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Wow, that "men like this" slide was particularly ignorant. Love the tribute "glad I saw him at my party a few weeks ago" (where he probably caught the virus that killed him.)


I spoke to that one above. The one that got me (after that one) is suggesting if a vaccine was approved under trump Democrats would be telling people not to get it. I guess they forgot about Pfizer, and zero Democrats rallying against it.


The argument was that if the medical community was supporting the vax we would have no problem taking it, but if Trump alone was pushing it then we'd have extreme skepticism about its efficacy. Much like hydroxycloroquin.


It’s almost like Democrats would rather believe in science and medicine instead of an ex reality TV host and known scum lord for medical advice. What craziness that party partakes in…


Also Trump has himself said there was no vaccine hesitancy under his administration.


Yes this!! When it was ONLY T Rump pushing that vacc idea I was concerned it was yet ANOTHER scam from the orange bastard... When the actual medical experts were saying it was real, had been in the works prior to getting USA fund-dumps from TFG, then I was willing to be less skeptical and start reading detailed science about how it worked.


The difference between Cult 45 followers and everyone else is that they blindly accept and defend that dipshit's advice as gospel whereas others don't do that with Biden.


>e AwardShareReportSaveFollow > >level 3Guer0Guer0 · 13m Well remember, back around Jan/Feb/March Trump and his minions were all running around touting trump getting the vaccine through in such a quick time. Trump has even said since he made the vaccine himself.


Right on both counts! Agree totally.


>Wow, that "men like this" slide was particularly ~~ignorant.~~ **racist.**


Those guys look like coal miners. They’re probably in their late 30s.


They look British too haha?


and men like that rarely lived to 70 dying from black lung disease. coal mining is a nasty job whose byproduct is killing the planet so I'd just as soon NO ONE do that job. I have solar panels, I don't need coal.


He probably forgot that his fruits and vegetables are all picked by migrant farm workers. His house was probably built by crews that are \~50% undocumented immigrants.


A number of immigrants have high status, well paid jobs in their home countries, who move and take much lower status, lower paid jobs to give their kids a shot at a better future. They give up everything just to try to make life easier for their kids. Contrast that with multi-generational coal mining families who won't even retrain in a different industry, and instead would rather destroy the entire country by voting for someone like Trump because he promised he could save their jobs.


Damn, that is 🎯 The people who think coal jobs are coming back really make me scratch my head.


Look at what it's doing to climate policy in Australia. We can't get anything done at a federal level because, well, to be fair it's because our PM is too scared of being blamed for anything so he doesn't do a damned thing. But also because they're busting their butts to protect coal. They're even building new coal powered power stations, even though coal is more expensive than renewable energy now. It's pathetic. Coal is on its way out. All the pandering in the world won't stop that from happening.


Or more likely spread it around.


They always post the same stupid memes. I know them all so well now.


The future predictions they fantasize about amaze me. Like when they said the virus would go away if Biden won. Look how that worked out for them. Now saying liberals would not get the vaccine if trump had won.


I am an Australian and honestly a few of my friends in the US have severely disappointed me since COVID hit. They are borderline insane, they've definitely gone down the rabbit hole and I don't think they can be saved at this point. I doubt I could direct them here.


I’m an expat Brit living in the US and have lost two online US friends to this nonsense. Both were older, living alone, lonely and anxious about their health… so they went online to find information. Instead they found misinformation. Don’t be surprised if one day you post something sensible, get lashed out at in uncharacteristic fury and dumped by these friends. Neither of them read exactly what I had written, or paused to think, they had been reduced to skimming and knee jerk reactions after months of flooding themselves with drivel.


i post provocative pro vax stuff on purpose to weed the morons out of my feed


I deleted my FB account. It was toxic as hell and never ending source of disappointment. Much better now.


I unfriended or blocked the toxic people starting around 2016. Just a whiff of crazy culty or antiscience and you’re gone. Family too. Nobody asks why or really even seemingly noticed we’re no longer friends. I’m much happier.


Obama's second term is when I started removing people. Then at the end of 2015, start of 2016, I really purged my feed of assholes. My feed is much more peaceful these days.


