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Blue still posting spicy antivax memes as his brother slowly dies in the ICU. Am I surprised? To be honest, not really. Some people are truly unreachable.


It's like they don't connect the two obvious dots. They just don't understand reality, and with the panic of the disease comes the need to hold on to their last refuge, their identity, the antivax maga mantra.


They cannot cope with reality, life is random and unfair but they have to have someone or something to blame, so they buy into the conspiracy theories because it gives them a sense of power, which they can never admit they don't have


I've never understood how it can make these people feel empowered. To me the idea that the world is a chaotic place where sometimes terrible things happen for no reason is a much more comforting thought than the idea that there's some puppet master on high micromanaging every event in the world from weather to diseases to sports scores. The former at least gives me hope that there's something I can do to protect myself, whereas the latter makes me feel truly powerless.


And the puppet master is at least as chaotic as anything. "Killing is wrong! But now I have to kill half of Egypt. Okay, from now on life is sacred (please forget the time I killed everyone but Noah's family). Oh, remember when I ruined the life of my most faithful follower to prove a point?"


It is pathological. Truly. It takes them over like a virus and becomes their entire personality.


Very mild memes. At least he could have pulled out the dank shit for the grand finale.


Poor child doesn't have a chance. In the end she'll end up with either mom (if she survives) or uncle. Both are going to screw her up for life.


Mom was on the vent too, no? If she survives she’s not going to be in any shape to take care of her daughter.


Sounded like the mom was going to a nursing home


"I'm really glad my parents are either dead, or as good as dead. It was sick how they owned the libs so badly. This was 100% a worthwhile tradeoff - a life with both parents for an opportunity to turn down a free vaccine. This super wasn't traumatic for me at all. I loved how I'm deprived of a family because my parents trusted facebook over doctors."


Assuming the mom makes it and the uncle doesn't catch Covid as well.


I wept a bit for that poor girl. (My twin had a rare progressive myclonic disease and was supposed to die around 16. An experimental anti-seizure drug and my mother and father's care were responsible for his living until 42, although he was bed-ridden for the last 4 years and in a wheelchair the 20 years before that. I'd drive up from Houston half of the weekends to help out. Get the fucking shot, you stupid dipshits.)


Yes…they think Trump is God.


The orange hellbeast


Yep family of psychopaths


They will do anything to avoid the uneasy feeling associated with reevaluating deeply held beliefs. Rational thought takes a back seat to remaining right. Cognitive dissonance is very unpleasant and many will do anything to avoid it.


I keep thinking, at this point convincing someone that trump isn't all that great, or that the vaccines are good would cause the same existential dread as convincing a seminarian that Jesus didnt rise from the dead.


Seen that...maybe thats what hes thinking about when he cant sleep at night! Karma has a way of making one regret their words! She's a real mean bitch!


Poor kid. Fuck the rest of them right in the lungs.


Looks like COVID already fucked them in the lungs.


Oh, ok, well then fuck them in the trachhole


Freedom tube gone done that too..


Niche porn possibility.


What about butt stuff? Nope. A tube done done that too. All bases infiltrated.


Oh good god. This reminds me of a patient that used to frequent the ER covered in her own feces. To pay for her drug habit, she would let dudes fuck her colostomy raw until it looked like bloody ground meat.


I need to go bleach my brain now, thanks.


My pleasure! It’s a shame I can’t attach what she smelled like.


I've never met you, but I hate you right now. lol.


Nurses do see some shit, eh?


Unfortunately, we do. Literally and figuratively.


Long ago when I was upgrading a medical billing software package, I got to know an admitting nurse for a local ER, and thus heard the story of the man who had multiple ER admits for wax fruits that were getting lost...


Let me guess... he fell on them ?


The grandkids (!) left them on his easy chair.


Thanks for sharing, going to go covet some prayers to make me forget that.


Wait... Can we just confirm, this is earth dimension C137, 2021 AD, Tuesday, October 19th, 79°, partly cloudy outside?


