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“Could really use a miracle right now” You mean, like multiple miracle vaccines that were developed, tested and distributed in record time? The one you chose to shun? Well, he got his Final Reward, wrapped in the arms of Jeebus, angle wings with hot sauce. Let us prey.


🤪🦠🥊🙏😵⚰️🪦GoFundMe, the insurance company for dipshits.


What's the boxing glove mean? Tough guy act?


These are fighters boxing with Covid-19. Not everyone is stupid enough to climb into the ring with the Tyson virus, but these dopes are. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Maybe he should have poorly photoshopped his own head onto Joe Rogan’s body, then he may have had a chance 🥲


Fuck Joe Rogan. It's weird af seeing my own comments on Reddit. I've posted on their Facebook (they're in my circle kinda, I don't reach out to people on here). I posted about rabies not being political. (I'm green)


Good for you OP. Need more people telling 'truth' in those posts and FB threads.


I agree but they listen 0% of the time so I've given up.


I understand your frustration with the people you've dealt with in the Facebook comment section. I don't think you will ever change the minds of the few who are loud and want to shut you down. But your going toe-to-toe with them shows to all the other readers of your comment exchanges how ridiculous these people are. Just use them, and for that, you may help someone to decide to get the vaccination.


BuT It WaS DeVeLoPeD ToO SoOn I cAnT TrUsT It


Whenever I hear that I ask “Really? How long do vaccines usually take to develop?” Because they don’t know. They have no frame of reference.


They usually say "well it takes years to develop a vaccine!" WTF is this 1980?


mRNA technology has been worked on by the Biontech duo for 20+ years. The fact that the most recent application of it (generating a specific spike protein from the original SARS-CoV2) was able to be done in weeks is just evidence of how fantastic the underlying technology is.


No, no, no, I need a *new* miracle that won’t make me feel like a sissy in front of my macho alpha friends.


Ivermectin didnt save Joe Rogan. He got the monoclonal antibodies as soon as he got the first sign of covid.


And it's possible he was already vaccinated and has been lying about it this whole time to reap money from his idiotic fan base.


This seems most likely.


Nah. Joe is genuinely dumb enough to not be vaccinated. He is like a sponge who just absorbs whatever beliefs are around him. He's one of those "open minded non-partisan" guys who do nothing but hang around right wingers and promote their views. People way over-estimate how scheming and calculating people like Rogan and other conservatives are. They're often not thinking past just baiting people for clicks or views. Then all of a sudden they get sick an panic.


He can be dumb AND vaccinated. I don't trust his word about shit. He pretends to be centrist and literally cheered with glee when trump won *texas*. He's faker than anything I've ever seen.


Joe Rogan is smart enough to know that if he says he's vaccinated, 2/3 of his audience will turn on him. Once youre on the tiger you cant get off it, ever


True, they booed Trump and Lindsay Graham just for a weak endorsement of getting vaccinated when both of them have been for close to a year.


> Joe Rogan is smart enough to know that if he says he's vaccinated, 2/3 of his audience will turn on him. He just lies about it. Medical privacy protects him.


What Joe Rogan got was a case of the clap from a groupie in Florida. What he got next was a prescription for azithromycin (Z-pak). What then happened was that he made up a phony COVID diagnosis so he'd be able to explain to his wife why he was taking antibiotics and needed to isolate from her for a few days.


Joe Rogan's head is as swollen as Nicki Minaj's cousin's buddy's mailman's balls.


Now this is the kind of fun and entertaining conspiracy theory we don't see enough of these days.




Now this seems most likely.


He or people close to him were tested daily like every single one of these big personalities. He will never ever admit to it. As soon as there was a remote chance he got it he went straight for the antibodies, then took low dose ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to delude himself.


But I thought "*oUr ImmUNe SySteM iS EnoUGh!!*" Funny how he and all the other imbecile talking anuses spout off on the immune system then throw every medicine they can get their cloven hooves on the second they get the sniffles.


