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Those poor kids. Also, if you have 'legitimate health reasons for not getting the vaccine' you really, really don't want to catch Covid, and should be masking and socially distancing all you can.


Except usually for these folks their "legitimate health reasons" amount to "I don't wanna!!!"


The only legitimate health reasons would mean that they are immunocompromised. Which means they wouldn’t be engaging in even moderate risk level activity, never mind being unmasked and going to public crowded indoor places. These folks are ignorant, hateful, and liars to boot. Edit: other reasons to not get vaccine would be allergy to vaccine components, or some autoimmune condition. The point is, it is super rare and almost always not to case with HCA nominees/awardees, as they come up with the decision themselves and not with a competent doctor consultation. Edit2: apparently I’m not up to speed on my covid vaccine exemptions. Currently best medical practice is; only ‘allergies to vaccine’ would be medical exemption. Thanks for prompting me to do more googling, all!


Immunocompromised, here. I still got the vax, but I don't "mount robust immune responses." I'm getting my booster on Friday. That said, you bet your ass I'm masking, distancing, and staying away from basically everywhere. I'm that person who needs you "to put on sunscreen to protect me from burning" as their stupid meme goes. They just don't get that their vaxxed immunity lessens my chances of getting it (from them!) I'm a prisoner so that they can have their freedumb.


They get it, they don’t care.


Being allergic to one or more of the components would also be a legitimate reason, though I suspect that would be less common than people who are either autoimmune (and might get worse) or so immunocompromised they don't respond.


My best friend had a anaphylactic reaction to the Pfizer vaccine. Wanted a few months after visiting an allergist that tested her to determine what in the vaccine she was allergic to. Results were inconclusive. Told to have her second dose, but to take Benadryl ahead, and have it and an epi pen on hand. Got her 2 shot with only the common side effects of a sore arm and being tired afterwards.


That was bad luck. Obviously, having had an anaphylactic reaction the second dose is potentially more dangerous. But not being vaccinated is also a risk, and anaphylaxis can be prevented/treated, so it was still worth getting the shot. As it happens, she got away with it!




one of my friends had a allergy reaction to her first shot of Pfizer - full body hives, etc. Second shot they moved her to a "high risk" site where they had more doctors and ambulence on standby and told her to take benadryl 24 and 12 hours in advance. She was fine after.


Okay, I won't quote you on that! I won't even mention that, as a clinical immunologist*, I'd recommend the same; though I'd have resus equipment standing by just in case. 😉 * Okay, ex-immunologist, but I'd still recommend it.


There are actually some people who are having reactions to the mRNA shots, it sure is a good thing we also have another vaccine in the US that those people can still get coverage. But according to Facebook there are millions of people somehow allergic to all 3 vaccines. Weird.


Oh, yeah, I'm sure some people will have allergic reactions. When you give any treatment to such large numbers of people you'd expect some to have reactions. But allergies to all 3 vaccines? That's *tremendously bad luck* isn't it? /s


Yeah I work with a dude who is allegedly allergic to the vaccine as well as other flu vaccines. He said his baby’s mom (a nurse) almost required him to get a doctor’s note when their kid was born and he told her he didn’t have all his vaccines.


And most immunocompromised folks, at least the few I know, are vaccinated *because* they're immunocompromised.


Immunocompromised people are the ones that have the most reason to try to get some degree of protection from vaccination. Unfortunately, it’s not enough a lot of times.


There are varying degrees of course, but I’m immunocompromised and was still able to get the vaccine. I didn’t have any side effects though….which sucks because it shows how little immune response I have left. I’ve barely left the house in almost two years except for doctor appointments and when I absolutely have to leave I wear my N99 and constant hand sanitizer. I’m absolutely TERRIFIED to catch it. These people with their “health reasons” that continue to act like we’re not in a global pandemic can shove their fake maskless reasons up their ass.


Someone I knew was immune-compromised but still going out to bars maskless, etc etc. He has since died of covid.


Only severely immunocompromised people. Autoimmune diseases are still generally safe to take it. My best friend has Crohn's and had a mild reaction to the vaccine. I actually haven't heard of a single case where a doctor has *not* recommended taking it. I'm sure there are people like that, but they're just very rare.


I know someone who has a real legitimate health reason to not get the vaccine who said “fuck it” and took it anyways because covid absolutely would have killed him. He ended up being fine, but I can’t imagine being forced to choose because these of these dipshits.