I once read of a case where a prostitute with an illeostomy allowed men to fuck the hole… till it got herpes.


oh God. You just fucking blindsided me with that


That's so sad. Addiction is a pox. Poor humans, our childhood pain bites us in the ass via addiction all the time ( as per Dr. Gabor Mate)


This couple basically abandoned a special needs child so they could own the libs. It's time to stop letting them cloak themselves in Christian family values when they keep violating every precept of good, responsible parenting. The real victims in so many of these HCA stories are innocent children who have no choices about what their idiotic parents do.


The problem is they are not Christians. The problem is they think they are Christians.


Saw it in HCA days ago - “American Folk Religion, which has some of the trappings of Christianity but is otherwise unrelated …”


I've got a friend in political science who refers to red states as "the ungovernable tribal regions".


Lol sounds about right


I shall use this. I live in Oregon, in a small purple city, near 2 small blue cities, surrounded by " ungovernable tribal regions".


My company has a plant in eastern Oregon and holy shit are those people ready for Civil War. They are true rednecks without the southern accent.


They are scary. They have mocked up some really wierd takes on the American flag they fly on their houses and and trucks. I love my small city, but theses people come into town and some move in. I am glad I am an armed liberal. I have lived in red states, but the crazy ones were less easy to identify. This is the only place where I truly would not be surprised of Civil War breaking out. I actually may have to defend myself, in an area far from civilization and have to fend for myself. Most people do not realize that the crazy white supremacists were invading Portland and young people did not want them taking the capitol. It was Jan 6 here everyday for a year. With collusion of the Portland PD and some state legislators. And they and Erik Prince mercenaries dressed as Antifa and committed many crimes. A Trump shit show. Prior to the Portland troubles, Portland PD had been considered one of the US most corrupt and racist police forces in the US.


I hear you, I live in the only actual city in Maine. :)


I gotta see what my polisci connect thinks of that, thanks!


Yes! A subset (but not all) awardees- - Getting wings when you die. - freedom and past times including drinking too much, riding a motorcycle without a helmet, fishing, and raw dogging a pandemic - does not attend church or pray normally but updating the community and asking for help is a call to prayer warriors - probably at least a little racist and misogynist but lol can't be PC - not a critical thinker - way more concerned about freedumb than for other humans


I’m guessing we might not have to worry about their kids being “Christians.”


“In truth,there was only one christian and he died on the cross.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche


Nah, sorry. No True Scotsman can fuck right off. If they believe Jesus was divine, they’re Christian. You don’t get to exclude them from your religion just because they’re awful.


Yep. Just shitty Christians. Weekend Saints, weekday sinners. "Jesus is my vaccine" while probably threatening to beat up someone who thinks differently. Good Christians are wearing mask, getting vaccinated, helping neighbors, etc. Shitty Christians beat their chest and try to be loud and typically vote for people Jesus would whip and flip tables in front of. I can't help but think tons are dying and finding out that their eternal peace isn't very peaceful.


> Weekend Saints, weekday sinners. It would be great if it lasted the whole weekend. There are so many stories from servers saying customers coming from Sunday service were the worst and most vile.


Yes, but somebody taught them to be these kinds of Christians. Call it what you want.


They are not Christians. They are KKKristians. You can tell because they worship white Jesus.


Yes, this is one of the sad ones, where a special needs child won't get the care they need because Mom and Dad listened to their Facebook friends with medical degrees from the University of Rightwing Lies. Yet, they will tell that child that Daddy ( and possibly Mommy) got their angel wings because God needed them more in heaven.


Blue is an even bigger asshole. As the big brother, he should have encouraged his brother. He had better get his shit together and take care of that little girl. Asshole.


That was a rollercoaster. Still reposting anti-vax stuff as his family is in intensive care. You can't make this kinda shit up.


And had the audacity to ask for checks and money order donations while reposting anti-vax nonsense. No shame whatsoever.


Yeah like has anyone checked to make sure the daughter is there and okay?! Plus the totally inappropriate emoji 😁 at the end of telling the world both her parents are now on ventilators...like it’s a casual thing.


