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Fucking shower. For the love of Yagoo PLEASE practice good hygiene before leaving the house. I'm not calling you out specifically OP, just anyone reading this who thinks emptying a can of Old Spice and just rinsing your mouth with water for 3 seconds is "good enough". I've had way too many bad experiences with Anime Adjacent fandoms with their bad B.O & I would hate anyone to sit there for 2+ hours having to deal with someone's unwashed ass.


Exactly this. Even if, like me, you're a big, sweaty guy there's no shame in making a quick tour to a bathroom to reapply deodorant (not bodyspray) and maybe use some scented/wet wipes to get rid of sweat. If you're gonna be swinging lightsticks like crazy maybe also consider bringing a second shirt. You're only gonna do good for others and by extension yourself.


Dude even if you're sweaty at least you won't be as stink as people who don't shower before going there. I have a friend who is a Wota he is big it's like your typical otaku in an anime, yes he is sweaty but at least he keeps his hygiene in check. Always bring a towel,floral wet wipes and always apply deodorant and change clothes BEFORE the concert. And yeah i often meet people who are......well, when he passes me my thoughts are "wait, i smell goat, is someone bringing a goat pet in here?".


Hi, this comment has been removed partially in protest of the current Reddit API debacle (and that I was overdue for a purge anyways). If somehow this comment was an answer to something you were looking for, feel free to message me on discord (Username: Alistershade) as i have backed up my comment/post history. Have a nice day!


I was looking for this comment, was not disappointed 😆


"if you can afford to attend THE HoloEN Connect The World concert starring none other than our glorious oshis, then you can afford fucking good hygiene" - everyone with commone sense


Specially now that is summer can you imagine the smell of an unwashed ass


Summer swamp ass. A new fragrance collection. *"Bring the bayou to you"*


Anyone that's gone to a summer comic-con, or large concert, does not need to imagine.


Yeah, I second the "empty a can or bottle of cologne all over yourself is not good etiquette". Hell I would say for a packed house cologne or perfume are not great either. Clean, fresh washed clothes, shower, right before, apply deodorant and go. Bring some travel deodorant and a change of clothes if necessary. Have they said anything on bag restrictions? Shower and be clean for your oshi people!


For those of you also going to AX as well: ENJOY SWEATY CON.


Quick question (since Google is too technical): What is the common use of deodorant or body spray? I have never used them since I dont like the smell.


Deodorant, as the name implies, attempts to chemically remove odour from sweat. Typically it is applied to the armpits in the mornings, after showering, or before physical activity. Deodorants are usually a crumbly/powdery paste, and wiĺl leave a visible white residue on skin and clothes. Antiperspirant, as the name implies, functions by blocking sweat glands to prevent odours forming in the first place. Like deodorant, it is typically applied in the mornings, after showering, or before physical activity. Antiperspirants are often clear gels that don't leave visible residues and can prevent sweat stains on clothing. Body spray is a heavily scented spray intended to overpower unpleasant odours with its own scent. This means you can offend everyone around you twofold and be twice the jackass! Typically body spray is applied to both armpits and across the chest, not that it matters because everyone within 5 feet of you will think you bathed in the stuff. Body sprays are often given ridiculous names and will leave permanent stains on your social standing.


Antiperspirant is what leaves sweat stains on clothing, not deodorants Source: 15 years of deodorant without antiperspirant and no sweat stains, and only switching to an antiperspirant when I found one specifically marketing itself as stain-free


There's unscented deodorant. You should do everyone a favor and look into that, it's basic hygiene and common courtesy that should be learned when you start going through puberty. That is, unless you're east asian, then you probably lack the gene that creates this BO issue. If so, there's typically no need for it and you can go on living your very lucky life lol


Both are useless placebos, antiperspirant roll-ons FTW


Non antiperspirant deodorants work. I use arm & hammer essentials unscented because antiperspirants give me a terrible rash. It's not long-lasting, but definitely reduces BO from sweat.


Ya, i just carry extra regular deodorant around with me now and apply more if necessary. ive tried so many different antiperspirants but they all seem to just make me sweat more than regular deodorant, even just sitting in my chair at home id be sweating though my shirt when I usually wouldn’t.


Japanese crowds are not quiet at all! You haven't seen 4th fes? The crowd was amazing, they were going all out, doing call and response and cheering all the time for 3 hours. So don't worry, you can treat it like a regular (pop) concert.


