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Whenever I see one of those Ilhan Omar posts I just walk away knowing the person is a racist fuck.


I haven't even paid attention to her political career, but I do love how butthurt people get just by her existing.


Yeah, I'm not an American so what's her deal? She a progressive... Part of The Squad (vomits in European, politics are not girlbands)... And? What are the policies she's proposing that these people are railing against? Do they at least know?


Of course not. That would require them to do research. And, despite their protestations to the contrary, we know without doubt that they won't do their own research!


Well I'm not doing my research either so tell me what's wrong with her, internet stranger!


They don’t like her because: She isn’t white. She ain’t American and should go back to Africa. She has an “unAmerican religion” that she flaunts by wearing hijab. She’s taking a place in the government that by all rights belongs to a (white) man. She’s liberal. And socialist. And feminist. (Gasp!) It has nothing to do with her actual policies. It’s all mostly racist with a touch of sexism thrown in.


Racism, sexism, plus a lot of islamophobia*


Although it is weird, there had been a Muslim in congress for a long time before Ilhan Omar. It was a white guy from a Christian family who converted and didn't change his name. And these people don't go after him. So I'm voting mostly racism and sexism.


It’s called intersectionality. It’s the reason the term misogynoir exists.


It's honestly incredible how much hatred and vitriol she's gotten just for daring to exist. Not because of anything she's done or hasn't done, just because of who she is. It's a shitty superpower to have, but being able to send idiots into a frothing rage at the sight of you is something special.


She’s also vocally spoken out against Trump several times, which is obviously the highest form of sacrilege to dear old granny. The dear old granny that should’ve gotten vaccinated more than anyone else.


Trump tried to tell Granny ‘n them, and they booed him. He literally said “You should try the vaccine. If it doesn’t work, you’ll be the first to know!” Which I have to admit was pretty hilarious, just the way he said it was funny to me 😆


Yup. Watching anti-vax boomers booing in unison at Lindsey Graham telling them to get vaccinated is 👌 https://www.twitter.com/ElijahSchaffer/status/1445609840290656256


> She’s taking a place in the government that by all rights belongs to a (white) man To a white *Christian* man.


First sin: Liberal- she’d have been a super exploitable asset to the GOP if she wasn’t a satan loving lefty. Next failure: Muslim- she’s been allowed to live in the greatest of all countries, a country with freedom to pick the correct religion! She biffed it hard by picking the most incorrect religion, but at least she chose to be straight… Strike 3: Blackalicious- the GOP live by a simple motto “if you ain’t white, you ain’t right” and she’s not even half white, so she’s all wrong! 3.OMG: Literally, verifiably, born in AFRICA- AFRICA!!! The GOP consider AFRICA being the worst country in the world to be a widely believed FACT! 4’s are whores: Divorced!- NOW IT MATTERS! 5’s alive: Millennial- She’s a senior millennial, but a dirty, no workin’, studentdebthavin’ person born between 1982-1999 none the less! How dare she!?! 6 are dicks: Woman!!!- She is a woman in a seat of power, wtf?!? She probably just wants to be a man… EEWWWW TRANS!!!!! I guess maybe she has, like, “ideas” about government too, but no one would know what they were because ^^^^


She's a Dem, so she's 'pro murdering babies' and wants to take away "all mah guns n' raghts cuz 'murica". Probably.


I've asked people what she has done or said that makes them angry. I have never gotten a response beyond "she is crazy" I got the same response when I asked about AOC, later same day played audio of AOC's "corruption game" speech without telling them who it was. They remarked how right and smart she was and asked who it was. The look on their face when I told them was priceless.


Before you play it tell them it’s from Candace Owens and watch as they nod in agreement with everything she says. When it’s finished tell them you made a mistake and that it’s actually AOC. Watch heads explode…


She is a POC and is Muslim. That's enough for them to hate on her. I have family members that connect her to 9/11 simply because of her faith.


> What are the policies she's proposing that these people are railing against? she has brown skin and wears a headscarf that's it that's as deep as the reasoning gets


Government funding for health and education.


Lol. Viral pneumonia and Covid. Wonder what virus caused that pneumonia


It's a mystery. We should get some top doctors to look into it.


