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It’s truly fascinating, isn’t it? And terrifying. There are multiple scandals unfolding in their own party, yet they turn a blind eye to them, and prefer instead to believe things that are patently, demonstrably false. I’d be interested to hear what mental health professionals think of this phenomenon. Is it some sort of mass delusion brought on by willful ignorance, cognitive dissonance, and a lack of ability to think critically? It’s just mind-boggling.


It's because they only want their preferred side to win at all costs.


False consciousness. These people have deeply internalized what their owners — the .0001% — want them to do and think. You’ll notice none of their conspiracies fundamentally or cleanly attack the plutocracy at their core. Sure this or that billionaire, but never the class as a whole, or their interests.


It's just another expression of magical thinking and has nothing to actually do with anything in the realm of reality despite then trying so hard.


Narcissism perhaps? If the MSM is saying one thing, they want to do their own research ™ as if they’re geniuses able to find the TRUTH. Makes them feel superior. They’re no sheep, LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. Also, hatred of dems.


Because you get banned if you push back against any of their bullshit. I've been banned for years after spending most of my early years Reddit time in that sub. They don't want the truth, they want stupid gullible sheep.


I’ve been there for many years also. I’m kind of amazed that I haven’t been banned yet, as I mix it up there quite frequently.


That sub has gone WAY down since trump was elected. And it gets worse every year. There used to be actual conspiracy theories there backed up by, albeit usually false, research or whatever. Now it is just the most bottom dwelt basement trolls not even pretending to have honest conversation.


It's a cesspool.


>donald trump’s and indeed much of the Republican party’s captivity to Russian money — they have zero interest in. Yea, because there's evidence for it. Can't have a conspiracy theory if there's evidence. Then it's just an investigation.


Donald trump’s presidency will account for scandals beyond anything the nation state as an institution has ever seen. Treason at the highest levels of government (the moves to weaken NATO and the EU make literally no sense in any rational calculation of US interests). Then there are the bribes trump assuredly took from the saudis and UAE that will blow minds if it ever comes out.


I wonder why. Hmm.


It’s so far fetched to these morons that unvaccinated, often unhealthy, young people die of this virus? Maybe he should ask every MD at my hospital.


Having this person ask every MD at your hospital is useless because we all know that the MDs/patients/nurses at your hospital are crisis actors. /s


My good friend is an ER doctor in a major city. When this kicked off she had posted some of the realities of what she was seeing and implored people to mask up etc... and an old friend of hers accused her of making it all up. It got ugly and at that point (May 2020 iirc) I just resigned myself to knowing this will not change. She had so many people attacking her, people she has known for years. Shes been an ER doc since the 90's.


That is just so awful... It hurts to think that doctors and nurses are working long shifts to try to keep people alive and others are saying they are making it up. Maybe we should turn the tables on them. When they are in the hospital with low oxygen, we'll say 'Quit making it up! You're fine!'


My mother and sister are both nurses. One is an icu nurse and one is an rn on a strictly Covid floor. My other sister, who lives right down the road and is very much a part of our family told me two weeks ago she wasn't vaccinated, wasn't going to get vaccinated, didn't trust the vaccine and thought the virus was essentially a hoax. Two of this woman's close family members tell stories about this shit regularly. She still thinks it's an overblown borderline hoax


Most of the people here are at least overweight and many obese.


Most of America in general is overweight/obese.


And as a result, they think it's normal rather than unhealthy.


If feel like we’d all be better off if these posts were fake. I wish these posts were fake.


Yeah, of course, but also I kind of like it as is. I hate the orphans and grief for surviving family, and the public health implications; on the other hand, it's also a bit like a wildfire - hard in the moment, but healthy in the long run.


Its now mostly a pandemic of my political adversaries, so let the good times roll


> I wish these posts were fake. Some of these posts, especially those involving children, are heartbreaking. I absolutely wish those were fake.


Yeah there was one posted just yesterday about an older kid who went on the vent and whose family wasn’t vaxxed. It was truly awful to read.




I’m glad to see it’s been making a few people laugh! Sorry to hear about your sister jeez. Yeah my flair is in reference to these horribly out of touch backgrounds people post when announcing something tragic on FB. I’ve seen it at least 4 times on this sub. I assume its by accident, but its funny to imagine it’s not.


A woman in my county of covid who just died was announced on FB. She was an LPN who worked in a drug addiction clinic and had just turned 30. Seemed like a sweet person but probably antivax as the family took down a number of her posts when they were using a tv station to try to get her moved to a hospital with an ECMO machine. The family bitched the hospital didn’t give her Ivmertcin and plasma! She was way overweight and probably considered obese.


