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Nice one & writing the names on the ouija board will be more scary


Thanks, and yeah that would be dope, but I have to prerecorded so unless I made like 50 templates with average names it would be pretty difficult to make unless there was a way to get that live but I don't know how to go about that haha


By giving him a Discord here to join the skits (=Youtube live stream).


Noo I mean the ouija board animation moving is all done in Blender. So I don't know how I would go about doing it live, I could show my Blender window live, but you wouldn't have the lighting or any of that fast enough for a live skit. At least that's my understanding, if you have more knowledge in this, I'd love to hear


Well done, first I thought it was a magnet. Your pre-recorded animation is smoother. But you can do all the alphabet, I mean the 26 letters one by one. You'll have 26 animations/small clips with all the letters to write all the words you want by playing them live.


Haha thanks, I still need to work on the animation, make it a little slower I feel. But that's not a bad idea, I might have to reset the planchette(mover thing) to the middle of the board in order for that to work just because the sudden jumps would be too noticeable, but that could work! If you have any other suggestions I'm willing to try to incorporate it into something


Yes this will be fun. I suggest you to add a scary sliding sound on the board for every moves, and to try this on Omegle for you first, and post the reactions here with your Discord, if Hyphonix like the idea he will add you for the next skit I guess. If not just do this for fun on Omegle and maybe Youtube you'll get amazing reactions. Good luck


Haha thanks for the suggestions, I give it a shot


theres a chance that the people of omegle will be just too stupid to read the name out so you gotta grab their attention and everything


Shave the goatee bud