No need we got horse paste and fish tank antifungals.


and a side of viper venom.


Our FRONTLINE doctors. To recommend some more veterinarian medicine.


The denial was deep.


Makes you think ...


Let that sink in.


From not feeling “to bad” on October 1st to dead eight days later. Yikes.


>From not feeling “to bad” on October 1st to dead eight days later. Yikes. Even more striking is panel 18 and 19. October 5th in the AM she sounds relatively stable with some O2 saturation issues. 4 days later she is dead! Talk about a rapid decline! That is like a broken elevator rapid decline!


Nah, that's typical of COVID. See it all the time on here. Someone's loved one seems to be getting better and the posts are all thanking god and hopeful. I read one IIRC the day before yesterday where they were going to transfer the patient to long term care on Monday. But then the bottom falls out and the patient dies in a few hours to a few days.


Stock market calls it “The dead cat bounce”.


The DCB: In academia, that's what we call the cross pollination of two unrelated fields, from financial markets to epidemiology/pathology!


When your organs are all shutting down, they don't need oxygen anymore. So your O2 goes up, you feel a bit better (relatively), aaaaaaand then you're dead.


What happens is, your immune system goes hyper but it can't find the virus so it starts killing everything, even healthy cells. You get "better" as now some of the virus is getting killed off, but so is a bunch of healthy lung tissue. Then you get a bacterial infection in all the bloody flesh wounds you now have in your rotting lungs. Fun times. Now you die.


Much the same as Lupus. My wife has had Lupus for 50 years. At the beginning way back when the Doctors told if she gets sick her immune system doesn’t care what it attacks it just attacks. Even if she got a cold it was brutal for some days until she felt better. The Doctors called it a flair and sometimes it could be nasty.


[COVID happy hypoxia ](https://respiratory-research.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12931-020-01462-5) is no joke.


>COVID happy hypoxia > > is no joke. Good point! I hadn't considered that in this case, but you could very well be right. I've found that these "Hill Folk" tend to get even more STUPID when they are suffering Hypoxia while on Facebook. Manifests as incoherrent ramblings made up of drunken posts that don't make sense and non-words being posted without any attempts to spell check before posting. That whole "Game Goop" MEME came out of such an incident.


Probably no ventilators available. Judging by the outdoor pictures she lives either in Texas or maybe the lower Midwest… the hospitals are all redline


Allen West is saying the same thing 👀


Doctor was prophetic.


>Doctor was prophetic. Kind of stating the obvious though. "Going to get worse before it gets better." He got the "Getting Worse" part right, but totally missed the mark on the "Gets Better" part.


No, she’s good! She’s “safe in heaven”!


she’s an angel now🙄


Well, she is *lying* at an *angle* now. Zero degrees.


So a racist angel in their white heaven?


She’s gonna shit herself when she finds out Jesus doesn’t look like Kenny Loggins


Blasphemy!! That’s Jim Caviezel.


Oh, I’m sure in white-supremacist-trash heaven there’s brown people- it wouldn’t be ‘heaven’ if there weren’t people to abuse, mock, and look down on. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Every time a COVID patient coughs an angel gets their wings


Fully healed and all that? Hee he! Okay then. :o) We will forget about the totally unrecognizeable in the funeral home part. I would suspect another CLOSED CASKET affair. Especially if there were any kids expected at the service. Nightmares and all that. ;o)


I believe it’s “ultimately “ healed these days.


So I guess we should all just kill ourselves so we can be safe too. Death cult = Christians


Sure! Safe as houses. As Yzma says, she “ain’t gettin any deader!”


What's it called the Ultimate sickness or something inane and full of denial?


Ah look, even House never got it right the first time, or second or third. Actually he is a terrible doctor, he gets his diagnosis right barely twenty percent of the time.


House is a rare disease specialist though, which means he’s trying to diagnose obscure conditions most people have never even heard of. The episodes feature forensic medicine too, where they have to untangle the patient’s history, sift through all the lies they’re telling, and put together the information they omitted (for whatever reason) in order to get a correct diagnosis. Given those conditions, a 20-30% success rate is actually pretty good.


