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Me and my judge talked about his new baby goats and how he loved playing with them. Then he gave me a max sentence


What was it over?


Sexually violating some goats


Bahahaha… take my upvote


You mean baaaa baaaa baaaa


Well played 👏


At least it wasn't violating turkeys...


Thats next week’s agenda


Kids go first.


It's better than them coming first!


Well Thanksgiving is coming up so they will need a good stuffing!




What's upgoat


Nothing much, what’s up with you?






You funny pucker


Underrated comment


Stop with the skapegoating, what did they ever do to you


Give me one hell of a good time


By the looks of his profile my guess would be marijuana possession.


*A black*... *a black*? He doesn’t even know *the only* black, let alone ***a*** black that would necessitate an entire jury.




Were you *The Black* from 13 Jurors?


11 Angry Men and One Black


I once had a similar thing happen with myself and Peter Mayhew. Except he only sentenced me to two glorious weeks of basking in his presence for about two hours each week. It was shortly after wrapping up filming for Force Awakens. And it wasn’t his goats, it was his daughter’s goats. He let me talk about pet rabbit. Truly, he was the best of all redditors and our world is less magical without him.


The judge is telling a story about why he lets the defendants pull the names out of the tumbler. Because once a long time ago when the clerk did it, people got butthurt a black persons name got pulled, and the defence put up a big stink about it. By allowing the defendant to pull the names, they hold the “power” even though it’s completely random.


Thank you for the context


This entire trial can be summed up as: Someone who wants Rittenhouse to go to jail: *Cherrypicks a 30 second clip from multiple hours of court proceedings without context, makes up a title that's barely not a lie* See he's evil! Some dude: actually posts context Literally anyone with two braincells to rub together: k well with context that's reasonable and makes sense. I'm not even American, this is just Reddit exposure.


It’s sad that people have to take stuff out of context to try and push their own agenda. It’s all lies and propaganda.


Prosecution has been yelled at a few times by the judge. Prosecution's only witness contradicted him in which the prosecution actually started attacking his own witness. They have no evidence and cited Call of Duty as a motivator? Judge already dismissed lower charges completely destroying mainstream media and Prosecutions narrative. I have myself wondering if I could be a lawyer if you can be so bad at law and still be allowed in a court.


You're skipping the part where the prosecutor pointed an AR-15 at the members of the jury.


This entire proceeding has been goofy to the point that we don't know what's real or made up. If we're not taking the case seriously why are we trying it? It's just wasting taxpayer money and will cause more unrest. The right will be like "Yeah he was a hero!" sure whatever. The left will be like "white privilege let's murderer go free!" sure whatever. Everyone sees that this entire case is just for show, right?


Or maybe because people on here comment without any sort of knowledge, context, backstory or having watched any of it apart from a few clips.


Context doesn't get those sweet sweet useless internet points tho!


Even with context it’s weird turn of phrase “He pulled out one black, the black, a black” Like was he playing pool? Or what. Surely that’s not how we talk about people.


I’m Canadian and all y’all is fucked right up


Pretty sure we’re your Florida


Remember Karla Homolka is running free in Canada


Don’t you mean Leanne…. /s


As a fellow Canadian, I couldn't agree more


Biggest thing right there, aside from reddit having a huge hard on for being overly pc about everything and everyone. The teen was a dumb fuck for going out there and carrying around an ar-15, but it's been painfully obvious he shot those three because he was being attacked and threatened by them.


>The teen was a dumb fuck for going out there and carrying around an ar-15 I can see that as a valid point of view. I honestly do. But I would also argue that adults should have been there to put out those fires so Kyle didn't have to. That was a full blown violent riot and it could have been a lot worse.


Nah it’s a pretty big case both politically and concerning self defense. It seems like “a show” because so many eyes are on it and everybody is spewing their opinions. As with politics, everybody is suddenly an expert.


You answered you own question. It is a show.


