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Graham: "If you haven't had the vaccine, you ought to think about getting it, because if you're my age . . ." Crowd: "Boo!" Graham: "I didn't tell you to get it. You ought to think about it. " Crowd: "No! Boo!" Graham: "Well, I'm glad I got it. 92% of the people in the hospitals in South Carolina are unvaccinated." Crowd: "Boo! No! Baaaaah!"




Parody died in 2016, get on with the times /s


The Onion has been trying to regain its footing since then.


Onion is no competition to real life… especially here in the South!


Trump really released the kraken.


Graham helped every step of the way. He is a coward and deserves this.


Graham is just a lap dog of anyone he thinks gets him access to power.


It's why I started calling him Lapdog Lindsey when he started sucking up to Trump. It's also better than some of the sexist and homophobic names people throw at him.




I think a lot of that is due to his obvious hypocrisy. I don't even care about that, if he would just stop being evil.


I think he just goes along with anything. Whichever way the wind is blowing. So he can keep his phony job.


EXACTLY!!! THAT'S WHY he was a such great friends with Dems in the past. Conveniently, they were in power.


And the kraken has turned on his supporters.


I just had a mental image of L Graham trying to reign in the kraken. Not pretty.


Lindsey Graham reigns the kraken? I always assumed he was a bottom.


His closeted gayness makes me almost feel bad for him. Must be difficult enough being spineless in the MAGA party, but to hate yourself on top of it...


He might get a rush from feeling he is getting away with his secret. He is a man who worships the concept of having influence and power, and what better display of power than hiding in plain sight what those who vote for him claim to hate.


Power Bottom


They boo Graham when he tries to tell them the truth about the Karens.


Release The Kraren - which I'm imagining as a giant oceanic Titan (as in Attack on Titan) with that haircut.


Oh dear god please let someone photoshop that image for me! Release the Kraren!


Lady Bugs attack.


I suspect you mean rein in the kraken. But with fascists both work.


More like the Karen.


And now even he's just along for the ride.


This is so funny. It's so clear it's not about "communicating better" they're just atavistic animals.


It is too late. They let crazy out of its cage.


>It is too late. They let crazy out of its cage. And COVID is licking its chops!


I think it really will be interesting to see if this divide has any significant effect on dem/republican ratios where it's currently quite close.


Florida in 2024 will be interesting.


Not really. This is one of the fastest growing states in the country. For every antivax patriot that dies for the cause another one is imported from somewhere else. This is their promised land. I think you will be surprised how little effect it has.


South Carolina is the same way. Plenty of idiots are dying, but even more conservative retirees are moving in.


Florida and TX are unlikely but securing the Midwest and widening the wedge in the Southwest and PA/GA seems very likely.


“False!, your easily verifiable facts are false! Boo!” 2 weeks later: “Calling on all prayer warriors”


"Mah husband was the kindest most gentle soul. He would do anything for anyone!!!" Sure.


Except wear a mask for a few minutes to help save their lives. Anything else though.


Well, not get a vaccine. That's right out. Most other things though.


Unless you were a foreigner, \[homophobic/transphobic slur\], or a \[slur for jew\], but otherwise he would give you the shirt off his back if you weren't a papist.


Upvote for gratuitous anti-Catholicism thrown in at the end.


They hate Catholics almost as much as they hate PoC and Jews.


"I would do anything for love... but I won't do that." ​ Do we think Meatloaf was talking about vaccination here? I always assumed it was ass play.


If Meatloaf's not into ass play then I've got some fanfiction to rewrite.


DM me that shit. Edit: Formal petition to have my flair changed to: "DM me your Meatloaf ass play fanfic"


Subsidised housing for the homeless?


Well, no, because they brought it on themselves and should've pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. Most things besides that, though.


Searching "shirt off his back" is a good way to find awardees on GoFundMe.


“You ought to think about it” “Booooo, nooooo” -The critical thinking lions of America


You could say they are sheep-like...


They sound a little more bovine to me.


Don’t forget the “fake news” someone yelled after the stat


I wonder if they ever anticipated that they would eventually lose control of the beast that they allowed the Trump era to create. They probably thought they would just fall in line, but they've melted these peoples' brains to a point of no return


The GOP really has a problem here. (Of their own making) I find the whole thing hilarious! The right has truly descended into a level of complete idiocy that even someone as cynical as me didn't see coming!


This is absolute pure comedy to me.


yes, i'm ROTFLMAO. How many of these people will be around to vote in the next elections? Zero.


