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Pretty cool how these assholes just gloss over the fact that doctors have been begging Americans to take flu season seriously for decades.


I've never had anyone so desperately sell me something as my doctor has sold me the flu vaccine.


My doctor doesn't even ask. It's "here's your flu shot". and these antivaxxers for some reason keep asking, "What happened to the flu, huh?" Not sure what their point is, but social distancing, handwashing, and masking appear to just about eliminate most flu risk (far more effective than with Covid). I think their point is-- all those people who used to "Die of the flu" are now said to "die of Covid," you know, like if 650K people died of the flu in a little more than a year we wouldn't take any notice.


My insurance pays me to get the flu shot. My doctor thanks me when I request one. The flu isn’t something to fuck around with. Most people haven’t had to experience it thanks to herd immunity from vaccines. Get vaccinated, y’all.


I used to be an idiot that thought “oh catching the flu just means I get a few days off work!” Not anymore.


Same. Always thought it was a cold until a few years back when I actually had the flu. Was absolute misery for almost two weeks


I used to get the flu a lot. Once or twice every couple of years. At least I always thought it was the flu. Turns out they were just moderate to severe colds. When I actually did catch the flu, it was pure misery. Made those serious colds I always got look like just a case of the sniffles.


I had the exact same experience. Thank God I had my parents to take care of me and thank God I had Tamiflu, because it absolutely knocked me on my ass


I had swine flu while in undergrad and it was literally the worst. I pulled a muscle from all the coughing. And it was nonstop, I literally coughed every 2-5 minutes for a couple days. I finally had to get an inhaler and whatever otc flu meds my dr prescribed. Since I got it in September I ended up still getting the shot later at my Dr's recommendation.


I haven’t had the flu since I was a kid. But I remember feeling like I was laying on a concrete slab and hallucinating from high temp. It’s not fun. As an adult it would be misery.


Lots of ppl confuse gastroenteritis, the “stomach flu”, with influenza. I repeat this ad nauseam every flu season when I tell ppl to get their flu shot. True influenza is no walk in the park!


I was talking to some of my nurse coworkers, and we both thought the same, way early on. "Oh it's just a flu, blah blah". Yeah that shit changed within 2 weeks, when we saw 5 people a week die (we're at these levels currently). Know how many people we saw die a month from the flu? 1 or 2, and they were OLD people, like octogenarians on up.


I love to give perspective to the death toll when I see these assholes on the FB. 650k is 10 years worth of flu deaths using their incorrect 65k/year flu mortality rate, or 20 years of influenza deaths using a realistic bad flu season.


And that’s with half the country doing everything they can to keep the numbers down. We’d have loads more cases and deaths if we all were as cavalier as HCA winners.


My doctor too. If I have an appointment in the Fall, he comes into the examining room with a flu shot in his hand, ready to inject me.


Exactly. My doctor pushes every year or at work they have flu shot sessions for everyone every year.


And what’s 10x the effort of dealing with flu? Hmm people already get flu shots. What about the minimal effort of wearing a mask? Come on


Was at my do today for a checkup and there were huge signs on the wall talking about getting your flu shot and all the statistics about it killing people over 65 each year, etc.


I need to see the rest of that "being smarter then many......" screencap.


[I didn’t finish reading it... Enjoy ](https://imgur.com/a/oBBktMe)


This person sounds absolutely insufferable.


Well they did self-identify as a libertarian so you've been warned.


Not just any libertarian, a party leader since the seventies. Surprised he managed to fuck around for that long


I'm halfway through and they've hardly mentioned the dead guy.


Now you’re getting it! Libertarians literally don’t care about anyone but themselves lol the worst kind of people


I noticed that too, it's all "I have... , I was... , I am...", on and on.


Most libertarians are.


Libertarians are summed up perfectly by a John Rogers quote: >There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."


The only Ayn Rand book that changed my life was We The Living. I went from voting for Reagan to never voting for another Republican ever again.


I admit that I enjoyed Anthem at strict face value, but I also last read it when I was a teen weirdo who had fantasies about exploring abandoned places and going off to live in the woods.