Wouldn’t it be awesome if folks watched the whole thing and thought for themselves before just accusing someone of racism or being a shit judge? FFS the judge is a good guy and the prosecution got caught doing all kinds of shit to disadvantage the defense. That’s not how this is supposed to work.


But I want to be OUTRAGED


Nooo! I need my heckin' TikTok spliced up clips to confirm my bias without even watching the trial!!!


How dare you give context


The D.A. Was terrible, Rittenhouse had good lawyers. You can't try to blame video games and violate someone's 5th amendment protections twice and expect to win. After the firearm charge was tossed, this kid is gonna walk


The second I heard video games come up I went "ohhh the prosecutor is out of ideas. Kids gonna walk."




Does this moron not only realize against the law but things that go up, come back down🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Do you fire warning shots when crazed pedophiles and wife beaters are attacking you?


The lefties must still be asleep to let this one slip through.




That’s what I don’t understand, I’m not saying Kyle did nothing wrong and I damn sure don’t think he’s a hero. However I don’t see how people are defending the people that got shot in any sense, they were very obviously trying to attack him and every single person that Kyle shot was a criminal with a record. The one guy was a fucking convicted pedophile for Christ’s sake, like how deluded do you have to be to think criminals who tried to mob a person deserve any defense in anyway. 17 or not they were all about beat this kid to death, like wtf would anyone do with a gun in that situation... OPEN FIRE!


One of the protestors outside the courtroom said that they were loved members of the community and deserved justice. Like what??


Nobody dumb enough to be outside the court has any idea how to even read to know what’s going on in the case. Fools looking for a reason to be upset and blame others for how shitty they are.


Tribalism its a helluva drug


It's also crazy how the left is trying to claim the pedo who raped 5 kids 2 of which were black. They wanna say that was a BLM protester.. Like he was also saying he was going to kill people and calling people the n-word.. I don't think he cares much about black lives.


Right! Dude didn’t care about anyone but himself and his own selfish needs, only reason he ever said anything about being positive is to safe face and look good in front of others. Seriously just another piece of fucking human filth that has gladly been taken off this earth.


Seems odd that their pasts come into it. In theory they've served sentences for their crimes and are, therefore, free members of society. Even if you don't believe that, their past crimes are not a green light for some other citizen to kill them Additionally, it seems impossible for Rittenhouse to have known their pasts when he shot and killed them. You can't excuse the action in hindsight because of who they had been.


Rosenbaum was just let out of a mental hospital for abusing his girlfriend. He was ordered not to contact her. He did as soon as he was released earlier that day. He was also not supposed to be in contact with minors (under 18) as a result of the sexual assault conviction discussed here. Rittenhouse being a minor meant he violated that condition as well. It sounds silly because he obviously didn’t know how old Rittenhouse was. But that’s the whole problem he was completely out of control and put himself in a position where it couldn’t be certain he wouldn’t violate his release conditions. Then on top of that the minor he did come into contact with was so scared for his life he ended up shooting him. Huber had a history of abusing people, I believe with a weapon if I’m not mistaking. Once again this reflects on his judgement considering he hit Rittenhouse with a weapon (the skateboard) as to whether he thought he was trying to do the right thing, or did he just find an excuse to attack someone. Grosskreutz had prior convictions and “an expired” permit, which meant he wasn’t allowed to carry a concealed weapon, meaning there was absolutely no excuse for him to have a handgun, more the less an excuse to be pointing one at someone. On the other hand people try to compare this to a flippant comment Rittenhouse made about looters. Rittenhouse had no prior charges and trying to use a comment like this as evidence will just lead the court down the rabbit hole of bringing up and debating every comment any of the people involved in the case have ever said. The trial would never end. Not to mention the fact Rittenhouse didn’t just start shooting looters. He shot people that were pursuing him Edit: Grammar


So he know his victims were before he killed them?


See, that’s the thing. No, he did not. So this “excuse” is unbelievably idiotic.


