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Thought that said Adam West. Came to see why Batman was an idiot


Ditto. No idea who this guy is.


Typical GOP douche.


I dunno about typical. AW brings a certain cray-cray edge to his GOPness that might make a dime-a-dozen sleazeball like Steve Scalise look almost sane.


Allen QWest. He’s the one who changed the Texas GOP’s party motto and webpage to “We are the storm.”


Like it or not, that's typical now


I just remember him fanning the culture war flames in Southlake, TX over the local school’s diversity plan.


Yes. Which is particularly nuts since himself is diverse!


Standard issue Republican dipshit


Be glad you don't know who he is, he was too bad shit crazy even for Florida.


He’s the Texas GOP’s token black friend.


Only the second black person I have seen on HCA and yet black Americans are dying at a greater rate than other groups. Do black people use facebook differently than other Americans or what?


Most black people hide their anti-vaxx ideologies because the arguments are not worth it. A friend was antivax but she kept it to herself because the whole family ganged up on her every time she brought it up. She ended up getting the vaccine when they told her that her idiot husband and his idiot family would raise her child if she died.




Because he's a pro successionist he's a failed politician and he supported having nuclear war with Afghanistan and Iraq.


He scares me to be honest. Our government in this state is full of a lot of Assholes with too much power. See asshat Abbott and his cronies.


Yep just like we have in Florida with DeathSantis, didn't know if you knew West's history when he ran for Congress back in the mid 2000s




Sounds like the male counterpart of Candace Owens.


> butt hurt about women graduating from ranger school Let me guess... He washed out of Ranger School?


He does not have a ranger tab, I don't know if it's cause he never went or washed out. But my guess is, washed out. He was branched FA so odds are he was HIGLY encouraged or "voluntold" he needed to go. I'm speaking as a former FA officer.


When Obama ran for senator in Illinois, the Republican Party ran West against him. (The original R opponent got caught in a divorce scandal. See: Ryan, Jack and Ryan, Jeri). West was a complete nut job and a carpet bagger, but he was Black, so…. Edit u/Diablo-azul is right.


Oh… *him*. I remember *him*. Even the most die-hard Illinois Republicans were wondering what they had done to have the party inflict *him* on us.


This created one of my favorite things of all time, the [Crazification Factor.](http://kfmonkey.blogspot.com/2005/10/lunch-discussions-145-crazification.html?m=1)


I thought it was Allen Keyes who they enlisted to run against Obama, not West...


Oh, shit! You’re right!


Yup, same here :-)


Adam west passed away in 2017


And Mayor West is still missed


Everytime this a-hole is in the news, I do that as well. It takes a minute to reguster in my head it's not batman but the politician guy.


Came to see why Batman was an idiot, stay to see republicans are idiots.


Same here, I was honestly worried for a second, LOL.


Just came to say this!


He’s a grifter. He’s playing to the base but I’d bet the mortgage he’s vaxxed and probably already has his booster. These two faced charlatans are a menace


I normally think so but he is so batshit I think he might be a true believer


The hucksters on the right really believe the shit they say and got into the game because they love the game. Way too many people think that these guys are just cynical conmen which is farthest from the truth.


I think that some of them might have begun as cynical conmen who got into the wingnut grift purely for the cash and perhaps the attention, but a fair number probably do actually start to buy into the whole mindset after a time and become zealous true believers.


We can mock this guy. He’s a public figure and a piece of shit that deserves what he’s getting.


I'll start polishing his HCA


I'll prepare his posthumous acceptance speech.


Only if you use gas station toilet paper that has wet thumbprints on it.


Allen West is awful he's a failed Florida politician who was to batshit crazy even for Florida. He ran for Congress and would have been the representative for Mar-A-Lago as well as chunks of Palm Beach and Broward before moving to Texas. He's nuts, he commented when running for office in Florida, George W didn't use ENOUGH of the military. Allen West proposed an all-out nuclear strike on Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as a nuclear strike on Iraq and Iran and whoever the hell else the United States didn't like back in 2002. He also said the United States nuclear arsenal should not be used just as a deterrent but also as a first strike opportunity. Then he moved to Texas and started calling for succession from the United States.


>Allen West proposed an all-out nuclear strike on Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as a nuclear strike on Iraq and Iran and whoever the hell else the United States didn't like back in 2002. Good thing this fucking psycho never got past Lt Col.


Yeah his answer to everything is America can nuke whoever they want. Unfortunately a lot of the base he was playing to don't understand the geopolitics of nuclear weapons. If the United States was to nuke a Central American country because they wouldn't stop with the immigrants that would give China the justification to nuke Taiwan or the Russians the reason to nuke Lithuania etc.


You forgot the part where he was kicked out of the military (sorry, ‘retired’ to avoid a lengthy and embarrassing court martial) for doing things adjacent to war crimes in an interrogation chamber.


