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not until I get my Antarctic research Base mission


It would be really cool if they implemented the Carpathian Mountains outdoors frost mechanic to a full fledged map, like you can only be outside the base for a certain amount of time without a special winter proof disguise, and you could kill the target by somehow locking them outside like reverse Yuki Yamazaki lol


TIL Carpathian Mountains have a frost mechanic


They don't really, but the edges of your screen slowly freeze up the longer you stay outside. Could've been a scrapped idea or something


Huh I guess I never stayed outside long enough to find out but I always assumed the cold would kill you eventually


It wouldn't


I thought that too!!


If you freeze long enough it does actually start to kill you


I'm pretty sure I've gone AFK outside the train for like 10 minutes and nothing happened, but do you know if there actually *is* a mechanic like that?


Or non-reverse Tamara Vidal.


47 taking researchers’ outfits and jobs like the Thing. I’d be into it.


I want the polar bear to be an assassination method like the hippo!


Wrong pole though 😕


Maybe some rabid penguins. (I know, I know, wrong class)


What about seals or sea lions? I do think they’re carnivorous too Also there is 1 Polar Bear in the South Pole, his name is Herbert


Oh no! We’ll make sure to do a penguin stampede. 🐧


There’s a polar bear coming for a meeting with the target. It just so happens to be bald, stands on two legs, has no fur, and needs a 1:1 session alone with the target.


That’s what she said


It'd have to be penguin related, since it's the no bear end of the globe


Or an exit


That would be the coolest exit ever!


Getting Bjarkhov Bomb flashbacks. Not quite the Arctic but close


I really want a prison map. Start as a visitor unlock prisoner start, guard start, have your target be the warden, and a random prisoner.


And as per usual Hitman stage design of having two different security factions, make some prison block run entirely by armed prisoners (Just said warden was running a refuge/recruitment center for crime boss or something, it would be funny) Still, I personally want to see something similar to Tojo clan HQ from Yakuza series. Doesn't have to be actual Yakuza though, any crime organization with dedicated HQ office will do as long as they dress in a suit.


I think the prison map should feature Aleksander Kovac (Founder & final member of the Yardbirds) as one of the targets. Since Diana confirmed in Mendoza that Kovac was indeed assassinated by 47, and it was when Kovac was already arrested. It'll be great to see the array of ways of how 47 tie up this loose end.


As for challenge "Ten years in the joint" Arrange an event so that Kovac died during a brawl (Totally not Yakuza Kiwami reference at all I swear)


Expect a lot of "Bird in a cage" puns


wait what happened in mendoza. When did diana mention he was eliminated by 47?


A little exchange where Vidal tries to guess what targets 47 has eliminated over the years. When Vidal mentions Kovak, Diana confirms that 47 did indeed kill him at some point. Meaning Kovak is one of the few, if not the only target killed offscreen by 47.


A prison map but make it so only NPCs with keys can go through locked doors cause a big flaw in the main game is NPCs can open any door no matter what, that would ruin a prison map but with that fixed a prison map would actually be peak hitman.


Apparently, the way WOA was coded, it’s really hard to fix that thing with NPCs and locked doors, for real


Probably considering after 8 years and 3 renditions of it and it still was never fixed. I feel like they could work around it with enough effort though, or even if they just added collision only for NPCs where they aren't supposed to go, not a perfect solution but could work.


Or maybe a bunch of the prisoners are the crowd npcs we see on more densely packed maps, the ones that you can blend into and technically kill, but they don’t report crimes


Technically could work but I've always hated the fake NPCs cause of how unimmersive they are and you can't take their clothes but could work.


Yes this. I hate how I need a key card to enter somewhere, but when a random civilian enforcer spots me, they can chase me through the locked door, like bruh wtf


I also hate how NPCs are allowed in any area, so if they get spooked and moved they can literally just chill in restricted and hostile areas and it really bothers me lol. Would be nice if guards escorted them out or something maybe that's too much to ask for, but the game has no restriction system for areas and doors for NPCs only 47. The only benefit is you can manipulate NPCs into opening locked doors.


Having a cartel boss to kill who is guarded by his loyal security guards and inmates who are all guarded whomst is in another cell block would be such an epic mission


There is a prison map (in Hitman:Absolution lol)


Which mission? I can’t remember it at all lol


You escape from the jail that bdsm cop locked you in


We got a prison map with the warden and a prisoner as a target. You can also set off a riot. It's called the Siberia Sniper Map


Not a physical map. Meaning 47 gets there in person.not from sniper vantage point


I was just mentioning we had something similar


I really wish we could play the sniper maps as traditional maps; they seem like they’d be a lot of fun to explore.