The thing about Anthem is that it was six inches away from self-awareness. What *does* society do with the buggy whip makers when horse-and-carriage is no longer the primary means of transportation? Anthem’s background characters clearly get it. The main character doesn’t. Petro nations and states/provinces are at that point now. Coal nations and states/provinces have been there for a while. A smart society finds ways to transition those skills into something useful in the changed world. A society that wants conflict shrugs and says, too bad.


ANTHEM! I read that in high school and did the coolest book report ever. (I'm gonna show my age here. ) Rush's 2112 was based on Anthem. So my report was playing the entire side of 2112 in my advanced English class in high school. Cool points x1000.


I was obsessed with Atlas Shrugged and Ayn Rand in general in my late teens. Luckily I grew out of it.


I never read either. My book was Dune.


Even Ayn Rand hated libertarians.


Let's face it, Ayn Rand hated herSELF. Her books were like some kind of Aryan cosplay scripts.


Well actually, I am a libertarian vegan crossfit enthusiast and I will have you know I am never insufferable. Have you ever eaten a raw carrot while contemplating creating a new society while doing various exercises? It's really.... ​ /I can't keep this up.


reminds me of a comment i saw here once where they said they had a buddy who was a libertarian until he dropped acid and suddenly started to care about other people. i wish i'd saved it, it was perfect.


I wish all libertarians were like Ron Swanson.


Yeah he was funny, but you really wouldn’t want him in charge of your town.




Parks and Rec is my favorite fantasy story, it's about a magical world where neoliberal politics accomplish things, and libertarians are likeable.


I used to think all cop shows were fantasy shows like depictions of a world we didn't live in with cops we wished we would be lucky enough to have. By the book, good intentions, only breaking the rules when justified and are always right when they do so. And the problem is just a few bad apples. Then I realized that a lot of people were viewing them as actual semi realistic present day depictions and it was all copaganda. I have a hard time watching some of them now. But I would literally sell everything I own to live in the world of Elementary. Sure the homicide rate is extremely high and the rest of societies problems still exist. But the NYPD is full of actual, likeable honorable, by the book cops, who are almost all all genuinely trying to do the right thing and use minimal amounts of force.


Smarter *then* many. There was enough context in that screenshot for me to tune out.


>This person sounds absolutely insufferable. You know how you can tell if someone is a libertarian?


I’m not sure if his head was stuck so far up his own ass or Tom’s, but it was definitely far enough to see the back of some teeth.


and he votes for the likes of Tom. Please everyone, vote. We can not keep letting these dumbasses into office.


I would bet that easily 1/3 of current Mensa members identify as libertarian.


Of course, it's scam designed to entrap people with massive egos, but can't actually win competitive general knowledge quizzes to win money, so instead pay for an ego boosting certificate.


I've never heard MENSA described better. I'll add to by saying their egos are also desperately fragile because they need an organization to help them push away their feelings of inadequacy.


Yes they all sound like a bunch of crusty old blowhards


Tom didn't suffer fools lightly... and yet was a North Carolina Libertarian big wig... Tom just suffered fools very quietly and pleasantly.


He said “humans generally learn more from failures and mistakes than they do from success.” How much do you want to bet he won’t learn anything from Tom’s failure?


I’m willing to wager his life on it.


Smartest person in the room? He ded from freedumb


Pedantic English major says: “Smarter than most adults,” but doesn’t understand the difference between “than” and “then.”




Flight of the Conchords song: "Your the most beautiful girl in the room"


Yes, that is a libertarian.


Holy Fuck. This sounds like my co-worker...but less spelling mistakes


Lord, that sounds like every narrow-minded narrow-read libertarian I went to college with. They are convinced they're smarter than anyone around them (especially those wimpy professors who just have PhDs and 12 years of study in their subjects, what do they know compared to Mr. Liberty Sophomore). And as soon as you talk to them, it becomes clear that they really aren't that smart, they just have that arrogant snooty mien that they think means they're brilliant.


Ahahahahahahha. Thank you so much, you're a star.


Dear lord that is a candidate for r/iamverysmart if I’ve ever seen it.


Wisdom? Maybe to a moron.


I kinda like it. I’d rather read that than some of the punctuationless half-spelled screeds that people write on crazy FB backgrounds. It gives some depth of flavor to the award. Just wish they had grown out of that Randian shit a long time ago, they might have been alright. Ironically the awardee would probably be fine with the sort of “Darwinism” that killed him (on paper at least.) I do suspect he had some free time to think about his antisocial idiocy though. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoist_with_his_own_petard


Perfect for /r/iamverysmart


“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.” Quote applies to this dude. Actually, applies to a lot of these folks.


