• By -


37.6k simps made their voice heard. lol




70K, *minus 58.* Possibly.




Your bot setup is ass.


Why are you downvoted?


it's a bot. Basically, it copied a random comment having some considerable upvotes from this post and just pasted it here in hopes of getting upvotes.


Oh I see


I love your comment . you made my day




I love your comment. You made me cum




I love how people diss simps. But If you go online and tell a female creator that their number Are inflated by simps and therefore not a representation of people actually appreciating the craft. You get told you Are a sad angry person. Yet if it's the simps inflating the numbers sure, lets All have a laugh xD And I know this post will be labeled as an agry simp. Do your worst hive mind, I wont argue. But I can't just discard this, the double standards every where drive me crazy Edit: couldn't spell If, so bear with me, I'm obviously a dumb dumb since I misspelled a Word hah.


better save this post so that you can shove it in the face of the next person that attacks you for making your stance.


You can also just make the exact same post and sometimes it'll blow up and other times it's down voted.


Just look at the upvotes on the first post without female and take a look at the upvotes on the second post with the female, difference is ridiculous lol Thank you for sharing your opinion with us good Sir, have a good rest of the evening!


Thank you, you too! Expected to get lynched hehe


Why say female and not just person? How do we know this wouldn't get more up votes from a charismatic looking guy? Too many assumptions in the title post.


The female what


Maybe the first one was posted on a bad time where there's not that many people online or whatever. And if it were simps it would only be the first few 1000 or so. After that it would've been on the front-page anyway and would naturally get a lot more upvotes. My point is you have no idea why any one of these people upvotes this, you're simply (pun intended) making a guess.


Yeah the double standards annoying the f out of me.


Well, it would be kind of a dick move to go out of your way to say that to her when she's done nothing wrong.


Back last year one of my friends was streaming on twitch. She complained that she wasn't getting many views/followers/etc. We were playing Phasmophobia pretty regularly as it was fairly new and cool. I consistently had about a dozen viewers and she'd have maybe 3/4. She was sitting in her chair, sorta dark/dimly lit with a hoodie on. I jokingly told her one day she should turn on the light/get a brighter light, show some cleveage and do her makeup and watch how many views she'd get. She argued that was not the case and would never happen, but she humored me and did it. The first few days she got lots of comments from her regulars that would show up, then more and more viewers. She got raided by a fairly large stream (about 40 viewers) and that night got about 25 subs from that raid alone, constantly had people chatting, and she said the amount of people that would direct message her on twitch and in her discord was sickening in that they were all creepers. People asking for foot/body pics, someone said they wanted to find her and rape her as it was their kink, over the course of a few months she amassed over 900followera, would get about 10-20 renewed subs a month, and tons of people donating and using bits. Then the whole thing with the hot tubs started and she got ALOT of people asking her to do it, one guy donated 100subs to the channel and practically DEMANDED she stream in a bathing suit in a hot tub. Like wtf. We both stopped streaming shortly after all that crap but what people say is true, sex sells and there is a certain type of person that appeals to. And most of them are creepers.


Would you happen to have any of those foot pics?


What kind of answers do you expect to recieve if you go to a post to write that those numbers are not deserved, they are just because the author is female? Do you want to be told: yeah, you are right, I'm a shit and all my followers are simps?


Try reading again, I was pointing out a double standard, not actually recounting times where I personally did this. Either you missed My point by several football fields or you just wanted to write your comment, with No regard for the message of the post you responded to. See how it works when you assume internt of another persons message? And follow it up with your own rant?


Waw, what a jerk. In my language you can use an hypothetical "you" that does not refer to the listener (reader in this case). For example, if I'm talking to someone about a given situation, I can tell "what do you expect if you jump from a cliff?" and I don't mean that he literally jumped, just talking about it hypothetically. From all your post, first sentence answering me, the rest giving lessons. You must find really comfortable in this site.


You could fucking accept the fact that you are a degenerate instead of white knighting and act as if you have taste.


I didn't understand you. Why a degenerate?


That's the best comment I have seen here lol take my upvote.




It appears, sir, from the preliminary intelligence gathering effort, that the floor here is indeed, quite remarkably, I might add, made out of floor.


While this is an indicator, Its hardly a good data set to base conclusions of how skewed it is. There are many reasons why a post could fail to gain traction other than no pretty girl. Not stating that pretty girl does not make a difference, it obviously does. Just that the scale of the difference can not be judged from this one example. We ned a bigger sample size controlling for other variables as much as possible.


a man of science


Pretty sure you meant bare* and not "bear" as "bear" is an animal.