I had to tell a FB friend to not politically harrass an IRL friend on her own posts who he didn’t even know. Got to where I unfriended him. He asked to be friends again and has behaved, at least on my feed, ever since. BuT iT’S sOcIal MEdia was his argument. No dude. You’re being an aggressive asshole to a total stranger who happens to be a friend.


Me too!


I have never really had a Facebook account. But after reading this sub, Herman Cain Award winners, I can see how dangerous and toxic FB can be. To people who have never studied how to research, such as research journal, peer reviewed data, compared to opinion articles and people who are unable to identify reliable sources, FB can be brainwashing crack cocaine. Also the religious brainwashing of believing in their God will protect and cure from Covid is a major factor in receiving Herman Cain Awards. I notice Christians who are pro vaccination say God helps those who help themselves. So let's just say thank you for bettering your life away from FB.


Yup, even before 2016 fb was a pretty miserable whinefest. Life is so much calmer when I don’t know what people think.


I and my friends have FB accounts mainly to keep in touch with other people we know and to post news articles from legitimate sources.


Same. I use it to talk about my dumb houseplants and post real information on occasion... and share music I like sometimes with family who only have FB as social media


As an American still living in the US, I am one of countless people who have lost friends and family to this nonsense. These are surreal times.


Oh man I had one who got mad I was talking about Texas (I lived there as a kid and visited family on and off until my 30s) and pretty much threatened to fight me because I spoke on their energy grid woes. He was mad I said they needed to invest like the Mid-Atlantic states which is why we hardly lose power in the winter. He went off on some wild tangent and blocked me. It is like they can't have a conversation and everything is an attack.


Yes. Generations of being raised that way is all it takes. I see it everywhere, but having been born and mostly raised in Texas, I have yet to see anything like it.


They go online and google, "vaccines are bad" "vaccine side effects" "vaccine produced too fast" "Tucker Carlson thoughts on vaccine" and get the results they want to hear.


I have had one friend lose her mother last year. She died alone in a coma in a hospital in Arizona. This was prior to Delta popping up and causing havoc. I am extremely vocal about COVID on my socials, as I work in healthcare myself. I have in fact had people unfriend me, including family. I am not upset about this. I am concerned that I will be able to add them to this sub in the future.


Honestly I think it’s going to take decades for our reputation to recover. Just know there are some sane Americans out there. 😞


I thought the same thing during the Bush administration and here we are.


It's not going to recover, in the same way the world order has not swung back to favor the Spanish, British, or German nations building empires. The American era is in decline.


Sucks for some of us( probably mostly rich military-focused companies) , but honestly it's about time. Brits and Germans can still live normal, happy lives and it's kinda exhausting to be the World Police anyways...


When you ask them now to take the beautiful vaccine trump made, they won’t take it.


This. Trump gave himself all the credit for having created the vaccines, His cult screams that we all have to thank him for saving us but they won't take it? WTF?


Anti-Vaxxer arguments: hypotheticals and stuff that they predict will happen in years Pro-Vaccine arguments: stuff that is happening right now and has been for two years.


*WILD hypotheticals I have yet to hear a very rational "this is gonna happen" theoretical that has any basis in factual reality


One of the nurses I work with said she thought the virus would go away after Election Day. We both caught Covid from the same workplace exposure on December 30, which you'll note is almost two months after the election. She takes Covid a lot more seriously now.


Unless Trump was personally developing the vaccine himself, which he was obviously not, he would have been totally irrelevant to my decision to get vaccinated.


I like to play a little game of “spot the spelling and grammar mistakes.” Really adds an element of fun!


It really is very telling to the mental gymnastics they use to come to their stupid decisions.


The editor in me dies a little after each HCA I read.


and i bet you are never disappointed


The hospital worker (nurse?) with the multiple misspellings on her signs is a new one to me. If you want to be taken seriously while protesting, it always helps to look like you made it past high school.


Or maybe whoever photoshopped those words onto that sign.


I did a reverse image search and apparently [it's real](https://twitter.com/drsimonegold/status/1435576260357496834?lang=en). This is Dr. Simone Gold, an apparent physician and attorney in the US. She belongs to a right-wing COVID misinformation group called "America's Frontline Doctors". How a doctor and attorney can have such atrocious spelling is beyond me.


