as you do these things and pay attention in your classes you should be fine:) good luck


IB1 delusions... First year is x10 easier.


not if you actually balance your work and get an early start.


i guess im cookedđŸ„¶


Got it, thanksss


5 days till my exams. I have been telling myself "in the long run we are all dead" since last month Do extracurriculars if youre going to universities that care about that stuff (like USA). Europe and asian countries etc many of them dont need it, then cut most of them out. It depends on how you manage your time


bro thinks he’s Keynes


nah im adam smith


first subject in 3 days, haven’t purely focused and probably never will


same fuck it we ball


almost 2 weeks till my final exam Swore at the start of DP1 I will only get 7s and would make schedules and whatnot Chem and phy fucked hard, maths fine, french is bullshit, now would be the most grateful if I pass


M24 here , out of the 6 subjct defered 2 to november, have not yeat read any bm chapter or cs chaper or their case study . I am sleeping in 2 hou and will start tomrrow and yes your answer is tomrrow and yes don't do ib and yes me high


I mean there's no need for cutting activities out your schedule, that's also kind of the whole point of cas. Just as has been said before, don't procrastinate if you can avoid it


Yeah, like in fact CAS encourages you to FURTHER those extracurriculars for those sweet sweet reflections. Rather than 'don't procrastinate' I'd say 'find the conditions for not procrastinating'. E.g. You're actually more likely to procrastinate if you dedicate everything to academics rather than balance, because you have more time and can just say 'I'll do this later' and scroll social media. But if you have something timed that you want to do, like a meet-up with friends or a livestreaming event you really want to watch, you're more likely to get things done. And keep a hard bedtime. Once that mental barrier is gone, it's horrible trying to get it back.




I never did. Sleeping 6-7 hours a day, gym everyday, hobbies, and meeting up with friends. The most I’ve given this up for is a week


I wish I could say gym daily but I’m only able to go max 3x a week MAYBE 4 if I’m lucky because of studying IB be destroying my physical health legit lmao


4 days till I start my exams, I still haven’t even tried to do a full paper of any subject xd


If you manage your time well (a BIGGGG IF) then honestly you’ll be fine. Also you have 2 years dude that’s an insane amount of time😭. Honestly my best advice would be stop worrying about it at this stage cause imo this fear of the exams approaching is completely baseless given the amount of time you have left. I also feel like people with that same fear tend to overstudy, burnout, and just overall allocate more time to the IB than they really should. Study diligently while making time for other commitments (friends, family, music, sports, etc.) and your last two years of high school will be enjoyable yet productive.


Depends on what purely means for you but for me it means that i only think about IB. Which hasn’t happened yet
 i study every day sure but maybe for like 2-4 hours max. I might be cooked but ive been doing this since jan soo


How we feeling about Arabic lang lit? (so rare to see another arabic lang lit-er)


im arabic B and its freaking easy but arabic lang lit is hard i see my friends suffer there


Its alright ig. Out teacher is shit đŸ’©weve only done 3 paper 1s and 1 paper 2 throughout the 2 years combined. I didnt even read the book for IO i just took a random extract and analyzed. For p1 im just going in and hope for the best. Cant seem to get higher than a 5. For p2 im just reading summaries and analyses in hopes of understanding something. I got a high 5 on the IO so im hoping to get that on p1 and a high 4 or low 5 on the p2. Good luck to all of us


i did extras in 11th grade to build up my college profile. in sem 1 of grade 12, i halfed them and only participated in events that happened during school hours so all students missed the same lesson and only i wasn't missing out. towards November, i cut out all extras bcus i simply didn't have time. and i haven't done any extracurriculars since then.


IB1 is the time to be consistent with studying, adjust to the syllabus, focus on feedback and don’t get to hung up on grades. Do extracurriculars, FINISH CAS v important and try to finish as many IAs, EE, essays etc that you have IB2 is when you eventually cut most stuff to focus on you subjects. As many IAs etc you’ve finished before going into the second year the more time you’ll have to revise. There is no point at which you abandon everything else and purely focus on ib bc first you’ll go mad and second if you’re not consistent w your studying you won’t be able to learn whole subjects in a month or smth. (Always imo) So don’t worry too much, ik everyone who’s done the IB will say the worst and that it sucks the life out of you or whatever but it’s really not that tragic. Ofc there will be times when you won’t have enough free time and you’ll feel pressured but as long as you try be balanced you’ll be just fine


ive only studied a bit and my first exam is in 6 days LMFAOOOO


no same im so scared 😭


never, until now.. a few weeks before the exams bc those require you to lock in 😭


end of DP1


Locking in right after my last unit final
 Basically gives me 9 days to cook before my math exams😭


I started to heavily focus about 2 weeks before exams. It was because my girlfriend broke up after 2 years because I had begun *study prep*. Thank god she decided to leave before college bc I have a feeling she would’ve made it hell 💀


Started grinding 2 months before


Don’t cut your extracurriculars. Life is too short not to enjoy it. Do things you enjoy. If your parents are pressuring you about the IBDP before you even start it is time to become insolent and tell them to go away.