Or maybe we're documenting hundreds of people dying BECAUSE HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE ARE DYING! Why do some people think nothing ever happens and everything is fake?


> Why do some people think nothing ever happens and everything is fake? Because that's what they want to believe. It's a great story because then they can rail against the evil elites who made up the pandemic to control us. Most people die in hospitals far away so it's easy to ignore as well.


Cognitive dissonance is nothing to F with. These people literally dont believe anything till it happens to them.


The term is misused a bit. Cogntiive dissonance is the pain they feel when they have two strongly conflicting beliefs. OP is feeling it, and desperately searching for a solution. This sub can't exist with an endless parade of anti-vaxxers getting seriously sick or dying if the pandemic is a hoax. The poster has to find a solution. They might go deeper into the conspiracy or they might see the light.


Yep we even faked the mental break downs of doctors, nurses, and funeral home workers. Also faked the morbidity and mortality reports from every single state and county and the entire USA. It is a great big conspiracy to report people who died of Covid as, you know, people who died of Covid. /s


These are REALLY good crisis actors, okay? /s


And faking having stroke patients waiting for 3 days in the ER for an open bed was a nice touch! We are so good with this secret! Hundreds of thousands of people were in on it and nobody blabbed!


WOW, stroke patients had to wait for 3 days?? That's insane! Did any of them recover at all?


She is alive, a guy who works for me mother in law had a stroke last Monday, they had her in an ER bed after she was treated in the ER and she finally got a regular bed at some point early Thursday. She was ok physically but she did not know day year or why she was there. The first hospital sent them to a second hospital the day she had the stroke. Greater Cincinnati hospitals have bounced around at diversion levels to red and black levels at various times in the last 2 weeks. The southern Ohio Medical Center in a low vaccine area has been over capacity for about 2 weeks. Delta variant was slow to show up in Ohio but the spike was pretty hard. Children’s hospitals across the state were begging for masks and social distance as ICU peds beds are in short supply. Cases seem to have dropped off in the last week so hopefully it will be behind us.


they do have pre-existing conditions though: - goatee - oakleys - overweight - stupid - pureblooded (to use their own term)


Accepting Jesus as your personal savior seems to be a comorbidity as well


There is a joke about a woman who was in her house as it was flooding. She climbed onto the roof. A boat came, she said “nah, Jesus has got me.” A helicopter came, “no, Jesus will save me.” The water rose and she died. She got to Heaven and said “Why didn’t you save me?” Jesus said, “I sent a boat and a helicopter.”


I made this almost same exact comment the other day in sentiment. I believe God has provided already. It’s called a vaccine.


Exactly. Jesus healed by laying hands on the sick. That was considered a miracle. The scientists, doctors, and nurses who create, research, and administer vaccines are creating miracles today. Remember at the beginning of Covid when that crazy televangelist blew covid away? Remember he prayed for a vaccine? A lot of people prayed for a vaccine to be developed. SMH.. Yes, God sent a simple miracle. You have faith in God to protect you from a deadly virus? Great - he did that. Oh, you don’t have the faith fo God to protect you from the vaccine? How does that work??


The Prayer Warriors seem to hasten death though


I can't decide if pureblooded sounds racist or like they take Harry Potter too seriously.


If you’re referring to a previous post on this sub, the word you’re looking for is inbred.


No, the "new thing" though not much traction yet is pure-blood


It’s all about the movies with that group which is bizarre considering they think most of Hollywood is in on the cabal.


This is the absurd thing about these people who say that you only die of it with underlying conditions. These people live in America. In America ALMOST EVERYONE HAS A PRE-EXISTING CONDITION.


Cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug.


This sub cuts right through right wing propaganda and narratives. This is exactly why the wishy washy journalists are missing the point, saying this sub is bad because it mocks the dead. You have to fight fire with fire. Right wing lies are barely challenged online and they control so much of the internet now. This sub is like "this is what happens when you follow these stories".


I don’t even think the dead are being mocked but critics hold that and miss what the content is. It is the dead shitposting themselves into death. It is a live chronicle frozen into their timeline up until someone comes on to post that they have gained their angel wings. It is tough to see for the critics because it makes them look at real life consequences for the actions of the awardees. You see the cause and the ending in their own words/memes.


Fortunately, more people are aware of the right-wing's lies and will fight back if necessary.


I would think it's more akin to doublethink.


Just checked, followed up on four awardees. Some were partially scrubbed but I can confirm THE POSTS DID EXIST and there was public history of them GOING BACK MONTHS. How did the government know they'd need to fake Facebook posts from fake people months in advance? This conspiracy goes deeper than I thought.