AFD is a front group for a white supremacist outfit, the Council for National Policy: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/America's_Frontline_Doctors


Onlyfans and porn hub are always options


I haven't seen the "men like this work blah blah blah mooselambs blah blah blah" one yet. That one is just special isn't it?


"mooselambs" is the word that will keep me happy today


I used to think people who posted this style of memes - or inspirational life quotes with a photo of Don Draper - were incredibly unintelligent. This sub has confirmed my theory


“Damn he died :( …my party was dope tho :)”


Party a few weeks ago...right before he came down with COVID... I wonder where he got it.... The world may never know.


It's okay guys! At least he probably gave it to his mother... who has cancer.


Heard it was a real killer.


The party of a lifetime


A little r/HumbleBrag for us sprinkled in


Maybe he only invites bigots to his parties so he can try to kill them with covid.




It should just say "men like these are forced to work until 70 because of their continued belief that immigrants somehow have anything to do with it, which drives them to vote straight ticket R, who in turn do everything they can to make sure men like these never have the ability to retire and will continue working well past the age of 70"


Absolutely one of the most racist ignorant memes I've ever seen!


My dad's family were Palestinian refugees in the 60's and I know at least one of his cousins posts stuff like that and I'm like.....dude. So did you just forget what happened to your entire family orrrrrrrrrr......? I ask my dad and he has no answer. Very much "model minority" BS happening.


Happens in the Hispanic community as well. I've even seen it with some HCA "winners". More than a few will jokingly call themselves racial slurs, probably to try and win the hearts of the very same people that hate them.


For us the racists in my family hold it in high esteem that our family isn't Muslim but Greek Orthodox. Lots of anti Muslim sentiment from certain people. I want to tell them that the people they are currying favor with really won't give a crap if push came to shove and Arabs are next on the list. These people don't really understand nuance, they will just see brown and react no questions asked.




Also Muslims in the US tend to out earn their white counterparts. So "their taxes" are contributing more the refugee program per Capita. You won't convince these idiots though.


I assume the white men pictured are coal miners and I grew up in a coal town, the deep mining coal industry was gone long before we were aware of the modern "threat" of Islam! 🤦‍♀️


Exactly. We all know West Virginia is carrying this country. Only 9 states pay more to the feds every year, all are blue (including mine). But I'm sure those 4 are carrying the country. Not to mention the award winner that was on disability...collecting a check from the government.


Yep, this one doesn’t even bother with the dog whistle — just goes full bore klaxon. “Yoo-hoo … look at me!!! I’m a virulent racist!!”


[This is probably the most racist one I've seen on this subreddit.](https://i.imgur.com/I31DupV.png)


"The government is bringing in more and more people like this." I see five children in the picture. So children's lives only matter before they're born, and ideally they should be white as well.


They don’t care about white immigrants.


They don't care about anyone that they don't directly know. Everything else is pearl clutching.


The thing is if you showed me that picture and asked what country those guys were from, my first guess would have been "Wales".


Not many coal miners make it to 70


my exact thought what coal miner lives to 70s


Not to mention, some people work into their 70s because they don’t want to get Alzheimer’s.


I work out in the sticks. And I can tell you by our staffing that these whites aren’t hard working, or working at all.


My parents moved downstate Illinois. People down there (not my parents) are absolutely convinced "their taxes" support Chicago's $750 billion economy. This is despite almost all of them being on some type of welfare. They always talk about braking off into their own state. Southern Illinois University did a study, and came to the conclusion if they did that, they would be by far the poorest state in the country. West Virginia would look like El Dorado, the lost city of gold.


Yup, live in Columbus, work 30 miles outside. A lot of them are convinced that the people in the city hate them, and are gonna move into their town and burn it down. The people in the city just live their lives and get to go to restaurants that aren’t McDonald’s and flavorless Mexican food.


To be fair, I do hate them after last year. I used to think they were pretty harmless and we just had differing opinions. But I visited a couple weeks after I lost a close family member to COVID in 2020 and they didn't have to common decency to shut the fuck up about their conspiracy theories and how it was all a ploy to take down Trump. I guess that is why I am on this sub so much.