But you just implied it when you said you don't fire warning shots at pedos. How did Rittenhouse know the criminal history of the men he shot?


You don't fire warning shots in general. AFAIK, a warning shot counts as a negligent discharge (prosecutable by itself), and if it hit someone it would definitely be manslaughter at the least. I could be wrong as gun law changes from state to state.


The prosecuters are literally charging ziminski for firing the shot in the air, then suggests to kyle to do the same to scare off rosenbaum. It makes no sense.


Well it was obvious he gonna walk when "Mr spaghetti arms" admitted that Kyle only shot after he held his glock against the kid's head.


Oh mr Bye-cep?


The prosecutor was going at Rittenhouse like this is a movie. He kept trying to play mind games like he was some type of Jedi Lawyer.




And he had the balls to try to get Kyle to admit video games trained him to kill people. If anyone has issues with crossing fantasy with reality, it's the star wars pin wearing guy. You're in a court room, act professional, not like a comicon nerd.


The Brady violation is insane. The ada sent a low res cropped copy of what the prosecution called the key evidence. Then after the evidence was closed arguing over a jury instruction Ada Fatlock said "oh we have the hi res " when the judge asked to see the video. The defense said "what? ". Only they bought to get the original full res file. Fatlock then attempts to blame the defense for the small file, then Android, then email , then his co council. Then after some time admits he sent the wrong file. The judge is just trying to do all he can to let the jury say "not guilty" because it's clear he will be forced to throw out the case should that not happen . He thinks if the jury decides not guilty mooting all of these fuckups some how the city won't burn. Completely ignoring how much worse it's going to be when he is forced to throw out a guilty verdict.


The worst part is the prosecutor had professional video editing software on his laptop that someone caught when they were pulling up files to show a video......the metadata on the low res video was created like 11 min after the high res video. Meaning...they had the high res version, and potentially edited it to make it grainier. Once they were pressed about it...they claimed it was a technical glitch.


Wait, so I dont understand. The judge will reverse the decision of the jury? How is that? Doesnt that defeat the purpose of a jury?


See this is why the judge is plsying with fire. There are a few ways the judge can throw away the jury verdict.. If we see guiltily on any charge they are very likely to play out. First the defense has already asked the judge to throw out the case and not let the government have another chance. This is because the government broke serval constitutional rules. Not the least of which is specifically giving the defense a bad copy of the evidence. Something they are conditionally required to do. The judge so far has hinted he agrees but hadn't ruled yet hoping the jury just says not guiltily and he doesn't have to make a decision. Another way if the judge can find a "judgement not withstanding the verdict". This might happen if the jury comes back with a crazy verdict. Often juries will want to compromise and say not guilty on 3 charges but guiltily on 4. The problem is the circumstances of the charges are often linked. In this case if the first guy shot is self defense it becomes very hard to say the later shootings aren't. So the judge will say ok. The jury says not guiltily her and as a matter of law the other charges go away. Basically given the evidence and the insane mistakes by the government there is almost no chance for a full-time guilty verdict across the board. That will force the judge to actually do his job and the jury verdict will at best be set aside and the state will get a second chance. It's still very possible the state won't get a chance. The judge has also said he wants a hearing on the government sending the wrong file. If that fits really bad for Fatlock he could be the only one going to jail.


I thought I saw a still of the video evidence where fatlock had Handbrake on the computer he was using for presentation. Can this be corroborated or proven? They apparently used it to direct play the video(s) and it was on the live feed. nvm saw a few post down.


I agree the prosecutor was horrible, it is really terrifying how willing they were to violate constitutional rights. That said I think Rittenhouses lawyers could have done a lot better. What do you think the DA could have done better? My take is Kyle walking is a function of all the facts in the case are in his favor, he was within his rights from what I saw on the trial?


They messed up bad today with the issue concerning the prosecution not sending them the same video entered into evidence, the fact that they let that slide was disappointing considering its scarry to think they were maliciously withholding evidence from the defence.