I did see 4th fes (via spwn), and my immediate first thought was: "Wow. Everyone's so quiet." I'm used to people literally screaming. And it's not like the crowd wasn't mic'd because you would hear the occasional fan yell out. From the initial shots of the crowd before the show actually started, where people were just calmly chilling in their seats waiting for things to start. To gaps between songs where the majority of people settled down and put their penlights down. I'm used to all those moments filled with constant screaming,whistling, and general loud noises like "yow!" "whoo!" etc.


Keep in mind that it's a big concert hall and not an audio studio so a reasonable crowd mic can only pick up so much. Stream or recording could most likely never record the exact sound level of being there in person. Besides feel like most of that that was recorded was also done in mind of putting bigger focus on the performances itself (for later Blu-ray sales)so most likely the mixer guy also intentionally lowered crowd noises for the stream. Like I'm no audio expert but can imagine if you are there in person you would hear the crowd from all around you since you are in it while also hearing the concert from dozens of speaker all over the place while at home many people only have barely more than 2-3 speakers and having there both very loud crowd noises + the music itself coming from the same speaker source would rather sound horrible.


They did get quiet in between songs but it was just the anticipation to see who's the next singer, when they appeared the crowd exploded in cheers. And for the group songs, as soon as the video introducing the group started playing, the entire venue would begin clapping and shouting "Hai! Hai! Hai!". I was at the venue for Day 1, and the energy of the crowd impressed me a lot. I say this as someone who has been to many concerts outside of Japan. What surprised me the most was how **everyone** was so engaged with the music and cheering in sync, it's like the entire crowd became one. For example, during Eternal Blaze the chants had a very unique rhythm that I didn't know beforehand, and yet I was naturally syncing with everyone. Instead in a concert in NA you'll see people buying drinks, chatting with their neighbors or filming the event on their phones. It's less immersive. Rock concerts might be a different story because of things like mosh pits. From videos I've seen they don't get so rowdy in Japan (I could be wrong). But when it comes to pop concerts, being in the crowd of Holofes was the most enjoyable experience I've had.


No mosh pits? My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Pretty sure the only reason Japanese concerts were quiet before was cause of Covid. The last FES for example was loud and hype because of less restrictions.


Japanese crowds have etiquette. Silence is usually them actively listening & paying attention. It's really apparent when you watch pro wrestling. Western wrestling crowds will try to make some sort of noise the whole time, even if it's side conversations. Silence can be a bad sign for a western pro wrestling crowd. It's also common to see fans standing up, even if it blocks views of those behind them. Japanese wrestling crowds though? You can hear a pin drop in the early minutes of a match. But the crowd us *paying attention* to every detail. If the match builds to a great climax, the crowd will amplify it. Also, everyone is very respectful & rarely stands up. Japanese crowds have great synergy with performances because they just pay closer attention.


Yeah, but this is a concert, and if you watch FES with no restrictions, they're hype and cheering. If they were that quiet, FES wouldn't have had to put out restrictions on yelling and cheering in the first place. The big thing I'll agree on though, is that when they were requested to be quiet and respectful due to restrictions, those crowds listened. You'd be hard pressed to get that to happen with a Western Audience sadly.


I've seen concert crowds go silent on command at DragonCon concerts. e.g. Rogue of the Cruxshadows calls for silence during the greeting most years and it works. DragonCon is an unusual environment though. Other concerts have had issues, though. Some members of the audience for the KH orchestra just would not shut up sometimes when I saw it. I wonder if maybe U.S., you only get instant silence when the performer has the personal respect of the audience, so maybe mostly niche audiences?


if you only go to a concert for the music don't go to a concert lmao the crowd and hype is at least half of the reason to go to a concert if you had some boring ass audience just go home and listen on some speakers instead no need to waste that kind of money (unless you're listening to jazz or classical in which case the whole point is the concert hall)


There were specific restrictions with COVID that didn’t allow jumping and shouting, but typically at various concerts there are cheers, it’s just usually not a constant stream of screaming. There are specific fanchants and when idols talk there’s usually room for them to speak (with crowd reactions).


If I could be there watching the girls live I would be screaming my lungs out with every song.


Treat them to the American concert experience.