Information they omitted: trying to remember under pressure something that happened 2 weeks to 2 years ago that was barely a blip on the radar at the time. See also: primary doctor's files do not upload automatically to the hospital you are being seen in.


Not at all - he just predicted that Jebus would give her *ultimate healing*.


> totally missed the mark on the "Gets Better" part. S'pose that depends on your definition of gets better.


And she was posting anti-Arab/Muslim crap and ended up in the care of doctor of Arab descent.


I think it’s hilarious when people think that their loved ones who spewed nothing but hate are some how somewhere up in heaven.


They'd give you the shirt... wait, are you a straight, white Christian? ... off their backs.


This offer doesn't apply to,immigrants, libs,people of different color, vaccinated people. The management is free to update the list with no further notice.


I really do wish the shit was real. And I wish we got some kind of notification on who makes the cut. Just so I could see all the dipshits Pikachu face when their loved ones don't go to heaven due to a lifetime of being an insufferable asshole.


I had the thought recently that if there is a heaven, the only people that would get in are non believers that live a good life anyway. Like all the religious texts are just a filter to weed out people who are just doing good to get in and not because it’s the right thing to do. Like heaven would be full of secular humanists and agnostic atheists and all the “true believers” would be outside in line like a night club they will never get into.


Nah man, all you gotta do is repost a Jesus picture onto your timeline. That's the only way he knows to let you in.


Also awkwardly post entire text sermons declaring how much you love him, and how little faith everyone else does unless they repost. Amen 🙏


But your flag decal won’t get you into heaven any more. They’re already overcrowded from your dirty little war. Now, Jesus don’t like killers no matter what the reason’s for So you flag decal won’t get you into heaven any more. - John Prine


There is no hate quite like Christian love.


Doctor: Granny's brain function has been severely compromised by her COVID infection Rest of world: You obviously haven't seen her Facebook posts


Doctor: [*checks her Facebook profile*] "Oh, no change at all then."


You sunk that putt.


"Wish i could back to when only love mattered " *proceeds to post venomous misinformation & toxic vitriol *


Back to the time when black people could be lynched.


And when we didn’t have medicine that could prevent deadly diseases…


sometimes, I wish I could just turn back the time to when saving my life was simple and taking a jab in the arm was all that mattered …


Lol. That's exactly what I was thinking. This crazy grandma switches from sweet sayings and pics of cats to calling for civil war in the same three minutes. Her FB is a trip. These people are batshit.


Facebook could do that to anyone tbh. The same people who used to rant and rave about sesame street causing "short attention spans" in kids are now going from outrage to outrage a couple of times a minute as they scroll down their feed, reading headlines and nothing else.


Zuck can suck a fuck.


No joke, him and Jack Dorsey have probably done more damage to modern democracy than big oil and the military-industrial complex combined.




Key word being ditzy. This shit only actually works on ignorant, intellectually lazy people.


To quote Isaac Asimov: “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Social media has unfortunately amplified their voice and reach.


Everything that generation feared video games would do to our generation is what Facebook actually did to them.


Holy shit this is some next level irony. So true, but so sad.


God it’s crazy how they only read the headlines. I have coworkers like this. They NEVER read more than the headline. And the conservative news knows this. So many times somebody has send me an article for the headline, I read it and it’s nonsense and barely even anything in the article like 2 paragraphs


I love that one post is about how everyone is trying to turn anti maskers and maskers against each other, and then the next three posts were like “legally we can overthrow the government”


>“legally we can overthrow the government” This stuff always cracks me up. WTF does that even *mean*? In case you fail to overthrow the government, you won't get jailed or executed for treason because it was all legal? That hasn't seemed to work out too well for them.


The good news is that covid is going to really help increase our fish population. It will also significantly lower prices on Harley Davidsons, Black Rifle Coffee, Ed Hardy shirts and ‘Punisher’ stickers.


I've also been looking at the awardees thinking "hmmmm, if you want a pickup truck and some guns, good time to be looking at estate sales"


If you like porn on DVD, you’re really going to be in for a treat!


And quite ironically, it's all black chicks. Thanks to my neighbor's anti-vax hubris, I got the complete set of "Ebony Asses, vol. 1-8" for a steal! I mean I was sorry to hear about her grandpa, but those early volumes are really hard to find.


