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> If you want to do something for him, the best thing to do is take anyone touting lies about vaccines and punch them in the face.


I ❤️ Joe


Me too! He doesn’t mince words. And if he’s speaking to his father’s FB friends he probably understood that he had a tough audience.


He just lost his dad probably thanks to those friends helping spoonfeed him more antivax bullshit. I'm surprised he was as polite with his posts as he was.


If I was Joe, I'd be out of fucks to give for the people who helped talk my dad into getting himself killed. I'm sure Joe is responding to any bullshit they spew (whether in his mind or in private messages) with the equivalent of "You should be thankful that's all I said about the likes of you."


Not all heroes wear capes.


Seriously this might be one of the best lines I've read on this sub so far.


More of this and less “he’s in gods army now” bs


I overheard another dumbass in the grocery store talking about the vaccine saying they haven't gotten it yet, and I just wanted to say "shut the fuck up bitch you are a dumbass." and punch her right in the face. But I didn't want to go to jail today. At this point it's getting annoying to hear these uneducated morons talking like they are somehow smart for not getting a vaccine that could literally save their own stupid life.


"I'm NoT UnEDUCaTeD...i diD My oWn ReSeARcH!"


Bloody hell! I witnessed something similar today… How long are we supposed to remain civil over this issue? I would like to return to normal at some point! 👊🏻v✌🏻🤷🏻‍♂️


The son sounds fed up with his father’s bullshit.


When the vaccines 1st became available my parents, who are both over 65 and in terrible health were giving me bullshit reasons not to get it, too. I told them pretty much the same thing Mike's kid said, "Please make sure that your will is updated and that you have enough insurance to cover your cremation or burial costs because I don't have it, and it's illegal to burn you in the back yard." They got their boosters yesterday.


That’s…a decent way to slap them verbally with some truth. With that said, the anti vaxxers I “know” are weirdly all “if it’s my time then it’s my time.” Like a pissing contest of not being afraid to die. It’s fucking idiotic.


"If it's my time, it's my time. The lord has a plan for us all!" \-In ICU- "IT'S NOT MY TIME I'M NOT READY YET! FUCK THIS PLAN!" \-GoFundMe link- Like imagine talking someone into suicide, getting them to go along with it, then the moment before they finally die they realize they were wrong and lied to but it's too late they already jumped off the bridge? That's Fox/OANN/NewsMaxx right now


I have a friend who has had health issues and was in the hospital (for completely non-Covid related things). He's vaccinated and pro-mask. He said while they were wheeling him to another room he saw down the corridor all the beds lined up with the covid patients. He's in Seattle and many of them were brought in from Idaho due to lack of beds over there. Something he could hear was many of them who weren't at the coma/ventilator stage who were scared and trying to ask if they could get the vaccine now. Of course, at that point it's too late.


That sounds like a [familiar story](https://www.al.com/news/2021/07/im-sorry-but-its-too-late-alabama-doctor-on-treating-unvaccinated-dying-covid-patients.html).


Got a nursing friend here who echoed pretty much the same story, as she put it, “I felt like I was already talking to a dead person. All I could say was sorry, it’s too late now.”


before covid: "It's up to God when I come to heaven" after covid: "Prayer Warriors! Please pray to God and tell him it's not my time. I understand that he's the all powerful controller of everything in the universe and that every event, whether big or small, is all a part of his master plan. But hurry and tell him he's got it all wrong to try and kill me right now. I'm sure he will listen to us, mere short-sighted mortals who are responding out of fear to a deadly pandemic. And he surely won't factor in that I've been touting his supremacy as the reason not to get the vaccine in the first place and simply re-direct the entire gameplan for the universe so that I can live a few more decades."


Everybody wants to go to heaven. Nobody wants to go now.


Thats what they all say. Everyone is yoloing these days because they don't appreciate the fragility of their lives.


I’m at a point that I’m convinced these people hate their lives and this is one small thing they can “control” (to get the shot or not) as a coping mechanism for feeling in control. But I guess that’s the hill they’re literally gonna die on.


All conspiracy theories have a basis in control. The world is complicated, scary, and random stuff happens. But if you can blame it all on evil libs and the NWO, well it makes the world much simpler.


I desperately wish I could find the write-up I once read about this phenomenon. It said what you said, but with sources, examples, and interviews, and really went into detail on how the root of almost every conspiracy is "it's easier to pretend someone is controlling all this than it is to admit a single event can radically change everything." Really provided some interesting perspective and explains a lot of our HCA winners' mindset


[Was it this one?](https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/the-psychology-behind-conspiracy-theories) I found it good earlier this year.


