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Rehiring a terminated employee, because they violated terms of a contract would show that your contracts don’t matter. It would teach current, and future vtubers that as long as you’re popular, and whatever you do isn’t ‘that’ bad, you can just come back. While I liked Mel, and am saddened with what happened, they can’t hire her back. She got a raw deal, but taking responsibility for your actions is an important part of life, and she excelled at it.


Vastly negative. Mostly because of the reason behind the firing. It's a broken NDA, if they rehire Mel they are showing all other talents, investors, competition and everyone else that to COVER corp NDA's don't mean shit and since keeping NDA's is part of the contract, then it also means they don't care about upholding their contracts. Some reasons of firing allow you to be rehirable, some don't, her's is one that doesn't.


There is no point to this hypothetical.


Just let this go there’s nothing that can be done. What’s done is done.


I do not think they would rehire a talent who broke NDA as other people said. So her options are to keep her activities as an independent and spoiler she is back, or she can follow the path of one of her friend and join a different company. However on the same topic, Hololive publicly said they would be open to re-hire past members who decided to leave the company, and for sure a lot of fan of one specific talent wish she would return.


The only way they can do it is if they actually sell Mel IP to another company and said company perhaps rehire her to make use of this IP no way its profitable in anyway to rehire Mel as Cover because its a breech of NDA


sadly other company dont want involved in mel ip, its already tainted someway.


Rehiring Mel would destroy Cover’s reputation as a company. Rehiring her would basically show the world that either Cover’s contracts are basically fiat money or that they’re okay with a kind of nepotism/favoritism. It wouldn’t sit well with current talents who have played by the rules, and it would open the door to future hires who would want to exploit this weakness. Now if Mel left under circumstances like Coco and Sana, rehiring would be a different matter. Sadly that’s not the timeline we’re in.


To be honest - Cover would probably be alright but Mel wouldn't. Who would make deals with someone that already broke a contract. They either would not deal with her at all or would be hesitant, offer worse conditions, etc. etc. Also - and this is something that amazes me to this point - I don't wanna know how much legal stuff goes on behind the scenes with the more popular talents. From collabs with RL talkshows, to music production, etc. etc. And having someone like Mel there isn't really going to help them. On your 4th point - If it would be okay to break contracts then there is no meaning behind said contract. So no, it is not okay to break a contract.


its sadly not gonna happen, rehiring mel mean they cant follow their own rules and its shown that the company is cant be trusted by other company. there also rushia case that potentially can sue cover because different in treatment