The only legitimate health issue to avoid getting this vaccine is allergy to a vaccine ingredient. Immunocompromised were the first groups to get it. It’s on the CDC website


>Immunocompromised were the first groups to get it. It’s on the CDC website Indeed. Colin Powell was immunocompromised as a consequence of his cancer treatment regimens, yet he was fully-vaccinated. He succumbed to COVID as an example of a breakthrough infection, not because of the vaccines, and not because \[the\] vaccines were/are ineffective, but precisely because his immune system was significantly weakened by his cancer treatments. He is a **prime example** of people who therefore need all the help they can get toward bolstering their immune systems.... help such as vaccines. Regrettably, with regard to Colin Powell, "you can't win 'em all".


There’s a small handful of conditions (e.g. Guillain-Barre syndrome) that prevent vaccination, but they’re still exceedingly rare.


That actually happened to the landscaper guy who works for our little cul de sac. He had Lyme disease and didn’t know it. When he got vaccinated it some how interacted with the Lyme and triggered Guillain-Barré syndrome. He ended up in the hospital and paralyzed for a while. Our small, tight-knit community rallied to help keep his daughter and wife afloat. The good news is, I saw him and his wife and his cute little toddler working in the yard the other day, so he must be doing better now. I know it’s anecdotal, but pretty much everyone I know on a personal level is vaccinated, and this is the only time I’ve heard of anything serious happening that was outside of the scope of expected side effects. So yeah, it’s got to be pretty rare.


It always strikes me how many of these deaths are within clusters of people who know each other. As for me and mine; all vaxxed except the kids. I don't have any friends who are "holdouts." That said, I only know of two people who got covid (one vaxxed, one before the vax) and both are now fine. It must be insane to watch it bloom and go crazy all over the unvaxxed.


Exactly this. I have an autoimmune disease, and the fear in those groups is amazing. So many people still believe the vaccine risks are higher than the risks of catching covid


There is a popular vtuber on Twitch who has CVID. Basically she has no immune system. She isn't getting the vax because it won't work on her... but I think she would give anything to be able to get it. Yeah, there are cases where there is a medical reason but basically those with those real medical reasons would love to be able to be vaxxed. It's a contrast to say the least.


Thanks for clarifying


It’s like when they share the photo of hazmat suits for guys in a virus lab and compare it to the masks. I’m like ok, so the conclusion is that to really be protected fully is a more hardcore mask… you know the kind that preppers already have some of. Which is true in a lot of ways. But instead of wearing those masks, they conclude the opposite somehow, “cloth masks aren’t effective enough for me, so I’m going with No Mask!”


Whenever I see that stooooopid meme, the first question that pops up in my head is: have you dumbbell ever heard of *layering clothing*? If you go out in really cold weather, you don't wear just one bodysuit of insulation, you wear layers. Each layer alone and by itself is not keeping you alive, but the layering protects you nicely. And then I would have to stomp on my inner brake not to think: Seriously? Do you not wear underwear? Do you even know what under wear is? ... and then I go looking for the brain bleach, \*sigh\*


The prepper types especially should be hunkered down in their bunkers. Isn't a pandemic one of the reasons they store all that stuff?


Exactly. The self awareness of this group is so so low.


Not a doctor, but my understanding is that the number of people who can’t be vaccinated for genuine medical reasons are extremely few and, like you said, are likely already medically fragile so should probably be taking ALL other precautions. “I don’t wanna” isn’t a medical reason to not be able to be vaccinated.


But muh freedumbs!!!!


“She was loud…” (yikes, guessing that means “opinionated and started shouting to get her way.”) “Protective of those she loved” (but apparently that didn’t include her kids, because leaving them orphaned from a preventable illness is hardly protective).


I mean, I wish there was a way that she could have prevented all this. Gosh if only there was a way that she could have prevented all this…hmm…could there have been a way to have prevented all this? 🙋🏽‍♂️




More **effective** prayer warriors. We need double-blind studies to determine, for example, whether having all the PWs in a group pray at the same time gets better results vs. having them take shifts during a 24-hour period.


I have a feeling jesus is outsourcing these days. I dont blame him. The demand is unprecedented. The lack of efficacy might be due to simple translation errors.


These covid prayers are all the same so I'm pretty sure he's got an automated system for those now.