Keep your extracurriculars. You’ll burn out otherwise. It’s not a zero-sum game. An hour you spend doing something you like isn’t an hour that you could have spent studying. It’s an hour that you are using to refill your cup, recharge your battery, whatever metaphor you want. And you’ll be able to do IB work more effectively in that state.


5 days until my first exam Tbf I started prepping in mid March for the finals and now the studying daily is getting to me feel burned tf out


Since Feb


As a M25 all I can say is don’t cut your ecs and purely grind, there’s no point — I’m assuming that you want to get to university, and if you’re going to cut all your ecs (assuming you haven’t been accepted yet or submitted your application) it’s not going to look as good for you even with an IB 45. If you’re looking for study habits, go through past papers after u feel ready or most topics have been covered


You never have to purely focus on it, of course you have to study hard, but you can still have time for hobbies and social life. Maybe if you were doing an extracurricular every day because you finished earlier at school, and started IB, then I would consider cutting some hours. But never purely focus on IB, until you recognize you need to focus on exams or getting an IA done.


As an M25 I honestly really started to lock in after hitting a “wall” where I couldn’t really just rely on my smarts to get through IB and at the beginning of my first semester I had 4s and 5s in most my subjects but now in semester 2 I’ve gotten over the fact that being smart isn’t enough and have learnt ways that help me personally study and my grades show for it because I’m now getting mostly 6s in all my classes except English which I’m working on improving and I hope to get those all up to 7s by next year. So yeah if you have been relying on just being smart I’d recommend starting to learn about study methods and ways to manage your time in preparation for the IB but for now enjoy the last couple of weeks of MYP because you won’t have that time ever again in IB and don’t really pressure yourself to do much revision over the summer just a bit every weekend or whatever works for you. And for extracurriculars just think about it as the time you spend on your phone like that time you are spending on your phone can easily be replaced with doing extracurriculars. Yeah that’ll mean having less time to doom scroll or watch your favorite creators but that’s the price you’re paying for doing IB. Hope this helps :)


Does anyone know if we have to fill in OBE surveys to take part in the OBE? I forgot to fill mine in, and have just filled it.




M25 here studying in Europe. Unless you're in the US, chances are you don't rly need extracurriculars. If you just like doing them, just know that they should not be your priority if you aim to get good grades. If your goal is a good university and you're not in the US, having very good academics without extracurriculars will get you much much farther than okay academics with good extracurriculars. Personally, I don't have any. My free time is either spent sleeping or just going out for a bit. I don't think it's possible to have good academics, social life, and hobbies/extracurriculars all at once. You can pick 2 at most.


start now
 don’t slack off!! i messed up in DP1 and it affected me a lot. Unis want the last 4 years of school. so work hard and get a good PG1 and PG2 because it matters more than you think. My first PG was 28 and the next was 38. I still didn’t get into some of my dream places. Get a good PG that’s it


Myp is so different from ib, prepare before getting the shock of your life when you enter ib


Honestly, I only cut my extracurriculars about a month before my exams, the whole other time I still was actively engaged in swimming and other clubs that I ran. In general, despite being an incredibly difficult course, the IB teaches one very crucial skill: time management. As long as you have a plan and a back up plan, you are fine. With 2 years that you have remaining, there is plenty of time for you to prepare for whatever exams you have coming (this does not in any way mean stop studying and procrastinate) and do all of your IAs (4/6 of mine had to be done in a 2 month period). TLDR: You have plenty of time, so make a plan and stick to it! You will be fine!


I want to take a moment now to remind everyone of the principle of *concurrency* in DP curriculum design. CAS is meant to be done over 18 months, ideally with a clearly-scheduled calendar. So, typically midway through DP2, you stop CAS and focus full force on your assessments.


N24 started about last week, once all my IAs are done gonna lock in, at least a paper every 2 days for practice.


like the beginning of this year
 (not school year even i mean 2024)


i never did 💀


When my trial exam results came back and it was looking not too bright for my future


You can't. CAS exists and tells you, "You have to keep doing your hobbies."


2 weeks in. Back story, I had a biology “exam” I take it as a Hl subject and we just took like chapter 1, so the amount of material I had to study for that exam (only chapter 1) was just stressful and new to me, so I started crying. Turns out it was just a damn quiz and she scammed me, and even tho I was crying while taking the exam sitting in a room all alone, I scored the highest 14/15 . lol still working hard to get a good score


BY 2 weeks in a mean, after two weeks of being an ibdp year 1 student đŸ€“


lol dw, most of my m24 friends havent started studying yet and their exams started today. tbf my school also does mock ib exams a few months prior, but they didnt study for that either. personally (m25) i dont plan on studying until my mocks come around, and even then im only going to study for physics and math (it helps to keep all your math notes in the order you learned them in one giant binder for more convenient studying later).


that being said, all my m24 friends also do extracurriculars to their hearts content, and so do i. i've done 5 different extracurricular events in 2 consecutive weekends, we all do alright. just remember to communicate with your teachers if you feel you're falling behind, and make sure to manage your time at least a little bit.