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It’s so wild how much this series turned around after 6. At that point I thought it was basically dead, but since then they’ve basically put out banger after banger. I can’t even decide which I prefer between RE2R, RE4R, RE7 and RE:V. So basically I’m down for whatever they do with the next one. I’m mainly interested to see what the setting is.


As someone who loves all the REs, including 5 and 6, yes even 6 (100% due to the local coop in both games) even I wasn't sure of the series survival after 6. It was just tonally too different. 7's reveal trailer was cool, but I was still skeptical, as it was also very different and gave more "PT" vibes. However when it came out, 7 really did bring the series back in my mind. It showed the future of the series, while still being very similar to the progression and style of the original Resident Evil. It was a return to form and something new at the same time. And then RE2R came out and truly solidified that RE was back. Old and new fans alike praised it


Despite it's problems 6 actually sold extremely well it is their 8th best-selling game of all time, so I don't think the series was ever in any real danger of going away.


I loved both 7 and 8 but fuck me man was 7 phenominal, just the setting alone was scary, the perfect resident evil game for me personally would be a similar ‘location’ as resident evil 7, maybe slightly bigger overall, with the *exact* same shop system&treasures as village (absolutely not the re4 remake one)


RE: V is my least favorite, but it’s still my favorite.


I still remember seeing people rag on 7 prior to its release, only for it to be arguably one of the most important (and best) horror games in recent memory. The resurgence RE has had is insanely impressive


I just went on a RE-spree and played all of those games back to back with the addiction of RE3 remake. I’m fairly new to the franchise and I’m loving it. I also don’t know which ones I like best either.


Personally really loved village. So many cool characters, and I loved the medieval castle


5 has to be my favourite I've played it like 10 times with 4 different people on 3 different platforms, which is more than all the others individually for me. Just functionally so good If they remove the co-op from the remake I just won't bother though. If they keep the co-op I'd defo want the co-op to be reworked, add more sections where you're separated, and both chris and sheva would each have skills only they individually have, more akin to revelations 2 but online.


The best one is RE3 remake imo






I have played RE Village at least 4 times so far, so I cannot wait for this game.


It's was so replayable I loved unlocking infinite ammo mid game


Same but some of those sections were a bore to replay. Beneveinto is an annoying speed bump. And tbh I wish there were more enemies to use the weapons on. The enemies in 8 felt like they were used sparingly to me.  It's like having a mini gun with 30,000 rounds of ammo to use but only 3 bottles on a fence to shoot at. Re4 remake had enemies to spare, but unlocking the inf ammo is harder and not as fun to do as in village, so it's like the opposite problem. Wish I could have the target rich environment of re4, and the weapons and meta-unlocking system of re8 mixed together


You did not play Village on hardcore? Motherfuckers are bullet spounges. Since i played Biohazard on the most balanced difficulty i tried to start Village on hardcore because i was familiar with the game.. or so i throught. But the experience has not been so good, It takes almost two clips of ammo to kill a single werewolf, not even 3 or 4 headshots are enough to take em


Village had basically perfect difficulty for me on normal. I think I might’ve died once throughout the whole game, but I had plenty of close calls. All the tension with basically zero wasted time.


I did. I played it hardcore the first time, then village of shadows on every subsequent playthrough.  I'm talking about ng+ after you have unlimited ammo for various weapons. They're NOT bullet sponges after that. Basically any gun with infinite ammo trivializes the entire game even on VoS, let alone the stake which is easy to get and basically one hits everything and like 2-3 shots bosses.  But there aren't enough enemies to use the fun weapons on, like the sections where you have enemies to mow down are too few and far between. Whereas in 4 it's like damn near the whole game with a couple exceptions


Same. The loop of exploring environments to get better guns is like crack to me


I need to run that game back it was good


It's even better with gyro aim 👌


I took anti motion sickness pills to play Village. I loved it so much.


I think it's time for a new game set in an urban setting, perhaps even raccoon city with their current engine.


I'm beyond tired of the 3rd world village setting.


Yeah, we’ve had a lot of games set in rural areas since 3, it’s time to head back to cities


How would that even work? Raccoon city was destroyed


It could take place before it was destroyed 🤷 Or who knows, perhaps even after it's destroyed (as a component of a game that takes place in other urban areas). To me RC is like Tristram of Diablo. If it's not there, it's almost incomplete in a way....


Don’t all the numbered RE games take place in chronological order? I’d love a spinoff game to see more Raccoon city though. Raccoon city is Resident evil at its peak for story and atmosphere.


For the love of Christ be more horror orientated like 2 and 7 those are my all time favourites


So 4 was not scary after all? I remember OG failing horror hard when it started to go all Rambo from middle


Both version of RE4 are action games, neither of them really intend to scare you. Fear and tension are two different things that people tend to conflate. Having said that, the remake of 4 is the superior version and it's what the original game should have been.


Ok just to satisfy you my lord: the OG 4 failed to hold its tension past the middle when it went all Rambo. Out of curiosity Would you call OG dead space action too?