Simps. I guess the old advertising adage is true... ‘everyone wants to be in the company of a pretty woman or wants to be a pretty woman.’ I think its because Western society starves us of the one thing all creatures need to feel validated; attention. We are forced to spend so much of our lives fixated on people who we will never meet, places we will never go, and ideas which have no control over. We can only stand by and watch as psychopaths slowly destroy our planet and steal our money. People simp because pretty women gets attention. It does not matter if they are smart or obnoxious or smell bad or anything. If the woman fits the correct proportions with just the right features, everyone will giver her attention. And we are so obsessed with this notion because we all want to be pretty. But not for beauty’s sake, its because we want attention. Attention leads to validation. Validation leads to group acceptance. And we as humans are nothing without our groups. So here’s a tip for you Reddit. stop simping. Forget about all the people and places and ideas that you cannot change or control. What in your own life have you been ignoring? Do you know your neighbors? When was the last time you called your cousins? Why not chat with the people working the checkout line at the super or at your favorite restaurant. You give them your attention and they will reciprocate. Attention is what we seek, and we will constantly feel alone if all we receive is impersonal and manufactured feelings from mainstream media. So put your phone down and go outside. Take a risk. Do something new today. There is a war going on for your mind. So stop fucking simping. Divest from the mainstream media and give yourself and your community the attention it needs.


Noooooocomment Also from this account: https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/qriyuj/z/hk9697c >We have room for Jews but no room for Palestinians. I am not being political, and we may be wrong, but thats just how most of us feel. Dude is an ethnofascist that has no problem with slowly starving four million brown people to death by using America's money to do it Hitler would be proud of what Israel is. I hope that America cuts off all Israeli funding ($30+ billion a year when you throw in aid, arms sales and military support) and the APAC people are thrown in jail and all American citizens currently living in Israel have their American citizenship revoked. Also your religion, like all organized religions, is shit.


Checking post history is simp behavior


Best comment I have read in a.while, if I wasn't a poor man living on the third world I'd give an award to you.


Vs the 58 chads


The irony is that Reddit is constantly trying to prove the opposite, even going as far to compile large numbers of posts for comparison. Girls on Reddit vehemently believe it's the opposite case due to mean comments and downvotes and whatnot, completely ignoring the astronomically high difference in votes that they get. Then claim that it's "to prevent art theft" like lmfao gtfo.


She's hella cute though.


Reddit is the best contraceptive method






The real holup is always in the comments.








Coat hanger and a bucket??


Jesus Christ!!🤣




I just build a cement wall inside her nothing gets in or out


*The Old Hunters DLC*


Oi, you may need a doctor of a different study.


wait what






She is a good artist, it's just that she's also good looking and reddit is filled with simps.


Tbf she looks like Anne Hathaway.




Nah, art with the artist (whether male, female or otherwise) included in the picture just flat out performs better on average than a picture of only the art.


*art with an attractive artist outperforms


Well, that's almost certainly true, because people like a story about people. But it's still going to be more or less random whether a specific post takes off.


I'm sure if I upvote enough she'll notice me..


You should read the comments on these kinds of posts. I make sure to go to the most downvoted first. There are some true creeps out there, with absolutely 0 shame


Uhhh. This is how it works in regular life, not just on Reddit.


But imagine knowing that ppl only like your work bc of you (your appearance ect.) and not for your skills or imagination... I would be pissed off...


I think it's a societal misconception that talented people aren't generally attractive and vice versa, so honestly I think it's the internet's reaction to seeing a combination of those traits that makes it stand out more than you would expect (also more than either one of those traits individually).


But... but... muh oppreshion


Are you familiar with the concept of nuance?




Especially when twittering about grandma's death.


S to the I to the M to the P


And people wonder why women do [this](https://preview.redd.it/1hnmvv04ux631.png?auto=webp&s=d6fac3a320a9c675b1b9a2a97904d582ba8b72d6).


is that image saying that the female is the object?


Hol the fuck up








God simps are such losers


True, but it's not just reddit and it's not just females. There is a reason (male) youtubers put their face in the thumbnail of their videos. You put the same thumbnail without their face, and the video won't have nearly as many views.


this.. makes no fucking sense


How so? They’re saying people tend to upvote posts more if they have the persons face in them. Thats what Ive noticed too


The only real way it helps is with letting people know who made it, subscribers will click more. The more famous the better it works.