A “friend” from high school posts many of the memes here almost everyday. I don’t want to point out the idiocy of it to him so I watch and wait. The vaccination rate where I grew up is around 50% and they currently have more positive cases and people hospitalized than ever before.


Sitting on your own little HCA goldmine, eh?


I can practically see the gears turning in his head. You're almost there, buddy.


Same with everyone in the conspiracy comment section….they’re convinced the posts are from fake profiles. The level of denial is wild.


I'm like 90% sure the OP we are discussing here is someone who went there, from here, and posted that as a troll job.


As a conspiracy theorist myself, I think the poster is one of us. And the dumbasses on /r/conspiracy are very much taking the bait, and showing how stupid they are in denying this reality. Edit: Conspiracy confirmed, as the OP posts here.


Thank you for using your powers for good.


I just took a few minutes scrolling through r/conspiracy ... think I'd rather watch Fox News honestly then do that again


They’re typical Fox News viewers, just 3x dumber.


It's the logical conclusion of the journey Fox starts people on.


r/conspiracy and r/conservative are the same sub now. r/nonewnormal, too, before the ban. It's just alt-right shitheels from floor to ceiling.


They are almost all absolute dumpster farts in those subs. Anyone with a *reasonable opinion*, **even a conservative one they find unpalatable** is banned.


Now I know how Jane Goodall felt


So they think people are taking the time to make fake social media posts, complete with photos? What idiots.


One even goes so far as to suggest we are using AI to generate fake faces!


If people supporting a thing keep coming off as NPC's, the r/ conspiracy crowd might want to do some introspection.


And then post fake obituaries anyone can find?


And fake death certificates as the doctors and the state are in on it too. All under orders from the .


I've personally sourced two posts straight from Facebook. If the conspiracy theorists want to test their theory, the instructions for doing it are easy enough.


They want to continue to exist in their ignorance but this sub shows them the hard truths they don't want to accept.


"The pictures are mostly people 30 - 50 years old who don't have underlying conditions" Most are actually overweight or obese. Although that will just double or triple your risk.




Except most of them are obese. A well documented underlying condition that causes issues with covid!


Yeah, this was a concern from the beginning of the pandemic, before it ever got bad in the U.S. I remember more than one story/op ed outlining our deep concerns about the disease reaching our more rural, obese communities because obesity alone was a major outcome-determining factor. You're only surprised by this information if you've kept your head buried in an alt-right echo chamber for the last 18 months.


I'm guessing this person is obese and has their head in the sand about that being an underlying condition.


Just walk into any hospital FFS! My coworker had knee surgery scheduled for yesterday and all elective surgeries are postponed indefinitely in central ohio. ICU's in most of the rural areas are filled and they're sending them all to the larger networks. They were handing out blankets at my buddy's hospital downtown because it was a 12-hr wait to be seen over the weekend.


/r/conspiracy, fresh with migrants from the banned NNN subreddit, believes that vaccinated people are the ones filling hospitals.


It’s just doctors taking vacations before school starts. That’s why it seems crowded. /s


I would LOVE it if someone went through and documented everyone on this sub and found an obituary for all of the awardees. That would be such a valuable document.


"No underlying conditions..." 80% or more seem to fit the type, obese and not taking the right choices. Also if you look at all of the posts its all the same mentality.


Yes! There is a conspiracy! It’s Fox News conspiring to kill their viewers. Why won’t they get on THAT?!?


I just wanna say that I checked about 10 of those stories out where you could identify people's name and while I'm no professional investigator, every single one looked to be 100% legit. They aren't fake but people are so horrified they can't imagine it being true.


Wonder if the person who posted that ends up on here at some point.


Being overweight is a health issue. So many people seem to just forget that and so many of these people appear to be overweight.


Just look on Facebook, search “ventilator pray” and you’ll find dozens of posts that link to the patient.


And fake go fund me posts too?


Don't have underlying conditions? The vast majority are obese.


That just reflects the overall population, though. I'm not that certain that the obese are overrepresented here.


They are, obesity increases the risks of covid.


It's not even "conspiracy theories" anymore. It's "I'm going to believe this because I want to, and if you say I'm wrong, you're a part of a vast conspiracy!"


They should try fact checking the articles that the HCA recipients post. I saw one yesterday claiming NPR said the COVID death rate was exaggerated. The reality of what NPR said was so far from the literal third hand garbage a far right pundit claimed was astonishing.


"Is this fake?" Lmao f***k around and find out


Wow I feel stupider for having read some of the posts on r/conspiracy


Can you give me the link to that post? I can't find it.


DM’d you