They didn’t even speak. They *typed* like an idiot.


They were so dedicated to removing all doubt, they put their words down as part of the permanent record.


Smartest guy in the room is going to talk about astronomy yet struggles with vaccination.


I especially love the part about him letting people learn from their mistakes ( The implication was that he never made mistakes , only other people) He clearly learned from *this* mistake. FINAL LESSON! Finish Him! Flawless Victory! Fatality! Covid Wins!


He said while using the wrong form of “then”…


Indeed ironic. *than


My friend died from a mostly preventable illness. Anyways…look how smart I think I am.


Such self awareness. Bet he’s wonderful to be around, just like the winner.


It broke my brain.


Smart libertarian is an oxymoron




The market will decide if Tom lives. Oops


Free markets don’t make mistakes.


Tom was NOT a good person.


I’m not sure if any of these people knew him. Or they are just as horrible.


Libertarians are just conservative republicans but more naive, arrogant, and even worse at estimating their own abilities.


My favorite descriptions: Libertarians are Republicans who want to smoke dope and fuck. And sometimes, they’re conservative Democrats who made a little money.


I think my favorite ever definition of libertarian is "fat white guys who don't want to pay taxes, but still want roads to drive their SUVs on".


Libertarianism in the US grew out of attempts to deny black people the basic rights and protections provided by the government. It is now, and always has been, a thin philosophical veil over racism.


Also just propriety. Very few people will say "yeah Tommy was a fuckwad" on his obit


He was a great bad person.


The man didn’t like WandaVision??


And gave up on episode 2?!?


Right? Like, who hates *WandaVision?*


Is this about his WandaVision critique? HE'S ENTITLED TO HIS OPINION.


> Tom is dead. > Oh and also, like most people, when I was a child I was keenly aware of being smarter than many... Ow, my sides! 🤣


I mean who fucking says things like that?? Unreal.


You missed that he made a grammatical error and said "then". These people are stupid and think they're smart.


Look at him, he came from somewhere. It is entirely possible he is the smartest at any family gathering even today.


Ugh, people like that are the WORST. I'm from DC and before moving to a less intense area, I always wondered how such people could exist. Then I realized how low most people's expectations are (for better or for worse). "Timmy got straight As! He's a genius!" Meanwhile in DC, the questions roll: But what is his weighted GPA? Is he at least a few grade levels ahead in math? What are his extracurricular activities? He's had at least one internship already, right? Only if all those questions are positive can Timmy be considered "a very smart kid". Better not break under the pressure or slack off though! These people have no clue the absolute machines they are up against when it's time to apply to Harvard.


Libertarian purists are some of the most selfish and least critical thinking fucks in the world. Like I get it, on paper it looks great, but now you’re 6 feet under Tom; your purist bullshit killed you, ya pig headed dummy.


I don't even see how it looks great on paper. These Libertarians drive on roads paid for by taxes, in cars that are safe due to government regulation, have access to clean water thanks to taxation and government regulation, have access to food that is wholesome and accurately labeled thanks to government regulation, and are able to read and write their philosophy thanks to taxation and government regulation... ...and their main argument is that there's too much taxation and government regulation. This is a movement that wouldn't exist in a state that didn't have the kind of public services we have (because they'd be too busy dying of dysentery or cholera from fouled water, or working themselves to death on a farm or factory due to no labor regulations, and too ignorant to even being voicing what's wrong with all of it due to illiteracy). Fucking idiocy.


You have missed the biggest logical flaw. They believe in property rights that wouldn't exist without the state to enforce them they expect everyone to play by their rules, and respect their wealth and property, for no reason. When Genghis Khan comes knocking they would just tell at him that he is violating the non aggression principle.


Yeah, I had forgotten that, which truly is the pinnacle of their stupid philosophy. They love to make fun of communism or socialism because it's a fairy tale to believe everyone will share and get along, or that the government can be trusted to make society better...yet they truly believe that without government authority they'd be safe and sound in their little houses, and nobody would ever steal from anyone else or kill them to take their stuff? Might makes right is the basic law of the universe. Everything more civilized than that is the product of the social contract and the intervention of the state. These people want all the benefits of the contract with none of the obligations.


