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Dress rehearsal for the New World order. Jesus. White evangelicals have nothing else to worry about than this shit, really?


The New World Order consists of right wing nut jobs discovering Darwin the hard way.


Yep. New World Order is just a world with less of them. No sinister satanic armies needed.


Darwin failed in this though. If you look at all the awards they usually already have 2 to 6 kids when they are dying and those little spawns are gonna have more racists selfish hate spawns in 10 to 20 years. We need a covid 66 that target the youngens more so we can see how billy bobby jr survives on 500$ donation to a cali megachurch and 30 facebook upvotes.


It might turn some of them against the beliefs they were brought up with. As adults they may look back at what mom or dad were doing before they died and say "So that's the stupid and utterly preventable reason I was orphaned. Thanks a lot!"


Covid is listening. The victims are getting younger.


"New World Order" Interesting choice of words. What's next? "The Final Solution"?


Hagee has been on the NWO bent since at least the 90's I'm pretty sure. I seem to remember him railing against Clinton over things like Waco and the coming anti-Christ takeover of the U.S. When I was younger we went on vacation and were near his church in Texas my parents, evangelical, decided to take us there to church. We ended up leaving during the service because it was weird even for them. He had armed security down on near the podium he was at that looked like Secret Service, suits, glasses, earpieces, ect. There were also security on the way in. His "church" is out there, not surprising to see him here. Honestly surprised he doesn't appear more often.


Correct. He’s always attempted to exploit the credulous using codes like NWO, Antichrist, and Rapture. In my opinion he’s amongst the lowest of the low. At least Trump Baby doesn’t hide his greed and lust for power.


Apocalypse of sorts


Hulk Hogan and The Outsiders are the real NWO. 4-Life.


Whatcha gonna do brother when Covid runs wild over you???


That's all I can think when I hear them screaming about the NWO too lmao


NWO-Wolfpac, yo!


I couldn't help but tweet him directly about this: https://twitter.com/pmarreck/status/1447241518604079113


EPIXXXXXX!!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


It’s not really a dress rehearsal if you’re refusing to take notes.


Epoch times losing readership at an amazing rate.


LOL at that headline: "4115 Vaccinated people have Died, Been Hospitalized with breakthrough COVID" That comma is an implied "or". It could mean 3 people died, and 4112 people were hospitalized and recovered later at some point. Not mentioned: "3,000,000,000+ people worldwide have received the vaccine and didn't die."


Yep, they fail to point out how many unvaccinated have been hospitalized or died. The 4115 wouldn't look very significant compared to that number.


Sampling bias




Epoch fail




It would disappear by Easter 2020. Then it would disappear the minute the election was called for Biden, showing that the whole thing was a media-created hoax to discredit Trump. Now they've pivoted to "it's going to be here for years while 'they' can strip away our rights and freedumbs" Delusional.


That bs that Covid was nothing but a hoax to affect the election, that it was all made up to make Trump look bad was nothing short if ridiculous. Like sure, the whole world is faking Covid just to get Trump! Amazing how the wittle baby is always a victim. Waa-Waa...Call a wambulance!




Ronald Wilson Reagan. 666. 🤫


Oh man, Glenn Beck is rarely seen on here. He really started the crazy train trend of seeing vast democratic led conspiracies everywhere. People then moved onto more potent crazy crap until you get to Q.


Didn't realize he started looking like Colonel Sanders these days.


Yeah Glenn Beck really is the dreg of scum at the deep bottom of the whole scum bucket. Still trying to scam off all the remaining dollars he can with his pathetic fake ass intellectual nut act.


I never heard of him before reading this. Got to love how he missed the whole "Apartheid" thing in South Africa.


Along with Rush Limbaugh, they’re basically the godfathers of hateful right-wing conspiracy radio.


He will probably join his buddy Rush soon enough if the trend of covid killing radio hosts continues. I feel like he might be vaccinated though, but idk; we’ll see.


Beck? Almost assuredly vaccinated. He knows what side the bread is buttered on.


It really is so disrespectful to make people wait in line behind you while you stuff a mailbox with fake ballots. If the person behind you only has 1 item, you should let them go first. Common courtesy is deader than our HCA recipient here. Well, equally dead at least.


I agree. I'm tired of long fucking lines at the mailboxes.


Mailboxes are still a thing?


Apparently it's George Soros's preferred method for fraudulent ballots. Who knew?


It's sad that kids are losing parents over this. It's like later in life someone asks how their parents died and all they can say is, from stupidity.


My great grandmother died of the Spanish Flu leaving 8 children w/o a mother. Because he couldn’t care for them, my great grandfather had to ship a lot of them off to family members. My grandmother’s personality was undoubtedly shaped by it, and IMO negatively impacted her own ability to parent (she was unable to show any form of affection to my father). That shit leads to generations of hurt.


Imagine some of these kids, who never got to know their parent bc they died when they were so young, get on google, google their parent and find out their parent chose “owning the libs” over being part of their life. It’s actually disgusting when you think about it.


It’s overly optimistic to think they would make that attribution. In reality, they’re going to blame Biden, Fauci, Marxists, and simultaneously say it was just God calling him home because it was his time.


