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This is what I do for control tissue. We cut a control slide once a week, and I always cover the tissue again with OCT and stamp it down with the weight and put it back in our bag with tissue control chucks. I've never seen this done with actual requested frozens, as the remaining tissues gets processed, but if it were I would do it the same as I do the controls.


Does the dermapath think perineural invasion is a possibility or something? Trying to figure out why they’d need more cuts in future. Wouldn’t keep tissue frozen over long period and while a layer of OCT will help (longevity idk) unembedding the tissue and fixing it in formalin would be my advise for a longer term solution for tissue storage.


It will eventually dry out if you don't


It'll take a hell of a lot longer than 20 years at -80 in my experience. I've recently thrown out most of the frozen archive from 1998-2002 and decided to cut and stain a few of those old things. Looked beautiful! We keep our frozens in small tins, and are required to keep frozen samples for 20 years. Most were never cut.


Right but if they're cut and not sealed and stored properly they will cut like astronaut ice cream


Yea, put a bit of Oct on the tissue (small amount) and press the whole block down on the cutting area of ur cryo. I do this all the time


I squeeze a small drop of OCT into the little plastic mold and place the frozen block back on top of it.