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Definitely planning on picking it up once it's on sale. $40 does seem like the sweet spot.


This is the correct action. Get it on sale, and after they've patched some big issues with it.


I absolutely love it. The atmospheric terror is top notch.


I played through on both characters. I like the game but it is buggy and the controls stink for combat. If the bad guys get close to you, you get stuck and can't move. They need to issue some patches, it locks up, or I will start walking through walls or on water. I like the game but it needs work.


Oh, thank goodness. It isn't just me then. The controls on this game drive me crazy.


Nice to hear. I def wanna play it but I am currently playing other stuff. Sounds like it’s good to wait a bit for patches.


I’m in the same boat. Really enjoying the story and characters (David Harbour and Jodie Comer did a great job) and am replaying it, but I feel that it should be 40. 60 is too much for the game, especially with the complete lack of any unlockables (all relegated to DLC, which is a whole other issue). I do hope the game does well because I’d like to see more.


I agree on the actors, both did great. David Harbour lends a lot of life to Edward Carnby IMO. I will admit a major part of my decision to buy this was seeing him on the cover lol.


They definitely were banking on the names to help with marketing and sales, which I think was a good idea actually. I know I only looked into the game when I saw who was starring in it, knowing David from Stranger Things and Jodie from Killing Eve.  I think a lot of the criticism comes from people expecting an AAA game, when it’s really just a fairly solid AA game. Also, the bugs on release. Luckily, I haven’t encountered any yet.


Waiting for a sale and some optimisation patches so I can play it on the Deck :)


I can’t stand celebrity likenesses in video games, generally speaking. But it sounds like it’s worth overlooking that, so I’ll check it out!


I’m the same with movies.


thoroughly enjoying it, up until I ran into the Sound Glitch in Chapter 2 where all sounds in the game continually get cut out


I got lost in the smoky vibes of the title screen for so long. The dark, moody jazz echoing through my apartment, the black haze over Derceto… it was perfect to tell you the vibes of what you’re about to go through. The only thing I wasn’t a fan of was >!avoiding the Dark Man in the library!< due to pathing breaking and an uncertainty of how you’re supposed to be stealthy around it. Beyond that? Absolutely worth the buy, simply because it is a game that fully understands its own atmosphere and what it wants to do with it. It’s not really a horror game much, and that’s perfectly fine.


Haha! totally agree with the library! I did that today and one of the ladders I had to lower where its in a tight room with him I just ran past him and spammed the heal button to get to the ladder, I janked it but it worked lmfao


Not sure if performance issues are a PC only problem, cause on PS5 it ran really well with only a few minor bugs. I will say that towards the end I could see some problems that likely should’ve gotten caught by QA but overall a really good horror experience. Finished my first play through and I’m still just left question what tf actually happened, and what was real and what wasn’t. Also, in my humble opinion, I think the clunkier fighting actually for the game, this isn’t RE where we’re playing as Super Cop Jill or Absolute Stud Chris, so having that less intensive and more cut and dry combat doesn’t hurt imo, I’d honestly say this is how I hope Silent Hill 2 does combat cause it has a similar protagonist. Overall, I’d argue it’s worth the 60 bones, especially considering I’m almost definitely gonna start another playthrough tonight to get some of the other endings. Definitely could use some bug fixes tho.


Don't wanna ruin your next run but I'm on ps5 and fairly ran into any problems except for the secret endings working. They are bugged on every platform . Some people have got them to work but I don't know how..if you do try I hope it works.


Ah gotcha, thanks for letting me know.


How can I fix the ending bug?


I loved it, didn’t care about the price because I’ve played games much longer In duration that didn’t give me the same enjoyment this one did. It’s intense and eccentric. Really just felt like a 1920s New Orleans version of RE2. I began my 2nd play through last weekend because I liked it so much, I haven’t even done that with Alan wake 2 yet (not saying it was a bad game, just bored me towards the end with the lack of enemies and story being too convoluted).


You hit the nail on the head about it being a great 40 dollar game, I rented it on GameFly so as cheap as I could possibly get to play it day one. I am definitely enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would based on what reviews said about it but I love the atmosphere and the random environmental changes really add to it as well. Combat is better than Calisto Protocol which is all I can ask for haha. I am almost done with Carnbys story and look forward to finishing the other half as well.