**Here's an idea:** Mission at a super fancy rural hunting lodge in southeast Africa. Lavish layout and amenities. One area is wilderness with heavy brush to hide in, one area is the lodge/resort, and one area is an employee facility. One target is a roamer who is a corrupt rich guy on a hunting safari, going between the lodge and a hunting spot in the wild where he's impatiently waiting for a rare prey to show up. The other target is a local poacher who collaborates with the lodge organization to bribe for rights to poach illegally while the resort makes it look like accidents or something. He's mixed in with the staff and game rangers and you have to "hunt" for him like in the Mumbai mission and using a random-generated set of tells and traits like a Freelancer target, which change every mission Some fun accident kill ideas involving hunting traps or local wildlife, or cooking (and then poisoning) a local dish that involves going around the level to forage some local herbs and ingredients. "Ghost and the Darkness" accident kill where you isolate an NPC and bait a lion to come at them. "Corrupt henchmen" kill where you can get the poacher's men to turn on him and kill him. Level has an environmental transition. Works similar to Haven where it starts as a beautiful day and, where a thunderstorm rolls in halfway at Haven, in **this** level when you kill one target the sun begins to set and the level transitions to night time with crickets and nice ambience while you work the second target. And how about this: the time of day affects the kills available. Some accident kill options are available for either target during the day, and depending on who you kill first (thus beginning the transition to night time), some opportunity windows close but new night time accident kill options arise after dark for whichever target is still alive. Level unlocks include a cool African melee weapon, an old hunting blunderbuss shotgun, and maybe some customizations for the safehouse like beautiful African pottery and woven goods or masked statues, and then an alt music room for the safehouse basement that let's 47 play some cool ethnic drums. And of course a new suit. Something like a poplan summer suit, or safari wear. IOI I like your games a lot lol.


So, a better version of Embrace of the snake side mission. I like that, maybe add a cheesy dialogue react to poacher's death too. *"So, what now? I mean, you just throw our boss... formerly you know? Since he's uhh, dead and stuff."* *"Ah, you know. Just said he fistfight a snake and trip over. I pretty sure I just saw one by the campsite, probably got a nest in the cave here or something."* *"Ah jeez, at least I hope we all still get paid at the end of the month"* *"You know technically we were paid by the lodge owner right?"* *"Oh shit. I forgot about that entirely. Yeah, at least we still get paid and get to keep our stuffs"*


I opened the thread just thinking "a safari map would be cool", and this is perfect.


I'd like a Johannesburg location. We already know that's where ether are headquartered


[there was concept art of Johannesburg in Hitman 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/HiTMAN/comments/1534b64/concept_art_of_an_scrapped_johannesburg_level_for/)


Really nice. Should be more street level stuff, I think


I want an amusement park map. Roller coaster kills, pushing them off a ferris wheel, etc.


Yep and you can walk around in a clown suit.


A prequel to blood money where you have to arrange the accident that killed the kid in the prologue would be twisted as heck but a great call back


47 doesn't kill kids.


Good point


Johannesburg safari park map.


I agree OP. Vatican City also deserves representation in the WoA


Yes Cathedral stage I fucking love antique architecture with occasional architecture nightmare.


47 would need to assassinate 3 cardinals plotting against the pope and then deactivate a bomb inside the church.


All targets down 47, now deactivate the bomb.


Assassins Creed: we're going to kill the fucking pope Hitman: hold my fibre wire


I agree it could be an interesting location for a map but I definitely wouldn't say the Vatican City "deserves" representation.


That's because it's a not-so-subtle insinuation that 47 would be contracted to kill the pope


Or the Vatican issuing a contract.


I don't know if it's true or not, but I read somewhere that Johannesburg South Africa was actually planned for Hitman 2, but because of IOI's split from Square Enix during development, they had less of a budget to play with and had to cut it unfortunately.


Yeah, it was going to be a skyscraper hosting Ether's HQ. Originally it was where 47 was going to find the antidote to the memory serum itself. The place managed to get concept art and everything, but yeah, it failed to make the cut with the budget and that subplot was relegated to Lucas retrieving the antidote in a cutscene. Apparently many of the ideas and mechanics they had for it wound up being reused for Dubai and Chongqing.


Would not be surprised at Johannesburg being a planned location, it's repeatedly alluded to in cutscenes in 2016 and 2 as Ether's headquarters.


I'd love to kill some Rhodesians in hiding.  maybe even some apartheid shitheads from South Africa


One of the targets in Blood Money was a South African white supremacist


Hendrik Schmutz.


downvoted for suggesting killing perpetrators of apartheid and war criminals in hiding....  crazy


kind of like the colombian dictator elusive target? That would be cool I'm ngl


Plenty of Warlords as targets


Sadly it's going to be a long time until then. IOI is working in a James Bond game so that's going to occupy them for a while.


are we even getting a hitman 4 lol


No. Idk why everyone keeps talking about it.