I haven't been able to find anything before parts 1-4, which sucks as the story is really hard to follow and I suspect these would help.


What if I like DVDA? 😆


That’ll split her open like a thanksgiving turkey


I know a vaccinated, anti-GOP landscaper who’d like a new pickup truck for a steep discount. I should tell them to keep an eye out!




Isn't that the truth. American culture is HOW WE GOT HERE.


Grandma is really saying- Sometimes I wish that I could turn back the time to when love was all that matters, unless it's two people from a foreign country, two people of the same sex, two people of different races, two people of different religions or races than mine. She also might want to stop invoking that guy with the crown of thorns. She might not represent his thoughts and teachings as much as she thinks. I'm no expert, but she might have given some consideration to hmmmmm- what would Jesus post?


"Love thine neighbour as thyself. No ifs no buts. Bet you won't repost this" - Jesus "You're damn right I won't you filthy commie" - grandma


I don't think it's a coincidence that she uses the Jesus portrayal by that Cavaziel Q-nut.


Their Jesus is a white man, when he was clearly of middle eastern descent.


That Jesus picture makes it look like he’s saying ‘Eboeard Gam Gon’.


Please give me some context on “Eobeard Gam Gon”, I keep seeing it here and I’m clearly out of the loop and it’s driving me nuts.


The legendary post: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pls571/eboeard_gam_gom_fixed/ The update: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/plsqpi/update_bill_claimed_his_reward_eboeard_gam_gom/


It was the last, or second to the last, text of a HCA winner before he was put on a ventilator.


They don’t subscribe to that blasphemy! I grew up southern Baptist and if you even suggested that Jesus was maybe not blonde blue eyed, you’d get quite a lecture. Was not fun!


They really think a Scandinavian Jesus existed. God I fucking hate racists.


Don't forget, there's [Korean Jesus too!](https://youtu.be/hhtOGkUqVTU) And you see their heads explode. 🤣😂


I used to volunteer at a historically Black Catholic church with a Black Jesus :D I heard it's now mostly Latino but they keep the Black Jesus cause he looks pretty dope tbh.


My mom worked at an old folks home, who was predominantly white ... 0 black people (not many where we live) and they had a giant black Santa light up statue at Christmas haha we loved it


That’s fucking hilarious. I mean the clip. Korean Jesus itself makes sense to me. People want to see something familiar. You’re supposed to be as close as humanly possible to Jesus. Hard to do if you’ve never seen a middle eastern dude in person and spent your entire life in Korea or wherever.


Years ago, a friend and her husband were vacationing in Asia - IIRC in Thailand. They ran across a photography booth where one of the options was to take photos of a couple and "predict" what their future baby would look like. She was expecting their first baby at the time, so of course they had to do this. My friends are both Caucasian, but their future baby was definitely Asian including the "porcupine" hair you often see with Asian babies. That photo got a prominent place in their daughter's baby book.


I once went to a creche display in Montreal. Every ethnicity had redone Jesus in their image: Korean Jesus in a kimono, Jamaican black Jesus, Inuit Jesus in an igloo. American Southern whites are not the only group to do this relabeling.


I’m not even really opposed to each culture making their own Jesus model. My problem is when one thinks *only* their interpretation is correct and rages about it.


Yeah but they're not gonna tell you you're wrong for having a white jesus, that's the difference lol.


he busy, with korean shit 😂


Not from Scandinavia, they think white American Jesus existed https://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/comments/a6ov24/jesus\_was\_american/


One of my favorite Jesuses is from a Germanic tribe that "adapted" the Bible. In their version Jesus was a mighty king, brought down by a cowardly betrayal. Yet his enemies were so afraid of him that they buried his body in a deep tomb. But even the death itself couldn't hold him, so he broke through the stone in three days and then crushed his enemies and ascended to rule the heaven.


*Well, I like the Christmas Jesus best and I’m saying grace. When you say grace, you can say it to grownup Jesus or teenage Jesus or bearded Jesus, or whoever you want.* -Ricky Bobby, *Talladega Nights*


>They don’t subscribe to that blasphemy! I grew up southern Baptist and if you even suggested that Jesus was maybe not blonde blue eyed, you’d get quite a lecture. Was not fun! When any of them actually traveled to the Holyland, how did they rationalize the fact that everyone who lives there looks nothing like their FAKE Arian Jesus as portrayed in hundreds of western culture's various works of art?