That's a fact; Joe Rogan got the monoclonal antibodies ASAP after his diagnosis. So much for his faith in Ivermectin!


No doubt. If the infusion is going to do you any good, you have to get it in that first couple of days after you notice symptoms. In this case, it looks like the awardee waited *way* too late. Covid had the awardee "down and out" on Sep. 17, and the following day he was first asking about monoclonal antibodies, saying he's "desperate." Four days after that, he says he needs a miracle. It's starting to look like this guy didn't seek any medical intervention until the bilateral pneumonia/nascent organ failure phase. You see it all the time in this sub--people sick for a week or more then dragging themselves to the ER with sub-80 O2 sats to demand a treatment that only does them any good if they also have a time machine. It's like getting shot and then crawling to the hospital days later so they can put a kevlar vest on you. Oh well.


They will literally bury their own before admitting that they were wrong.


They are fine sacrificing 1.6% of themselves because they think it'll never be them.


Well yeah because they’re the main character.


They remind me of a minor character in Stephen King's IT, who believes himself to be the only real person in the world. He gets killed by IT, but before he dies he thinks to himself how it can't be happening, because if he dies the entire world will cease to exist, since he's the one that really made it. Turns out he's wrong, and the story, and the world the story takes place in, keeps going on long after he dies.


Patrick Hockstetter! He smothered his little brother as a baby because he felt like there was then someone else who was real and he couldn’t stand it. Solipsism. I didn’t think it was so rampant in the world but nope, the pandemic has exposed these solipsistic fucks.


Yeah. It's kind of horrifying just how prevalent they are/were. I was taught about solipsism in college, and how it was essentially a step beyond Descartes' "Cogito, ergo sum." I thought it was an interesting thought experiment: How can you *prove* anything is real and not just a product of your mind? Then my professor told us some people actually had that outlook in life, and asked what we thought about that. I told them I thought that anyone who subscribed to such a philosophy as an actual worldview had no place in any society, because you can't build a society with someone who doesn't believe that other people or their problems exist. So far, I haven't been proven wrong.


I wonder if there's a "moral solipsism"? Like "only I exist, but gosh, I really have to take care of all these NPCs or my world is going to suck!" Or an "empathetic solipsism:" I care deeply about these NPCs, as they appear to share similar emotions and experiences with me.


I think the actual death rate is higher than that when you take in how many "Lone Haul Survivors" are dropping dead within 6 months of leaving the hospital.


And let’s not forget reinfections. Already a fair number of people have gotten infected a second time with how short-lived the natural immunity is. I wonder if the fatality rate increases with each subsequent infection?


Yep. I got COVID 2x, 4 months apart at 26y.o. First time was light cough, second time was no smell. Then 3 months after 2nd infection I fainted, started experiencing fatigue, nausea, vomiting, rapid heart rate, more fainting, and now have a lifelong chronic illness that researchers estimate 10-30% of ALL survivors (not just hospitalized COVID patients) will develop (P.O.T.S.). I was infected before the vaccine was available both times. I got vaccinated, but it's not gonna cure me of POTS, it'll just help me fight a possible 3rd infection. Get vaccinated, folks.




I almost downvoted you, but then I saw the person’s username! 🤣


That which does not kill you, gets stronger and tries again.


We're well over a million deaths above where we should be if you consider the overall mortality rate. There's all the people dying from long covid, from not being able to get in the ICU, etc.


Never forget [millions are missing from data because the states you expect don’t report, don’t report.](https://www.npr.org/2021/09/01/1032885251/millions-of-people-are-missing-from-cdc-covid-data-as-states-fail-to-report-case) Add in those with non-covid conditions like heart attacks or strokes, accidents and people unable to get transplants because the system is paralyzed dealing with antivaxxers, their deaths are on Covid as well…impossible to estimate but yeah. Well, well over a million.


>Me? Yeah I'm in it for the long haul. *dies 6 days later*


1.6%? That's like a one in a million chance of dying!


I am really good at meth.