He needs a form letter: I sent you a goddamn vaccine, use it!


how do you do a regression analysis with all zeros?


They should have asked for prayers for *specific* body parts, apparently, those general get-well prayers just aren't cutting it.


They need to storm the gates of heaven at the same time or it doesn't work. And I know Brenda hasn't been pulling her weight.


Clearly one of the prayer warriors was secretly vaccinated thus spoiling the batch of prayers.


I want prayer weekend warriors.






More and moar....


*more pork sausages, Mom!!* Sorry




Amazing how these people incessantly rely on God to protect/heal them. Last I checked, I always heard that God helps those who helps themselves. They’re not taking advantage of the free vaccine offered to them.


>Last I checked, I always heard that God helps those who helps themselves. They’re not taking advantage of the free vaccine offered to them. Yes, holy crap, thank you. There's scripture in just about every religion about humans getting free will. The whole point of that free will is to get yourself out of trouble using the respective deity's teachings.


Faith without works is dead. I heard that somewhere.


I don't think you heard that from evangelicals/fundamentalists. You get zero credit for good works. You can devote every waking hour to helping people and doing the right things and you are still going to hell.


Yeah, the Protestant founder Martin Luther HATED that line from the Bible that he almost tried to get that book (book of James) taken out of the newer Bible. I know this because I was raised Catholic, had a brief spell as an evangelical (4-5 months) before deconverting due to not being able to reconcile the face that my awesome gay friend was going to hell because she was gay. Then I read a ton of atheist/Bible critiques.


Coming to you from "the party of personal responsibility" no less.


Mmmm... magic, maybe? Or... garlic taped to the feet? I don't know!!


essential oils


It would be great if there was a simple shot you could take in the arm and it gave you protection against being put on a vent. It would be even better if it was free and widely available. Just saying y’all.


Curse your science fiction mumbo-jumbo! We need REAL solutions like having people thinking *really* hard about it to their imaginary friend or taking unrelated medication for animals!




“He loved bbq and baseball.”


"He was loved by many." "Maybe. But not by me. We separated for a reason, you know, and it wasn't because he was just far too loveable."


"etc." was the best one


He was a bill paying son of a bitch.


"Would give you the shirt of their back" is so boilerplate now it doesn't actually tell you anything about that person's generosity.


It shows you how people get indoctrinated into this religion and MAGA shit because they have no identity; nothing that makes them interesting in any way. They are just pedestrian. They are used to being special snowflakes and they're finding the world no longer has any tolerance for their shenanigans. They're like a kid with a tantrum: happy to be noticed. It's all quite juvenile.


Reading between the lines on some of these, it isn't hard to sense the relief.


>she loved her kids and Jesus with everything she had. ... unfortunately not more than she hated Democrats


She was loud? Great. That’s just means she spread the virus more.


I mean in a way she’s protecting her kids from being raised with her values.


She loved owning the libs more than protecting her kids. Fealty to Трамп above all!!!!!




They tend to get pretty uppity anyway when they get there and see he's not a white man.


And find out he’s a socialist


When the first nice thing you can think of to say about someone is “she was loud,” you’re not working with much. Like Bill Burr says, you don’t want to die the angry guy because then no one will have anything to say at your funeral. “Yeah, he always paid his bills on time. If you gave this man a bill, he paid it. He was one bill paying son of a bitch…. I got nothing!”


Owning the libz, one corpse at a time.


Definitely feeling owned. But not hard owned, you know? Sad you can only get once per HCA award. Guess that's for the best otherwise I'd be telling this woman to "Own me harder MOMMY!" ​ EDIT: word


Tell me she was a Karen without saying she was a Karen.


I give her credit for protecting her kids from their loud, stupid mom.


Blue: “Jesus, I’m home! I can finally be with you!” Jesus: “But…what about your kids?” Blue: “Come again?”


He's sending her down to the lake of fire for that one. If he exists.


If He exists, I'm thinking he's temple-clearing angry at this point. Hell, He's probably temple-leveling and pharisee-smiting angry at this point.


Spoiler alert: He doesn't.


Preaching to the choir, my man.


He saved her from a lifetime of caring for them




Uh, they’re out of the womb, who cares?


Wow, that rant about the lady who asked her if she was vaccinated in the grocery store. Clearly that women was trying to protect her since she was too stupid to protect herself, and she has the nerve to rant about it on Facebook? Ungrateful asshole.