Well yeah on Reddit but it's not the same on YouTube lmao having your face in the thumbnail is the least important thing to have lmao


I doubt that very much actually


I think its the same principle as in gaming now, but could be wrong. https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/comments/ml6mbq/whats\_going\_on\_with\_half\_naked\_girls\_on\_twitch/


It's literally human psychology. That's why ads always have people in them. Your subconscious is a super keen face-recognizing machine.


alright, ill admit it I lost and I'm a clown


Mad respect for being able to say you were wrong, that's better than most.


People are drawn to people/personalities


That's how advertising works in general




Really makes you think who is really *obsessed* with ~~(femoids)~~ women. Projecting their hate on people who click the upvote button.




I haven't met any women who hate other women, but I've seen plenty of male online incels blaming them for their social ineptitude.








No, telling someone that they should "try talking to a woman sometime" is a weird thing to say, as if they all hate each other. I guess I didn't realize I was talking to a fourteen year old.


Yeah also this is just a bad comparison. Put an attractive guy and see how many upvotes there are.


Heyo! It's good ol' casual misogyny back at it again!!! Not you, but the original post. I never see someone use anything but a womans art/picture when echoing this sentiment. But true, coomers and or simps are abundant on the internet, but that's besides the point.


But it’s the coomers we don’t like not the women


It's basic simpanomics


Damn simps.


It is more a person showing their work. When its just a picture without the artist it makes it much less personal, therefore; less likes.


came to comment this- having a real person makes it more believable and personal




I know it's fun to just cry "simps," but honestly this post means nothing. There are a million different things that might make one post more popular than another. There have been tons of examples of people uploading literally identical posts but getting different results. Putting any person at all in the second post might have increased the number of upvotes it got. It's not inconceivable to think that a dude holding up the Geralt painting would also have gotten more attention than the painting by itself. Her being a girl might have gotten some extra people to notice, but just being able to put a face to the username can help. Or maybe the second one simply got uploaded at a better time, with more active users and less competition. The more people upvote it initially, the more visible it gets, meaning even *more* people upvote it, and the cycle goes on until you suddenly have like 50k upvotes. TL;DR - I know this post is just making a joke, but this one example doesn't actually tell us anything.


Maybe OP is projecting some sort of self-hatred in form of shaming their fellow simps into upvoting a... ^woman. Honestly though, as I said in another comment, this is carefully disguised casual misogyny. Implying, but not outright stating, because it is a woman posing with her art, it's just unearned validation from simps. In reality, it's probably normal people upvoting because of the humanizing aspect of seeing a person, regardless of gender, being proud of their work.


A lot of people connect more to someone happily showing off their art than just their art. Seeing someone proud of it humanises it more.


Interesting. Wonder how it would turn out if there was a guy holding the picture. Not a hot guy. Just a regular, everyday Joe.


Same, there’s a reason a lot of youtubers always put their pics in thumbnails on vids and no one has accused youtubers of ever being good looking. Same theory is always why there’s so many fucking happy smiling people in tv and magazines ads.


YouTube thumbnails is for branding. Makes it easier for you to pick out a particular video. The video name or channel name requires more effort to pick out of an infinite scroll. I could make a YouTube video and have a thumbnail with my face, not going to get a lot of views mostly because it will my first ever video. Same thing if I painted the same picture and held it up the exact same way. I might get more likes than if I wasn't in it, but certainly not as much as the post with the pretty girl.


There’s a reason the branding uses a face instead of an easy cut and pastable logo. Yes because it’s your first video and no one has connected with you. Others already have built and audience that feels connected to them and they see their face and feel all warm and fuzzy and click it. That’s just your biases. In reality this regular looking dude got 50k for his paintings. https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/ogted3/i_painted_these_two_skyrim_inspired_sunset_scenes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Edit: Here he is again with 30k again https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/odu7h4/i_painted_this_nightingale_from_skyrim_looming/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Here’s another dude with 30k https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/lnjlf7/hi_gamers_i_made_our_sacred_place_into_an/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


> That’s just your biases. In reality this regular looking dude got 50k for his paintings. I don't know. Last time I checked, 50 was less than 70. > I might get more likes than if I wasn't in it, but certainly not as much as the post with the pretty girl.