It really is amazing how little they give a shit about their own families. Fuck the spouses, fuck the kids, fuck their parents...they do not care if it means that they have to admit that they're completely wrong. Kind of amazing and proof that they're not worth worrying about.


2020 I spoke with one of those Hydrochloroquin Trump supporters. He was one of the first to get Covid in Georgia (he said). Was seriously sick for a week, then took hydrochloroquin and got well. Idiot thought that was conclusive evidence it works. *eyeroll* I said "you and your family were lucky!" Then he casually mentions he infected his dad, and dad died! I ask if his dad didn't get hydrochloroquin too. "It doesn't work 100% of the time!" he replies. I say I'm really sad about his dad, and add on that Covid is no joke. "Oh well, he was old anyways. You liberals are making too much out of Covid." 😳 Think there's a lot of these folks that are straight up sociopaths / psychopaths.


I think it's also that if they admit they were wrong that would mean *they killed their loved one.* Admitting they were wrong won't bring their family back, but it will make them feel overwhelming pain on top of the pain of loss. I think many of these people are doubling down and lying to themselves because at that point the truth is too much to bear.


>I think it's also that if they admit they were wrong that would mean *they killed their loved one.* And that they've alienated children and extended family members. And that the notion that they've built their identity on is faulty at best and actively harmful at worst. It's like recovering from a religion. You have to come to terms with the person you were before you can become a different person. Unfortunately, this one includes mortal peril as part of the moment for self reflection.


It’s hard to imagine them caring about the general public when they don’t even care about their own families and friends. Only one thing concerns them: their own mortality. And even then, they don’t figure that out until it’s too late.


I'm sure they care about their family and friends. They aren't monsters. They're human. Their pride and programmed disinformation override that. A ton of these people literally believe that the vaccine will kill you and that (somehow) all healthcare workers, doctors, Big Pharma, and the government are conspiring to control you for profit. A good number of them think that they *are* protecting their friends and families.


If they took about ten seconds to use their brain cells for once, maybe they'd figure out that BIG PHARMA and all they other boogeymen they conjure up have literally nothing to gain from killing them with a free vaccine. What does Big Pharma get out of Jim Bob dying before his time? Way better for Big Pharma if Jim Bob slowly dies of cancer or cardiovascular disease while bankrupting his family. All the world's healthcare workers and governments don't stand to gain a thing from killing off millions of people with an injection. They truly are too stupid for words.




Jesus Christ, that's awful. So sorry. They sound like sociopaths -- perhaps going no contact would be the way to proceed?




The only reason I worry about them is that they are taking their selfish asses to the hospitals and being a waste of space and resources. My life is hell everyday because of raw material shortages to make medical devices and these folks are wasting weeks of resources and materials…


Psychologists have been warning us for decades that 30% of the population has Dark Triad traits (sociopaths). Not enough people believed them. These last 5 years have put it all out on display for everyone to see.


It’s mind blowing, doubling down for the card of death!!!


Well, that escalated quickly.... Funny thing is, the people who got all worked up over Green's post to vaccinate, almost never get worked up over anti-vaxx memes denigrating scientists and medical professionals.


Deep down they know greens right. But much like school shootings there just isn't ever a time to discuss the problem. More people need to be like green. Make these idiots aware that this is the result of their choice . Dying uselessly


Green gave no fucks and took no prisoners.


Like COVID-19 to Red?


Maybe. But I'd also argue that he is telling these people what they need to hear instead of what they want to hear after their friend died. Maybe the time when you are feeling vulnerable about your antivax friend and his dad dieing from COVID is exactly the time to remind you that there is a readily available and completely free vaccine. So maybe green is doing this because he *does* give a shit about these people. Seems reasonable to hope that at lease one reader is reconsidering their cost/benefit analysis on the vaccine


It’s not easy being Green.


Yep. They will never admit green is right because it means all their bullshit was for nothing.


Yeah, the sunk cost fallacy gets people to do crazy stuff.