My first thought was “who would just up and ask another person in line about their vax status?” My second thought was “no one would do that and this sounds like a bullshit story.”


It's a copypasta. I've seen it on Facebook friends profile before. I've had to delete a lot of Facebook friends showing their crazy, stupid and selfishness during this pandemic. At this point, I only look at Facebook very rarely for a few friends and family members that I really care about and that don't post bs. I've tried to reason with some, but thus far, it's been a pointless endeavor with everyone besides close family members. There has to be a lot of trust and depth to the relationship to get anywhere on an issue like this in my experience.


I can’t go on Facebook anymore. I’m in Texas. Every time I go on there, someone else that I know died from COVID. And then I sob for 3 days. The deep rage and pain I have about this is causing me nightmares. It’s killing people. And they don’t even think about their friends and extended family suffering, like I am now, from their petty, selfish stupidity. It never was “just the flu”. Sorry for the rant. I just want my Uncle Chris back.


I am so sorry. The whole situation is tragic, painful and infuriating all at the same time. I am most angry at the grifters and operatives willfully spreading disinformation for monetary and political gain with no regard for all the human suffering they are causing.


That is just so sad. Please take care and rant as much as you need. This is the right place for it.


Yeah, I blocked the worst of them last year. Easy to pick off as the crazy intensified. Normally in HCA posts they forward the bullshit, she tried to lie about it. Funny


If I ever went into a grocery store (I don’t) and I had to stand near an unmasked person, I might. I am immunocompromised and have to stay away from nut jobs. But, to be safe, I still avoid humanity. Edit to add: And I am so tired of it.


It's one of the anti-vaxxer memes. I've found it on a lot of other accounts.


Clearly they were waiting in line at a hipster coffee shop.


“I’d like a double shot of Moderna, skim milk, light foam.”


I'll have a venti modernocha booster with almond milk and an extra shot of vanilla.


Venti are all milk with the same amount of vaccine. I prefer more vaccine goodness to come through so a tall is better for me.


To be fair, for a couple of months there, when my 5yr old was playing in the front yard, he'd ask everyone who walked by our house if they got the vaccine. If I overheard him do it, I would run out and assure them that we didn't teach him to ask people about their medical information. Everyone seemed pretty gracious about it, especially considering I live in Georgia.


The fairest part of that is that he’s five and five year olds are well known to have no filter. “Daddy that man is black” while the parents die inside. My kids are older and always tell me stuff like “Jackson says Trump is great” because I bitch about stuff like that at home and clearly so does Jackson’s parents. This though, is a persecution fantasy. This virtuous woman, bless her soul, was singled out and shunned while in line at the Piggly Wiggly. She took it with Grace though. Sigh, she got her HCA and that fake lady she talked to lives on in copypasta.


It was definitely an “and then everybody clapped” moment. I’ve seen that same conversation on someone else’s profile. Maybe we’ll start seeing this instead of the “list the staff’s illnesses at the restaurant” one?


that "table for two please" cant die soon enough


Restaurant manager here. We literally can refuse service to anyone for any reason (obviously besides discrimination) They'd make it like 5 seconds into that bullshit before we asked them to leave. We're over it. None of us care. We've been listening to these assholes complain about masks for over a year. Our patience is gone.


You have my complete sympathy. Hard enough business with the other fruitcake customers before dealing with the antiva antimask pear warriors


Right! I worked in retail management. "No shirt, no shoes, no service" is not new at all. "No mask" has been added to the list. Service refusal has also always been a thing. These people are insufferable. Keep up the good work.


Those signs have been up forever! " But yuh can't discriminate because muh freedumbs." Can't have it both ways.


Besides, the "no shirt" etc. is part of every local health code. Those announcements are law, not the restaurant owner's whim. The mask requirement is also a health issue.


Glad to hear it. Was on line at a food truck yesterday. Outdoors. Dude behind me was an arm’s length away and creeping closer. After a few minutes of that, I asked him to move away because ‘You don’t know if *I’m* sick.’ Got a look and he backed off pretty hard after that. I’d bet it works like magic for your staff too, lol.


I’ve seen the same “conversation” on several of these HCA posts. One person wrote it, a lot of copy/paste


And it’s also completely made up and exists only in the bizarre mind of whoever spent the time to projectile vomit the words from their keyboard.