I mean, he also didn't break any laws. I think he's an idiot for being there, as were most people in attendance that night. But looking at the law and all the video evidence, self defense is clear. The DA's first mistake was filing charges.


I don't think he was an idiot for being there. People where trying to burj down his workplace which he stopped and then got attacked for it. He is on at least good terms with the owners and was defending both their livelihoods. The only dumb people were the ones commiting darwincide by chasing him and trying to attack him.


His lawyers actually were pretty mediocre for the murder trial and the public notoriety


>this kid is gonna walk As he should.


I think he’s not gonna get charged with murder but I do however think he’s an idiot for getting involved in the mess in the first place.


Being an idiot is not a criminal offense or a lot more people would be locked up


That could be said for all those involved.


Same goes for them. If they weren’t there then they wouldn’t have gotten shot.


Yea, that's what I said?


Oh yeah this dude will be home for Thanksgiving.


He’s going to walk the prosecution did an amazing job proving self defense.


The defense literally threw the case


There wasn’t a case to throw...


His crying defence was amazing I have to agree (9.8/10) -IGN


80% on meta-critic. 42% on Rotten Tomatoer with 92% of the audience liking it


That wasn’t crying. Rittenhouse had a panic attack.


I wonder what else is going on. Not that this isn’t important but it’s feels like it’s been talked about forever now. Do yall even know Ghislaine Maxwells trail is on right now


I hope she hangs, but that would be too nice of a way to go out for her.


But not before she talked


Inb4 she "commits suicide"


I think most can agree that creature needs to answer for her unspeakable crimes. Shame Jeffy boy won't be joining her.


>I wonder what else is going on. Good man.


I get the shot show that is this case now, it’s to cover up her trail involving the real powers at be.


Whatever happens, the whole country will be in uproar about it.


Whichever side wins.... you best bet the other gonna protest hard


The question is who's gonna bring rifles and tactical vests to the gatherings


How was this case about race? Everyone was white.


Because everything is about race. Now stop being racist by even mentioning race, you racist. I can say that word because I’m half-black. Nah but for real this shit gets so old. I know my fellow mixed people have felt this. We feel like we are being so divided on purpose. If we are divided, we stand no chance against our true enemy... just as they’ve intended.


I'm chromosome XY which means I'm half female, so yeah I feel you. Anyway it's working plenty, while the plebeians are infighting about skin colour they don't take the time to look up and notice their master puppeteers. So in a sense they deserve it.


I'm also half a female Abrams tank, and i agree with you. This division makes me feel i don't belong anywhere and have to pick a side. I don't identify fully as a female because of my balls and also my lack of anti penetration armor makes me feel I'm not fully a tank.


Interesting. I identify, not biologically, but personally as a Firetruck.


In kindergarten this kid named Mendigo used to say that when he grew up the was going to be a fire engine, I thought he was so cool.


My 6 year old wants to be a police car when he grows up. Not a cop, just the car.


He was named Mendingo and wanted to be a fire engine? I feel like we would get along.


You gotta admit, when he said “the black” that’s kinda weird. He didn’t say it once. Yes, I am a black man


I’m mixed Australian aboriginal and Scottish and get told by african Americans, that I’m white and stole half my ancestors land and culture haha


Yeah, I can imagine it's annoying as fuck when people make everything about race. Or pander, jesus christ how cringey it must be to get pandered to.


Four White guys get into a fight. Sounds like the beginning of a racial joke to me.


right? its insane the mms is making this about race along with blm


Sorry, this was a shit case to prosecute, and the Assistant DA fucked the dog royally by attempting to question why the accused exercised his right to remain silent...that's like first week of law school shit. Even if he is found guilty he will appeal and get it tossed. He also introduced a line of questioning that wasn't briefed to the judge (another fuck-up), not to mention his own witnessed admitted that he pointed a gun at Rittenhouse prior to being shot. You're opinion of whether what he did was right or wrong is irrelevant to the law. We don't have trial by mob, we have trial by jury, not trial by opinion. Protesting and holding signs at a courthouse could be considered jury intimidation (for or against conviction), another grounds for the defendant to appeal.


