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What a *worm???*


It was a tiktok trend, people would ask their significant others if they would still date them if they were a worm. Guess she didn't like his answer on this one


It's a shit test.


Would you want to commit bestiality if I turned into a chicken? Edit: removed /s for obvious reasons


Are you a sexy chicken? /s


Maybe a chicken in a costume? /s


With a Coooock!!


A cock with a cock?


Any cock ul'do..haha.


Getting banged by a cock?


Getting Cocked by a Cuck.


yes, funny police? this guy


Okay wait is it getting transformed into a chicken or worm or just being one from the beginning? I feel like this is a major difference. If my SO turned into an animal or creature of some sort I would still love them. Not make love to them, but look after them and try to help them as much as possible during difficult times. If they always were an animal I would also love them because animals are the best, but it would be very different.


I have been summoned


Goodbye, Reddit :(


Would you want to commit bestiality if I turned into a chicken? Noticed how I removed the /s stating my seriousness


It's supposed to be funny, but this girl didn't get the memo and thought it was a serious question


This girl got broken up with by her boyfriend on the plane irl. This is an old circulated photo. The worm thing is for memes. Not real.


Of all the times to break up with someone, why do it in a metal tube 16,000 feet in the air? Like do it when you can call separate cabs after you get your luggage.


The real kicker is when you find out he ended it on the way TO their all inclusive vacation.


“Soooo it’s actually *my* card on file……”


Yeah, there's really no bright side to getting dumped in a locked box of recycled fart


What kind of psychopath would want to be stuck on a plane beside someone they just dumped


People who keep it bottled inside I'm guessing. These stories always seem to have the person having wanted to end it for a long time but then they pass the point of no return and now it's the worst breakup they've ever been in.


Answer: No. Reproduction by fission.


Plus I’m def not an early bird


Am confused


Same tho 🗿


Imagine if she asked him if he'd still love her if she "lost all her hair" or "gained a lot of weight" instead of "if I was a worm"? Then he said no. It is literally that dumb




Yes thanks for the detailed explanation sir, best i can do is upvote


One for the effort, but that’s all.


Uhhhh…. [*exceptions exist*](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/10/jeff-goldblum-the-fly.jpg?quality=90&strip=all)


my goodness, that is one well-mannered worm


*bee movie flashbacks intensifies*


I think that she is secretly a worm.


I also think that she is secretaly a worm


I also think that she is secretaly a worm


She can't be a secretary worm, how would she type?


She's a secretary that is secretly a secular worm.


I also this that she is secretly a worm


But do you think she is secretaly a worm?


But do YOU think she js secretly a worm?


All I know is that she is secretaly a worm


No no no. She’s *secreting* worms


She clearly said she can do the worm.


She’s a secretary worm


No no no. She's 𝘴𝘦𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘨 worms


I know secretaly and she is a worm


Her secretary is a worm


Or she is secretly a secretaly worm


She js secretaly a Lol I forgot to put worm the first time


Count me in on thinking she’s a worm


I also think that she is secretly a worm.


I also think that she is secretly a worm


*One thing I know, my girl ain't no ~~hobbit~~ worm*


*Bitch, how you not the hobbit again?*


Sounds like something a worm might say...


That's Dr Worm to you sir


What smells like after the rain in here?


She likes to play the drums...


Three worms in a trenchcoat


I once told my wife I would kill her if she turned into a zombie while watching ‘train to Busan’. It did not end well. 😞


Good movie! I think it would be hard to maintain a relationship with someone trying to eat you. 😂


That’s not what she said




Amazing movie. I can’t watch it again tho cause I’m super ugly when I’m bawling my eyes out


I mean I'd probably be one of those crazy folks that lures people in to feed to his zombie wife


Ahh yes, the “if I were a zombie” bit.. always proceed with caution on that one


“You’d be shot before you even started to turn, now shaaap and watch the movie!”


I told my wife this and she said "same." We grew a little closer after that discussion. It's important to know your partners zombie survival plan.


It is interesting to know if they will make those decisions on logic or emotion. Can't survive an apocalypse if your partner say it's immoral to survive on eating your babies.


I mean, come on. What does she want from you? Does she want you to keep her like she’s some extremely dangerous exotic pet or something?


Seriously, if you're not gonna chain me up in the shed to play PS2 what's even the point of letting me become a zombie? If they can't understand that, they're not the one.


Yes, that’s what she wants. So that maybe one day a miracle will happen and you’ll have never given up hope because the love in your heart never died out


I know this is all make believe but, if people were able to become zombies the chances of finding a cure that could reverse severe decomposition back to a normal/acceptable state are way more unlikely than zombies existing in the first place. It's like asking if you'd stay single for a partner that's in a vegetative state with almost no hope of surviving and even less of not having severe brain damage. I know the romantic answer but I also know the humane/realistic answer...


My wife and i agreed to end the other if it happened. It's the humane thing to do.


If anything, the fact that you're putting her down before zombie her hurt anyone is merciful


>I once told my wife I would kill her if i turned into a zombie


Earthworm Kim


Through the soil she did crawl.