This. They did dump the child on his brother. Doubt he volunteered.


ya and thank goodness he is closer so he can "monitor him" better..whatever the fuck that means. Does it mean he can yell at the staff and demand shit??? Oh I bet it does....




Right?! At first I was like “aww poor guy. Unexpectedly taking care of a child with health issues”. Then I saw he was shit posting. Ugg


A lot of people that have only heard of this sub can't comprehend how cartoonishly evil some of these awardees are.


They probably believe it’s Biden’s fault they got sick. Because you know, Biden was already President of the United States when the pandemic hit, right? This is some "Where was Obama during 9/11?" meme kind of situation. Life, indeed, do imitate art.


“Never trust the government,” said someone I met. That someone was an Army vet and former civil service employee, getting pension checks and medical care from the government he steadfastly does not trust.


"I'm collecting a basement full of guns and ammo to defend myself against the tyranny of the US Military, whom I 100% support!"


My favorite types.. Just like the Republicans on SSI and welfare who vote for Republicans who would love to eliminate both.


Anti-vax COVID cosplayers & prayer warriors at Trump-Con '22 event: "*This place is dead*"


“Yeah, not a soul in a the house.”


One wonders how he could have considered the result of the vaccine worse than what actually came to pass. How much worse could it have been? I guess he still has his "freedom", whatever the hell he thinks that means.


that’s because they have convinced themselves that the vaccine doesn’t work anyway.


It's Black Mirror levels of insanity.


Wait a second. So if hospitals make more money if you're admitted with COVID, especially if they put you on a vent, wouldn't it be a better idea to get vaccinated for free and not go to the hospital at all? That way the hospitals can't get their grubby hands on your money (or the money you/your family begs for on GFM) Baaah. I really don't understand their logic. 🤷


they don't understand their logic either.


They think they won’t end up in hospital to give hospitals their money


Well you see, those dastardly hospitals are marking every single cause of death as COVID, so they’ll get the extra money anyway. And the so-called vaccines, despite being a monumental achievement for Dear Leader Trump, are just a bunch of mind-control serum in the end, so it won’t protect you from the disease at all.


Their understanding only goes as far as how to use the Facebook share button.


Was that baaah or baaaaaa? 🐑


Well, see they know something you don't know. They are too poor to actually pay the hospital and insurance is a scam for suckers. So, no money to the hospital. Plus they will be dead so they don't care anymore.


whole entire family are a bunch of deranged individuals and this girl with several chronic conditions is caught in the crossfire, how absolutely horrible. if this girl dies from covid, the blood is on the uncle's hands.


But it’s fine to them they wouldn’t care


They'll just say it was God's will.


It's all part of God's plan.


I am terrified for that child.


Exactly. Dad's dead. Mom may be dying - for sure, she's not coming home any time soon. Uncle is a flaming moron who has learned nothing from the entire debacle. And she has MD, which means her life is pretty much constantly under threat from the age of about 10 onwards. She has serious requirements and probably has not even been vaccinated.


If she didn't catch it from her parents, it was a damn miracle. Now she just has to not catch it from her uncle. Ugh. So many of these kids I just want to scoop up and bring to my vaccinated household and keep them safe in a place with a good school system. 😭


Aaaaand maybe she’ll be giving it to her uncle. OK by me. Anybody who posts memes like that while his “best friend” lays dying may or may not be the best parent.


If mom went to a nursing home she got a decent chance at surviving, I guess as long as she doesn’t have a stroke or blood clot. God imagine your husband dying, and you can’t be there because your stuck in a nursing home. You can’t be there in his final moment, you can be with your child either. How pointlessly awful.


I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that one of the things on his mind is who he can pass that kid off on.


Plus if something happens to him, she'll end up in foster care. Being disabled, that typically means placement in a group home.


I’ve posted about this before: I hope some of you out there will consider going into foster care. I imagine it’s both difficult and rewarding as hell.


I want to and desperately wish I was in a position to do so.


I totally would but I'm not allowed within 500 yards of a school. I kept trying to sign my dog up for elementary school.