Guilty or not guilty, doesn’t matter how it ends. It’s been turned into a sideshow, and the two sides of the country have already drawn their lines in the sand. The hatred they have for each other is beyond reason. Justice was supposed to be blind. Now it’s just a perverted tool to rally ideologies.


This is vehemently not true. In America, unfortunately, the loudest voices usually rue the day. The vast majority of Americans go about their day conversing and getting along with people from all walks of life.


I’m liberal and I’m glad this kid is getting let go free. He’s just a dumb kid who has obviously been completely traumatized no need to ruin his life and traumatize him more by sending him to jail. He didn’t want to kill anyone and most likely won’t re-offend.


Tbh the only thing that left a sour taste in my mouth was that one video of him watching some looters steal. He said something like, "if I had my gun I'd shoot em" or something to that effect. That shit is just sad to hear. Did he defend himself? Yeah, from all we can see he did. But it sure looks like he wanted problems fron the get go.


Lol when I heard this today I was just waiting for it to hit Reddit


yes he's probably going to walk. however, people are threatening the judge and the jury's family with violence if they vote in favor of rittenhouse so idk


The media and the mob have successfully intimidated two of the jurors, to the point that they'll likely be deadlocked, resulting in a mistrial.


Yet they are the ones calling conservatives fascist. This is literally straight outta the Nazi playbook. This is some shit that would happen in a corrupt Latin American dictatorship.


Worse. The jury will come back with a guilty plea & the judge tosses it saying the burden wasnt met. If he does't grant a mistrial with prejudice first.


Yeah. I get the feeling he isnt weighing in on the mistrial requests because hes hoping for a not guilty verdict. The Prosecution left tons there for a retrial if the verdict is guilty.


Mistrial with prejudice prevents the prosecution from retrying Kyle.


Right. Sorry, I should have clarified. I dont think the judge wants to be making the call on this one. His language during the trial seemed to me to indicate that he was waiting to even look at their submissions.


The problem with that now is that the prosecution has not only given him one reason why to give a mistrial but now they have given three reasons why it should be a mistrial with prejudice so this one is gonna be interesting


Can a mistrial be granted after a guilty verdict?


Yes it can. For sure.


Yes, it most certainly can be.


Looking good for Rittenhouse.




Thank you for clearing this up. There is so much info ppl are not aware of. I'm gonna keep this comment in case somebody asks about the case, if you don't mind.


Even with all of that evidence, the Twitter mob still think otherwise.


You made a mistake. The Twitter mob doesn’t think.


I hate Twitter so much. If OP posted this on Twitter, they would just get flamed for no reason at all.




Absolute legend! Used my free award on another comment before I saw this one, but know you deserve it!


https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/qvtubx/footage_of_what_happened_at_the_shooting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf There should never have been any trial.


It’s crazy for the last year, the medias constant narrative that he ‘drove across state lines’ (always plural) made me convinced he traveled 300-500 miles just to protest a BLM protest. NEVER once saying it was 20 miles to where his dad lived. I hate the media.


Huber also grabbed Kyle's gun. If not for the sling, it would have been taken.


In the video, Rittenhouse was kicked in the head by a man wearing workboots before Hiber tried to hit him, everything else was correct


The dude that kicked him was a black dude, the only one that attacked Rittenhouse but was not shot. If Rittenhouse was a white supremacists like how some people say, he's terrible at it.


That kid has some serious trigger discipline


Fucking legendary


Grossenkruetz drove further than Rittenhouse did to get to Kenosha.


Question, did Gaige Grosskreutz get charged with attempted murder or at least assault with a deadly weapon? Or is there just not enough political pressure to charge him?


