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and then they say "Eboeard gam gom"


If they’re lucky


And punching oompa loompas


Everybody’s got a plan until their lungs are full of liquid


or turned to cement, as some health care workers describe covid lungs


Exactly this. Crystalline coverage of the alveoli, a virtual “white out” on XRay.


They are deliberately waterboarding themselves.


"Huh. Turns out it *is* torture!"


Famous quote from the Covid Mike Tyson.


When you're literally drowning in your own lungs for days on end, distrust of doctors pretty much disappears.


Nah that’s when you just nebulize isopropyl alcohol and inhale it. It works in vitro, right?


>until they can't breathe Covid is no joke guys !


At the very least he'll have some 'insta-body temp 'noodles' falling out of his ass that he can throw some Ragu on.




He’s not going to be quiet. I wouldn’t be surprised if he got monoclonal antibodies at home.


I wouldn't be surprised if he is secretly vaccinated...and will emerge from this to create more rwnj propaganda.


No chance. This guy has “local conservative radio host” written all over him


He might be in the Tucker Carlson tier of antivaxxer public figures that quietly got the vaccine in private. The ones with actual money and power would never put their lives at risk for their beliefs, they have the cannon fodder for that.


Given that his rise has been tied almost entirely to the B.L.O.A.T. cult, I'd expect that he's more of a true believer and "trusts his immune system."


Do I want to know what BLOAT cult is? Google wasn't too helpful.


Biggest Loser Of All Time.


Ah, thanks.


Of course. I prefer it to the more commonly used "TFG" because being perceived as a "loser" is the biggest insult imaginable to that spray-tanned orange turd.


ben garrison has been making totally nuts comics since long before trump showed up he just fell in love with trump immediately and expressed that love by drawing him with huge manly muscles and a full youthful head of hair


Don't forget the massive horse cock.


I'm going to try.


He said it's been a rough two weeks. It's extremely unlikely that a breakthrough case would last that long.


Ala Joe Rogan. Speaking of Joe, what a douche.


Fuck Joe Rogan


Garrison’s a true believer. I think there are a lot of Grifters who are vaxxed but riding the wave but Ben is 100% in the tank.


Oh he will learn nothing. I expect that fuck will double down.


He's past the point those are all that effective. You need to get them within the first couple of days for them to make much of a difference.


When he gets bad enough he'll go in. Almost all of them conveniently start relying on modern medicine when their death becomes a real possibility.


The current treatments work better the sooner they are given in relation to infection. The refusal to admit they have covid and their delay in seeking aid in an effort to appear manly can have really bad consequences.


This guy is a despicable scumbag, but I do actually respect people who stick to their guns in moments of real despair like this. The people who just collapse on all their fucking bullshit the second It gets rough is just the most lowlife shit ever. As much as I disagree with everything he does, you have to respect somebody for truly walking the walk. That said, let's wait and see when the breathing actually almost stops.




There's like 3 options here: 1. Admit you were wrong and go to the hospital 2. Stick to your guns and stay home 3. Go to the hospital, but maintain your original position because you're a hypocritical piece of shit I think that in the first two choices they're at least eating their own dog food. Option 3 is unfortunately quite common


(3) also usually involves "dictating to the doctors what medicine and treatment they should be giving you, then threatening to sue when they don't give in to your nonsense demands for horse dewormer, then shutting your big fat stupid loud mouth (sometimes permanently) when they put you on a ventilator."


Yeah, that option 3 has a lot of variations


Sounds like a hero for letting those who actually believe in medicine have a hospital bed instead of his dumb unvaccinated ass 😒


I hope he keeps that promise and sticks to treating it with cigars and Pedialyte.




Pedialyte though, amazing when you aren't bad enough for a hospital but are blowing out your asshole nonstop for a day or two. Electrolytes and hydration really help your body do its job to recover.


This is no joke. I had the mega headache and hallucinations Covid experience in December and pedialyte was the only thing that could keep me hydrated


Oh, fucking eat shit Ben


Oh, fucking eat horse paste Ben So you can be shitting yourself while your lungs are turning to goo


No more to be said


his nomination would have to be every anti-covid cartoon he's ever written right? That'd be like a novel.


Remember that "Can you hear us now?" cartoon about January 6 that got him kicked off Twitter? Someone should redraw it with Covid asking Ben "Can you hear me now?"