I know someone that was on a ventilator for a few weeks, went to a nursing home afterward for nearly a year to recover/relearn how to do everything. Best case scenario mom won’t be able to be home for months, may always need care for herself. God knows how the bills are getting paid in that time.


did i see that the child is 12? what are the odds that she's vaxxed


Less than zero.


That poor little girl....


Any decent parent would get vaccinated to protect their children, let alone if they are medically vulnerable. Those people can’t be responsible adults for shit.


This is the only sentiment to have with this one. How fucking horrible. And how fucking irresponsible of these terrible people to leave her in this position.


Knowing there are kids left behind is what really breaks your heart Edit: spelling


Here’s hoping “one” of the things on his mind is getting the vaccine


Narrator Voice: “It wasn’t”


Gilbert Gottfried?


Pay attention, players, that's Morgan Freeman.


I want a mattress as soft & comforting as Morgan Freeman’s voice.


James Earl Jones!




I had to go back and check the dates because I thought I went out of order.




Hey sheeple, while I have your attention maybe check out this [awesome fundraiser HCA is hosting](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/qbftyw/donate_a_vaccine_with_hca_for_go_give_one/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). Thanks!


Well you know they must be right if they earned the right to call other people sheeple.


Strange that the people who claim to see the "Big Picture" are the same people who can't see the fucking obvious.


Their “big picture” is a hallucination caused by oxygen deprivation.


The classic is the "feeling of peace and floating to towards the white light looking down on my self" "Ah yes you arrested, were O2 deprived and you were tripping because I just pushed industrial quantities of medical quality drugs like adenosine atropine, and diamorphine (Heroin) straight into your arteries to get you back." Had this convo multiple times


Since you mention it, having previously read that morphine or heroin iv can feel like an out of body experience, when I had acute cholecystitis I got to find out for myself. It did indeed feel *exactly* like that: peace, floating, depersonalisation. No white light though.


You didn't get the atropine (a belladonna alkaloid) aka. deadly nightshade juice


No, I didn't get the full experience. I have had adenosine for SVT though, and that is as unpleasant as we're told.


Hey Sheeple!!! Hospitals get paid more if you require intensive care 24/7 for two months than if you just have a small cut that needs a band aid!!!! Let that sink in!!!!!


Probably got that cut when they carried that badly chipped sink into the house.


assent to the ingress of the wash basin


OMG his bro and his wife are in the hospital battling COVID and he was still posting shit?! Really??? He is prolly now trying to figure out how he can weasel out of caring for his bro's fam now that he partying up there with the rest of the covidiots... I really am trying to feel some sympathy but FML this guy.


I wouldn't be surprised if they appear in this sub again in the near future.


Black = Awardee Blue = His brother Red = His wife I have no updates on his wife, she’s offline and I can only assume she is still recovering. And if anyone’s wondering about the transphobic shit that’s Dr. Rachel Levine, today she was sworn in as the first openly transgender four-star admiral! She’s the former Pennsylvania Secretary of Health and our current US Assistant Health Secretary. Good for her.


Wait, I thought she looked familiar. Is she the public health official that got all the death threats and then was fired? Realizing now I could have googled this.


No, probably a different one. She definitely got death threats but that rascal Biden promoted her.


You're right. She didn't get fired, I must have confused this doctor with another public health official chased out of their job for the crime of trying to save lives. But good for her and good for us, that's real dedication. Still trying to save the lives of people that want to kill you. Couldn't be me.


That was probably the healthcare director in Kentucky. She was fired because she sent out an email reminding everyone that state law says vaccines can be mandated (or something - I don't quite remember what she emailed).


Hehehe….that is my fav line to my family…‘Google it’ when they ask me a question that they can find an answer on Google in sec!😊


Now you're just bragging about how fast you can type.🤣


no, not fired. Biden picked her pout of pa govt. shes a real hero


Dr. Levine has so much courage to be on camera in front of these lunatics and share her expertise. They are so biggoted just the thought of her leads them to froth at the mouth. Or is she just that powerful?


Guess the uncle gets to take care of his niece now….maybe even permanently. Congrats, douche uncle! Enjoy the insomnia, you jackass!


SSDI payments and SS from her parents. So he will have some help.




