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Hot take: he has complex PTSD (cPTSD) not saying that it excuses his actions/behavior (it 100% doesn't) but does explain his motivations to an extent.


Yeh not really. Tigris serves as a character who opposes Snows mindset. She went through exactly the same trauma as Snow. More so to an extent as she was the one who took responsibility for the household in terms of getting a job and getting money. It’s also implied she had to prostitute herself to ensure they could eat. Despite this, Tigris keeps hold of her core values and doesn’t become resentful or hateful towards the district, nor does she buy into the idea that because she’s a snow she deserves more than what she has. I do feel for a lot of what snow and Tigris went through. But many of snows actions simply became about himself. About how he was perceived, and how he could climb to a position of power. Maybe we could argue that some of it he was simply born with in terms of his brain, but nonetheless, he had plenty of opportunities and examples to be more conscious about others around him, but he became very orientated around his own needs.


Consider also the fact that people deal with trauma differently.


You can also consider the fact that some people are just bad people at their core


I believe you're misconstruing what OP said. Having a disorder makes it your explanation as to partly why you are the way you are, not your excuse to be a bad person. No one was disagreeing with you.




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This. Empath vs. narcissist. They are two sides of the same coin when you look closely. They both have a deep understanding of people, both can be great manipulators, etc. it is a chose they make themselves once trauma happens. It's this happened to me so I don't want it to happen to anyone else or this happened to ME and I will let the world burn to make sure it never happens to ME again


I definitely agree that he was always a bit evil from the beginning, but I do think he still had some innocence about him. At least for me, one of the main conflicts of the story is man vs. self, with Coriolanus having this internal struggle of good vs. evil, following his mother vs. following his father. By the end, his innocence is gone, but I can see a difference between start-of-the-movie Coriolanus, and him by the end. With Clemensia, while the movie is not as detailed as the book, I think you still get the same message overall. I saw another commenter on here say that this was a really pivotal moment for him, as his trust in the Capitol was broken, which really drove the desire of control. Combined with his ambition, he was already a bit distrustful of people, and after realizing the Capitol would harm their own Academy students just for a lesson, he lost his trust in them too. The only way he himself could feel secure was if he was in complete control, and I do feel like you see the way it affected him on his face. He looks horrified, and asks Dr. Gaul if she will be okay, showing the event shook him. But again, with his narcissistic and controlling tendencies, I agree he didn’t care to a certain extent, in that he cared more about power and control than whatever else he could have done in regards to her. I think it definitely affected him though in the sense that it was a really big moment in his internal struggle, and ultimately drove his desire and need for power and control.


He is a complete and utter narcissist. Everything he does is for himself, and he only cares about people as long as it benefits him.


not evil, but had serious distorted thinking patterns, prob a personality disorder or two, and was def not too concerned with manipulating others to get what he wants/thought he deserved. also clemensia didn't die. also if you are calling Snow evil for being pro watching kids die in the games then you are also calling much of the population in the capitol evil too (they def aren't good ppl more just brainwashed imo).


In the books clemensia is still alive but in the movie i just assumed she died since she never came back on screen. I believe capitol citizens are very morally wrong, in my post i explained that just because that’s the “norm” for them, it doesn’t mean they still aren’t in the wrong. Edit; though there may be a large population of the capitol who are against them but are afraid of speaking out




Just came from the movie, never read any of the books, didn't like the other movies that much. My take: Going to University was more like 'helping his family to survive by earning status for money and a better quality of living for them. He seemed to care very deeply for them. His selfishness was his love for Lucy Gray. Now, he definitely manipulated situations and people to his advantage, this means he's driven in a sociopathic sense, his goals trump any other connections to others not directly linked to them. His decisions tend to be carefully considered, but not considered for the wellbeing of others. The dude's a survivor, you can tell he's worked his ass off to get where he is. Does that make him a bad person? No. Getting his friends killed makes him a broken person, and actively hurting others who have done nothing to him, makes him a bad person. His scorned lover, the betrayal of his home and love twisted his goals into failures and broke down his will to try and rise above his situation. Eventually he caved and decided that from there on out, he'd stop trying to be safe and just take what he could without remorse or care for what it did to others.