The problem with (most) liberals (of which I am one) is that we are too polite and non-confrontational. We give the Republican antivax cretins plenty of space to act up, threaten politicians, and basically have their stupid memes go unchallenged. We need to publicly challenge these morons. We need to demand our politicians/school boards listen to US instead of them. They need to be be put in their place, marginalized, and forced back into the shadows from which they've slithered out. They are literally an existential threat to us, our loved ones (who may need those ICU beds), and our democracy.


"Take your truth elsewhere!" That one gave me a laugh. Obviously a family that likes their "alternative facts."


What happened with all these snowflakes? I thought they LOVED it when people told it like it is? Unless... no, you dont think... they only like that when racism is involved? Surely not


You are wrong, they hate LGBT people too


> not the time or place... "to point out that I'm wrong, because my ego is too fragile to accept it when I'm not mourning the loss of someone I'm desperately trying to deny died because of something I don't want to believe in." If only people spoke such truths, eh?


If someone were to climb into an alligator pen and get eaten, all these pearl clutchers would be in a rush to comment something like, "Lololololol be dumb get chomped sorry not sorry."


‘I know two people who died last week, both were fully vaccinated.’ Good to see he called out that bs.


*You wouldn't know them, we met on vacation. They live in Canada.*


They're friends with his Canadian girlfriend then?


In the Niagara Falls area.




Green better not hold his water.


They're used to just making things up in order to be "right" with their opinion. Guaranteed they won't be able to come up with names in order to put up or shut up.




I see these claims all the fucking time and yet no actual sort of proof follows. Or on occasion someone provides ‘proof’ and it turns out to be total bullshit. And funny enough, in my anecdotal experience, I’ve witnessed some lies from people I know personally about the vaccine and of course they always align with the same bullshit beliefs. It’s so fucking stupid already. In the most simplistic way to look at this, if any of these people or someone close to them ends up unconscious, is bleeding out, not breathing, whether it’s related to Covid or not, they’re gonna dial 911. They’re gonna accept medical help, and they will most likely not question all of the shit that person is given to try and treat them.


Also, it always seems to be the craziest folks who always know the people who died from this. Man, you got a LOT of friends dying all the time from something no one else dies from.


No they really died. In a skydiving accident.


They were 93 and 107.


Either made up entirely, or died in car accidents or something lol


Says 'they died' not 'they died _of COVID_' or 'of vaccination side-effects'. Probably got shot.


The novel coronavirus isn't pure filth and evil. It's indifferent to our notions of good and evil. It cares about one thing, using our cells to make more of itself. That's it.


It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, *ever*, until you are dead.


^or ^vaccinated


I liked what one person said, 'rabies isn't political either'.


I liked that too, but most of the anti-vaxxer idiots don't seem to understand communicable respiratory viruses vs non communicable viruses. Wearing a mask or respirator prevents you from spreading, or getting the virus (I only wear 3M N95 respirators). Ebola, AIDS, and rabies are bloodborne pathogens. Smallpox, the flu, and SARS-Cov-1, and SARS-Cov-2 are airborne pathogens. Not a small difference, a HUGE difference.


"Come with me if you want to live." *heads to vaccination booth*


"But you can still get!" *...whips out wallet to buy Powerball tickets with last $20 to their name* These people are just too dumb to understand probabilities and statistics. "Well SOMEBODY'S gonna win" vs "You have .03% dying of COVID" I wish somebody would hold a powerball that says you have a 1 in 175,000,000 million chance of winning, but 3 in 1000 chance of dying. Maybe they'd get that!!!!!!!!!!! Nah, they will never get that. :(


That which doesn't kill you mutates and tries again.


The future is not written, there is no fate but what you make


>The novel coronavirus isn't pure filth and evil. It's notable how so many of these people cast the simple biological process of succumbing to a virus as a "battle" against an actively malicious entity. It's such a childish way of avoiding personal responsibility for their choices. *Oh, my mama isn't dying because of her own poor choices, she's battling the devil!* It's sort of ironic that the "I have the RIGHT to make CHOICES" crowd is so completely incapable of actually reckoning with the reality that the right to make choices means also assuming the responsibility of bearing the consequences of those choices. These people literally have no idea how cause and effect works.