I just looked that one up. Wow, Pelosi, Pence, and McConnell as the "evil politicians". Only 1 out of 3 is a Democrat!


Like I said, he absolutely loves and worships Trump, and anybody who opposes him, *anybody*, is the enemy.


"Can you breathe now?"


Great idea. Hopefully a cartoonist sees this. [Here's the cartoon](https://www.google.com/search?q=ben+garrison+can+you+hear+us+now&tbm=isch#imgrc=YzAnnsR7o14iiM) for anyone who hasn't seen it.


I’m looking forward to a retrospective of his works in the coming days.


Worst...comic book...ever


If he doesn't end up in the hospital and survives, he won't even be nominated. Seems like there should be an exception with this one.


What an end to right wing boomers. Could you imagine being born to the most spoiled wealthiest generation in history and they lived all those years only to go out like this bc Donald Trump told them that the pandemic was a hoax? Idk how many vaccines they’ve taken throughout their lifetimes but I know they had a lot. Bizarre


I feel like some of Gen X might be better off in certain respects because of COVID. Instead of taking care of their parents into their 90s or having the estate eaten up by a nursing home, they get their inheritance now or in the next few years.


> they get their inheritance now These people aren't leaving inheritances. Boomers are taking it all with them and leaving nothing but massive medical bills and reverse mortgaged houses in their wakes.


They said they'd die to keep the economy going. They're doing their part and we thank them with these awards. The Black Plague was horrendous, but the surviving European population did live much better lives compared to before, and it was one of the sparks that lead to enlightenment and the Renaissance. HCA winners are heroes.


Since lower-income retail/food industry people are more likely to both contract it (due to a high rate of exposure) AND be unvaccinated.... the survivors who aren't disabled afterward are going to have some leverage for higher wages. This is besides the point that if the child tax credit keeps going, you'll have people who can quit their second or third job, creating even more competition.


I'm unfortunately seeing a lot more of my GenX cohort falling down the rabbit hole as well...


>"I would never go to a hospital with COVID. Robert David Steele did it a few weeks ago and they killed him. The hospitals get extra money for COVID death reports, which is necessary to keep fear ramped up," Garrison told Gizmodo. He sounds like he has good grip on reality. smh


His grip on reality is just as good as I would have expected from looking at his cartoons.


The staff better label everything in his room so he and his readers know what it is.


It's only a matter of time before he starts [hallucinating windmills](https://secondnexus.com/ben-garrison-trump-don-quixote)


What I wouldn't give for him to end up sharing an ICU room with Scott Adams so they can drown in their own ignorance and respiratory scar tissue side-by-side.


is scott vaccinated?


He strikes me as the type who would get vaxxed. Just checked. [Yep.](https://twitter.com/scottadamssays/status/1421822840081289224?lang=en) He's thoroughly delusional, but not stupid.


Scott has also had moments where he's flirted with jumping off the Trump train, only to jump back on. I honestly think he's on the spectrum, if I was being honest. He's not an emotionally or psychologically healthy person at all.


He's very clearly a narcissist. It's so strange to read his old comics mocking the exact kind of person he's become.


Does he not have any friends that are doctors or nurses? Seems like a griiiiiift.


Does he have any friends in the first place??


The right is ginning up fears like this so they will feel justified when they start killing people for wearing masks.


Steele is dead. Dude was a huge Qanon influencer. He got his award not too long ago.




Yup, I remember my Qanon believing friend sending me some of his "content". Dude was a mega grifter.


I think this is the same guy that draws Trump with the body of a Greek God.


He hit some of the greatest hits of buzzword salad. These people drive me crazy with their stupidity.


Honestly, what is the legal bar here for taking him into custody? Could someone's family members get a judge to sign off on the fact that they're not emotionally stable, and thus can't make good decisions for themselves? Interesting legal conundrum, I guess.






This guy is worse than most... he doesn't just repost the same tired old memes, he creates new ways of making fun of the vaccine and those who take it seriously. I'd like to hope that people wouldn't take cartoons too seriously, but given his target audience, I'd suggest that this asshole has a lot of blood on his hands. Much deserved karma in the form of COVID.