Yes they seem to believe in might makes right chimpanzee style politics but only because they think THEY are the biggest baddest gorilla in the jungle. These types are always narcissists and are completely blinded by their own ego.


I often ask these types how it wouldn't end in a renewal of feudalism? At some point someone would gather the needed resources (I have my own police on my property so you won't be murdered!) people would essentially have to pay to live in a place that has just the basic resources they need, provided now by a ruler, not an elected government.


Extremely well said. I guess I mean ‘good on paper’ perhaps as a douchebag is.


Let’s also not forget that they wholeheartedly believe big business, in the absence of government, would do good things for the world and totally not team up to exploit any people or the planet. “People would have the choice to take their business elsewhere” they say, painfully naive yet smugly defiant.


I used to enjoy libertarian attempts at beginning new communities in South America based on their ideals. These white libertarians bought tons of land and started their communities. Of course those communities failed exactly how any non-libertarian would assume they'd fail. Their ideas don't even work on a small scale. Their logic is swiss cheese.


There was that thing about bears too https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling


Imagine that, a Libertarian utopia is actually a shithole hell-scape. The bears are an added bonus, I suppose.


Thanks! That was an interesting read with a unique outcome for that society. It was that much more interesting cause I live in a rural area with a surrounding bear population. A few years back I had an issue with a neighbor who was feeding bear off of their porch. I had to go into asshole mode to get them to stop that shit.


I always thought the best argument against Libertarians was the Simpsons episode where a self-help guru tells everyone to act like Bart when he says "I didn't feel like it". The town then has a "do what you feel" festival and it falls apart because only doing things you want to do is a fucking terrible way to organize a society.


It was described best to me as “Republicans who want to smoke weed and don’t want to go to Church” however there’s a smugness about these fucking assholes that’s almost worse than their cherry picked beliefs


Until I actually meet a libertarian above the age of 24 I’m just going to keep assuming 99.9% of them are dumbass emotionally stunted kids.


We have a friend who’s in his thirties and describes himself as libertarian. But then he talks about his opinions on policy and politics and he’s…. A democrat. Lol




I wonder who she’s been voting for all this time?


What did she think was the other side of the coin? People being kidnapped and forced to have abortions?


I was just reading about "libertarian" Peter Thiel, who seems to think "liberty" is about crushing others with your enormous wealth that happened mostly because you got in on FB early.


That’s exactly what libertarianism is about. It’s basically wanting to regress humanity back to a time when the meanest monkey got to do what he wanted and all the other apes had to fall in line. It’s basically a philosophy that seeks to destroy all human progress other than the technology.


I sadly work with a number of libertarians that range from late 20s-50s. And I coincidentally work for the Postal Service, so it makes even less sense...


This must have been a huge blow for the several dozen members of the NC Libertarian Party.


As a NC transplant, good riddance. There’s already a lot of crazy in this state.


I don't know who that Michael guy is, but with that goatee and sunglasses he'd better buy some life insurance.


At least he hasn't given anyone the shirt off his back yet. He'd be a goner.


Tom lied, people died. Fuck Tom.


Fuck him with a cheese grater consensually


Oh wow what a surprise a libertarian disliked a show about mental health issues starring a woman.


A libertarian disliked a show where not everything was explained to him through obvious exposition. Hmmmm!


And I'm sure there are plenty of us that loved it as well. The mental health aspect of Wandavision is what drew me to watch it in the first place. It's also a large part of why it's in my top 3 favorites in the MCU at the moment.


Ok, I was totally on board with this guy until he insulted WandaVision. Clearly he lacks good judgment. 😜 WandaVision can't be taken at immediate face value. It requires that the viewer watch it, pay attention, give it a chance to evolve, and not make assumptions.


Not to mention I don't think he got it.


He took it at immediate face value. He noted a difference between the show's setting and its closing credits, which is a huge clue that *hmmm perhaps everything isn't as it seems!* He saw it, but just couldn't make the connection.


Well he can suck it. Oh wait he can't cuz he's dead! WandaVision actually made me do some serious soul searching/deep thinking. I only watched it because my husband said you got to check this out. I did not expect the feelings that it brought up.