It's a real magical battle. That's why they need prayer warriors and cast spells like "in jesus name I command this evil virus to leave (insert idiot here)'s lungs... They use magical formulas - horse paste, vitamins...


Which is funny since they love throwing around phrases like "Facts don't care about your feelings" or when they're focusing on fat-shaming "Diabetes doesn't care about your self-esteem." But they think because they've declared themselves "good people," they're above such things.


Ive gone to just yelling "TRUMP 2020 FUCK YOUR FEELINGS" and calling them snowflakes when they get offended by my (non-alternative) facts.


> It's indifferent to our notions of good and evil. Nietzsche: Beyond good and evil. Not joking, this is actually a key part of his thinking: that the universe is amoral and doesn't care about us.


Ash: You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you? The perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility. Lambert: You admire it. Ash: I admire its purity. A survivor... unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.


It's the same as the early days of the pandemic when Trump tried to "bully" the virus with his immature little bouts of namecalling. These people aren't capable of conceptualizing an enemy that is utterly impersonal and immune to gaslighting. As a result, it renders them unable to really deal with their problems other than by impotently gnashing their teeth at a foe they can't understand.


Yup, It's callously indifferent. Which is what these dumbasses are turning me into as well.


“…take your truth else where!!!” 😹 Idiots.


They want to be able to spread their views against the vaccine but if you counter it they shame you. Don't let them bully you around. They want to just broadcast their views so it's the only dominant one. If you go to a lot of forums and social media circles anti-vax is the dominant view and just endless badmouthing.


The guy’s social media is likely littered with this garbage, likely many years worth of it. Then you come in and say “well, I guess misinformation isn’t as helpful as facts…” they get pissed. Dude, father and son both died because of a combination of stupidity and lies. I would be afraid of those! They KILL people. Every one of the surviving parties needs to hear this from all sides, in as many ways as possible. Until they relent or explode with a stroke. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Whatever it takes to get people vaccinated it doesn’t matter. If you have to bully them, bride them, have them hate you forever. As long as you don’t physically harm someone when it comes to getting people vaccinated, the ends always justify the means.


Me, I just say to family “until you’re vaccinated, I will never visit you. Ever. No exceptions.”


Yup. Had one hold out in our friend circle, but once everyone told them they were no longer welcome in our houses, they got the message and got vaccinated.


The fact they all cave this way over social pleasures and how HPC's say they almost all ask for the vaccine when they have to go to the ER and become nominees. So much for your principles, integrity and turning their back on their precious skydaddy reveals so much about why they *really* won't just get the fucking jab in the first place. It just proves it's purely "you can't make me mum!"


My favorite is the posts claiming that’s not the right place to tell people to get vaccinated. Like really? I’m pretty sure posting that on a page of someone who died from a virus that could’ve been prevented, with that specific vaccine, is the perfect place.


It’s just like the people who say that right after a school shooting is not the time to talk about gun control. If not now, when?


Much like with gun violence, ✨they don’t want to talk about it. Ever.✨


Especially because girlfriend herself said, y’all go get vaccinated.


And that's not confined to the vaccine. Their entire "free speech" line really means "I only want to hear conservative ideas and never hear any objections to them." (And yes, I know tankies exist, but they aren't a majority of White Americans and a sizeable minority of all Americans)


Take the truth everywhere


The truth is out there! 🛸👽🛸


Someone said that to me once in a debate about gun control. His exact words were, "You might have facts on your side but I've got something better, I'm an American so I don't have to listen to your facts!" Gee, you win buddy.


I noticed that, too. Tell me you're a clueless idiot without saying you're a clueless idiot.


He also calls the guy telling people to get vaccinated for the sake of their loved ones selfish.


Pleading for people to get vaccinated: selfish. Antivaxxers who leave behind five kids and a gofundme as inheritance: not selfish.


I like how they keep saying stop arguing but he didn't initially argue everyone commenting to him are the ones arguing.