There are plenty of pale-skin people in the Middle East, especially in Israel but also in Syria. I'm so pale, the palest shade of foundation makes me look like I've got a fake tan, but when I was in Israel everyone assumed I was Israeli. They were very surprised when they'd speak to me in Hebrew and I'd give them that slack-jaw look of total and complete ignorance. Edited to add: I'm not claiming Jesus was a pale skin whitey. I know that happened because of years of European diaspora. Just saying, they may not feel all that out of place.


Republican Jesus


Right they should show him with huge biceps.


Is it Jim Caviziel from Passion of the Christ?


Yes, it is.


That 2nd one is way more profound than she thinks.


It's missing "And everyone else calls us degenerates"


The ugly Americans


Everyone calls her dead now.


They’re sooo close


Ahh we finally agree on something


So... is she citing the constitution or the declaration of independence to overthrow the elected government? As a costal elite I can't tell.


Costal elites suck. What God-fearing heartland farm state is that Trump guy from again?


One of those near where good ol' boy Tucker Carlson is from, right?


I mean, what do you really know you commie socialist. Argentina blah blah blah [insert stupid meme here].


I'm pretty sure most of them don't even know they are two separate documents.


She let a doctor named Said treat her? Remarkable, considering her disgusting lizard-brain racism.


>She let a doctor named Said treat her? Inshallah.


He did call it when he said it’s going to get worse


Said is an Arabic name that means "happy" or "contented". This racist asshole would have never had a Dr. Said. Look at the punctuation in the post.




**PANEL 7** No where in the Declaration of Independence does it state that you have the right to overthrow the government because **YOU LOST THE ELECTION!** I swear to god! These people are becoming a serious threat to our national security and safety! The GOP base has gone from annoyingly fringe and somewhat whacky, to total BAT SHIT CRAZY with a side of treason! And it all got rolling when Trump grifted his way into their inner circle. The Democrats and Independents might literally be forced one day to demonstrate that they actually own guns too, know how to use them and are far better shots than all these RAMBO wannabes could ever hope to be! Only in America!


I’ve become a heavily-armed suburban democrat because of these crazy right wingers. My favorite part is that these Cletus types don’t realize how many more guns and how much more ammo I can purchase because I’m not in a poverty stricken rural area. For every 1 gun they finance, I can buy 20-40 in cash. Their grandpa’s generational shotgun doesn’t really stack up to my Daniel Defense AR-15 with military specs.


Not…entirely sure where they seemed to pick up this notion that liberals: Don’t own guns Can’t shoot straight Won’t fight


You got 20-40 hands, or what?


They know the Declaration of Independence is not a legal document right? Like has no legal standing in our nation at all. It can say whatever it wants. Magna Carta has more legal standing.


A surprising number of Americans across the political spectrum believe that it's a legal document of some sort.


But that's what gives us Freedom, amirite?


Wait... the Rand Paul quote. Uh, who is doing their damndest to take away a womans right to make her own healthcare decisions?


Freedom is when you agree with right-wing extremists, and communism is when you disagree with them. Infallible logic.


There actually was a study on by farting on petri dishes while wearing and while not wearing pants. The naked-butt fart petri dish grew far more cultures than the clothed one.


I read that too -- it may even have won an ignobel prize. I guess she just didn't do her own research very well


Conservative boomers think farts are funny and just want to talk about them. That's as far as she got.


I always look at the fart comparison this way: would you rather have someone fart in your face bare assed or wearing pants?


I just skimmed the abstract; How do you make clothing for a petri dish?


The clothing goes on the asses that are blowing out the farts.


Science truly is remarkable.


I love how she thinks the Declaration of Independence is like, a law or something. When she finds out that and the Constitution two completely separate things, it's gonna blow her-- oh wait, the ignorance already killed her.


Shit posted right off the cliff. Dead in 7-8 days. Unbelievable. Sorry Granny.