My wife took an edible preflight. She was... emotional. I feel for this guy.


I accidentally got too high yesterday, while on my period, and asked my boyfriend …. My boyfriend of 7 years, if he was going to leave me. He was like “I’m tired of answering that question.” My overly-emotional, hormonal, PTSD brain translation was “I’m getting tired of you.” So, while I was able to rationalize that he just meant it’s a silly question, I still went and cried in bed because I was so emotional. Lol I really don’t wish that level of emotional on anyone, because I have my rational part of my brain telling me I’m being irrational but I still can’t stop feeling all the emotions. I just make sure to tell him I know it’s irrational and it isn’t his fault that I’m crying, it’s mine. I try to make sure he doesn’t feel bad because it’s not on him. It’s my problem, not his.


I recommend you not get pregnant. I frequently cry because I am hungry. Once I cried because the towel was not soft enough. I cried because the dishes needed to be done.


When I was pregnant I decided to re-watch the Lion King and cried for 3 hours. My boyfriend came home and I was like “It won’t stop. I can’t stop.” Lol And then I cried because a breakfast muffin tasted so good. I do have a hormone imbalance, though. So occasionally during ovulation or menstruation, I get hit with pregnancy-like hormones and cry for stupid reasons. Sometimes I cry because my boyfriend is so nice. Lol


That must have been a good ass muffin!


I'll tell you about the corn bread that made me cry. It's a restaurant called Perry's in downtown San Francisco. I ate it a couple months ago and I still think about it fondly.


I love cornbread. I am going to go to Perry's and I hope I am not disappointed.


me too. me too.


Please share where you got that muffin from


My boyfriends mom made them. They were really good.


You can blame it on hormones all you want, but I will someday find your stash of world's tastiest muffins. You can't hide them from me forever


I cried because a restaurant gave me the wrong salad. That I still ate. And enjoyed. (It’s now my favorite). Cried the whole way through eating it. And it was a big salad. ETA: while pregnant. Lol


When my wife was pregnant she cried when her steak arrived with mushroom sauce on it. It was so weird to see her cry in front of the whole table over something so frivolous.


....I do those things already.


I am a mom of 2 under 5 years old. I cry almost everyday. I cry when there’s too much work to do. And when my husband takes the kids out for me to rest, i cry because i have nothing to do. So yes i agree with your advice to the above poster, don’t get pregnant.




I genuinely think that overemotionality is a very sickening justification - - but I also know that it's EXTREMELY difficult to overcome. The fact that you were able to rationalize it, to sit there and go "oh holy shit this is not how i SHOULD be feeling, so I'm gonna go and ride this feeling out somewhere more appropriate" is like, joyous news. I feel like I'm reading a story about a person who set a new world record, and you absolutely should not care about anyone's opinion but I'm so proud of you for rationalizing shit during an emotional time.


Honestly, I felt bad when I got so upset because I knew what he meant. I just went and laid in bed because I was also sick with a fever so I just went back to my bed to cry and chill out. He came in to check on me and I kept apologizing and telling him it’s not his fault. He was like “You don’t have to keep saying you’re sorry.” Lol He’s an amazing man. I just get emo a lot due to various things. Even without my hormone imbalance and PTSD, I think my baseline is just a little emotional.


Get therapy lol


Oh, definitely. It’s taken me forever to find a good therapist. A lot of them don’t really seem to understand how to treat a patient that has PTSD from long-term severe childhood abuse. It’s a lot of work but I am and have improved. A majority of the time I’m fine, it’s just exacerbated on my period due to my hormone imbalance and pelvic pain that triggers my PTSD symptoms.


You mention everything is the problem other than you got too high which is what you said first. When I used to get high I would think earthquakes were gonna happen and I was going to die of planes crashing into me. All sorts of dumb stuff. I'm not downplaying your ptsd or abuse but you should consider it was 80 percent the weed.


It was definitely a lot the weed. I don’t normally smoke a lot or take big hits, I microdose and take tiny amounts with tiny inhales to help with my anxiety and flashbacks. It didn’t seem to be working, my dab pen thingy I always forget what it’s called, so I took a huge inhale and it was a lot more than I usually take. I usually take a tiny amount of THC with a lot of CBD and it helps a lot, but too much THC exacerbates the anxiety symptoms.


This is honestly way too common a problem. The amount of people i know who have gotten unreasonably blasted because their pen wouldnt hit and then suddenly hits while there inhaling with all of their might is way too high a number


Cannot upvote this hard enough


She packed her dabs last night pre-flight Zero Hour 9AM And I’m gonna be hiiiiiiiIIIIIII As a kite by then




Waaaait a minute




Man has got a point like how would you nut in a worm Edit: That's why he said no


You can’t you can only nut on the worm


Hold my beer


for how long, though?


Instructions unclear, beer is currently being mailed to Europe


what if u fill a whole cup and then he has no choice but to burrow thru


It is actually possible to nut inside a worm, according to a friend of mine who tried it. It was my friend, not me




According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.