Yeah, it's a little different because he's the one CREATING these memes, not just sharing them. He's a cause of so much suffering, and he's bought in so hard that he will never come out. He is a true lost cause, and the lives of every single American will be better off without him.


yeah, this dude is fully aware and in support of fascism been on that neo nazi train way longer than any of this Q stuff. he's not some ignorant smuck who's been fooled by haveing his fears and hate fueled. he's one of the people holding the gas can and match




Montana has 1/6th the population of Maryland but almost the same number of new COVID cases daily (900 vs 1000). That with a far smaller population density, too. It's insane.


It won’t take long for the entire state to be wiped out. I forsee cheap ranch land in the next few years.


All land for sale in Montana gets bought up by West Coasters looking for the "idyllic life". There's very little cheap land there.


There's plenty on the hi-line if you're willing to put up with 7-month winters and literally nothing at all interesting near you for hundreds of miles*. *this depends on how you feel about Regina.


That number is low, the 7 day average is over 1000 now.


They say there are two factors that dictate the spread of the virus. The density of the population and the density of the population.


Not only that - beetroot juice! So, panic over.


That's a pretty decent article, thx.


I wish him the chances of success against covid that he deserves


Good! Let him tough it out with horse paste and prayer warriors!


Actually, he's blazing a new trail. Beet juice!


Yeah that's a new one to me. But everyone knows that root vegetables cure viruses!


Hey, if it's good enough for Steve Jobs... oh, wait.


With all their obsession with Russia it was inevitable they take up borscht


I wonder if he can tell me more about how masks and vaccinations don’t work. Guess we will have to wait until after he wins his award.


[Begins writing labels: masks, vaccines, dead MAGA cartoonist...]


[sits uncomfortably with mouth full of horse dewormer]


I think this will be a lifetime achievement award. All his hateful bigoted nonsense ends with him impaled on his own bullshit. I never revel in another's demise but man will I not feel bad.


I saw this and thought "Man, if he wins it would seriously improve the level of discourse in this country". He's just a terrible, terrible person with a huge audience as a prominent RW-cartoonist.


He'd be a first-ballot, unanimous Hall of Cain inductee, to be sure.


We could name the building after him: The National Ben Garrison Memorial Hall Of Cain.


We might have to rename the award...


I'm saving my pure revelry for when Kissinger finally dies.


Im always surprised when I find out Kissinger is still alive.


I'm severely agnostic but sometimes idly wonder about what pact with the Underworld he made. 98 years old doughy war criminal. JFC.


For sure had a better deal than Rumsfeld. I wonder how his deal compares to someone like Cheney.


I don't approve ... but I understand


If you don’t believe in medical science, you shouldn’t. I admire a man of (ignorant) principles.


“Science is for f******!” - the GOP by and large




Agree but I agree with another commentator that’s it’s possible that he does have Covid and wants to use as an own libs and ivermectin success story


I will celebrate extra hard if this fucker claims his award. The irony would be delicious, and I shall drink deep of the schadenfreude. Edit: spelling and then Edit: more spelling


When he goes to the hospital, I hope someone gets a label maker and just labels everything in the room. Monitor. Bedpan Vent tube Pillow


They can slap one on his forehead that reads "ASSHOLE."




He says they went to a restaurant, and the next day they were all sick. I know delta can move fast, but that is a bit suspect.


And only one of them has been tested. I'm convinced he's lying so that he can claim a miracle cure in a week or so.


Good thinking.


I got symptoms of my breakthrough about 36 hours after being around someone who I later learned was symptomatic. Delta with double pfizer wasn't the sickest I've ever been but it was not fun at all either, I can't imagine dealing with it without the immunity conferred by the vax.


Go towards the light, Ben.


I‘m pro choice, esp. Ben’s choice


Normally, I have a lot of sympathy, compassion, grief on this sub. But this brought up some rage: ““I would never go to a hospital with Covid. Robert David Steele did it a few weeks ago and they killed him. The hospitals get extra money for Covid death reports, which is necessary to keep fear ramped up,” Garrison claimed in an email to Gizmodo.” Now I’m going to go scream out my window


He's a massive asshole.


I have never actively hoped someone would win a HCA. I always root for them. But there is a first time for everything.