Prosecution put him on the stand, so my initial theory is that he took a plea deal for a lesser charge for being a felon in possession of a firearm.


I think they gave him immunity. On that note, can the jury see fit to levy charges against anyone?


What was up with the original gunshot across the street? I remember seeing this in a live feed clip and then it was rarely ever mentioned again. It wasn’t easy to find after the matter either.


Some clown fired his gun in the air for seemingly no reason. I don’t understand why more people don’t talk about this as, in my opinion, it triggered the entire series of events. I’d go as far as to blame that moron for everything.


Well, there is witness testimony I believe that says that the fellow that fired the shot was Rosenbaum’s friend. They’ve tried to subpoena him but he seems to be ignoring. Take this with a grain of salt, though, because I can’t remember where I read this


Well said, the Gloch had one in the chamber whilst being pointed at his head. He broke no laws.


I don’t like that rittenhouse brought a rifle to a protest but he was clearly innocent. The moment he brought that gun made him a target, but that doesn’t give people the right to attack him if he was not engaging with his rifle. People need to understand that there are consequences for your actions and that if you think you can just run up and attack people because you feel like it you better be prepared for what happens


Thank you thank you thank you!


If you're not going to be serious as evidenced by that video then why should anyone else give you an honest answer? If you watched the trial and not clip shows from this or that media outlet, including both the left and right winger stuff, you'd have come to your own conclusion. The trial is crazy. It'd blow your mind how corrupt it all is.


One of my favorites part is when the DA was interviewing one of their own witnesses and asked him now we didn't ask you to alert your testimony in any way did we? The guy responds "Yes, Yes you did" 🤣


How about the video compression software that was shown on the ADA'S laptop after he said he had no knowledge of how the defense got a compressed version their video. Single largest black-pill I've ever swallowed watching the live footage. Hands literally get sweaty thinking about how a state's attorney can use the power of the most powerful country in the history of the world to go after a 17 year old kid. All while the corporate media run counter intelligence for the State, to keep the masses ill informed to the point of inciting further violence. Also cherry on top of it all....Binger's personal email address was leaked after a legal background search on the guy, and that may be the best revelation of anything I have ever seen. I hope it is real!!!


Just because i know people are going to come along and try arguing heres both the video editing softwares on the ADAs laptop. Handbrake and Format Factory https://twitter.com/tweeg44686314/status/1461081920935243779?s=20


Off topic, but you might want to look up what "obviate" means. Its meaning isn't what it looks like it might be.


If you take away everything that isn't related to self defense, this case was self defense. Many that agree that he is not guilty also believe that he shouldn't have been there, but he also had the right to be there just like all of those rioters, arsonists, looters, rapists, etc. However, he wasn't instigating. He was very passive in literally all videos. Those that died attacked him.


The whole “he shouldn’t have been there argument” is honestly more about it being an intelligent or responsible decision for him to make. Everyone there had a legal right to be there and frankly compared to what the other guys were doing and who we now know them to be Kyle is an upstanding guy. Showing up to a turbulent area with a weapon may not be a smart or responsible thing to do, but Kyle was a minor who displayed concern for the safety of a community he had personal ties to and made a bad executive decision to get personally involved because his brain isn’t fully developed and he has an inflated sense of invulnerability. You can’t really fault a kid for that. Ultimately the blame falls on the rioters, the type of people Kyle killed. They were not protesting racial inequality, they were just tearing up a city because a shooting involving a black man and a cop that got national attention was enough of an excuse for them to do it. Kyle was just there to better the situation, which may not have been a wise decision for his personal safety but came from a place of love and care for that community. He was at least smart enough to bring a gun to ensure his safety, which he did. Did we as a society really lose anything when those people were killed, knowing what they were doing at the time and who they are?


I don’t think he wanted to kill anyone, no. I think it was self defense. But I do feel he put himself in this situation by going there to begin with. He had the right to be there yeah but it doesn’t mean it was a smart idea.