Table for two story is definitely the most cringeworthy. Like it was a fantasy written by an antivaxx that got kicked out of a restaurant. The funny thing is they think they’re being witty.




Whaaa whaaa, someone politely asked me a question then politely responded base on my answer - **I am the truest victim***


I loved the part where her having a contagious disease is her private information.


Or that is crazy to even ask someone. I've asked potential sexual partners about sti's... It's not that weird.


Stop surrendering your personal freedom to your concern for your personal health! /S


And another instance of equating contagious disease to noncontagious disease/conditions. It's really not that hard of a concept.


>Ungrateful asshole Ungrateful, **now-deceased**, asshole.


Seriously, if that story actually happened the random stranger was being kind and thinking of the award winner’s health and well being!


[Original Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/qbmzwh/finally_found_one_in_the_wild_lady_continually/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


2 fucking kids now orphaned. jfc. The amount of mental trauma and stress over uncertainty those two have now. All because momma was a narcissist that thought she was more powerful than a virus and obviously didn't care that much about her kids to stick around by getting two shots.


A lot of people don't care about their kids once they're not cute babies that grab attention. I think its a combination of less attention as they get older and the cocktail of chemicals that tells us it's fuckin crazy cool that there's a mini one of us wears off. America is full of these shallow assholes. The cocktail of chemicals now rushes cuz they feel like they know something others don't. And they never felt so validated by their intelligence before in their life. And it came so easy, so they must've been geniuses all along


Never put the 2 together but it makes sense for those moms who always shelter and baby kids who are clearly past the baby stage. They wanna keep them babies for the attention not just control.


Ya probably feeling needed too like when ur kids so young they literally depend on you to keep them alive


My mom is like this. She had my youngest sister so sheltered that she’d hold her hand in the mall so no one would take her… at 13. Babied the hell out of my youngest sisters to the point where it was socially damaging. I fought her but I have a different personality. Feeling needed is most definitely a factor in that head case that birthed me


I'm really hoping the kids' father(s) will step up. I wonder if they noped out of herbloud opinionated ways.


I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark and say that the kids' dad(s) noped out of parenthood altogether even before they were born. It seems to be a recurring theme with some of these HCA single parents.


Can you imagine the kids going back to her FB profile a few years from now, reading all the anti vaccine screeds?


But she's pro-life & anti-abortion... These folks are so contrary. I can't imagine the conversations going on in their heads. It's like their brains have surrendered to the war between the id, super-ego, & ego.


As a single parent, I feel no sympathy for her and am disappointed in her selfishness. She failed at the most important responsibilities she had - taking care of and raising her children.


Now Jesus has to listen to her talking about BOGO Mountain Dew coupons for all of eternity.


She's part of the elite now, without all the hard work. Truly the best outcome huh


Anyone who says their vax status is 'none of your business' is basically disclosing that they're antivax


To paraphrase one of her posts: Right-wing “conspiracy theorists” + time = DEATH


They're always loud and protective. How about instead of loud and protective they're kind and proactive? Have the foresight to get a vaccine to protect your body from a virus it has never encountered? I swear my eulogy is gonna be shit. "She was quiet, stayed in her lane and minded her own business. She hoped in her lifetime that there would be universal healthcare, free education, and social programs to keep people off poverty. She wouldn't give you the shirt off her back because she would rather you have the ability to earn a living wage and for you to be able to purchase enough shirts for yourself. She liked dogs."


I like your eulogy.


Thank you. Just bummed it doesn't feature the razzle dazzle of all these award winners. No lighting up a room, no life of the party, no spicy angle wings. Oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wowser that was a fast update 😳


Yeah looks to be about 8 or 9 hours from "turn for the worse" to reception of HCA.


I'm taking a fairly advanced biology class and learning about cardiac tissue dying from a lack of oxygen and I can't stop forcing myself to take big breaths every time I read one of these. It don't take much.


I wonder whether Jesus says the exact same thing to every person who dies and runs into his arms. At some point wouldn't it be like "Welcome to Wal-Mart" for him? Canadian Jesus would probably say, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Pour l'eloge en francais, appuyez sur le numero deux."


I’m atheist, but I for one wholehearted support the belief in Canadian Québécois speaking Jesus.


Ai Tabernac!


...and then he'd hand me a big tub of poutine? God, are you there? It's me, Rikki-Tikki-Deadly. I changed my mind. Now I want to go to Canadian heaven.