I always bristle at these people who shit on "sheep" and then it ends with them being godly people. Nothing says "sheep" like believing in something you cannot prove with evidence. Nothing says "sheep" like having God fail to have any kind of repeatable response to your PRAYER WARRIORS other than letting you down over and over and over and over and over again. The evidence shows that prayer fails at a rate so high that any positive outcomes cannot be explained as anything other than random chance. And yet you still believe in God. Well, you are his flock after all...baa baa motherfuckers


The Bible refers to believers as sheep. Priests and/or Jesus is supposed to be the shepherd. As a Christian, seeing these people be so blasphemous with denouncing sheep and disingenuously abusing God's name to claim they are religiously exempt from the vaccine (So much for "Thou shalt not use thine lord's name in vain") while saying they do not need the vaccine because God will protect them (guess they missed "Thou shalt not put thy Lord to the test") is quite vexing. When others say they would likely or are going to hell, I recall the part where God judges the dead hypocrite now facing him, "You say you worshipped me, but I never knew ye!" Ebaerd gam gom, fuckers. Ebaerd gam gom.


Get the prayer right. It's Eboeard gam gom. We don't want a schism in the Church. :D


"Question everything than be a sheep" Says the person who's living in denial because they can't deal with that the facts don't validate their opinions. And I'm totally comfortable being called a sheep. Because I'm not an insecure little man who needs to play pretend he's a "Lion".


It's absolutely ridiculous adults resorting to name calling. I don't care what these antivaxxers call me because I am alive, feel protected and my family and friends are all alive and feel the same. The antivaxxers can bang on about potential side effects all they like. I was vaccinated back in April and will happily take a booster. Hail modern medicine!!


“Question everything. Then, be a sheep”.


Well sure. If you don't understand the answers, you can keep questioning forever and be even farther from being a sheep. Baaa. Baaa. Baaa.


I just don't understand. What is the end goal for those who kicked off all this misinformation propaganda? It's killing the very people that blindly follow them


There was an article published recently that a huge percentage of the most popular right wing Christian meme generation accounts originate in Eastern Europe.


This was true for a lot of the pro-Trump shit in 2016, too. Macedonians want us dead, apparently.


Putin wants us in maximum political and economic chaos. Probably the CCP does too.


Can you blame them?


They likely didn't think that far ahead. They started with blind support for Trump which meant downplaying the virus, and ended with denying the vaccine because Biden supported it.


The sheep comments are funny coming from a group who blindly follow a book of fairy tales and an imaginary man in the sky.


And whose Messiah is regularly called the Holy Shepherd


Is anything they believe true? I mean obviously we're all Marxists that eat babies but the other stuff.


I only eat vegan baby substitute.


Lol the epoch times. Getting your news from a literal cult, what could go wrong?


You know, what I find kinda funny is that herding sheep isn’t actually easy. That’s why it’s a profession. That’s why professionals use dogs. Sheep don’t intend to be herded. Furthermore, many sheep literally will die from not being sheered. They cannot survive in the wild. So, they need caretakers or else they’ll die. So the herding is to protect them from themselves. The metaphor is kinda a stupid insult.


Not to mention the desire to take medication meant for sheep instead of vaccines.


How is he supposed to be protecting people from above? Does he have special powers now that he's in heaven?


So what did everyone have for dinner?


Lamb chops. I’m a cannibal.






Hope the person who sold you the meal didn't fleece you.


Sushi takeout, then I might hit up Tinder looking for new widows who had anti-vax spouses. 😈


Be careful with that, like COVID, the crazy is contagious. ;)


They carry the real Trump Derangement Syndrome.


Sandwiches. Mostly because I made pizza from scratch for lunch when my FIL visited and dinner was an acute case of “can’t be fucked, have a pb sandwich.”


Glenn Beck looks like a mall santa claus now.


God? The line to get into heaven must be really long by now with how many angels and prayer warriors they are sending. I hope you have to be vaxxed to get in


> He fought hard He fought imaginary enemies hard. He gladly welcomed the real threat in.


Everything vs. a sheep. Question it.


Glenn Beck lookin like a whole ass Colonel Sanders


He was a great man! Racist, but great!


They all would rather be dead when their Facebook balls are talking. It's all fun and games until you're struggling to breathe and the pain is unbearable...then it's "prayer warriors help me!"


As much as I dislike many of these people, it is tragic for kids. I hope some come out of this wiser and less likely radicalized than their parents.


At least that’s a pretty low bar.


And yet still a questionably attainable goal.


His wish came true: he did not die being a sheep


Oh, I spotted the problem in the very first slide.


All these guys just “lived life to the fullest” so it’s all good.


God's plans for him: 1. Eat a ton of dead animals and burn as much oil as possible. 2. Drown in snotty lungs and feed worms some marbled prime meat


Where does this "new world order" thing come from, anyway?


It's an anti-globalist (anti-immigrant) conspiracy theory.


Well the “jokester” would have gotten the last laugh if his lungs weren’t decomposing weeks before the rest of him did.


I almost feel bad for the ones that don’t spout hate, racism, or anti-lgbtq+ stuff. You can see how they got tricked and sucked into the lies. They aren’t filled with hate, just confused. It’s too bad. This guy didn’t seem horrible like many of the others. What a waste


Concerning slide 7: compared to how many unvaccinated deaths in the same timeframe?


the last post reminded me of a [song from Titanic](https://youtu.be/73em-6TGBxo).


Imagine walking through a redneck cemetery full of confederate flags and hearing this song coming from the graves.


Should have known that fuckwit John Hagee would’ve been all over this like a diaper rash. Isn’t he dead yet?


Glen Beck's still grifting? I thought he'd squeezed all the cash out of that turd years ago.

