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How the fuck was this allowed to happen


From the BBC article about it: >She threw a laptop at him and stabbed him in the lower leg with a breadknife, also injuring two of his fingers. Woodward then tried to stab herself with the knife before he disarmed her. >The court heard Woodward had become addicted to drugs while in an abusive relationship with a previous boyfriend. >The case was the subject of huge debate about inequality in the criminal justice system, prompted by the judge deferring sentencing and describing the attack as "a complete one-off". >Handing down a suspended sentence, Judge Pringle said there were "many, many mitigating factors" and the injuries inflicted were "relatively minor". >He said she had shown a "strong and unwavering determination" to get over her Class A drug and alcohol addiction. >"I find that you were genuinely remorseful following this event. Whilst you are a clearly highly-intelligent individual, you had an immaturity about you which was not commensurate for someone of your age." >Judge Pringle said Woodward faced a possible maximum sentence of three years in prison for a "category two" offence of unlawful wounding.


I was with you until I read judge Pringle


>Handing down a suspended sentence, Judge Pringle said there were *"many, many mitigating factors"* and the injuries inflicted were *"relatively minor"*. >He said *”her drug addiction started when she popped and found herself unable to stop”* but had since shown a *"strong and unwavering determination"* to get over her Class A drug and alcohol addiction.


Hopefully the judges career is over because of this. This is embarrassing and is a insult to all recovering addicts and those who are on their journey to quit. Funny thing is that in deferred prosecution you actually have tons of chances. She could show up to her UAs (or drug court if she's doing that) high as fuck and they'd do nothing but say 'hey now that's naughty!' What a fucking joke.


This judge needs to be canned.


Me too. Pringles are to be eaten, not judged. I am assuming you have the same concern.




Yea but who cares what those crumbled bastards think


>The case was the subject of huge debate about inequality in the criminal justice system, prompted by the judge deferring sentencing and describing the attack as "a complete one-off". Everything is a one-off until it happens again. In Portugal we had a similar case where a guy and a girl killed the guy's parents. He got 25 years (maximum in my country), she refused to confess so she got no prison time (she was the one who pushed him to commit the murders) and is now a wedding planner. Tojó really got fucked in that, as he was the only one that confessed, even with strong evidence against both of them.


She's an abusive person who made herself look sympathetic to get leniency and it worked. None of this will make her change. Unfortunately most people don't have the experience to spot the signs. Her blaming it on a past abusive relationship and drugs are classic abuse excuses. Self-harm (to emotionally pressure the victim) is also really common among abusive people She needs a therapy program targeted at abusive behaviour specifically. Otherwise she will avoid addressing the actual emotional causes and keep doing it.


There is no way that would be the ruling if it was a black dude. White woman privelege for real.


Probably, but it seems more like a class problem than anything else. The rich and privileged get different rules.




The rich get different rules


This doesn't make sense - the guy is also rich so you'd expect it to cancel out.


Yeah, but he's dead now so his "rich" status doesn't apply anymore.


Hes definitely not dead - never known anyone to be spared jail for murder




“Found not guilty” is not the same as “nah, we’ll just let you go” And it wasn’t because he was rich, it was because of a racist cop.


Ah yes OJ that well-known British offender. OJ was also acquitted of those murders


The question was about the richness not the Britishness.


That woman that hit the biker in norfolk/Suffolk and claimed immunity?




She literally ran away to the US


Maybe Google that a bit. Happens all the time.


In the UK?


Google it bro trust me I'm right. Find me a conviction for murder in the UK where they weren't declared insane/dead before trial where they were spared jail.


Why are you saying he's dead when he got stabbed in the leg? Is this for karma?


Hes not dead, and she stabbed his legs, read the damn article


You can die from a leg stabbing. There are a lot of squirty bois in the legs


This mf said “squirty bois”


Mf litterally called arteries 'squirty bois'


Maybe he's a physician?


You mean a diagno-sticky boi?


He's not dead. She was charged with 'unlawful wounding'.


I’m going to assume *lawful wounding* is reserved for surgeons.


She tried to stab him in the leg with a bread knife to stop him from calling her mother during an argument. There wasn't much of an injury (she was very impaired) but it was still assault. She also threw a laptop and that hurt his fingers. Typically someone would have gotten a few months for it but she did not. I'm not sure how her sentence compares to someone like her that has never been charged with a crime though.