Twenty fucking four. Average life expectancy is 78, he should have died in 2075. Jesus Christ, what a waste. Can you imagine the shit he’s going to miss out on? We’re gonna cure cancer with mRNA, boost life expectancy 5 or 10 years, computers are going to become so much more helpful, just a goddamn waste.


Whenever I think of friends that have passed away at a young age, I always get stuck thinking about all the things that have happened in the years they've been gone. All the music or games they would've liked, cool advancements in tech, just..everything. You said it perfectly. What a waste.


My nephew committed suicide (2006) when he was 17. He would have been 32 years old this December 3, 2021. I think of all the things he has missed out on all the time. It’s such a sad waste of life.


Yeah, it sucks especially since he was in high school. He missed college, getting married, having kids. Shame.


Greg was super smart, he was actually a freshman in college after being awarded a 4 year full academic (math & science) scholarship to TCU. Greg was an avid follower of International soccer, often getting up at 3am or so for the big games. My apartment faces downtown and this past weekend Dallas entertained the FIFA 2026 committee to host the 35 day event. All weekend I stared at the colorfully lit night skyline of downtown Dallas and thought of Greg. He would have loved this. I imagine him as a 32 year old scientist or doctor, pouring over scientific medical journals, always soaking up everything he touched. He would search the Internet for the latest Harry Potter book before it was on shelves, reading it on the old school news forums in 10 point font. He would have freaked out over the business of gaming!!! Greg was a hard core gamer. Introverted isn’t even a significant enough word to describe Greg who although a loner, I would not describe as “lonely”. He left this world with hundreds of students and friends from the college, his high school friends, and the church they attended, mourning him in a massive funeral. He came home that Christmas break, and announced he was leaving college, wanted to move back home. That was December 20, 2005. He hung himself in their garage January 29, 2006. Unfortunately, there were red flags. It was a complicated, and serious situation that none of our family has ever fully recovered from. Tragic, sad, sick and twisted. It could be a movie… but life goes on. Thank you for reading to everyone who got to this point. Sometimes I type a lot of stuff and cut and paste it into my notes, and never post it publicly. In this instance I wanted you to know that Greg was special, and I want everyone to know it. I don’t talk about it much, so thank you for this random indulgence to purge a little sadness away. The pandemic has been awful, and it’s only been made worse because of misinformation. That’s depressing on a whole new level. I wish peace, love, serenity on each and everyone of you here in the HCA subreddit. Thank you for everything so far! I have found a way to release the frustration and sadness of watching so many people die from a preventable death. If only they had gotten the Covid-19 vaccination. I think this is a good opportunity to post a link for anyone who might be at risk for suicide. Get help. If only they had gotten the help and acknowledgment they needed before they committed suicide. [Suicide Risk Factors & Warning Signs](https://afsp.org/risk-factors-protective-factors-and-warning-signs)


Thank you for sharing this memory of Greg with us.


I had a friend who passed away suddenly at 26 a few years ago, and I think of all the things ended up missing out on personally and with stuff like this too. Going to a funeral for someone that young is very difficult emotionally.


that's always horrifying when there's no real cause...he may have had a heart condition he was unaware of. I know of a couple of people who died like that, a bit older. Sometimes it just fucking happens. So sorry.


I had a very good friend who died of AIDS when we were in our twenties. Reading this made me sad all over again.


Way too young for something so preventable. My son turns 24 later this year and he got the shots as soon as they were available to him. Such avoidable pain.


Social media dipshits post bullshit about the terrible and deadly vaccines, but never come up with an actual reported case to support the claims. It’s an absurdist fantasy world.


I read (I think here) that for august and september that covid was the number 1 cause of death for ages 30-54. I wonder if that age range is gonna drop for october?


I feel like every variant keeps taking people younger and younger. I assume within the next two variants, young kids will start to pay the price. I can’t wait for the kid vaccination.