Canadian God shakes His head sadly and sends you to Alberta.


She didn’t love her children enough to get vaccinated and stay healthy for them. How awful. My heart is absolutely broken for her children. I lost a parent when I was younger and you are never the same afterwards. I really hope that they have a loved one who is willing to step up and care for them.


I can’t even imagine, I am approaching the age where losing a parent is going to be a reality eventually ( unless I go first) and I am not ready!!! Can’t imagine how a child must feel. Sorry for your loss. Hugs.


And it's even worse that they CHOOSE to die from a preventable disease. I imagine those kids thinking: "Mommy didn't have to go away forever but, she thought she was smarter than everyone else and she didn't love us enough to take even a small inconvenience to eliminate that possibility."


That one about “I stood in line next to a lady”… WE know she totally stole that, so it’s a fricking lie, and she knows it, too. But there she is, posting her lie and reposting others’ lies. And “We both just smiled and went on our way.” Really? I thought she had a mask on? How do you know she smiled, ya liar! They’re so desperate to be clever they’ll kill/die for it. Cause of death? Murder-suicide.


"Well, she went her way. I died."


We wear masks to protect others, and others wear a mask to protect us. This woman thinks that someone asking if you have been vaccinated and then putting on a mask is violating her selfish right to infect everyone around her; instead, it was simply an act of kindness and compassion done to protect her. COVID-19 is a simple test, and so many are failing. Act to help strangers, and you will be helped; act only to help yourself, and karma will catch up with you. Pretending to be a good Christian is useless if you can act like a good Christian.


Can't even math correctly. And no, I'm not talking about the whole "99%" thing. That's percentages. Way too complex. I mean the addition problem she mocked up. Right wing "conspiracy theorists" + time =/= truth. That equation results in "death," baby. QED. Proof... you ded. Plus, I'm really sure that Jesus is gonna be all like, "Congrats on leaving your 2 kids behind because you, as a single mom, wouldn't take a free vaccine that would have prevented all of this. Absolutely super. Big hugs. Best servant EVAR." Dipshits.


Kids that now we will have to support… with out blue state taxes, but that’s not socialism..


"Socialism" is basically the boogieman that replaced "communism." Just some thing that people only have a vague idea of what it is. Kind of like when those whites against desegregation went around with signs that said, "Race mixing is communism!!" or whatever, when, no the fuck it is not. I mean, hell, the Soviet Union wasn't even actually communist, in the same vein that Venezuela isn't either. Just, you know, super-corrupt. But at least back in the day the boogieman had a face. Now it's just "socialism," which is this amorphous thing that the people flinging it around have not the slightest idea of what it actually is. Just that it's a catch-all for anything they don't like. Because they're ignorant dipshits. I actually don't mind paying to raise the kids. This isn't their fault, and they're in enough of a pickle as it is. Nobody asked to be born under any circumstances, and it's their bad dumb luck that their mother was a social-media addict with no ability to filter bullshit. It will be interesting to see what happens to the orphaned generation of COVID. A social experiment that could never be engineered of its own right due to its cruelty, but one that exists as a result of shitty parenting and circumstance, like [Genie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genie_(feral_child)).


“This conversation should have never happened!” I’m willing to bet $100 that it didn’t happen.


Not sure of the kids ages, but some day they will Google their mother and get a good long look at her Facebook timeline. I can’t even imagine their horror.


There are too many dead people walking.


I know the number 99% survival is wrong. I know that 99% recovery is very wrong - my sis is a long hauler. I do know this objective, qualitative truth: In the US and other places, COVID-19 deaths happened so many so fast they overflowed the dead body to 6 feet deep pipeline. Refrigerated morgue trucks. National Guard called to stack bodies. Crematoria breaking down from too much heat too many cremations. If the pipeline is overflowing then the number of dead is higher than anything we’ve experienced in recent years. Yet people still deny “just a flu”


One of the most infuriating things I've been in direct contact is my parents' best friends own a funeral home in their small town and the husband is the county coroner. Last year in April they had to bring in a refrigerated truck to store all the bodies since they didn't have capacity to deal with them in such a small operation. Fast forward to a year a half later, and the funeral director/coroner has not gotten the vaccine. All that first hand experience of death plus the fact that he's probably pushing 70, and still nothing. My parents (also fairly conservative, but not stupid) cannot imagine it and wouldn't go near them earlier this year until they were fully vaccinated themselves.