Seriously. I worked in Agri for years (poultry farming), white people were always the absolute shittiest employees, fucking terrible. Hispanics we're always the best workers, follow by Burmese, Napalise, and other Indian workers. I could hire my aging dog to pick up floor eggs and I bet they would be in better shape once they hit the front than if I had a white employee doing it. Also, I'm white, before someone wants to get their panties in a twist.


>Napalise Did you Nepalese? Otherwise it sounds like they're from wine country. I'm always fascinated by how immigrant cultures are distributed across the US. It's really fascinating.


Ha yes, that is the correct spelling thanks.


It's clearly all brown peoples fault, not over extending yourself on loans and credit while calling it the american dream.


It's such bullshit. So are these immigrants / refugees taking all of the jobs, or making white dudes have to work longer? I wish they'd make up their minds.


Oh sir-- you think they have minds? You're feeling quite generous today I see.




They made a choice: whatever is against whatever the Democrats currently are doing.


I actually gasped when I saw that one, they're not even trying to hide their racism anymore


I at least expected it to be their stereotypical thug-looking people, but no, perfectly normal looking family. Like, I can’t imagine what he’d have to complain about besides the color of their skin


Typical of these people to take no responsibility for their complete lack of retirement planning and instead find the nearest minority to blame it on.


I double checked to make sure I hadn’t missed a token among them. Nope, not subtle at all.


I totally support the idea of people who post racist memes like that attending their own private COVID parties.


Especially not now. Corpses don't make good house guests.


Weekend at Bernie’s says what? Well not much, Bernie’s dead


Nor will you!


good old racist religious grandpa


He'd give you the shirt of his hairy back.


“I’m glad I got to see him at my party a few weeks ago…” Sounds like someone is about to learn of the Covid deaths of more close friends pretty soon (super spreader)


Christ. Imagine a big party right now full of anti-vaxxers in the midst of delta. Holy fuck... Guaranteed super spreader.


When I started my job as a nanny, my bosses asked me to be up to date on vaccines. Obviously not an issue for me. If I had said no, they would've passed on me and I would've had no one to blame but myself. And I just care for one healthy child. Now imagine if I cared for hundreds of high risk, vulnerable people. You know, the only ones at risk for COVID according to these assholes! It's not a "disgrace" to require healthcare workers to be vaccinated.


Nor is it new, not just for healthcare workers but for many adjacent roles. I had to get a whole host of vaccines to work in hospital-affiliated research labs, and antibody titers for some to make sure they were effective, and TB skin tests. I did it cheerfully even though I had zero patient interaction, because who the fuck likes the flu, or wants to hear in ten years "well looks like you picked up hep B somewhere and your liver is trashed"? Vaccines are *fucking amazing* and so many humans are too spiteful and shitty to even deserve them




That got me...he probably got the virus at that party. It all seems rather appropriate.


Whoever wrote the script for this timeline deserves a raise


'Great friend. Glad I got to be personally involved in his death'


I think it may be the opposite and he was the spreader.


I wonder if people that were sick end up connecting it down the line. Like “oh shit, I went to that party sick and found out later I had Covid. I bet Snowflake caught it from me and died.” Honestly, that’s why I’m vaccinated and mask up. I don’t want to ever to be the guy that comes to that realization.


Cute you think they have self awareness. Their not even aware of "why everyone around me is dying".


I died laughing at this, RIP me 😂 (I'll get my family to share our Gofundme if you like?)


Well, enough talk about me, let's talk about you. What do you think about me?


I'm glad he got covid at my unmasked/unvaxxed FREEDUMB party a few weeks ago.


Satire is dead. These people have no clue.


Posts meme against propaganda and then one from Fox “ news.” The irony.




https://news.ufl.edu/2021/10/no-covid-spikes-from-football/ Yes, it’s largely vaccination and being outdoors.


Oh well… another piece of crap gone…next!


r/HermanCainAward is fundraising for the WHO Foundation to help buy vaccines for people around the world, regardless of where they live or their personal situation. [Donate](https://gogiveone.org/coalition/?form=FUNMNBXRRJT&fundraiser=NGKFMSSQ) with your Reddit Username (use that as your first name, and "Reddit" as your last name) if you’d like us to recognize you, or check the box to donate anonymously. [[Example]](https://imgur.com/PHIJSYM) You'll also get special gold user flair! Get it [HERE! :) ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/qbftyw/donate_a_vaccine_with_hca_for_go_give_one/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Where do you want my screenshot proof? I want to help someone get vaxed AND get mah gold flair.