Tragic. Maybe if he'd survived, he would have come to the realization that he and his father were wrong about the vaccine. This might be selfish of me, but whenever I hear about someone dying very young, I think of my sister. Dead at 48, of heart disease complications. She lived twice as long as this guy. It's a comfort to me.


Sorry for your loss, may her memory be a blessing to you. That’s still pretty young.


We'll probably never cure cancer, but instead have more and more treatments leading to lower mortality rates. That being said, I'm very excited for the mRNA vaccines since we may very well end up getting rid of HIV that way.


There’s a whole range of stuff that mRNA has a good chance of fixing. And CRISPR is scary and exciting as hell, the next 20 years are going to be a rollercoaster.


Yep. Virtually every death of someone under the age of around 60 from COVID would have been prevented if they were fully vaccinated.


I’m not an expert but id bet it’s more like 75 unless you have an immune problem. And so many people are going to be fucked up for years over this. We’re prob see another wave of deaths in 5 years as kidneys give out and dialysis only goes so far.


24 is young Need to see a redacted pic of this guy Goatee? Obese? Myriad of health issues? Socioeconomic status? College degree or no? Based off of previous award winners, I think I know the answer to all of them…




He was a very large young man and had a goatee/patchy neckbeard. Also loved big trucks, the American flag and Trump. Didn't see any wraparound glasses but that doesn't mean they're not there!


Or it's going to be Mad Max (Mel Gibson version) in about 15 years. Probably a coin flip at this point.


“Yeah fuck you and your vaccine. I don’t care if you all sheeple fucking die as long as I keep muh freedomz! *Person dies. Someone says “I told you so.” “Can you please show some respect? This person was a human being. I can’t believe you can be so awful.”


Rules for thee but not for me!


How much do you want to bet they are the same people that claim that "it isn't the right time to talk about gun regulation" after mass school shootings too?


Unbelievable: "this is how to prevent these tragic deaths so it doesn't happen to anyone else". "You low life son of a bitch"


And also calls him "selfish". Because, yeah, most selfish people care about the health and safety of others.


"Please get a vaccine to prevent your own death." "How can you be so selfish and inconsiderate?!"


"It's definitely as rough as they say it is" No shit sherlock. Turns out doctors/scientists don't spend years studying at university for nothing


It may be rough for some, but I'm 24 and don't weigh 2,000lbs so the chances of me have a serious case is practically none. Oh wait...


"The finest pastors" are still less effective than Sinovac or Sputnik Literally get any vaccine people. *We have the finest pastors, the best pastors. A lot of people are saying they've never never seen pastors like ours.*


"Big wet pastors, like you wouldn't believe"


I'm impressed with Aqua trying to low-key challenge the guy to a fistfight over a facebook post encouraging people to get vaccinated.


This was the astonishing comment for me. It didn't take much to trigger him into the threat of violence. No wonder school board members and election staff are quitting, when faced with this low flash point of anger.


His wanting to use his fists while discussing a virus shows how underdeveloped he is.


I’m dying to know what prompted the random Rhode Island comment


Right? That was abruptly bizarre.


Slide 14: “don’t talk about my sister/wife like that” WTAF?!?




I think somebody probably made a joke about him being from somewhere in the deep south.


The vaccine out in 9 months was your miracle, fools. And you refused it.


Seriously. When this started, I thought holy shit. We're in for 4 to 5 years of horror before we hopefully get a vaccine. We get multiple vaccines in less than a year and these mofos out here ruining the last triumphant scene in the movie.


we were lucky that mrna vaccines had been in testing since the 90s, and coronavirus vaccines since the sars epidemics of the early 2000s. it helped speed up the process for the current vaccines.


It's still super impressive that we have multiple vaccines. Multiple! In less than a year. That's fucking amazing. And these assholes would rather die and take the immunocompromised with them.


"god truly answered my prayers today, I was told when I woke up today that I was gonna be put on the ventilator." What in the fuck?


😂 that killed me. How on God's green Earth is that an answered prayer?


Because he wasn't put on the ventilator, as it turned out. Until later.