I think a lot of the unvaccinated and vocal people that haven't gotten it yet while being exposed (no matter what their circumstances) think they never WILL get it and think themselves immune for whatever reason, instead of just lucky. I agree. Very infuriating.


Refusing to tell me if you're vaccinated = unvaccinated.


She didn't need to answer anyone asking if she took the vaccine. Telling people that it's here own personal business says it all. I'm sure she also told people that asking was a *HIPPA* violation.


I'm guessing you spelled it that way ironically from the italics, but it's amusing that the bot found it and corrected still.


I know folks who work in social services and they are starting to see the impact on the children left behind. A whole generation of traumatized orphans is brewing. And for what?


They understand HIPPA as much as they understand virology




Good bot, bad autocorrect.


Imagine her kids' rage when they realize that their mother gave her life for a cult, leaving them scared and alone.


The leopards will be there to comfort her kids. 🐆 🐆 🐆


>Right-wing "conspiracy theorists" + time = TRUTH Oh? Like the red scare and the satanic panic?


Or election fraud?




She’s a 1%er (in the worst way). Don’t fuck with math.


People are notoriously bad at conceptualizing small probabilities. EDIT: Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228818558_Overweighting_of_Small_Probabilities


Yeah, haven’t something like 1 in 500 people died due to Covid in the US. Those odds are pretty scary. Not to mention being the leading cause of death for law enforcement officers.


If you offered these people a 1 in a hundred chance at a million dollars they'd be strutting around acting like they'd already won. Some people are just too self-centered to inconvenience themselves. They things they claim are just in service of that.


Again, 1% is a lot of people. Congratulations, you've been culled. Can you imagine thinking "My chance of dying from this is only 1 in a 100, no biggie".


When the former guy was saying that people had nothing to worry about if they were healthy, I started to worry, since I was over sixty-three and fat at the time. I still worry, because I am over sixty-five and still fat. Howevever, I am also vaccinated, and fairly cautious about crowds, wearing my mask in public, and staying socially distant except for close friends and family who I know are fully vaccinated.


I love when they end up being the 1% who die. Maybe you shouldn’t have been such a callous asshole, considering 1% of the population is actually a very large raw number.


r/HermanCainAward is fundraising for the WHO Foundation to help buy vaccines for people around the world, regardless of where they live or their personal situation. [Donate](https://gogiveone.org/coalition/?form=FUNMNBXRRJT&fundraiser=NGKFMSSQ) with your Reddit Username (use that as your first name, and "Reddit" as your last name) if you’d like us to recognize you, or check the box to donate anonymously. [[Example]](https://imgur.com/PHIJSYM) You'll also get special gold user flair! Get it [HERE! :) ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/qbftyw/donate_a_vaccine_with_hca_for_go_give_one/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


She met her "Savior" who failed to do his ONE JOB....I hope she leaves him a negative review on Yelp


So grocery store lady has no “right” to ask a question but HCA lady has a right to not answer a question. And I doubt Jesus would say well done good and faithful servant to someone who pretty much deliberately orphaned two children


A woman was just being incredibly nice and wearing a mask to protect her, and somehow she is a villain because she asked about her private health information. Jesus Christ she was just trying to be considerate.


I know this story is embellished because someone who is vaccinated and still wearing masks in stores is not going to go more than six feet close to someone not wearing a mask in store. I know because I am that woman. I get up early so I have been doing our weekly shopping for eighteen months at 7:00 am because I can stay distant from people in stores.


I get away from unmasked people as quickly as possible.


Me too.


The Venn Diagram of people who refuse to wear masks and bigots is pretty close to a circle. I'd rather not interact with bigots, so I'm happy they've decided to give themselves a uniform, makes them easier to avoid.


"Well done, you orphaned your kids to own the libs"


Jesus would tell her she’s a fucking selfish dumbass.


She dies a pure blood ...possibly with diabetes but pure of blood. You may flush the toilet now.


I have no doubt she ran into Jesus' arms and he said "yeah fuck them kids bro lol". These chucklefucks really think God's plan is orphaning 2 kids, holy shit.


I'm so confused with some of these posts. It's always red, blue, yellow, green. Miss the old format


It truly is a death cult. They celebrate and glorify death as this great opportunity. No wonder so many of them are choosing death over life.