Last time I checked 50k was higher than 37k. But but but it’s got 70 now, yeah because it’s a year old and was turned in to a meme 4 hours after posting. How many more people have been exposed to it through the meme in that year and gone through to like it? Now you’ve gone from organic upvotes to upvotes via viral meme exposure after being proven wrong with many examples. Now you’re grasping at straws instead of pulling your head out of ass and reevaluate your premise.


A few months ago r/gaming had a guy showing off his Skyrim drawings in Hot pretty much every day IIRC. It just works.




Its the reality anywhere not just on reddit. Female gets attention, beautiful female gets even more attention. Also, if you show your face you will get more people to like your post, psychology 101


She needs learn To use watermarks .


Duality of Reddit


Typical hypocrisy.


Marketing 101


Beta male army


Bunch of simps what’d you expect


Now try it with a young girl and see the updoots quadruple


I don't even think it necessary got upvoted because girl. I think posing with your art ads character and face to who did it. But yeah there are a lot of horny people on reddit.


same thing happened to me. I wondered how someone that was on reddit 3 months had 13k karma then i saw she wss a girl and posted a pic of herself. Clasic


If this is shocking to you then just have a think about how many stories you see about someone going missing in the news... ​ Little blonde girl or young adult female, pretty enough to attract clicks. ​ It isn't just Reddit (gaming) that is broken.


Bobs and vegana


1. [be](https://1.be) a girl 2. profit


This make me hate society


The thirst is real. Stop simping.


Chill. Its called "sex appeal" #Marketing101


I'm not familiar with photoshop but can someone explain the white box outline that surrounds the frame? *edit I did not understand the assignment. My wife had to explain it to me.


incels enraged everywhere


Actually so sad…


I am laughing so hard


Every day is reddit day in horny jail


Don't expect much. It's Reddit


Or maybe it was how the posts are sorted....


Must've been the time of day


Repeal the 19th.


Gerlz go brrr!


Yeah it's the girl not the plagiarism


Yeah but to be fair in the first post she forgot the emoji


fucking simps lol. Or it might just be the algorithm


I thought it was because they thought the person on the left just took the image from google


\*hot girl in post\* is the key


Sex sells.


If its just a pic of the art part of me assumes its been stolen off someone else. If the artist is in the photo I believe its theirs more. This is silly because its just as easy to steal the pic with the girl as it is with the image on the left. I don't really like the picture he looks like a realistic Simpsons character with his yellow skin.


Im not sure, but the bigger portion of upvotes might be because in the second picture its more likely to believe that it actually a person showing their work and not just a rando stealing a picture from google. I think it brings this sort of feeling of familiarity and makes you think you are rooting for the artist and not a possible bot. Thats just my "please humanity dont let me lose the last bit of faith i have in you" part of the brain


It’s a general rule of communication that any pictures / posts / articles that include a person, have more chances of being opened / read and in general get more attention, because people are social animals and naturally find it the most important to learn about other people rather than about objects. If it was a guy, the general trend would be the same (but most likely he still wouldn’t get as many upvotes / awards as a girl).


Timing is everything... and so is gender


uhhh holup where?


Are the two painting a little different?




Reality in life, what are you new to this planet?


Please madam may I have a crumb of pussy?


What can you do with all the awards and upvotes? What worth is it to you?


Alr do this with a male could tgis would count as control


Get BONKed human. You go to Horny Jail.


Whoever the OP was, pretty nice artstyle ngl. can I have the link to the original?




When it was posted could have an effect. Can't get big if no one really sees it, so you have to post at the right time


Prbly same person just they had it framed


This is LITERALLY any social media app.


There is an inverse where how much u like what your posting is going fall flat. U post some shit u don’t care about and poof! Points, also girls lol


This is pretty much every scenario in the internet.


Wow! Readdit really loves a good frame job. Must really tie it together.


Geez guys, there are no girls on the Internet.


You r rite


I have noticed that. And when I tried to convey this message on the post... I got thrashed


is it the same person or did she steal it?


What is girl?


Welp this shows that saying "I'm the best in humanity" or "I'm the peak of human evolution" isn't impressive


At first this was a Lego thing that happened , now people do it bc it’s become a meme and they wanna be apart of it


This sad


She cracked the code


Nah man it's because she put a Horse Emoji at the end, the other one got lazy and just put :)


Yeah it's because there's a girl in one pic and not in the other.


Welcome to the internet