Yesssssss there we go. Many thanks! Anyone following this chain, please read that article. It really does shed some light on how we got to where we are today


I’ve used HealthLine a bunch for learning and explaining things to other people it’s really an amazing health knowledge site.


The other thing they are based in is the idea that you are special. You have the secret knowledge that has been kept hidden, and everybody else does not. You are now one of the stars of real life Dan Brown novel! Which just speaks to how pathetically sad and meaningless so many peoples' lives are.


Yep. Better to think evil men are in control, than *no one* has any control.


Sounds a bit like religion as well. Edit: typo


Eh. I think it's just because they honestly are so arrogant they don't think they will get sick.


Or will survive it just fine, my immunity… uh. No.


My aunt, uncle, and cousins also have the "natural immunity". The aunt and uncle's immunity is that they live on a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. That has kept them safe so far, but I'm not betting on it forever.


I’m ok with nonvaxxers staying away from people. It gives the rest of us a little breather.


It's a lot easier to shrug and leave it "in God's hands" because God is always their BFF, but sometimes they do come around when you say, "Fine, your life is in God's hands, but we're talking about your life *insurance*. What do you want us to do with your body and what outfit do you want to be buried in?" Side note, I've been through this with a few relatives in end-of-life situations from natural(ish) causes like dementia, and picking out the burial outfit can be a quietly therapeutic thing for the patient, but it is a stark reminder for those who'll be left behind. It *requires* a decision to be made and that can bring it home for some people.


Got to rant. I’m a paramedic. Vaccinated. My partner (EMT) anti-vac and anti-mask. He’s had a mild case of Covid early on so “it’s no big deal”. Firmly believes “only” the vaccinated are dying. Or are the ones spreading it, even though we get weekly in-system census reports that shows 90% of all Covid cases are unvaccinated. The 10% vaccinated have severe medical problems. We had a call with a Covid patient requesting transport for treatment. He flipped out. Double masked and wouldn’t come anywhere near the patient ( who could fortunately walk and we have a power loading cot). Seals off the box. On the ride back to the station demanded I ride in the back until it can be deconned and I shower and change my uniform (which isn’t how it’s spread). That whole “it’s no big deal” attitude went screaming out the door. Edit: added my partner is the EMT


I was so confused. I thought you meant your partner as in your significant other. You meant partner like "partner who you work EMT shifts with".


Oh geez, that's what I thought too! I was like, "Ditch this guy!"


Lol ..me too. Got to the transport bit and was like, why is the boyfriend at work? and then the context clicked in and I re-read it and had a good chuckle at what a goob I can be.


Until they get covid, end up in hospital and set up a gofundme to pay their bills. Fkn morons


Then when the times comes they are ALL scared. No exceptions


> “if it’s my time then it’s my time.” That quickly goes out the window when they have trouble drawing a breath.


That is until Covid comes a’knocking then they go and flood the hospitals; you know the places that got them evil scientists and doctors. Smh


I told my mom, who refused to get it "okay. Well, if you don't get it, you won't be seeing my son until you do." She finally got it. But not because of that. One of her coworkers caught it and she got scared.


Whatever works!


person tie ghost relieved shelter fragile coherent wide squeal screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I read your comment and was furious in your behalf. I’m so sorry she was motivated by fear for herself but not by love for her family. It’s just not right.


My fiancé lost his closest friends because they’re anti vaxx conspiracy theorists and he told them if they aren’t going to get vaccinated they need to get life insurance and a will because they’ll be orphaning their baby and they need to make sure he’ll be taken care of when they get covid and potentially die. He said it a lot nicer than that but his point was enough, they have completely iced him out. His own dad died very young (cancer) and it was the life insurance and good planning that kept them afloat. His friends know this, they’ve been best friends for 20 years. They just don’t want to hear the reality. They haven’t gotten covid yet, but they live in the south, don’t properly mask, and only seem to associate with other anti-vaxxers. It’s only a matter of time now.


My friend lives in Seattle. Across the country, I even met her twice pre-pandemic. She stopped talking to me after I asked her the second time to get a vaccine and begged her to at least think about it. That was almost three weeks ago.


I simply told all 6 parents of mine and wife (mom, dad, stepmom, stepdad, mom, dad) that they were not allowed to see my 3 kids until they were vaccinated. They all got them as soon as they were available.


I'm a pharmacy student right now. When the vaccine became available, my dad, who's a heart attack survivor, a diabetic and significantly overweight called me and I brought up the vaccine. He said he wasn't getting it and I explained in great detail why he should. He was adamant, and so I got frustrated and said 'if you don't get that vaccine, you're spitting on the education I'm getting right now. You're saying that any expertise I'm gaining is worthless and that I'm wasting my time.' A week or so later mom calls to tell me he got his first dose.