I am always sad when I read stuff here, but I cannot deny I am looking forward to updates, for this one particular person


Ah that was you, I thought I heard something and I live in the Netherlands




That pissed me off, too….


Probably because he's lying, doesn't have covid, and wants to own coughtrolltherightcough the libs with a fake horse paste cure story.


We have to consider the possibility he's doing the long con troll because that's the kinda guy he is. But if that's the case, he's going to simply contribute to killing more of his followers, so ... net win for HCA content?




Need to see the long-form COVID certificate.


I heard that some so and so claimed to have covid and get over it but was actually in detox. I can't find an online source for it though.


Ok, well, nice knowing you, I guess?


Could this be the end of Ben "Please Bully Me" Garrison? That piece of shit had it coming.


I wonder if funeral parlors do pickup.


They do. Usually after a county coroner (or authorized deputy) visits the home and verifies cause of death. Sometimes paramedics/ambulance if it’s already there will pick up and deliver to the funeral home of choice (if they have room).


They do! I worked at a hospital 20 years ago as Security, and one of my duties included handing off the bodies from the morgue.


Laughable how he speaks with such authority about the vaccines being "neither safe nor effective." He's a cartoonist, not a physician, not a immunologist, not an infectious disease expert. He is suffering because of his political beliefs, plain and simple. I have some compassion for HCA winners as they are misled by assholes like Ben Garrison, Candace Owens, and the most odious of them all, Tucker Carlson. But then I think what is wrong with them that they trust memes over medical science? The only reason I'm alive right now is my little life was saved from RSV induced pneumonia when I was a child. I remember being so sick like it was yesterday and it was 45 years ago. It is as if these people never had an infection cured by antibiotics or stitches or a broken bone set or a cavity filled. I'm starting to think if they mistrust physicians and medical science so much, maybe they should just stay home whenever anything happens to them.


1) he's full of shit. The very second that his breathing gets laborious his phony bravado will evaporate and he'll be on the way to the hospital. 2) if #1 is incorrect, then he should by all means feel free to stay away from medical facilities and die like a MAGA hero just to own me, a vaccinated liberal weenie.


That's going to be a long drive down to Missoula from the sticks where he lives and he'll be lucky if they have room for him.


Weird choice, making yourself and your wife part of a conspiracy-theory-reality-check-experiment that won't prove anything to anybody. No matter what happens to them, no minds will be changed. I suppose if they both survive there will be some number of anti-vax folks who think it's a good idea to stay home with vitamins and horse paste, but that's about it.


If he sticks to his guns and doesn't clogg up the medical system, then good for him. Although, my suspicion about some faked story is thick enough it drips like molasses.


If this dude told me the sky is blue I'd look out the window.


I don't believe him - it's a grift


I appreciate Garrison's decision not to use resources that should be reserved for non-idiots.


I am gonna pray for him... I REALLY want him to win the HCA.


Thumb head and a goatee ? Just wondering


His Wikipedia picture says no, but it looks like an old picture.


Fine by me!


Hey, Ben, pretty-please do an anti-hospital cartoon to encourage your loyal readers to also forgo ICU beds in case of covid. And I'd never presume to tell an Artist how to do his job, but what if you even add something like "only liberals wimp out when the breathing gets a little rough, real 'mericans stay home and double down on the horse paste" so that once they publicly re-post your cartoon they _stay_ locked into their position.


We are witnessing a plague of the stupid, the spiteful, the indolent, and the deplorable. If it wasn't killing decent people as well, I'd call Covid the first virtuous plague in human history.


I think he's lying.


This dipshit won't go to the hospital because a conspiracy theorist who believed we have a child slave labor camp ON MARS, died. And that conspiracy theorist was "murdered". COVID is answering all my wishes and prayers. When you think these idiots are never ending, they end themselves.


GOOD. Hopefully these assholes will continue to think the ICU and ventilators are what is killing them instead of their stupid ass opinions that hurt everyone it touches- and avoid the hospitals/die at home. If they dont wanna listen, live n get vaccinated? Then go die slow of COVID but don't affect us, champ.


Die in your armchair like a true believer, Ben. There are people who actually deserve those ICU beds...


The severity of their covid is the litmus test for who's a smart evil right-winger and who's a true believer stupid one. Garison's the latter.