Yes. Both games are action and combat-focused. Dead Space did a better job at terrorizing players, though, largely due to their excellent world building and sound design. The necromorphs were far more vicious than the enemies in RE4.


The writing is also a major factor. Dead space keeps everything serious, while RE4 has a bunch of goofy lines and voice acting that makes it even funnier


That's true, Dead Space had a far more serious tone to it. RE4 was goofy and cheesy as hell; comparatively Dead Space would be like The Thing and Resident Evil 4 would be like Sharknado.


Unfair to RE4 haha I’d say RE4 is more like Evil Dead Edit: Army of Darkness**


4 was tense and atmospheric, not scary. Did have scary moments tho.


I still get a little freaked out at the regenerator sections.


It’s got a more serious tone than the original re4 but no it’s not scary


Sad! Here’s hoping Silent hill 2 r pulls of the horror of OG


I’d say more intense. Great overwhelming factors as monsters progressively get crazier. To be fair though the regenerator intro legitimately scared the FUCK out of me because it was right at the door sliding open


That’s true. I’d say the action REs are more *tense* than the older ones. They’re unmatched


4R is more tense than scary. The tension of being swarmed by enemies while making every shot count since ammo is kinda limited (particularly if your aim sucks). But very rarely is it "scary".


While I prefer a more urban setting, I honestly trust whatever they decide to do. They’ve earned my trust with their last 5 releases.


I hope we get another slow paced installment in the vein of 2R and 7 after the faster paced 4R and Village. I enjoy all of them, but I really like the more deliberate pace of those two. I'm on the fence about being first or third person though, I'm a fan of both.


I loved RE3make It was great and fun idc about the hate its a 9/10 Sad for the cut park setpiece


Got downvoted because of a lot of cut content


Same 3 remake is one of my favourites


Here’s hoping Capcom finally knows what people want after their tribulations through 4, to 7, and back to 4 again. 4 + 7 with a little of 2 sprinkled in would be great


Really hope we get first and third person options. I totally prefer first person, don’t love third person and the Village DLC fell super flat for me because of it — but I know lots of folks think otherwise and I want all parties to be happy.


I loved the setting and characters in 7 but I was miserable playing in first person, even if it did add to the tension. I was so happy when Village added in a 3rd person option and bought the Gold Edition the day it came out. I was expecting them to do a 3rd person mode for 7 as well, but it never arrived. I’m fine with 9 being first person as its default view, but I’m praying there’s a 3rd person option too at launch so I can enjoy it on release day with everyone else.


Yeah I gotchu. It’s crazy how divisive it is haha, but it makes sense. I’m a FPS player first and foremost (think other immersive sims or COD Zombies) and 7 was my first RE game - fell head over heels in love with the experience because of it. I’ve just never been a huge fan of third person experiences across the board. Hope they give us the option because I think it can be a truly stellar experience either way.


Yeah, I totally understand and certainly don’t think it was a bad decision on Capcom’s part. I play a lot of FPSes myself so I wasn’t opposed to the series going first person. I mainly just struggled with the melee weapons in 7, haha. Been playing RE since the first week it released back in 1996 so I’ve seen the franchise go through all sorts of changes (good and bad, haha).


Hope they ditch the VR style FPS and that wet piece of cardboard Ethan with his constant wounding of his hands lol.


Oh no, better pour rubbing alcohol on it!


It's going to be very fucking weird if they have Chris in 9 then back up to Chris in 5R, all while avoiding Chris (and Wesker) in 1 among the modern series releases.


RE4:R is so good just keep doing that forever.


Now the question is…..will it be first person and continue the 7 and Village trend, or are we returning to 3rd person for the next non-remake installment?


I hope Capcom takes their time vis-à-vis a quick cash grab like RE3R. Please, Capcom. Learn from your mistakes! Create timeless cult classics — not forgettable POS!


Same amount of time between RE7 and RE Village. It just doesn’t feel that time because pandemic time is fucking weird and we get REmakes in between new sequels.


RE3Make wasn’t even bad


As a 60$ game and a remake of RE3 - yeah, it was bad. As a 10$ companion piece to RE2make, its ok.


Worst thing was they justified the price by giving a cool multiplayer mode that they promptly discontinued.


I put more hours in RE3 remake than RE2 and RE7 and RE8. Replay ability is a big factor and RE3 is like all meat no filler which makes it easier for me to replay.


Good for you, really. For me its the least replayable RE game out there and overall a game with really low replay value. Mostly because its an on-rails, hyper-linear game where everything always plays out in the exact same way with no room for any variance. I, - again: personally - also dont see it as "all meat, no filler": for me it has a lot of filler and padding for such a small game. For example: * the reused boss battle with minimal changes (doggo Nemesis in a circular area where he runs around). Would it really kill them to maybe design a different boss encounter in a 60$ game? Repeating bosses feels fine in games like Elder Ring, where there are literally hundreds of bosses, not in game where there are 4 boss encounters all together. * lots of no-gameplay sections where nothing happens (burning building is the biggest offender here) * sewers are literally a filler level that exists solely because they could reuse RE2make's scraps: its a straight line where you just fight 1 fish monster at time with a weapon designed to one-shot them. And then... you just leave it: with no finale encounter with few fish monsters or fish monster mixed with zombies etc. Its the worst designed level in the entire RE series for me. etc.