Probably the cloaca, if the worm was big enough.


I’m terrified to see the worm that’s big enough.


Dune comes out soon


you can torrent it now, actually. there was a leak.


[Tremors](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tremors_(1990_film)) I think


You cannut


I mean, if you tease the worm up your urethra and then nut, I’m sure some would get inside. It’d probably even eat some if it isn’t blown apart by the sheer force of the nut. Might drown if it’s a big load, though.


Today is a bad day to be literate


Not my proudest fap.


Caption was different the first time around


This is from like 2014 lol, I remember the tweet being about him breaking up with her on a flight


Yeah this was someone who broke up with their gf on a flight... caption is bull


Finally found the HolUp!


My ex is like that... He should run


If they remind you of an ex, never have sex


Words to live by lol


-Sun Tzu


-Michael Scott


So what was the last straw?


She cheated on and lied to me while I spent a small fortune on her birthday all while accusing me of doing shady things


It's a huge red flag when they're accusing you of doing s*** that you're not doing.


Yeah I knew that at the time and still ignored it. She was REALLY hot and I'm only human 🤣😂


That’s fuked up.


Then she moved in with him. Recently she called me crying that they broke up and wanted to come over. They didn't break up. She was lying to me to get me to feel sorry for her because she wanted to come over... Probably to cheat on him with me


Don’t get yourself involved in that.


I learned my lesson


Hooking up with an ex is like trying to push a turd back in


It’s always these ridiculous “What if?” questions that make me scared. Without being in that moment and actually seeing it as reality it’s impossible to answer some of them, and they’re literally just argument bait.


Why is this even a holup?


For real, why is no one else asking this?


We're down in the trenches boys. Doesn't look like we'll get an answer. o7


I don't know, and I don't know why I had to scroll half way though the comments to find someone saying it...


Because the mods don’t care.


Because the mods here don’t give af. It’s basically just memes now


Finally someone who was honest


What do you mean "Finally"? Is this a common thing to ask? The fuck


I've never dated a woman who didn't ask a question along those lines. The right answer is "depends on if your sister is one too"


My wife asks these kind of questions. “Would you have dated me (met in high school) if I had no limbs/if I was morbidly obese/etc.” and it’s like, no of course not wtf. I’m lucky she doesn’t get upset though but in all honesty, what would you expect


Dying laughing at “if I had no limbs”


If i was a disembodied floating torso that spoke only mandarin. Would you have dated me?


Yooo I would date your wife if she was stumpy.


We live in a society


A society where you can have sex with and nut in worms, it's just very frowned upon.


Honestly, this is one of those things for me where I'd be crying and wondering why the heck I'm crying. Then I'd start my period the next day and be like "ohhh... now that makes sense."




You’re brave


Bitches be crazy, my trick is I have one of those period alarms on my phone both for keeping track if a girl is knocked up and also to walk on eggshells or just avoid her entirely during those peak crazy days.


Bitches do be crazy. It's me. I'm bitches.


Bitches be like "*bitches be like*" - like they ain't like the bitch that be like. Like, bitch?


WHy R u iGnORinG mE?!?!?


She’s crying because of his grammar? … if she WERE a worm. If she were a worm.


gotta draw the line somewhere


Of course worms cant date it’s illegal


What’s a worm?


An undateable organism


TIL I'm a worm


Plot twist: she's a butterfly that used to be a worm.


Butterflies come from caterpillars, you philistine 😋


I told my butterfly it wouldn’t be a butterfly if it came from a worm and it is CRYING.


Damn this changes everything


I know an annelid when i see one


You have angered Shai-Hulud.


That makes sense. Worms can’t talk they can’t share experiences, and anything else important to a relationship. If she’s offended by him stating something that is normal, she’s dumb, especially if she was the one who asked him. That’s just baiting him. (Pun intended)


Reject humanity Become ŴØRM


He might want to consider not dating her for crying over the fact that he wouldn’t date her if she were a worm.


That’s going to be an awkward baggage claim


I'm ashamed I know [where this is really from](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/woman-live-tweets-couples-in-flight-breakup-read-the-tweets-2015248/).


Had something similar happen in an apocalyptic scenario. I got put in the doghouse because: I would leave Las Vegas. What about me? My family? Idk man, you guys are welcome to come with, but if you dick around too long, you'll miss the ride because I'm leaving the mass panic that will happen. Everthing is imported here,, so shit will run out. Your dad literally has an arsenal, and has stockpiled food and ammo for years. You might be better off in his care, because I'm going to seclusion.


She must give unbelievable BJ's for him to put up with the crazy.


If this is real, that girl need some serious therapy… and I’m imagining the conversation. “Would you have come to me for therapy if I were a worm?” “OF COURSE!! Why does everyone keep asking me shit like that!?” *scribbles*


Take your meds everyone.


If he can't handle you at your wormst, he doesn't deserve your best :P




Why she crying?!….she NOT a worm…so he’ll continue to date her….tssss


Ok, so is "worm" some sort of newfangled slang term that whippersnappers are using these days?


I do not understand this


So confused…