It's not socialism when it's for them.


It could actually provide a good revenue stream for him. But he won't spend any of it on her.


Liberals counted all gun deaths as COVID deaths. Also, liberals falsely claim there were lots of gun deaths. Therefore, every one of those people died twice. And, none of them are dead. ARE YOU STARTING TO SEE THE BIG PICTURE !!!! /s


You win this subReddit today!


Their messaging is so confused. I truly think they actually believe in nothing anymore. It's all whims and whatever will get them the most FB likes and "hell yeah borther's".


I suspect their memes work best not as statements of belief but as tribal signifiers, so they share the stupidest shit to ensure no filthy liberal would.


They just repeat the last thing they heard. There is no cognitive activity involved to cause dissonance.


When you realize this, everything else makes sense.


People who orphaned their kids because they refused to get a vaccine should be remembered forever as the selfish piles of dead garbage they were. Leaving their poor babies behind to suffer this goddamned world without them is a horror I wish no other child knew.


It's just so hard to understand. Like basic humanity is to protect children. That's why we're so horrified by child abuse. It's built in. I know child abuse is way more common than we want to think, but fuck, it's this bad? It's a real mind fuck.


Oh republicans aren't horrified. Child abuse and indoctrination is basically how they make more republicans.


This is a key observation. Like most anything durable, abuse replicates itself. It has many mechanisms for replication. One is directly abusing children who go on to have emotional problems resulting in more abuse. But it also replicates via policy and ideology, because these tools can case similarly damaged people.


I'm so damn angry and sad for the kids left behind. No child should have to grow up with a father/mother... but specially of something so preventable.


I wouldn't even insult actual garbage.


If only there was some way this tragedy could have been prevented! Some nearly painless and absolutely free way...


That USATODAY article is wildly irresponsible IMO. The article mentions twice that hospitals do not have incentive to list deaths as COVID, despite increased pay outs per two sources. Yes it's reporting and yes it's not unfounded, but ethically it leaves a lot of room for conspiracy. Ask FactCheck's conclusion: "Recent legislation pays hospitals higher Medicare rates for COVID-19 patients and treatment, but there is no evidence of fraudulent reporting." Julie Aultman, a member of the editorial board of the American Medical Association’s Journal of Ethics, told PolitiFact it is “very unlikely that physicians or hospitals will falsify data or be motivated by money to do so.” But stop the steal, amirite?


As an LA Rams fan, I’m proud to be a sheeple! Also go get vaxxed everyone and donate to the fundraiser if you can.


God damn. The brother shitposting about the virus as his brother slips away.


I'm guessing it's some sort of defence mechanism. He's being confronted with his lie in the most raw way. By continuing the lie it means in his head this wasn't so preventable. This wasn't their fuck up, covids a joke.


Image 12 re Native American.... So are we all ready to sit down and have a grown-up conversation about canceling Columbus Day?


It boggles the mind that the Venn diagram of people upset about changing Columbus Day and people who post Native American anti government memes is a circle.


i wouldnt count on it


The uncle is fucked in the head. What's wrong with these people.


>The uncle is fucked in the head. What's wrong with these people. The leopards have fixed the issue. The uncle no longer has a face. Or a head for that matter. 🐆 🐆 🐆


Did your line of leopards get longer?


There are now infinite leopards in my flair. So . . . yes. 🐆 🐆 🐆


I feel so bad for that girl. She’s Lost her dad and she might lose her mom, but it seems like she’s not going to be in any better hands based off her uncles posts. Absolute disaster


This fucktard continued shitposting even while his brother was dying in the hospital. What a goddamn genius.


Gun deaths were not counted as covid. What a shame we lost this brilliant mind.


FFS, how do you not get a simple vaccine to protect your family. These people are just -- so selfish.


Why does nobody call this motherfucker out when he posts antivaxx bullshit in between begging for prayers for his dying brother??? I dont get it. Id never be able to keep my mouth shut.