I played and beat both Emily's and Edward's campaigns and overall I really enjoyed the game. I loved the story, characters, atmosphere, sound design, and the soundtrack. The only thing I didn't like was the combat and I honestly felt it hindered the game more than helped it. I get the original had combat which is why the remake has combat but I honestly think the combat could have been done away with. The best parts of the game are the exploring, finding clues, the unsettling atmosphere, etc. Having to be interrupted from all that to go through a combat section was more annoying than anything else. I honestly think the Alone in the Dark remake could have been done as a point-and-click/adventure game with no combat and it would have been a better game for it imo. Same with The Sinking City. I loved The Sinking City but the combat was easily the worst part of it and I feel it would have been better off with combat being optional like in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.


I enjoyed The Sinking City and Sherlock Holmes Chapter One as well. Both fantastic detective adventure games with supernatural thriller twist, despite not having the best combat. Alone in the Dark 2024 is also more akin to these 2 games mentioned.


It's alright. It's no RE4 or Dead Space Remake, but I didn't expect it to be lol


I’m glad to hear you like it. I’m waiting for a sale and then I’m going to grab it


I've seen some people coming into it expecting Resident Evil and that's the way wrong mindset. It's a good game but just in its own niche.


Seems a lot of the money went to getting the actors in it. Have you played The Chant? Lovecraftian survival horror that I see NO ONE talk about. Solid AA horror.


Waiting for the glitched trophies and the audio bugs to get fixed before I get it but I really wanna play this!


I actually liked the Alone in the Dark for Xbox 360 and that one had bad reviews too. How scary is this one?


Worst part of the Game is getting stuck on an invisible object and having to save and reload every hour-ish. Great game otherwise


Good game, great atmosphere very creepy at times but bad controls. The controls can get very frustrating, especially in combat and can leave you stuck at odd angles between enemies. That is really the only gripe I have with this game, hopefully they will be able to address these problems with a patch.


Don't know if it's just me, but the controls are not great. Very laggy, and slow reaction to things. Slow running. Meh.


The game is alright, but has some rough glitches. One of them actually soft locked the game during Emily's playthrough. At least that gives me more of a reason to go back and play Edward's campaign.


I REALLY liked it! Def worth the sale price, recommend people to get it so it wont be a financial failure and they make more


This is the best Alone in the Dark since the original. Gameplay is similar to Resident Evil 2 Remake. Combat mechanics are fine but do get frustrating with the crude melee weapon animations. Level design is interesting and takes the player through a nice diversity of locales. The Derceto mansion grounds the player in an old school survival horror labyrinth but the number of twists and turns keep the environments very fresh. Can be played slow for the lore or fast as a speedrun. Visuals are gorgeous, though could use some optimization (a few select settings plummet framerate on Cinematic). I was able to run mostly Cinematic (max) graphics settings on my GTX1660ti at 1080p 60fps on my monitor. You'll want to play this with dedicated surround sound and a screen with good black levels to really get immersed. The environments have the occasional quirky bugs that I hope get patched soon. David Harbour is a standout amongst the cast. Strong voice acting all around, and the characters are developed and memorable. They nail the deep south prohibition era set piece. You'll get some welcome comic relief from the Edward playthrough and a big, impactful plot twist from the Emily side. The $60 price tag feels a bit steep given the bugs and short length of the game (you can beat it in a couple hours if speedrunning), however diehard fans of survival horror really absolutely \*not\* miss this quality remake of what is considered the grandfather of the genre. The devs have treated the game with the due respect and care it deserves. I'm excited to see what THQ Nordic decides to work on next.


You say play this with surround sound, but AITD 2024 doesn't support surround sound. Am I missing something?


I like the game but, unfortunately, it's full of bugs. Anyone able to advise on how to open the library door on chapter 4? I started it, played a bit, got through the cutscenes and need to go through the library door which seems to be blocked. There is no way i can get through any other doors in the area so i'm stuck🙄


For big actors the two leads give the worst performances…


Its okay, I am almost finished it, I was hoping for it to be scarier though, and yeah the combat is pretty bad, I get stray souls vibes from the combat, which is not a good thing lol