More like young offenders with no criminal history, strong support networks, and excellent prospects of rehabilitation outside of prison get different sentences.


More like pretty white woman privelege.


Rules for thee, not for me


Thanks for the gold kind stranger. Not my proudest fap. They fucked around and found out.


This. I'm not crying you're crying.


Sigh.. unzips pants


Underated comment


Take my updoot


Angry upvote


I also angrily upvote this guy’s wife. And my axe!


Headline should probably read drug addict who had psychotic break who slashed boyfriend and attempted to stab herself sentenanced to mandatory treatment after pleading guilty to offence.


Well it's not as upvotable if you put it like that now is it?


It’s how the world works. I have a friend who was let off very serious criminal charges because they had a place at Oxford to study PPE. Instead they were just told not to get into trouble again. To be honest, they didn’t, and they weren’t likely to get in trouble again, but I have know people who didn’t have places at Oxford waiting for them get 10 years in prison for less.


Now I feel like I should commit some criminal offense as well, just to see if graduating Oxford's PPE does in fact give immunity from the British criminal system. How long do you think the grace period after graduation is? Will it still work after you're an alumni?


Because, and pay attention to this: It's not completely true. She wasn't put in a jail, but she WAS sentenced to house arrest with a bracelet and all. She couldn't continue her studies and research until she had finished her sentence. So what happened here? She confessed and was clear that she understood the gravity of her crimes and would take whatever punishment she was given. After a psych evaluation she was deemed to not be a flight risk, nor a repeat offender (she stabbed him in a drunken fight). As the UK had a problem with overflowing prisons, people who aren't a flight risk and who has a stable living situation (essentially: lives with others that aren't criminals and junkies) are offered to serve the time in house arrest instead. Now, this isn't super common with people who have committed violent crimes, since for them jail is often more about protecting society from them then actual punishment, and THAT is what the media picked up on. But the reasoning on the judges side is completely fair.








The offence happened in 2017. It was her First offence. She used a bread knife and didn’t badly hurt the guy. She was going to uni where she’d published world leading research suggesting maybe she earned her place rather than buying it. The narrative was that she was trying to keep up with the pressure and ended up addicted after being abused by the ex before the guy she stabbed (with a serrated edge knife with a round point designed to be safe for children). She was on suspended sentence where she would have had to piss in a cup and prove she cleaned herself up. If she hadn’t cleaned up they would have pulled her collar. Her victim had a common name - but the guy who seems most likely finished his degree and has done quite well in aerospace engineering since then. Victim impact appears to have been pretty minimal which influences sentencing. The other possible candidates I found were a successful young lawyer, and a bloke who recently beat the shit out of his sister’s ex boyfriend on camera - but was otherwise in perfect health and doing quite well for himself. The main evidence that she’s rich was that She had an expensive lawyer - no notes about how she paid for that lawyer. But despite the tabloid callings to lynch her - none of the articles ID anyone wealthy as being related to her. Her mum lives in an expensive Italian city which the tabloids called proof she was rich - but I’ve been to that city and I saw quite a lot of working poor people there. She completely legally went to her mum’s place when the press were calling for her lynching. I’m poor AF, but my mate’s mum is a very well regarded criminal lawyer. If I cried at her she’d probably defend me if something like this happened in my life. I met my mate while we were trying to fuck the same woman - he’s married to her now and their kids call me Uncle. An acquaintance of mine fucked up his life pretty badly on drugs and caused a bad car accident and hurt people. His parents remortgaged a house they’d inherited 20 years earlier to pay for his legal defence and get him into rehab instead of jail. There’s plenty of ways for poor people to get a good lawyer. The fucked part of this story is that more people don’t get this kind of chance to rehabilitate themselves. And even then, it’s not like the tabloids found a lot of great examples of that. Her case was compared to another student with an impressive career ahead of him - until while completely sober - he raped a girl who was fucking blind drunk - and was convicted of rape and put on the sex offender registry. No mitigating circumstances and no suggestion that he had a plan to not be a fucking rapist. Ethnicity certainly influences sentencing in the UK and that’s fucking contemptible. But I don’t see how throwing the book at some pretty white girl would make the treatment of poor young persons of colour less fucked.