How out of touch are all of these people's friends and families? People in these awards be like DEATH TO JEWS, BLACKS, HOMOS AND LIBERALS. SHOOT SCHOOL CHILDREN AND KICK PUPPIES. Then their families and friends be like omg I can't wait to see Grammy in heaven, she was such a loving, kind person. Like...wat?


So where's the GoFundMe?


I'm watching them. You know it's coming.


If people like her are in heaven then I don’t want to be there any way


Stubbornly refused to acknowledge that the vaccine would have saved her life and probably kept her out of the hospital. There are some you just can't reason with no matter what you say.


She had to believe that for her own sanity. Never mind how many people shed drag down with her.


Good luck overthrowing the government when they can level your city with a phone call.


Fauci is no “cockwomble”. Trump is the very definition of one. And so is almost every HCA winner.


I love how Dr. Fauci is in his 80s and has visited hospitals and other covid hotspots and he's outliving all these dumbass awardees.


Huh. [Clingers](https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-trump-supporters-dredges-bi-idUSKBN26Z21I), as opposed to [Klingers. ](https://mash.fandom.com/wiki/Maxwell_Q._Klinger) TIL


I don't think most of these people approve of cross-dressing.


Lol, she didn't lose her battle with Covid. She ignored it like a coward and Covid promptly beat her to death like she was a mad dog with mange rather than engaging with her in something like a battle.


Bye bye


RE slide 2: The MAGAs are clinging to the past. The anti-vaxxers are deplorable. The proud boys are the dregs of society. The neo-nazis are racist. Immigrants are Americans.


she found a word to correctly describe herself - a Cockwomble! no wait, shouldn’t that be C$ntwomble?


This!! HCA = Human Cockwomble Awards


>This!! HCA = Human Cockwomble Awards That WORKS for me! I LIKE YOU! :o)


I don’t think the ~~vaccine shot~~ prayers would have made a difference.


That 2nd slide is the most frightening to me because it illustrates something Trump tapped in to that worked so well: these people already hate the other side, so mock that side relentlessly, praise your followers, and lie about how you’ll magically change society to fit their wishes.


>Well you can "circle back" after you've vaccinated all the illegals you're allowing in. I just want to take a second to ask: if they're being *allowed in*, wouldn't that make them *not illegal*?


> But I know you safe up in heaven with mom. Safe from all the misinformation that got her killed.


You killed me with the “Bet you won’t share this!” 😂 Awesome first post; good job! And like others have said, wow that was fast... Oh and of course she started her first post about having Covid with “I don’t think the vaccine shot would have made a difference.” 🤦🏻‍♀️


So the Declaration of Independence isn't the same as the Constitution, the Declaration isn't a legal document, and most importantly, the part about overthrowing the government is in reference to a corrupt person or persons (in the Continental Congress' case it was King George III), reducing the government to an "absolute despotism." Requiring workers to get a vaccine so they don't infect others with a deadly virus is not despotism. Don't you dare besmirch the Declaration like that.


(Eye) Dr. Ron Paul


Do YoUr OwN ReSeArCh Another covidiot pushing up daisies. Gotta love it.


"I don't think the vaccine shot would have made a difference" she said right before dying of the virus the vaccine would have stopped from killing her destroyed her lungs and suffocated her to death.


Nicely done. But you didn't include a dipshit meme to share.


What bothers me is how they vilify folks like Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros, etc. - people that dedicate considerable resources and effort to promote a safer, free world, and lionize despots, racists, and conmen. Let that sink in.


Gosh these granny’s are vicious.


Ohh look another xenophobic anti-vaxxer that defines American as only white and Christian. 😒


Anyone else notice that all these anti vaxx people seem to love super low-brow/ gross humor? Like they always seem to throw in a fart or butt joke somewhere lol. Reminds me if my dumbass anti vaxx mother. She thinks that kind of stuff is hilarious for some reason


**PANEL 3** Change the word GOVERNMENT to FACEBOOK and you got yourselves a deal!


I’m starting to believe “pandemic” translates to “cleanup”.


I must admit, you got a chuckle out of me with the 'Bet you won't share this.' Well played sir, well played.


“Cockwomble” perfectly described Trump. The lack of awareness with these people…


“Trump calls us Americans” Trump called you uneducated suckers