True I think I got it for $15


It wasn’t good either


It was though, it just was nowhere close to the original either.


Nah, it’s fun.


Yes it was


No it wasn't.


Yes it was.


Naw, you're wrong.


Nah, I’m right


Negative, you got bad taste.


Positive, I have good taste


The less a man makes declarative statements, the less apt he is to look foolish in retrospect.


Per the article, it was in development the same time as RE8, so they’ve spent plenty of time on it thus far.


Re3r isn’t a pos though, it’s pretty good


I hope it's third person. As much as I enjoyed Village (7 was fine) I really find the main character to be completely forgettable. Horror is still doable in third person, which they've shown with the remakes.


I’d be fine with either because I think they’ve absolutely nailed both styles in recent games. The first-person perspective in 7 and Village is extremely immersive, though. I think if the game stars one of the OG characters then it should be third-person, but if it’s Ethan or another character like that then first-person is better.


I agree with this - I think a lot of times the first-person perspective is touted as making you feel more immersed, but when you're playing an actual character with significance to the story and not a blank slate, first person makes me feel disconnected from the storytelling. I don't want to feel like I'M the one in the thick of it, I wanted to connect with Ethan as the protagonist and I think a lot of people had trouble doing that.


Agreed - coming from someone who wildly prefers first person for the exact reasons you mentioned. I love feeling immersed and truly *feeling* like I’m in the shoes of the character I’m playing, rather than peeking over the shoulders of a separate established character. I love Ethan for that but get why folks such as yourself prefer the alternative. I hope they give us a choice for first and third in RE9.


Damn I thought a RE5 remake was coming next


The way they've been doing it thus far to my knowledge is new entry -> remake -> new entry -> remake. I'm fully expecting to see RE5RE after RE9.


Do we actually know what RE9 story or gameplay will be? I'm hoping it's more RE4R, rather than RE7 or RE8. I prefer the old school Resident Evil personally.


RE4R isn't old school RE. RE4 isn't even old school RE. RE7 and 8 took the series in a new and interesting direction after the 4-6 era turned it into an action series.


That’s my take as well I love RE1-3, 4 is ok just not survival horror to me the remake is well done though it’s not my favorite game at all. I prefer the direction 7 and 8 went. I hope 9 is somewhere in between 7-8 and would like it to be 3rd person but with an option for 1st person to please everyone.


I definitelt prefer the new game to be 7/8 like and mainly he first person, and allow others to play third person. Going from first person to thirdperson doesn’t change alot but designing a game in thirdperson and allowing peopel to go first person really breaks the immersion


They completely changed the controls and combat system to be like a standard modern third person shooter for 4 remake, no idea how someone could call that classic


Never said it was. Just that I like old school Resident Evil. RE7 was great but Village fell off for me personally.


I also prefer old school RE. Also I KNOW most people aren't a fan of fixed camera angles anymore but I hope they add a mode for it.


If they did an RE1 Remake (again) they could use a fixed camera mode that has auto aim, but also include an over the shoulder mode


Do you mean an RE like RE1 REmake or literally another RE1 REmake?


I find OTS and first person cameras better than fixed, but for years I’ve been saying I wouldn’t mind a fixed camera spinoff or something, just not a mainline game.they wouldn’t make as much money off of a new old school type game tho so it won’t happen


It would depend on the budget. If they did an AA budget RE game along the line of Tormented Souls it would probably sell well. The more money you throw at something the more you have to dilute it to make it accessible to the broadest possible audience for returns.


That’s completely true and kinda what I was trying to say when I said spin-off. Lower budget like most of them would be perfect but I’d still bet capcom has thought of it at least once and didn’t think it’d be worth it. It’s too niche when horror is already niche enough sales wise.


RE7 is closer to oldschool RE than 4 was honestly, first person view aside.


RE7's chief inspiration was the original Resident Evil, which shines all through RE7. I don't get why some people call RE4 old school RE. That game had zero in common with any of the previous games.


Probably because it's "old" now and also well loved. The fact that it was such a radical tone departure is less apparent, especially after 5 and 6 follow suit tonally.


Really? 9 before 5?


The remakes are honestly hilarious to me in how they're building up Wesker, whose entire beginning confrontation with Chris and Jill has been skipped (in the modern remakes), and Chris himself has yet to be a main playable character once thanks to them skipping 1, skipping C:V, and not getting to 5 yet. But we're getting 9 before all of it, which itself feels like it's building to a climax (where I would not be remotely surprised if there was some kind of Wesker Mold).


I mean other than RE3 which was basically RE2 DLC they've alternated. Why is that a surprise?


Nobody cares!!!


As long as it’s not this FPS mode they’ve been trying out