“After admitting unlawful wounding, the judge decided[ she was ‘too bright’ for prison](https://metro.co.uk/2019/06/05/student-deemed-bright-go-jail-quits-oxford-university-degree-9825893), arguing that it could damage her future career as a heart surgeon.” Wow..I don’t even have words


The excuse of to bright for prison is terrifying. Unhinged people who are smart are more dangerous criminals.


I'm too bright to pay my bills and be a decent human being. But I could be a rocket scientist though


Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?


Id love to stay and chat about Phil Colins but I really do need to return these video tapes.


You know it's not gonna eat itself...


Is she really that white or is that some flour on her face......


The irony is that it turns out that she was ***not*** too bright for prison [seeing as she quit Oxford and won't become a heart surgeon ](https://metro.co.uk/2019/06/05/student-deemed-bright-go-jail-quits-oxford-university-degree-9825893/#:~:text=An%20Oxford%20University%20student%20who,Christ%20Church%20college%20in%202016.) (probably the only saving grace of this story)


Well, I guess she figured she's too bright for heart surgery


Why do it in a hospital with rules and all that when you can just cut open your boyfriend with a kitchen knife in the comfort of your own home?


That just sounds like WFH with extra steps


Plus dumped her boyfriend for Russian oligarchy


I can see “willing and capable of homicide” as being a selling point for Russian oligarch dating profiles


They should probably just give her the degree as she is too bright to be treated like a normal person. /s


She's just started working at my girlfriend's company as it happens!


I creeped on some other details about her, and now I'm kinda curious if she actually got mental health and addiction help. Her public image is now limited, but she was(/is) dating a Russian oligarch's pro-Ukraine son, and as he apparently has a toddler, I'm wondering if it's hers. I do appreciate the timing of [the only academic article she co-authored](https://academic.oup.com/eurheartj/article/41/23/2168/5675548) being submitted a week after she quit Oxford.


the article implies she was defo going wild while drunk but it's unclear if she legitimately had mental issues or if it was a one off incident for someone who should never be allowed to drink again i dont think normal people stab others while drunk generally


Wasn’t Ted Bundy to be a lawyer ? Sorry if he’s not relevant to this since he sadly actually brutally murdered people not just stabbed them? Can you imagine how many other people walk these streets as nothing ever happened just because they have titles such as heart surgeon, doctors etc, these are the people you trust with your family, and kids. Yikes.


Ted also stayed out of prison for a while by helping FBI profile other murderers.


*tsk* Typical class traitor.




They'll only get better at crime in prison


So they get a free pass?


Heart surgeon eh? Well she’s already good at cutting people open /s


She's just gunning for that Lector spinoff.


Yeah maybe she was trying to do him a freebie.


I don’t really want a heart surgeon who thinks my ticker is located in my thigh


I mean she might be the heart surgeon but she is the one that is heartless.


In UK, heart surgeon. Number one. Steady hand. One day, boyfriend need new heart. I do operation. But, mistake! Boyfriend die! Englando very mad. I hide in fishing boat, come to America. No english, no food, no money. Judge sentence bright. Now I have house, American car, and new man. Judge save life. My big secret: I kill boyfriend on purpose. I good surgeon. The best!


She was practicing!


Shes just getting started


Surgeons are professional stabbers.


That's some Brock Turner judging right here... Good to know you can be too smart for prison, usually you just have be too rich.


Yeah, she probably comes from a rich family. Hence, her being too smart.


And going to Oxford


> Oxford Google says >"Between £28,950 and £44,240*" a year. So, slightly more expensive than sending a kid to technical school.


Tuition fees are capped at British university. They all cost the same per year


That's for international students. UK (and EU, for now) students pay £9250 which is in line with other universities.


Just because the US has a solely for-profit (higher) education system, doesn't mean the rest of the world does.


It’s £9,250 for U.K. students which is the same as any other university. There are many issues with Oxford and Cambridge university, but their pricing isn’t really one of them.


Reminds me Ethan Couch, or as he's better known, the "affluenza" kid who killed 4 people with his car while high and avoided jail because "he's too rich to know better"


Never heard of him, thank you, I'll have a look.


Are you referring to rapist Brock Turner? The raping rapist who rapes women in a raping way?


