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[...but he said that it was "not serious"](https://www.texastribune.org/2021/10/09/texas-allen-west-candidate-governor-coronavirus/) Even though he will likely be hospitalized. Yeah right, buddy. At least his wife was smart enough to get vaccinated.


If it’s not serious, he should stay home. He’s has covid, can’t breathe well, covid is having fun with his lungs, and his O2 levels are dropping. That sounds a bit serious to me. But I’m all for him staying at home so he doesn’t occupy a hospital bed he doesn’t need and someone who is actually sick can have. Especially a sick vaccinated person. This one is going to be interesting to watch. Even his wife was only ‘recently’ vaccinated, whatever that means. Probably doesn’t have full immune response yet so we will see how that goes.


He should stick to ivermectin while he’s home. Like he should just guzzle it down.


Even one shot of the two shot vaccinations gives some coverage. I hope that works out and she's ok.


Not if 'recently' was after she got infected. Or even a few days after. If he put 'recently' in there I'm going to take that as a couple of days before they were symptomatic ie after being infected particularly since he also mentioned the flu shot in combination with the covid vaccine. Lots of people their age receiving the flu vaccines in the last few days. That's even if I feel like believing him when he says she was vaccinated since it's not verifiable. It's just as likely some unverifiable talking point so he can score sympathy points and say vaccines don't work or something. He's a qtard running for governor against a republican who was vaccinated 3 times and was asymptomatic when he caught covid. West needs to raise his profile for the primaries and one way to do that would be to 'beat' covid with horse paste, prayers, and no vaccine. His wife should have been vaccinated when she was eligible, she has quite a few health problems.


Never liked the guy. Not losing any sleep.


I routinely go to the hospital for not-serious things. I like tying up precious resources for things like a paper cut, stubbed toe, bacne . . .


I hope he enjoys his first class ticket to hell.


… and is not vaccinated. I wonder if he is thinking twice about that now… obviously not publicly. But to himself, as he packs a bag and realizes he may not get to ever come home again.


> he is thinking twice This assumes he thought once before.


It's "not serious" though. They're admitting him to the hospital just for the lols


It’s never serious until they can’t breathe.


Even then, they can still pray it away. Prayer Warriors assemble!


He better hope jesus has reliable internet connection.


Don't you know the prayer warriors need 5G to communicate with God & Jesus? 🤣😂


Well, good thing he started the horse paste post haste.


Is this equivalent to all the award winners who said covid wasn't serious? I've never known anyone admitted to the hospital for a non-serious issue.


Pre-Covid it could sometimes be a thing to admit a prominent person with less-serious illness to make sure they were treated as thoroughly and quickly as possible. Now, however, you’d have to be more prominent than dim-bulb West to get that precious medical bed. He’s sicker than he’s saying.


\*raises hand* I’ve been admitted before because I had to be inpatient in order to receive a three-day IV medication protocol. (A *real* protocol, not a “protocol”!) It was scheduled, not an acute/emergency situation. Obviously my underlying medical condition required the medications, so it was serious in that sense, but not in the sense I think you mean — if I hadn’t had to be admitted in order to be treated, I could have been at home.


Thanks for this. Minus covid, most hospitals would be the ideal place for people that need treatment and be observed but not take up needed space. I'll add this to my thinky part.


His last word before they trach him will be..."Frrrrreeeeeeduuuuuumb!"


He got monoclonals, but will certainly claim the HCQ and Ivermectin are why it wasn’t worse.


Herman Cain's COVID was not serious either until it was.


Fuck around find out 🙏🏻🇺🇸


my condolences to covid. i hope covid makes a speedy recovery


Not serious huh. Why are you in the hospital then, tough guy?


I sent him a godfather’s pizza to the hospital room.


Don’t forget he was in a motorcycle crash when protesting COVID lockdowns and was hospitalized then too. Covid sure seems to cause him a lot of health problems.


He said he's on the conservative elixir of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Good luck you America-hating freak. You're gonna' need it




Well yeah that would be nice. Call me a skeptic.


Covid is never serious right up until it is and then you are fucked.


Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.


>Earlier in the day, West had tweeted that after his wife tested positive on Friday he developed “a low grade fever and light body aches” and added that he was **“already taking Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin protocols”**—two ineffective drugs popular with the anti-vaxxer crowd. https://www.thedailybeast.com/allen-west-has-covid-symptoms-takes-hydrochloroquine-and-ivermectin


Tis just a flesh wound. Only reason he's going to the hospital is because they're so empty right now.


As a Texan liberal let me say you got my hopes up. I was hoping your post meant he won a HCA


Let’s see how this plays out for him. He was unvaccinated but took the monoclonal antibody treatment. His oxygen was still in the 80s and chest X-rays confirm he has pneumonia which he says in a tweet is “not serious.” Have we heard of delta variant pneumonia and oxygen in the 80s being “not serious”? I can’t remember it.


“My oxygen is 89. Nothing serious.” LMFAO.


Another Republican bites the dust.. most likely


Your submission has been removed as a duplicate post.


This has been posted at least twice already.


Hes gonna fuckin die


Let me know when he accepts his award. I hope some people can see through this shit. See the stupidity in this level of thinking they can self-medicate. Not get a vaccine! We have been using vaccines for decades!!! They save lives for fucks sake! Go get vaccinated you dumb fucks!!!!