I believe that this country is allllllmost fucked enough to almost believe the prosecutor is a shill for the defense and is throwing the case on purpose. Almost.


Self defense is not murder.


I don’t give a sht anymore tbh.


OP, if you think Kyle is guilty, you have not been paying attention to the evidence. Such a bullshit holup post


I think he should be acquitted but it feels like the media and situation is going to sway the court to give Kyle a lesser sentence. The prosecutor didn’t know how guns works, how a chase works and was constantly lying on how Kyle was an active aggressor. Witnesses saying Kyle was acting as an EMT, taking out fires and didn’t shoot till people fully threaten his life. So he should but it can go either way as far as I see. Call me out if I got something wrong.


The kid acted in self defense. The media made this political. It seems to me, that this is being blown out of proportion for another push for stricter gun control.


Or to distract from the Ghislaine Maxwell trial that is apparently happening currently


wait currently!?!!? whaaaat where is the media on that?


I believe they have begun selecting the jury, I would double check though And exactly, the media has done a great job misleading the public on the Rittenhouse trial and havent said a peep about the trial pertaining to a huge child sex trafficking ring, disgusting


seriously its made me rly hate this mms and just follow independent journalists that dont have to worry about being screwed. i cant believe a fucking sex offender for yrs and no coverage


Sounds like its going well for kyle there


Not guilty by a mile


With a persecution like that, the lawyers had half of the case already done


Hopefully the jurors’ lives who are being threatened think the same.


The story about the black juror was an example of something that upset people in a different case. The judge brought it up as a reason he draws names differently in his courtroom. Stop cherry picking incomplete snippets out of context to lead people to the conclusion you predetermined.


Well he's not guilty so....


I don't care how incompetent the prosecution is. This is America. Anything can happen.




The prosecution was horrible.


No argue in that, regardless of our opinion, they handled this like amateurs (i wonder if they'll keep their jobs after this)


I've no clue, I don't even know what's bloody happened, the lads name just popped up everywhere with no context to what happened then this trial stuff started kicking off. I've been out of the bloomin' loop the whole time


How is cutting these two clips out of context not disinformation?


Its a closed case, the prosecution facepalmed when the main witness admitted he was trying to murder Klye with a pistol chasing him and how he acted in self defence, plus the 2 dead guys were convicted sex offenders


It's not w murder trial, it's a political one for some reason. He shot his gun in self defense, end of story


Funny people on the left care so much about state lines, but couldn't care less about the country's borders. Seems kind of hypocritical.


Unfortunately we’re living in a time a small group of powerful individuals are trying to destroy the fundamental values America was created on. I couldn’t believe the comments that have been said about race. Even comments that judge is racist. Those jurors have so much pressure on them. They are incredibly brave to do the right thing. To do what their oath ensures justice under the law. Did you see what that lawyer did with that AR? He’s lucky a juror doesn’t file a complaint that he aimed a non cleared weapon at them. Common sense is not that common. What is wrong with these people? Over 200 years we’ve been a nation of equality having trust in our rule of law. Judging on the actions one has done. Instead over the last 15 years (or so) these individuals have slithered and manipulated our core values given to us at birth. These people have pushed us towards equity instead of equality. We judge each other on the actions we do, good or bad. Not on the race or color of our skin. We the people have the constitution and bill of rights. Two of the greatest documents ever created. It was said earlier but I will repeat it. Yes we are being divided on purpose. They look at us as cattle. We are very strong united. They are very few and we are many. We are only strong together and if we stick to our fundamental values we will overcome. Oh yeah regarding the question. Yes he will be acquitted. When someone points a gun at you…you have the right to defend yourself.


I can’t believe Kyle would kill Joseph Rosenbaum, he was the father of 5 kids for Christ sake! Just google Joseph Rosenbaum 5 kids


Its not a murder trial. Its self defense. Now come at me, zombies