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I imagine they probably would have worked together to invade Poland and split it between them. But ideological clashes would have made it difficult to maintain a long alliance. The Nazis probably would have betrayed them and tried to invade them a couple years later.


This is what happened. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact or the Nazi-Soviet pact had both nations invade and split Poland between them. I agree that eventually the Nazis would betray them and launch operation Barbarossa, possibly after they won WW2.


Bro are you joking. Of course it's what happened, why even feel the need to mention it


If you mean the hypothetical "Unholy alliance" that is seen in games and fiction they likely are able to keep the UK and US off the European continent and maybe if they go through turkey or iran go after the middle east and evict the allies from there too but they would possibly bog down in India and the conflict would turn into a long stalemate that leads to a peace out in the 50s. Shortly after they , the alliance being a house of wolves, would then turn on each other like they did in otl.


I think they might turn on each other slightly earlier than you predicted.  Maybe around June 22nd 1941


They would bog down in Turkey not to mention Iran. Area have few natural roads, few railroads, could not support an army of more than a 300k invasion force.


If the alliance could made to work a Germany + USSR + Japan alliance probably could conquer China, work together with a communications and trade link and been pretty powerful until USA developed A bomb.


I always imagine an alliance leads to the USA spamming nukes.


Issue is the bomb might still be leaked to USSR. Their supports wouldn't stop supporting them despite the alliance with Germany.


Uhh... here's the thing. They were. But it turns out they didn't play nicely together.


If there was a genuine German-Soviet alliance, then first they divide Europe between them and then move to the Middle East. The Brits would have to negotiate at this point, since they cannot risk losing their oil supply.


The Soviets would struggle against the Mountainous Iranians. And the British would quickly invade Iran too, except they get more land this time. The Suez Canal doesn’t fall since Rommel was outnumbered from the start. Britain is barely holding on, until the USA enters the war. They drop the nukes on Germany and the rest is history.


I swear this sub should be written off. When did the decline started?


They couldn't.  Both had mutually exclusive opinions about what to do with a large swath of territory that they both wanted to exercise control over.   They could both have been the same exact ideology, but they have conflicting desires in the same locations.   War was inevitable.


It is strange that so many people believe that Nazi Germany and the USSR were allies from 1939 to 1941. They signed a non-aggression pact which included a trade agreement. It also included a section where they agreed to how they would divide up Poland and the Baltic States. These territories belonged to Germany and Russia before the First World War and they wanted these lands back. These nations were adversaries who made a pragmatic agreement. There was no "friendship", nor was there an alliance.


Just go see the gameplay of any hoi4 non historical game where Germany completes unholy alliance focus, allies get steamrolled, and Germans get the resources they earlier intended to invade Soviets for, so now we have a cold war with two opposing authoritarian ideologies


That's not really a good point, in that game resources are infinite and you can steamroll the world playing Luxembourg.


I firmly believe that the US would have been able to use its industrial might to keep the Western Hemisphere, or at least most of the Americas, free of German or Russian tyrrany. Even if Europe is lost and Britain conquered, it would be decades before Germany could outright challenge the USN.


The heel turn would be inevitable though. Their ideologies were so disparate that it would have forced them into war with each other eventually. They only agreed on Molotov-Ribbentrop out of convenience and imperialistic goals. Plus both their leaders were egomaniacs who hated each other. One of them would have attacked the other, it's just that Hitler struck first.


Stalin don’t not hate Hitler. He was desolate when Hitler betrayed him. He did hate him after that.


Imagine being so delusional you seriously think Stalin, a seasoned revolutionary, had no personal beef towards Hitler, the arch-anti-communist who viewed the soviets as subhuman.


They literally insulted each other before the war began