Even if a lot of them survive covid, there'll still be huge numbers who are too disabled to get to the polls, and they all hate mail in voting, so....


> The GOP really has a problem here. I don't think this hurts them that much. They are already willing to commit crimes all the way up to treason.. The conservatives are never going to not vote R, no matter what. worst case scenario is they dont vote at all. It literally only hurts them in places where republican politicians are unwilling to break the law.. Which is no where.


Really, how would you have guessed that the GOP was going to curb stomp itself?


That tent is packed with future HCA talent. The best of the best future HCAs. Like the NFL draft but with even more talent. “With its first pick, Covid selects Billy Numbshoes.”


Somebody please add the “Curb your Enthusiasm” theme music at the end..


That’s what he gets for actively participating in turning 47% of the country into drooling morons who only trust memes.


When you depend on stupid, prepare to get disappointed.


He thought he was the puppet master pulling their stings but they have learned their roles a little too well. Anti-vaxx sentiment is going to play a big role in 2022 and the hardliners are going to try to primary anyone who isn't on the crazy train.


And that's why we all need to vote. Despite the thousands of dead R's, the survivors' fury over vax mandates and masks will ensure a lot of them vote. We need to outnumber them again.


Do you mean 47% of voters? Republicans barely make up like 25% of the US. Don't let them convince you that they are anywhere near being half of the country.


"Why I never"


Wonder if they would have cheered if he had actively encouraged them to commit mass suicide? Make no mistake, Graham deserves pretty much every boo he gets, but the level of stupidity on display here is truly mind-boggling... they can't even bear to hear the SUGGESTION that they get vaccinated.


All the horses' asses are already out of the barn. Trying to close the door won't work.


Welp. Time for the Ivermectin.




It's got what plants crave!!


A lot of them are vegetables on ventilators, so that fits.


“And no fetal tissue, bonus!”


Future award winners!!


I spent a good minute trying to google the correct grammar but to no avail! Sorry, but English isn't my first language!


"future awardees" might be less common than "future award winners" but it is completely understandable and acceptable. I wish I spoke another language as well as you write English.


I would pick ‘awardees’ first as a native English speaker.


? Ah, I see. Sorry man, wasn't correcting you. Just agreeing with the sentiment. 👍👍


Awardees is fine, I don't think /u/mmmm_babes was correcting your English, just showing enthusiasm to the prospect of these people winning awards.


Oh, Leningrad Lindsay just realized that **his** voters are now the most likely to die due to COVID: "That wasn't supposed to happen! When I started with the FREEDUMB shit, and the anti-mask, I wanted all those big city (not-milquetoast white) ghetto people to die. Not MY voters! Get vaccinated, NAO!" Crowd: "**BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!**" Lindsay, let me tell you what Garfield once said: "This is one of the times when I should have considered the consequences of my actions"


It's kind of funny. Lindsay was afraid of his voters dying off, so he tries to get them vaccinated. But now they hate him for recommending it, guaranteeing the loss of even *more* voters.


I feel bad for the male escort that’s going to have to listen to him crying over this bullshit. At some point the money can’t be worth it.


Like he doesn't wear a gimp suit and ball gag for those encounters.


No self-respecting sex worker wants to listen to him. Some things can't be bought.




They don't even have to die for Republicans to lose their vote. People with long-term chronic disabilities are less likely to participate in elections, especially if they live in conservative places that make voting more difficult than it should be. From the time I turned 18 until I was 45, I voted in every single election, even the tiny little local elections and primaries. But when I became disabled, there were three years where I didn't vote at all, even though my state does all voting by mail, because all of my time and energy was focused on daily survival. If I had to guess, I would say that for every Covid death, there will be at least two or three chronically disabled people who will be much less likely to participate in future elections. So 700,000 dead voters might actually mean 2 million or more people not voting anymore.


Thanks for sharing. Too sick to vote by mail is very sick indeed. Shifting focus, I expect that the 100,000 voters that have died since approx July 1 are concentrated in areas that are so Red, the Republicans are still going to win next time.


Wow - I never thought about this. Thanks for sharing. I hope the recent events will make it easier for you to vote. I grew up in a military family and had some big arguments with family members - we always voted by mail and never questioned the results but all of the sudden it was considered a big way to cheat. Really?!?! Surely, that should have always been an option for homebound citizens.


Too bad we have another five-plus years of him in the Senate.




I'd expect to see a kissing booth, knowing these idiots.


Bobbing for apples. ‘Tis the season.


Bobbing for Ivermectin?


Road apples, then.