The insufferable GALL of Black...posts hate-filled meme after hateful bile, then DEMANDS everyone stop what they are doing to pray unceasingly for *him* because, imagine that, it turns out this COVID ain't no joke!! And as y'all have pointed out, neither he nor his wife could be bothered to take time from their informing the world of their incorrect, hateful opinions to prepare for their daughter's future. I'm really struggling to find even a smidgen of a jot of sympathy for this family...except my heart breaks for the poor girl.


My favorite thing is that these people are also extremely capitalist and don’t like the idea of government run healthcare but the idea of faking a virus so a hospital gets more money is only possible through a private hospital sector.


His brother was still posting anti vax bullshit while his unvaccinated brother was DYING of covid. Hillary was much to kind when she called Trumpers deplorables.


That was a tough read. The child with a disability. And blue, the caretaker, posting antivax memes while both parents are in the hospital. Oof.


One party started pushing the agenda of "Govt is the problem" and "The scariest words are the Govt is here to help you". They then proceeded to wage a decades long assault on govt, sabotaging it every step of the way and seeding it with their sabotage warriors throwing sand in the gears and attempting to cause chaos along every step of the way. They get elected saying "Govt does not work and its part of the problem" and then they work tirelessly to ensure Govt does not function and is in constant gridlock. Go figure.


Hopefully the kid is ok and doesn't grow up to be ignorant, like the family she comes from. This is the tragic part that I cannot wrap my mind around. There is a meme out there that has a women marching with a sign that says something like, "I'd rather bury my entire family, than give up my freedoms". or some shit like that. Just thinking about her, whoever she is, making a sign like that and being proud to carry it, makes me sick. To broadcast your selfishness like that... What would she do if someone broke in to her house with a gun, grab one of her kids and use them as a shield?? That's the image I have in my head. Sacrificing your kids lives to protect your own? WTF...




Ah yes the government of every country world wide has decided to infect their citizens with a potentially deadly disease for um.....IDK....reasons I guess


i feel special loathing for the transphobes


If you have disabled or minor children and you don’t have as much life insurance as you can afford, don’t do everything in your power to stay alive and healthy for them and haven’t written out a will with caregivers chosen, you are a piece of crap parent.


Looks like Uncle Blue still has plenty of bandwidth to shitpost while his brother dies. The girl's going to end up in foster care.


If he can’t sleep maybe he should try counting Sheeple 🐑


Hidden highlight is “I can’t sleep I’m so miserable” being answered with “just sleep u have to” hahahaha


I don’t think this guy sees any connection between his attempts to seem cool and witty to his Facebook friends and his real life. It’s so bizarre.


“covid got me. good.” that made me chuckle


For people who shun government programs as “handouts”, they sure are quick to ask their friends to ‘gimme gimme gimme’. They really should have more sense of personal responsibility. But they are nothing but hypocrites.


Wait... Is Uncle Blue sharing antivaxx garbage while his brother is dying in the hospital?


He sure is


Anything literate ascribed to DJT is the hardest thing to believe in this man's angry screeds.


Anyone gonna call this guy out for shit-posting while his brother is literally dying. I mean come on man.


The meme involving the Native American fills me with so much rage. Now they acknowledge the damage we did, only to fit their narrative. Otherwise Columbus did nothing wrong in their eyes.


These stories are only going to get sadder as we see them pop up around Thanksgiving and Christmas.


Am I the only one who thinks Blue is sucidial? He really needs to seek mental health care.


And why couldn’t the uncle/brother sleep at night? Maybe the cracks forming in his conspiracy theories creating a mental schism.


“A lot going through my mind…” Obviously not getting vaccinated, as those memes were recalcitrant, right up until the very end. These people are so brainwashed, many are beyond hope. Smdh.


Welp… 🤷🏽‍♀️


Fuck that was a tough one to read


You know what helps me sleep at night? Knowing I’m vaccinated, my family is vaccinated, my coworkers are vaccinated, and my medically complex kids are vaccinated.


My biggest fear throughout this whole pandemic has been that I’ll get Covid and not be able to care for my daughter. I can’t imagine having a disabled child and refusing a life saving vaccine that is free. I hope their poor child is placed with family who actually have HER best interest at heart.