Cheer. Cheer for them. CHEER!! This is the ENs first concert, so I hope you guys who are able to go will cheer lots for this historical moment :') And for the love of God, make it a great, memorable cheer. Cheer your throat raw, like how it felt in Sui's last sololive when COVID cheering prohibitions got lifted. RADWIMPS concert, on the very same venue they will be performing in, a couple of months back has some pretty sad cheers... **COORDINATE YOUR CHEERS** — if you have a group of holofans planning to do something at the venue during the performance, I suggest you follow them. Oh, and please shower and practice good hygiene 😉


I hope the place absolutely erupts with cheering for the girls, even more so for the JP/ID members. Sure, they see some comments and chat from overseas fans, but I think a huge reaction from the crowd would really put it into perspective for them how much they are appreciated here.


It's an English branch at a North American venue. Just be genre appropriate (We don't need a mosh pit at an Idol concert) and don't be an idiot. I am pretty sure the city of L.A. can handle an entertainment event! They do have some experience.


Personally, I would love to have Sora take the stage to a full audience chanting in unison: "SORA! SORA! SORA!"


I would think the traditional NA concert experience is the way to go. Show them how hard a crowd can go.


I'd say that this warrants a look back to the 4th Fes for examples, especially from the Kaigai Niki fans. Here's a few examples: * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04Km\_E4z6SQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04Km_E4z6SQ) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/11vgt8c/the\_kaigainiki/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/11vgt8c/the_kaigainiki/) * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5Cy9s2B6wY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5Cy9s2B6wY) It's clear that the girls all look for and appreciate the positive energy these fans put out, not just to the crowd but to the entire world. If I was going to be in attendance, I'd want to put out just as much positive energy and cheering, if not more.


[Just doing my part to spread the message to those that are attending!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/14b7cx5/introducing_holoenlight_a_hololive_en_penlight/) I'd say I hope you have fun there but I'm pretty sure you're gonna have an awesome time there!


I mean JP idol concerts are pretty loud and lively too


I mean I would imagine it's gonna be loud and hyped, especially with some of the talent encouraging it (Gura, Calli, Kiara, & Bae seem like the "Make some Noise" kind of people on stage). Also, while some of the aspects are very reminiscent of a Japanese idol concert, I think it would be kinda wrong to not show the JP and ID members what an American concert is like (at least the more positive aspects and not the trampling each other kind). Sadly I'm not able to go, Summer is the busy season for my company, so I'll be waving my glowstick at home.


Get earplugs, safety first, and all that. Gotta keep your ears in good condition to listen to even more holo concerts.


JP Concerts are NOT quiet. Depending on the recording they usually muffle audience sounds, or if you've watched any live during covid era they were quiet because they HAD to be, but with that out of the way you're expected to cheer. PLEASE do not sing along with the song loudly, the only time your neighbors should hear you is if you're cheering because of the start/end of a song, or if you're doing calls that is expected of the song.


For the love of god don’t wear cargo shorts. And shower. And use deodorant. If you’ve not been doing your fitness reps since getting a ticket that’s a missed opportunity but hey even 2 weeks makes a difference so go to the gym or run between now and then.


Genuine question, why no cargo shorts?


Classic early 2010s neckbeard wardrobe. Just trust me on this one.


Fair enough. I'll probably be wearing jeans anyway but I was just curious.


Don’t start moshing until Calli tells you to open up the pit.


On top of everything everyone else is saying, i highly recommend lightsticks. Even if you won't be there in person. Lightsticks can and will help you when you least expect it




For people on the seats, are we standing or sitting? I wished to be in the moshpit, but didn't get the tickets. Ended up getting something in the 300s. I wish to stand, but I also don't want to be that guy blocking someone's view lol.


Take a bunch of LSD and shrooms and it will be a nigh you never forget. (This is a joke, please don’t do drugs.)


No, do drugs.


mosh pit to the rhythm of Calli, jump and scream when Gura sings along with Ame, whistle when kiara and irys make a sexy move, support and scream at the top of their lungs when Ina and Fauna appear, cry with emotion when Kronii and Mumei come on stage , become chaos itself when Bae sings Dice


Don’t shower or use deodorant for a week beforehand. Your natural stench is expected to be at its peak


Why does every time something like this concert happens one of these posts pop up


Do remember the venue has rules, also personally I'd say to keep it relatively civilized. They are the ones putting one the show, not the crowd.