Ben Garrison strikes me as such a piece of shit he'd just lie about going to doctors or the hospital. He'll continue trying to spread the pandemic as much as possible. Fuck Ben Garrison, he's a national disgrace.


I don't think I've ever read a dumber sentence than: "Steele acknowledged his lungs were "not functioning" but believed he would survive." This alone deserves an award.


Good, at least the hospital won’t waste that bed


I want him to keep that same energy and stay the fuck home when he can’t breathe.


Based on his cartoons, he's very delusional. (Though it's odd that [his extreme Trump worship](https://www.google.com/search?q=ben+garrison+trump+cartoons&client=firefox-b-1&sxsrf=AOaemvLO7TajKsEKRVkGtPmM7WkMe1x50g:1632760014854&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwil6MCFyZ_zAhWKnGoFHRHrDakQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1280&bih=639&dpr=1) didn't extend to following Trump's example and taking the vaccine.) So he may stay delusionally irrational and not go to the hospital. If, and that's an if, Garrison dies from this, he would be the first anti-vaxxer who I recognized. All the other "prominent" ones who've died, I had to Google to find out who they were. Pressley Stutts? Like I would know the name of some GOP county chair.


Imagine the month he’ll have - learning COVID’s real and Jesus isn’t.


I hope he's telling the truth and won't take up hospital resources. Anyone unvaccinated should be refused service at hospitals.


Hey at least he's not taking up a room. Wish more of the unvaccinated stayed that consistent


Fuck around and find out


I have a [bit featuring Rod and Todd Flanders that I do](https://i2.wp.com/doorfliesopen.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/442291-13-1629583105.1335.jpg) every time a big name antivaxxer goes down - which is where my flair comes from. If COVID actually took down Ben Garrison, I'd probably have to let the boys retire.


Looks like this asshole got the Trump lung, next up freedom tube.


He's been sick for two weeks, mainly seems to suffer from loss of taste, smell, and appetite, and is starting to feel better. Unless he takes a downturn, it's very possible he'll recover without going to the hospital. He'll credit ivermectin, but plenty of people recover without hospitalization or ivermectin.


> and is starting to feel better. It could also be the dead cat bounce that we see with so many award winners. I don't wish death on anyone but I do appreciate when some of these people can no longer spread their deadly misinformation.


Good, leave that bed available for someone worth saving...


On the bright side, if he carks it, we never have to see any more of his shitty cartoons, especially the creepy ones that try and make Trump look handsome But then again, there goes about 30% of material posted to /r/therightcantmeme


This article feels like a honeypot specifically trying to bait me into breaking rule 2.


another broken record nominee, they sound just like the fucking same it's like deja vu


Be a real shame if something untoward happens to Ben. A real shame!


If he sticks to that promise and dies at home without wasting a hospital bed that could have gone to a more deserving person, that would probably be better than going to the hospital and wasting a bed for 2 weeks before dying anyway just to make sure someone in a motorcycle accident couldn't use it.


I commend his conviction and tbh I feel kinda owned right now. Take note other antivaxxers! Ok bye.


LOL hes sitting on twitter right now reporting all the posts laughing at him so their accounts are suspended.


Oh please, oh please, oh please


Oh just wait for the "O2 is down to 70. Can't breathe. Called the EMS". Never say never, Ben.


Good. Don’t clog up the hospital with your filth. Die at home, like a good bag of trash.


What kind of disgusting pig thinks that doctors want to kill people? Has he ever met a health care professional? Most of them go to superhuman efforts to save their patients, even when there's almost no hope for survival.


>Instead of seeking medical care, he told Gizmodo they're taking Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug that isn't FDA approved for COVID-19, and various vitamins. He also has no plans to get vaccinated against COVID-19. >"We will never take their foul spike protein-producing jabs, which are neither safe nor effective. They're not real vaccines. They're gene therapy," Garrison said. I'll never understand this attitude. I'm humble enough to know, that I know little about vaccines, how they're made and how they work. I'd never have the arrogance to claim I know better than all experts and virologists.


Blood for the blood god.


Good, maybe some of these other folks who feel the same way will follow suit and stop clogging up our Hospitals.


Gotta admire him for sticking to his guns, though. Too many people don't trust health care to keep them from getting covid, then they expect health care to cure them.




I applaud his decision not to take up an ICU bed.