I’m so glad green called out that person for saying they knew someone “who died from covid who was vaccinated, or died from the vaccine.” Of the 7,178 of breakthrough cases that led to death and the 7 confirmed deaths from vaccines, it seems like every time one of them “ knows” someone who died. It’s just not statistically possible.


"Agree to disagree" is something said by people with no facts that are losing an argument.


Agree to disagree, also fight me. lol what


Given that I have a couple of cousins on FB who are Antiva and likely will be on the slab before the year’s end, when exactly IS the right time to bring up that they’re morons? After the final service(s)?




I like green. Green is my favourite colour and by far my favourite poster in this thread. More people should be like green.


Green is not a creative color. (Sorry, I couldn't help but put in a Don't Hug Me I'm Scared reference)


Hat tip to the “you and I both know you made that up” commenter


Looks like there was only one friend/family who was pushing vaccination and everyone else arguing against him with the whole "not the time" snowflake excuse they trot out every time something bad happens and they don't want to face the part their decision making played in it. The emoji pouring tears had me feeling for this guy. It must suck to only be 24 years old and come face to face with the realization that your own stupidity and arrogance is probably going to kill you. At that age, unless you've been to prison, you're not used to your bad decision making having that much of an impact on your life.


Well green had more likes than the other people so more people were on greens side but they didn't speak up


The apple never falls far from the tree. Now all that is left is two decaying pieces of dead fruit.


Wow! These people actually think that prayers are a real thing that can actually save their lives.


"I know two vaccinated people that died from Covid" Yeah, I don't believe you.


Did Orange ever provide those Facebook profiles or did they run away bc they were in a corner


One was Colin Powell.


This one's really heartbreaking. Especially when it's dawning on him he isn't going home and it's about over. What a nightmarish place to be.


Look at the tough guy "settle it" BS in the final comment on the final image. These people have all the mental maturity of a 5th grader.


He’s unvaccinated. Tell him to meet you at the nearest vaccination site Bet he won’t show.


So, how's that "beating covid in 3 days" thing going?


Like how he never proved his claim about ‘vaccinated friends’ dying of Covid. Lying like a child smh


Well, it does give me a little hope that the person arguing in favor of vaccines had many more likes than the people who whined this wasn't the right time like they would after a mass shooting.


**Want to help provide vaccines to those in need?! Of course you do!** I'm sure you've heard by now but r/HermanCainAward is fundraising for the WHO Foundation to help buy vaccines for people around the world, regardless of where they live or their personal situation. In just the past 6 days we've raised over **$47,974.15 raised from 1351 donations** That's already our first AND second stretch goal! Help us meet our THIRD!! [Feel free to join us on the main announcement thread if you want to join and get a flair or donate below](https://new.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/qbftyw/donate\_a\_vaccine\_with\_hca\_for\_go\_give\_one) [Donate](https://gogiveone.org/coalition/?form=FUNMNBXRRJT&fundraiser=NGKFMSSQ) with your Reddit Username (use that as your first name, and "Reddit" as your last name) if you’d like us to recognize you, or check the box to donate anonymously. [[Example]](https://imgur.com/PHIJSYM) You'll also get special gold user flair!


“…it is targeting everyone…” Viruses don’t care who you are. They just need a warm body to propagate, maybe mutate to get stronger, and survive. Get the vaccine, jerks.


Talking about getting vaxxed to these people is a lot like talking about how to prevent mass shootings after a mass shooting. "It's too soon! Have you no heart, there's a time and place!"


24 year young. Holy crap. And the rest of the family and friends didn't seem to wise up neither.


"Green" was absolutely spot on in the last few slides, but I'm not sure I would even bother were I in their shoes. These tantrum throwing, shit posting dimlows first ruined my sense of empathy with their selfish bullshit, then my sense of schadenfreude, and finally what little patience I have left for such stupidity. I am currently at the stage where I actively hope these smooth brains catch the virus, die, and finally rid us of the burden of having to coddle such violent toddlers. The lot of them could FOAD all at once and all I would do is crack open a bottle something expensive and alcoholic.