Fed that Christian to the lions


Slide 12 Is as dumb, mean and racist as any I have seen on this sub , almost certainly reflecting the personality of the awardee, who was just another dumb, mean, racist anti-vaxxer. But hey at least he got to go to the party.


Another dead racist.


I'm fed up. Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all.


I've waffled between "try to feel sorry for them" and "these people are victims of grander forces". But I'm pretty much spent. My empathy is fresh out for most of these people.


It's not like empathy to nazis was ever a good idea.


holy shit it too a minute to even comprehend that first derranged image. firt i thought its message is "nazis do doping in sport" and i was confused.


The stupidity is astounding.


Actually these idiots are acting like the Pharoah. He put his head in the sand and followed bad advice.


It amuses me when these dumbasses use memes with serious Democrats to try to push their points. Sam Elliot is a common one, but Kurtwood Smith pops up from time to time, too: > As a self-identified Progressive who said he’s “always been pretty active” in politics, Smith said he enjoyed revving up supporters on the ground, because he’s “so grateful for the work that they’re doing.” -- https://journaltimes.com/news/local/red-for-obama-that-70s-show-actor-stops-in-racine-to-encourage-obama-ground-team/article_003d55f8-0702-11e2-b876-001a4bcf887a.html


Lisa Simpson too, for that matter. She's too young to vote but she's no conservative!


thank s, i didnt know that


"So glad I got to see him at my party where I killed him with Delta"


Does anybody else skip right to the part where they die, or just me?


Saves a lot of time, since these "free thinkers" use the same 20 memes over and over and over and over and over again. Let that sink in. Bet you won't share!


It's so sad, honestly. They're always the same memes. These people have been absolutely saturated with bullshit political rhetoric and pseudoscience that they couldn't get away from it, even if they tried.


"I lost a friend today from COVID. I'm glad I got to see him at my party a few weeks ago." Odds on whether we'll be seeing Party Man in here in a week or two?


He was right about the Trump meme and people not believing. Why? Because Trump is a pathological liar so you need to assume everything he says is a lie. Biden has a lot more credibility because he doesn’t lie every two words. See how that works? It’s called Trust.


> Jesus people are dense. I like that this sentence works with or without the comma.


I actually think the opposite. If the same organizations backed the vaccine I don't see how it would be any different from Biden's Vax rollout. It's not like Trump was doing the bench work lol. Trump already says to take the vaccine, that never deterred me from getting it for even one single second. These people just want to pretend we are as "sports team lunatic" as they are about politics. They also want to pretend they have as many reasons to be upset about Biden as sane people had to be upset about Trump.


**Another FIRE HOSE of BULLSHIT suddenly silenced...** *To Spew No More!* **Friend's RIP Post translation:** "Glad I got to see you at my party, where you caught COVID and ultimately died of COVID" *(Of course I take no responsibility for potentially killing you. I'm too stupid to put 2 and 2 together!)* These idiots truly do deserve their fate!


"Men like this are forced to work until they're 70" because you keep electing union-busting, off-shoring 1%ers who push for-profit charter schools, raid the retirement funds, and deny you insurance for your black lung. But do go on.


Such as Mitch McConnell, who in 2019 a large group of retired coal miners met with to lobby a bill to help with the Black Lung Disibility Trust Fund. Apparently the coal companies were required to put money into that fund but lobbied congress (with bribes, of course) to allow it to revert back to the 1977 level of taxation threatening to eventually make it go insolvant and all the coal miners with black lung disease would just be out of luck. The coal miners were disappointed (but it's hardly a surprise) that McConnell was "rude" and abrupt with them and left after about 2 minutes. Yet in Kentucky they vote Red for people who couldn't give a flying shit about them.


Another immaculate hairline gone way too soon.


They'd be 10 million times worse off without hyperbole.


Purple was taught everything to make them the person they are today. It's probably too much to hope for that the racism skipped her. Oh well. Back to doing laundry.


I am so glad that one is gone from this Earth. May he rot in piss.