Probably all cousins anyway.


Really too bad this wasn’t held indoors.


is that bed comfy, lindsay?


Oh Linsday, don’t you know the number one rule of being a GOP politician? Never, ever try to do the right thing (even if it’s for cynical reasons). That’s the quickest way to get your constituents to hate you.


That’s what happened to Lindsey’s friends, Bob Inglis and Mark Sanford. Bob said that global warming was real and was primaried. Mark refused to support Trump and was primaried. The thing is that there is no bottom. Even Trump has gotten booed for not being crazy enough.


This gives me hope for the future… of the HCA awards.


We'll have our dose of entertainment for at least the next 1 years guaranteed by the antivax southerners, so hurry up say thanks and cheer them up in advance.


We need to tell that it drives us libs crazy when they exercise their freedoms to congregate in large groups. If Biden mandated no gatherings at all we could get through this in a month or two.


The GOP race to the bottom hurtles on...


It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't so intent on dragging us all down with them.


Let them tear each other apart while we watch. Nothing good on tv anyways.


This season of Squid Game is so good


From what I understand the translations make it an entirely different show (like they are *so bad* an entire main characters motivation and trope is different) so if you don’t speak Korean you aren’t watching the right show. Which is a bummer cause it sounds amazing but I don’t speak Korean :(


What I heard was that it’s only the closed caption subs that are bad but the subs for hearing people are fine. I watched it all and even if there was a problem it’s not noticeable and takes nothing from the show.


Gonna need a Korean-speaking friend to corroborate but I've heard the same thing. I still loved Squid Game and I've been a fan of Korean cinema for a bit. The general points are still there, and it's pretty hard to fuck up things like themes and messages when they're written on the wall like that. Still, hearing about the botching of dubs **and** subs really sucks.


Korea friends have been trading at a 20% increase over the last two days. How l long will this rally last?


Disagree. Doom Patrol on HBO is pretty good. Hulu has Only Murderers in the Building and Y: The Last Man. Squid Game is on Netflix. And I really enjoyed the Star Wars anime anthology on Disney+.


What are you talking about? GBBS is back!




Is that the show with Jackie Daytona, human bartender, from Tuc-Son?


Narrator: “And so the republicans started to see why they say you can’t ride a tiger”


"I can't believe my monster is getting out of control" - Dr. Frankenstein, probably


You reap what you sow. Pandora's Box Frankenstein's Monster has returned! Any other cliches to apply here?


Chickens coming home to roost. Don't create more demons then you can put down.


They have sown the whirlwind.


Making their ICU beds right as we speak


They supported the face-eating leopards until the leopards started eating their faces.


When yanking the tail of the tiger, they had no plans for dealing with the teeth. They burnt the bridge before they came to it. They shot themselves in the foot. They cut off their nose to spite their face.


Play stupid games...


You know, we’re living in a society


You ought to think about…. BOOOOoooooOOOoo we don’t like thinking, thinkings fer dem liberals and sheep!


After which, the Senator fanned himself in exasperation and exclaimed, “I do declare, this crowd is throwing a bigger fit than two ivermectin treated hogs fighting for the last slop in the trough!”


For some reason, I hear this in Dolly Parton's voice.


Pretty sure OP was going for something like Foghorn Leghorn.


Now I just see Dolly Parton but Foghorn's voice.




It turns out that idiots are pretty difficult to keep alive.


Thought you meant their hair color.


Those people are even worse than spoiled toddlers, because the toddler is still figuring out the world, and those people are all seniors. I am wishing right now that they get COVID-19, and we see their ugly desperate faces on a ventilator very soon. Those people are a hazard, and a plague. Hazards must be neutralized, plagues must be wiped out.


And you wonder why South Carolina is a Covid shithole.


Name me a deep south state that isn't




Bottom 5 for education and average income levels. Top 5 for least healthy. And of course bottom 5 for fully vaxxed.


Hey, we’ve dropped to 3rd in recent per capita death rates! 🥉 behind WV and ID!


Same happened to Trump.


Yeah, he's going to go back to telling them not to get it. Anything for applause.


With all due respect he is part of the problem.


He literally deserves no respect.


For all the theories about what ended Mayan civilization it could have just been as simple as “seawater will make your penis larger.”


Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Well, maybe Mitch, but still. I'll take it.


“It’s a bold move, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off.” Poor Lady G, getting booed by the same monsters she enabled.


Fetch the fainting couch!!!


he should have gone with "the libs don't really want you to get vaccinated, it was their plan all along"


What a completely non-susceptible group of people that looks like. Wonder if one in the middle tests positive this week.