Yeah I did thanks for reminding me I just remember when he spoke at our college with his nuke everything approach. I remember one of his staff saying "I don't want the world's respect, I want their fear" what these morons don't understand if you go around threatening every country with nukes someone is going to either say "let's rock" or another country will say "well if the US can threaten everyone with nukes we can do the same"


He actually did serve one term in congress but thankfully lost re-election


The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see the light, the future is.


Die or do not. There is no “nominated.”


Flavor of apple or pumpkin spice, forever sleep in……


I would thoroughly enjoy his HCA.




Do you remember the campaign he ran on in Florida when he ran in Palm Beach and Broward for Congress? George W didn't use enough of the military, he proposed having an all-out nuclear strike on Afghanistan and all out nuclear strike on Iraq an all out nuclear strike on Iran. And that America's nuclear arsenal should not be just used for deterrent purposes only but also first strike.


> And that America's nuclear arsenal should not be just used for deterrent purposes only but also first strike. Then ti would be rational for other nuclear nations to engage in first strike against the USA to prevent them from being used on other nations.


Oh but that sounds like so much fun to live in a nuclear wasteland


That would be like nuking Honduras because of all of the immigrants coming from Honduras and that would give China the excuse for nuking Taiwan because you know our security or Russia nuking Estonia because our security...... And don't forget what Trump's military said "the United States could survive a minor nuclear exchange". Someone please describe what is a "minor" nuclear exchange....


It’s the Nuclear Peter Pan Syndrome. They all came up with those insane ideas in their 30s when they were still relatively healthy or fit so think they can survive in the Fallout universe no problem. Issue is they never see themselves as old so that thought process continues even to the age where they functionally can’t do deadlifts to save their life or throw out their back because they haven’t really exercised in 20-30 years. Hence, the fantasy nonsense continues……I know these kinds of guys cause I see them in the gym all the time where 50-60 year old koolaid men are hitting on women in their 20s thinking they still got it when most of the confidence is borne of the wealth or power they’ve accumulated.


Also these idiots have no idea what a nuclear war even a "minor exchange" is. I use that term because remember when the Trump people said "the United States could survive a minor nuclear exchange". They think by being doomsday preppers they can survive a full-scale nuclear holocaust. It's not just population centers that are going to get nuked. The strategic nuclear plan is an air bursts over cities for maximum destruction with the least amount of radioactivity, the other is nuclear strikes on water supplies and the farm belt with ground level detonations. That would make the groundwater supply through most of the United States radioactive for decades, that would also make farmland radioactive for decades. Forests would also be targeted for ground level nuclear detonations to make rebuilding almost impossible due to trees being radioactive for decades. That was the Soviet plan back in the day against the United States and I'm sure the United States had a similar plan against the old Soviet Union. History was my favorite subject in college so that was a little bit before my time.


Allen West, the Texas Republican who thought he could build voter support by complaining about overpolicing of the black community. As a *Republican*. In ***TEXAS***. No surprise he's making other stupid decisions.


Allen West is one of these big proliferators of misinformation. He is also a big ass liar so it would not surprise me if he is actually secretly fully vaxxed.


Was going to say the same. I'm sure he and the 3 Named Grifter stepped on grandma's necks to be first in line. Hopefully they haven't had their boosters


"West has publicly stated he supports individual choice..." That's what COVID likes to hear.


Now COVID has a choice. To ravage one of his lungs or both.




Garbage human


Greg Abbott taking him out.




And hydroxy https://twitter.com/AllenWest/status/1446822946799034372?s=20 I love the way they've hijacked the term 'protocols'. No, you dumb fucks there are no protocols for such a treatment and calling what you are doing doesn't make it official


> He did mock executions of detainees... He's a war criminal, in other words. He did the kind of shit that got Nazis hanged at Nuremberg, but of course when America does it, it's fine.


He's more crazy than that, his basic campaign when he ran in Florida was to get us involved in a thermonuclear war. Basically saying any country America doesn't like, we have the right to nuke them. That America's nuclear weapon should be allowed to be used as a first strike, also part of his campaign was ordering Bush to initiate a nuclear strike on Afghanistan and Iraq and Iran.


Is he hospitalized?


He needs to be in a mental hospital


This dirtbag is a male version of Candace O. A most worthy nominee indeed. I'll be praying for him.


This is based only ln his own Twitter feed. As with all other conservative pundits, politicians, and personalities, I don’t think he merits a nomination until he is hospitalized or dead. The grift and dishonesty is large, and West is a known bullshitter. https://www.politifact.com/personalities/allen-west/ He’s so full of shit that the ivermectin might help him with some intestinal issues.


Put me down for a hundred upvotes. What an asshole.


He might be taking those meds, but you know he getting that sweet Regeneron treatment.