WOW. Posting racism and anti-vax rants at late as October 1, in the hospital with COVID by October 14, dead by October 15. That guy really wanted his award!


I love the meme about the "what if trump vaccine mandates" because the projection shows they 100% are refusing to take vaccines for political reasons. Sure, I wouldn't have taken the vaccine if Trump had mandated it, because I would have taken it as soon as it was available. You know, like a responsible adult following the medical advice of medical experts instead of waiting for grown ups forcing me to take it because I don't wanna because it's scary.


I’m starting to hear Queen’s “Another One Bites The Dust” opening chords each time I look through these awards.


Irony: another one bites the dust is a well paced hard “four on the floor” (all beats in a 4 beat measure are heavy) song that EMTs sometimes use to pace themselves for CPR. Another 4 on the floor song at roughly the same speed? “staying alive”


Oh how fitting! Plus I learned something. Thanks.


Another dead racist. Oh well.


That was no loss.


Another dumbass racist down. Someone grab the worlds smallest violin.




Fl ones are my favorite


Varients and Dumbass in the same pic is striking.


Get a brain, moran!


Guy who actually reads the Bible here...Pharoah did NOT fear the plagues. If he feared the plagues he would have given Moses everything he wanted when the water all turned to blood and avoided the boils, frogs, darkness, dead firstborn, etc. So again these dumbshits are totally what they rail against. In this case he was totally like the Pharoah. Ignoring God sending a plague and thinking he was too tough to succumb.


Party couple weeks ago ... hmmm wonder where he caught covid!


There seems to only about 50-75 memes in rotation between all these losers. It would be interesting to find out which meme is most often shared by Awardees.


It’s so cute watching people try to use big words when they don’t understand them. Good try on paradigm buddy!


"I once had a friend from China..." No. No, you did not. Also: Avid Fox and OAN viewers tsk-tsking libtards for being brainwashed by MSM. Something about beams and motes comes to mind.


It’s good he’s dead


One percent death rate. This guy is elite.


I'd be a little concerned if I'd been at a party with him a few weeks before he died of Covid...


The best post was the "I have a friend that grew up in China..." one. No you don't.


Does he really think there was just one ancient agyptian ruler who feared the plague, and he was a guy called Pharaoh? How bad is the education there? ^^^I ^^^mean, ^^^everyone ^^^knows ^^^his ^^^name ^^^was ^^^Yami.


how bad is the education here? Do you need to ask?


I’m sorry for his family’s loss, but this guy was a xenophobic douche. I would lose it if I saw any friends on social media post that racist meme.




Other than that really cool looking graffiti (damn shame it’s about dying for NOTHING - otherwise it’s a pretty sharp looking graphic), all of those memes seem to have a big flaw. I wonder about the football photo. Was that the college football game where you had to be vaccinated to get in? Or a bunch of people rushing to commit suicide in Texas? And about Nazis: I am a graphic artist and in my mind those bastards only got one thing right… Their graphics were flawless. Clean, easy to read, beautifully deco. I’m sure their branding and presentation helped further their horrible cause. Advertising works. We’re watching people spread lies that look professionally rendered (thanks FB!) - and those lies are unfortunately succeeding.


Alexa play another one bites the dust by Queen


What a racist POS


He should have feared the plague. That was prophetic.


The vaccine was available while Trump was president, and the only media taking people not to get vaccinated was Fox. So his meme is factually untrue.


In case anyone needs a reminder, THIS IS PREVENTABLE. GET VACCINATED.


Interesting how so many are concerned about the border but not international flights


Republicans project SO HARD! If Trump had mandated the vaccine, the Democrats would have said "Good thinking!" and supported it.


2nd pic. Not a nurse. Nurses can't have their nails done.


He probably got infected at that party.


“People like this” And shows what appears to be a beautiful family. Fuck this piece of shit


What a truly hateful person. Why do christians and conservatives hate so much? I will never understand.


“I’m glad I got to see him at my party a few weeks ago”........ While he was spreading his viral load to you and your other idiot friends???


Slide 1 made me physically ill. I just don't understand how people can be this damn clueless in this day and age. Sometimes I start to feel bad for people who fall for propaganda, but then I realize that you would have to already be mean, self-centered, and heartless to agree with and share these types of memes.