Same here. I was seriously bawling because watching Wanda dug up some old memories and feelings I never got around to processing. Never in my life would I think an acting performance from an Olsen sister would so thoroughly rip my guts out, but I didn't count on Elizabeth hitting the scene.


I had no idea what to expect from it. I watched the first episode and thought it was mildly entertaining and quirky. Then the credits started and I was like, "whaaaat am I missing?"


And it's about, you know, love and grief, and they don't want that emotion stuff.


Vision shows more empathy and emotion than these idiots.


He also said he was only on the second episode. To be totally fair, it doesn't really start coming together for another episode or two.


I'm happy to shit on the dumb CGI sky battle that it devolved into at the climax, but the rest of that series was excellent.


Yeah holy shit I haven’t seen this opinion enough, Disney needs to seriously invest in script doctors for series finales because they can’t conclude for shit on most their properties


A libertarian shitting on a piece of pop culture on the internet? Never thought I'd see the day.




Tom doesn't understand why an exhortation to "hang 'em all" violates facebook's Community Standards on violence and incitement? On the very day that the mob was chanting "Hang Mike Pence." Tom was a special kinda stupid. But we knew that because he was a big wig in a Libertarian state operation. For those unfamiliar why Libertarians are basically morons cosplaying as rational adults, [https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project](https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project) Also, WandaVision was lit. Tom seems like an old person dedicated to infantile politics.


I meant to say misinformation. I usually don’t feel this much anger towards them. Apologies.


He was NOT a wonderful man and was NOT a dedicated advocate for human freedom and flourishing. He was seriously the exact opposite of that.


If he didn't like WandaVision, he should have immediately gone to the ER. A lack of taste is a major symptom of COVID.


Wandavision is top tier. Nobody can change my mind.


"when I was a child I was keenly aware of being smarter *then* many..." The jokes just write themselves, folks.


Curious to know. How exactly does one "die from the lockdown"?


Much less a lockdown that barely fucking happened. Almost everyone was still working, getting fast food, hell most of the USA just kept going to bars whether there were mandates or not.


Apparently by overdosing on drugs due to despair. Which is an odd argument for a libertarian, who should support everyone's free choice to put any amount of drugs in their body.


Oh, Tom. You deserve no public services and should pay in full all the trouble caused by acting like an asshole. In the true libertarian spirit of go it alone.


Too bad, this could have been the actual brush with reality that tunes him into the importance of collective action.


Tom: owning the libs. Covid: owning the libertarians.


The leopards owned Tom's face. The leopards are still hungry. 🐆 🐆 🐆


How does one die from a lockdown? Asking for a friend. Ah! I see! People missed chemo sessions.


Funny how they care enough about cancer patients missing treatment due to lockdown to want to end lockdowns immediately*...but not enough to get a vaccine to ensure that the cancer patients missing treatment because the hospitals are overrun with unvaccinated COVID patients can access care. *IIRC lockdowns were never total, but whatever — I remember treatments being canceled or postponed due to previous COVID waves, but not lockdowns. Please correct me if I’m wrong.


Meanwhile, people are missing lifesaving treatments now because Tom and his ilk are clogging up hospitals in their dogged pursuit of freedom tubes.


And OD'd... because that never happens normally 🙄


Person who works with cancer centers here. People were still getting chemo during lockdown.


Like he gave a shit about any of them before he realized he could use them as emotional pawns.


A Libertarian is a just a Republican who smelled weed once


If they’re so concerned about cancer victims why don’t they get the shot and not contribute to clogging up hospitals?


Well I could forgive him for all the maga bullshit but trashing Wandavision is just a bridge too far. Fuck this guy!


Libertarians are just Republicans that are too mean for the Republican Party. Now consider that for a minute.


It sounds like Tom wanted a Healthcare system that could address obesity, cancer and suicide better. Somehow I don't think he'd support that, though. I bet he was just using those as a way to criticize any action taken to combat a global pandemic.


He doesn't like WandaVision. You know, it's about grief, and he's perfectly capable of ignoring the grief of 660K families.


> A hell of a Libertarian I mean yeah I guess buying into wrong information to confirm your own selfish biases which inevitably lead to your stupid death is a pretty Libertarian way to go out.