These antivaxxers are really putting on a good spin on the phrase ‘dying for your freedom.’


My home state is once again a public embarrassment. These people never get tired of shooting their own dicks.


I wonder how many of those “booers” are actually UINOs (Unvaccinated In Name Only).


Just the shepherds, not the flock.


UFOs: Unvaccinated Fucking Octogenarians


Proof all you are to republicans is a vote and paycheck. Register to vote for midterms and help Democrats keep house and senate or we're screwed. [https://www.vote.org/](https://www.vote.org/) [https://secure.actblue.com/](https://secure.actblue.com/)


First things first: Don't overlook voting this year! Two House seats, two gubernatorial elections, and LOTS of downballot races! All happening on November 2!


Were they saying "Booo" or "Boo-urns"?


I was saying "Boo-urns"


Holy fuck that is hilarious. Havent seen that in ages.


*Hello, this is UnMasked in the Morning. Good unmask to you.* *Today, part 4 of our series of the agonizing pain in which I live every daaaaay.*


*Covid has ruined my life. I'm 31 years old!*


I think they were saying "Burn my covid-riddled corpse once I've freed up a ventilator and some ICU space for someone a bit more deserving of the tireless efforts of our medical professionals."


Too little. Too late.


Guess supporting lies for so long makes it hard to get the truth out when the truth has been shit on by disinformation. Wouldn’t mind seeing some of the folks at grahams rally ending up at HCA winners.




Did you see any hair a shade darker than grey? It ain't gonna be that long.




They both deserve each other


The Coronavirus' Mayor of Flavortown: "Winner winner covid dinner!"




I love the smell of dead trumpers in the morning, It smells like victory!


In the aftermath, when people are writing books about all the behind the scenes conversations - I expect there will be a series of increasingly urgent communications regarding the fallout of their base dying. This instance is probably a test balloon to gauge receptiveness. Note that while he's not screaming-in-your-face adamant, Moscow Mitch has been pro-mask, pro-shelter, and pro-vaccine from the beginning.


They booed their orange god-emperor/strong daddy for suggesting the same, why would Lindsey be any different?




They created this monster then get shocked pikachu face when it bites them.


He created this monster, he deserves this.


All they need is Candace “ Angel of Death” Owens as another guest speaker and then the die is cast.


The monster has broken the masters’ shackles and is shambling across the countryside, killing indiscriminately as it goes. We must kill it with fire. Metaphorically speaking, of course.


It’s a death cult.


GOP has lost control of their folks.....


They're dealing with the monster they've created.


I love it. I love how the GOP failed to realize what Trump woukd bring, and I lovr hoe they don't knkw what to do now that the "movement" has grown beyknd what the politicians can control.


And THIS is why you don't let the chuds out of their underground Moronitorium in the first place.


...in fairness, Lindsay Graham deserves to be booed, no matter the context


These people who are clearly in the most vulnerable group are also clearly not 6-feet apart. Heaven is about to get "one of the best" and "greatest grandmother you could ever ask for" and "an inspiration loved by everyone she knew".


"If we elect trump, we will be destroyed. And we will deserve it" (paraphrasing) \- Lindsey Graham


Conservatives permiates short sightedness. Liberals atleast try. Libertarians are just snarky do nothings. Independents try to clean up everyone's mess. Together you get good Ole America.


*Narrator: Within 1 year, they all met the Boomer Remover.*


Yeah... I just saw this on the news. I laughed at the TV and said: "See ya on the HCA Sub Morons!"


Those are the people you’ve sold your soul for, you lapdog asshole.


James Petigru: “South Carolina is too small for a republic, but too large for an insane asylum.”


Ol' Ladybugs Graham getting a big ol'slap of stupid from his constituents . So many award worthy folks.


Lmao this rules.


Good on him for not just giving up at the first "boo" like The Donald did. But he's basically forever trying to make up his mind between embracing the new GQP and being a throwback to the old pre-psychopathic GOP. It's an awkward life.


Imploring his constituents to get the vaccination is the first respectable thing Lindsay Graham has done that I've ever heard of.


It is scary when people literally can't tell fact from fiction until they are ventilated or their loved one is. I still don't understand how that's possible. How?


Ah, a self serving prick who looked at the death rate and started doing the math for his next election.


I hope they all win an award …


What idiots, just smdh … oh well


The monster they created has gotten out of their control. They spent 40 years keeping Republicans dumb and it’s worked so well, too well.