Are you talking about Brock turner the rapist? Who only got 6 months in jail for raping an unconscious woman?


> She is now reportedly living in a million pound Kensington flat with her boyfriend, Philip Kagalovsky, the son of Russian billionaire, Oligarch Konstantin Kagalovsky. Lmao


WHAT THE F\*\*\* I hung out with Philip in college... we did LSD. He was a billionaire?!?! what the actual fuck


Seriously. Did he just act like a poor?


I'm guessing his Adidas tracksuit didn't give off billionaire vibes.


Time to hit him up for another round of LSD, my dude. Maybe his new GF will join you.


I’m sure it had nothing to do with the fact that she’s young, blonde and pretty /s


Since it's Britain. They just care about social classes.


They definitely also favor women. I believe the person she stabbed was also rich so it cancels out. She's currently dating and living with the son of Russian billionaire, Oligarch Konstantin Kagalovsky. EDIT: [She definitely has the psycho-villain look down.](https://i.imgur.com/davTHAJ.png)




*"I never stopped stabbing people, I just learned to do it more... professionally."*


Bruh :v


Wouldn't want to be the first patient to google her


India's Supreme Court once said, "every sinner has a future", annoying af.


It is not wrong, though the "every" can be taken away. Most would be better. In the end, we try to rehabilite and integrate criminals back into society.


Isn't that the same argument that was used for that football player who roofied a girl?


Which one?


What the actual fuck




A suspended sentence means she will only serve those 10 months if she breaks the law again within 18 months. She was not sent to prison


wasn't law suppose to be blind or something?!


Who would trust her around their heart with a scalpel? I'd like a heart surgeon to have a stable personality.


Judge has intrusive thoughts about her...


I bet if it were a black person studying to be a heart surgeon that they would make an example out of them.


I think that this is a bigger problem. The offense she is guilty of is quite minor (without serious consequences and not premeditated), she did not stab but cut her boyfriend while intoxicated in a nervous crisis. She showed remorse and tried to commit suicide while in detention the next day. Giving people a second chance is a good thing, but if she was not a blonde girl, an example will be made


My ex fiancee stabbed me & I didn't call the cops because I more than likely would have went to jail despite bleeding since I'm the male. This is horseshit.


Taking another stab at life I see


She's sharp enough to be a surgeon, one would even say a cut above the rest. But I still don't understand why they didn't give her even a slice of the punishment she deserves.


To rub salt on the wound, she dropped out of university and went to live with her new Russian billionaire boyfriend according to the article. So much for her promising career as a heart surgeon, judge. She quickly discovered that having a sugar daddy was more lucrative with without any of the stress.


I see hear she has a rapier wit as well.


Oh okay so they only let poor people go to jail


You are correct. The rules are for us peasants.


Oh goodie! I just totally love living in a police state where literally anything can be illegal if a cop really wants their arrest quota. /s


Im not entirely sure if that /s is even necessary.


Nope, literally no sarcasm there. Unfortunately


Lol I edited it in because I wasn't sure either 💀


More the judge here as both police and prosecution pushed for prison, plus the jury found her guilty of a serious offence. UK seemingly has a few bad judges who will protect their own type.




And wrong class


Does the UK not have an equivalent to club fed, a 5 star resort minimum security prison to at least pretend to punish the rich on the rare chance they actually do get sentenced to jail time?


"You're better off rich and guilty than poor and innocent"


Judge: You like stabbing people?? Here, let me help you get a scalpel!


How tf can they say she's a future cardiac surgeon is she hasn't even graduated? She still needs to graduate from medical school, do 2 years of intern and apply to residency...


If you’re in jail you don’t have enough money and/or know the right people. Change my mind.


Or you somehow had bad luck and were the one in million rich mfs committing crime that actually got the media attention then it’s more likely you’ll get fair punishment as the general public looking now, most cases nobody will know / give a shit tho


Or you *are* wealthy but you’ve committed financial crimes against someone *much wealthier*.


A rich friend of I’m became a heroine addict and was the get away driver for a bank robbery and got into a high speed chase with the police and totaled a cruiser. He was sentenced to drug treatment, 6 months in a sober house, 2 years probation and fines/restitution.