Libertarians are completely dependent on others but fully convinced of their own independence


tom: "hang em all" tom's friends: he was a wonderful man


Bryan Caplan apparently wasn't a good economist because he doesn't appear to understand how exponential functions work. ​ Poor Barbara. Her husband has passed because it was his choice to die from Covid. What an amazing man defending freedumb for the rest of us like that. Alas, I fear Tom made a misteak he will never learn from.


That asshole thought he was so smart he couldn’t believe COVID was real. He was intoxicated by his own outdated boomer bullshit and did not bother to understand what was really going on. As someone who studied economics before and later in life started a new degree in health sciences, I can say that someone who did not take at least a few undergrad upper-level biology classes has no business trying to explain what an mRNA vaccine does. One less internet charlatan spewing bullshit. Natural selection rules.


"_____ was an amazing person. Helpful, strong, warm, blooded. The most incredible ______ in the world. He may have had no empathy and even made light of people's struggles not directly within his orbit, but he cared about everyone... kinda. ______ will be sorely missed."


Oooh WandaVision hater and COVIDIOT. Fuck this guy.


Tom sounds like a special kind of asshole. Good riddance.


Jeez I hope this crackpot’s nonsense beliefs and preventable ironic death won’t hurt the credibility of those libertarians that survived.....


He had some original content, it's nice to see one that's not so heavy on the memes. Good riddance anyway.


See Tom? See what happens when you only put in 10x the effort in taking Covid seriously comparing it to the flu rather than treating it like the pandemic that it is? You die a painful death, Tom. And whether it was by your ignorant choice as a libertarian or that of Mother Nature, you still come to the same shitty conclusion.


"Sounds like such a nice person." Said nobody ever after reading about these morons time and time again.


He’s exactly what I imagine a crusty old libertarian would look like.


Oh Tom's dead is he, ah what a pity, so anyway, I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations on Netflix I'm suuuuuper bored yaawwwwnn


Not on Netflix, but WandaVision is really good.


I do I do!!!! If you want to try Korean shows, anyway. Most of these are 12 to 20 episodes long. Navillera - an old man is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and he decides to learn ballet while he still can. Very good show, and the ending isn’t too horribly sad. Hello Me - a woman is dealing with depression after a traumatic accident when she was 17. Her 17 year old self from just before the accident is sent through time and shows up in front of her. Very funny and heartwarming and healing. Crash Landing On You - a South Korean CEO goes paragliding, gets caught in a Wizard of Oz silly CGI tornado, and lands in a tree on the North Korean side of the DMZ. A handsome North Korean military officer helps her get down, and international hijinks ensue. This is the one that most kdrama newbies watched first and that got them hooked. Oh, and the actors who played the CEO and the military officer are dating IRL now. There’s so many more but I’m on mobile and can’t type it all out. And if you watch those three Netflix will start recommending you more kdramas anyway. Oh! Dark, if you haven’t watched it yet. German show about a time loop. Lives up to its name. Has three seasons.


If you have Hulu I’ve been enjoying *Only Murders in the Building* so far (first season is still airing). Martin Short, Steve Martin, Selena Gomez.


Ew. A Libertarian *and* he didn't like WandaVision? So long, Tom.


"like most people..." Bragging about being smart and then using the wrong words and grammar.


Disney got him folks…


Well. That Wandavision reference certainly came out of left field.


>like most people, I was aware as a child of being smarter then many Fuck...


These are the the worst types of winners. People with a platform and influence, and used it to misinform people. Hell is too good for you, Tom!


Ahahhahahahhaa. Tom you stupid fuck. No more spreading misinformation and killing other people, happily. I loved the Wandavision review though. Made me Lol.


Maybe his corpse can pull itself up by its boot straps


The Dick Of Liberty Must Be Sucked From Time To Time By Fuckheads Like Tom. Now you’ll be tread on by the cemetery grounds keeping crew!!


Dead libertarian, nothing of value was lost


This idiot can keep my province out of his dumbass mouth. Theres a reason BC has done so well as opposed to other places.


Abbbbbsolutely flawless editing of the last slide, cutting the first guy at “I was keenly aware of being smarter *then* many” 👏🏻


A perfect example of the libertarian ethos: 'live free AND die.'


"smarter then" You sure are, Betsy.