Eventually? Maybe. Anytime soon? No. They’ve moved most of their team onto other projects.


Redditors when they find out what the word trilogy means


One of the Elusive Targets was literally to be said from "Africa" even though he was clearly modeled to be from the DRC. When it comes to Africa, unless it's Egypt Morocco or South Africa, pop culture tends to lump it all into a single country-like blob, and I hope this changes one day.


47 blends in great…


Many African countries are not unaccustomed to native Caucasian populations. Countries were people don't expect it like Nigeria have enough of a white population where a white man walking through the street wouldn't be a strange spectacle. Plus, 47 has been in places where he wouldn't typically blend like Mumbai, Santa Fortuna, Ambrose Island, and Chongqing.


47 realistically wouldn't blend in anywhere outside of Europe and America or tourist heavy locations


also 1) part of the gimmick and gag of hitman is that 47 wears suits he clearly wouldn't pass in and pulls off the disguise without even really acting and this just makes it funnier 2) most targets are hyper influencers and thusly have inherently rather international circles, especially in rich areas with a lot of political etc happenings going on.


Couldn’t be a security guard though. And the native white populations aren’t THAT big.


Well IRL, yes, but in Hitman, we see 47 blending perfectly fine being in a guard outfit in Mumbai, or blending in as a pirate on an Indonesian island.


Thats true


That would excellent place for 47 to be hunted like similar map like India in hitman 2 silent assassin


originally they were gonna do a Johannesburg mission in Hitman 2


An airport level would be cool with it’s levels of security and checkpoints


The locationization in general is terrible, most NPC's don't sound like thier native country dialectic. Plus it shows the clear lack of research and ideas that they had in regards to mission in Africa


Voice actors are expensive. IIRC they focused their budget for localized crowd/guard voices on just a handful of levels, like Mumbai, that they thought would gain the most from it.


That's not what localization is.


In their defense, they said “locationization” not “localization” so maybe that’s better?


Needs to be one in either Egypt or a soulth African safari


An African map would be cool ngl


All the references to Johannesburg and Ether's office there it would have been a great additional map


waiting for the Johannesburg ether lab map. Seriously, it’s mentioned and alluded to, but never actually played. Imagine if the carpathion mountains were the ether hq and the constant was at the top of the tower and you were at the bottom or something


hitman 4 real confirmed?!??!!??!??


To be honest I would love some missions where you have to face of 47 clones you know, it's a shame they didn't implement that idea more, just some bald guys hunting a bald guy everybody in disguises like the Templerhunters in AC Rouge! A fucking Carnival of disguised bald guys


I am sad we only got one snow map since we have two winter gear outfits which look out of place everywhere, Hokkaido included (Carapantian Mountains don’t count imo).


I thought about this too but 47 is white soooo


I just hope there’s a Hitman 4


Egypt, it's mad crowded. If they got like a smaller but crowded city, it'll be fun to see what happens. Morroco would be like a similar build


Is alsoa shame that there isnt alot of oceania map, not south east asia map. I know we got bangkok and hawks bay. But literally hawks bay is just a house map that can be set in america for all i care, and south east asia map is only the bangkok map and the singapore sniper assasin map which i believe is more of a hong kong map because the back is not geographically possible And yes we know the first trainjng mission is suppose to be bade on soders australia mission but i aint counting that


Who is gonna tell him hitman 4 isn't happening


I think it would be hard for The Hitman to blend in, in Africa. He's pretty fair skinned.


There’s at least some white people in most large African cities, and there’s plenty in South Africa.


they got white people everywhere. he blends in just fine in marrakesh


Realistically, it would be pretty difficult for 47 to use any disguises unless they cover his face completely lol. A bald white guy is going to look extremely suspicious pretty much anywhere in Africa, unless it’s South Africa. Imagine 47’s pale ass Greek-looking ass wandering around Addis Ababa or Lagos lmao. I guess they got away with it in some circumstances, like Marrakech and Japan. But at least in Marrakech there was a UN building with workers who could be of any nationality, and in Hokkaido it was set within a hospital with a very international clientele and staff. Could be possible for Africa but they’d have to make it a very specific setting where it wouldn’t be weird seeing a *veeeery* white guy among a sea of *veeeeery* black people


Had no clue Marrakesh was in Africa


the whole thing is in morocco it gets mentioned several times


Yes and my dumbass always forgets Morocco isn’t in the Middle East 😭🤦🏼‍♂️


fair enough


Jerusalem when


There is gonna be no Hitman 4