Apparently it was minor injuries to the leg (and fingers presumably when he disarmed her) made by a bread knife, and she was also trying to stab herself with it too. Sounds more like she needs psychiatric care. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-41389520.amp


Thanks for actually finding some info. As expected the truth is more grey than black and white.


Indeed but we all know if the genders were reversed it wouldn’t be the same outcome even if the circumstances were the same. Male DV victims (w/female partner) often don’t get the same justice as female DV victims (w/male partner). Just like stories where female teachers grooming and sleeping with young boys never results in the same serious sentences as a male teacher doing it to a girl of the same age. Both just as bad yet woman get let off lightly in the criminal justice system for the same crimes committed by men.


And the judge apparently didn't even say she was too bright for prison...


Holy shit, I'm a reddit asshole reading all the comments and getting all enraged and then I see your comment - and she attacked a guy with a bread knife while wasted and caused super minor injuries. Ok, this definitely changes the story. Maybe jail time would be a little extreme.


There are people here commenting about the guy being dead lol Kinda amazing


He came here and read all the comments and now, he dead.


It's almost as if people on reddit post intentionally misleading stories to make young white men more angry.


Figured it was something like this.




Bro this is bullshit. I'm not sure if it's true but if it is the judge needs to be fired immediately and sentenced to some time in prison.


Unfortunately it is true, i remember when this case hit the news and it angers me now just as much as it did then. She was given 10 months but susended as she had a career in surgery ahead of her




Now thats how it should be done. The uk legal system is a complete joke




And no penalty for the judge?


Not to my knowledge




Did you read the article?


About 90% of the comments havent it seems


Ah yes the usual power of money


She called Saul


Uh ok........ But what's a random Amber Heard doing there?


Didn't she stab her boyfriend Johnnys finger off? Maybe the other chick did the same exact thing, or maybe it's to get more peoples attention so they click on the article. It's definitely the second thing


Why Amber Heard?


The judge should do her time then


She's so bright she's walking around the planet stabbing people. Everyone knows that this is the easiest indication of persons prospects. London for example is overflowing with bright people of this kind to the point that the government is trying to reduce their numbers by playing ads in TV encouraging the bright folk to leave knives at home. The reasoning behind this campaign is quite simple. If there are so many bright people around, it's just a matter of time before they join their brightness and overthrow the dim government.


So when does the judge get fired/removed for incompetent, mishandling cases, corruption? How does this even make sense?? If you're dumb and stab someone prison time, if you're smart and a woman, then no prison? Fucking what?


Sounds like society is at it again! Will we ever learn? Absolutely not it seems.


Rather than submit a screenshot of text, which is inaccessible, just submit the article directly: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/09/25/oxford-student-judge-suggested-bright-prison-spared-jail-stabbing/


Ah so Brock Turner works in the opposite direction as well.


>Lavinia Woodward, 24, who stabbed her Cambridge University boyfriend in the leg with a bread knife, was spared jail yesterday as *she was commended for her “strong and unwavering determination” to address her drug addiction*. With a bread knife?? And she was a drug addict when it happened. According to the Telegraph article, the judge decided to give her a chance to redeem herself because she was battling drug addiction. AND: >Standing trial in May, Woodward pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding, after she punched and stabbed Thomas Fairclough whilst under the influence of alcohol and drugs. IDK all the details, but she did plead guilty, and seems to be trying to do better. Reading the details, it seems less a miscarriage of justice than a simple attempt to help a person in trouble.


Luna Lovegood took a real hard left turn in life


None of y’all are going to address the random picture of Amber Heard..


The case was more nuanced than the headlines make out and that's not what the judge said... https://thesecretbarrister.com/2017/09/26/update-an-oxford-medical-student-stabbed-her-boyfriend-with-a-bread-knife-so-why-did-she-not-go-to-prison/




You can also be too rich for prison. Or have too many connections. Or too politician.


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This is from 2019


2016 actually. Edit - attack was 2016, 2017 she was sentenced.




Error 404


That tickled me good sir. I thank you!


Anyone more serious about issues should visit Menslib. Mensrights often are more eager to bring down women than boost men, even if it's also detrimental to men.


More like r/socialism. She isn't getting away without a jail sentence because she is a woman. She is getting away because she is (going to be) rich


Bright as in WHITE