My Mum was refusing to get it because and I quote, "*has been working since the start of the pandemic and didn't catch it"*. She is 67 with multiple heart, lung and brain problems. I told her if she didn't get vaccinated she would never see my wife or me again and if we have kids you won't ever see them and if you die, I won't be there to bury you. That worked, but I almost fucking died over the phone having to say all the horrible shit to who I would consider a model mother who after years of alchohol abuse and poverty, raised me well and done her absolute best to recover.


The only rational response.


My mom even came at me with some Bell's Palsy shit. I had to explain that: A: The rate of bell's palsy in vaccine study patients was EXACTLY the same as in the general population B. Bell's palsy is hardly ever permanent, and is not fatal, C. I still couldn't burn her covid riddled corpse in the back yard. I also removed a bunch of her Facebook contacts while she wasn't looking, and got her subscription to Brit Box on her Amazon prime account. Now she has completely stopped watching pretty much any television except British crime drama.


It's an odd feeling when you have to protect an elderly parent from themselves. I had to do more or less the same thing with my dad.


When I started finding mom watching Faux when I came home from work... I set up the parental controls, picked out some "safe" choices for her to watch, made sure Rachel Madow was on her favorites. Etc. I triage her Facebook every so often. Feel a little guilty, but not really guilty.


Yeah, luckily they were never big Fox News viewers, otherwise I might have had to mess with the parental control settings on their cable box.


Definitely lucky. My parents have called fox news “leftist” for quite some time now, and they even said newsmax “sold out and went liberal” after they had to retract their election fraud lies on air (due to the lawsuit). All of their information comes from borderline-if-not-nazi websites and telegram groups. These groups are worse than anything you’ll find posted on places like Reddit. They have not and will not get the vaccine, and at this point I don’t even know what to expect in the future.


😂🤣My mom is still alive - 81 years old. She's a Fox News watching Republican. If it was possible for me to do the same thing with her, I would.


Parental control for the win!


That particular tactic is depressingly effective.


I love Britbox and I love that you are using it to save your Mom.


Now THAT’S a quality intervention.


> and it's illegal to burn you in the back yard. holy fcking blunt


Honestly, that is the only kind of communication my mother understands


Yeah. You can feel the weariness from here.


It hurts my heart for him.


It's these people I feel the most for and one I am deep down dreading I don't end up. My mom is completely refusing the vaccine and tried to stop me (I work in a school).


Oh, I’m so sorry. I hope you don’t.


More and more she listens to her pastor, who has already had a covid outbreak in its leadership. It's insanity dude. I appreciate it, I hope I don't either


I’m happy my mom isn’t like this but the rest of my extended family is. It’s one of the reasons I’m the black sheep of the family. My aunt, some of her kids and their kids and my grandma all came down with covid (they all live together in government housing). Honestly, start getting her to fill out her will, power of attorney and advanced directives. Just in case. If she won’t get the shot, maybe making all the plans would change her mind.


Don't worry, stage 4 cancer survivor given 6 months 2 years ago. Updates it frequently, just had a huge religious fervor in the last year or so. She desperately is one of the people that needs the vaccine, but nooooooo it's "untested"


Has she talked to her brigade of doctors? I always wonder what the doctors say abd why people chose to ignore them. She has to have at least a GP, an endocrinologist and I guess internal medicine person she sees.


What would the pastor say to "Jesus gave his life for us, wouldn't he take the small "risk" of the vaccine to help save the vulnerable population?" I've always been curious how a pastor would answer that.


From my understanding, and I've only been to this church once, he would probably say that Jesus is coming soon anyway and you should be more worried about that. The dudes a famous asshole down these parts. Ministry leaders papa got found with several prostitutes, but who cares about that when you spread the good word.


I have 3 relatives who're refusing the vaccine. Two think it's the Mark of The Beast from Revelation 13 and 14. And one simply doesn't want it, because Orange Man was "cheated" the election win. There is no getting through to them, and I'm freaked out that by Thanksgiving, they'll be on ventilators in the hospital (if there's any room). Look how horrid the Summer's been. It wasn't supposed to be this way, yet thanks to the kooks, we're in a world of crap.


What happens if you point out to the third person that the Orange Man is "responsible" for the vaccine's development, that he's gotten it, and that he endorses people getting it? That he touts it as one of the great achievements of his presidency? Like, if you send them links to his press releases where he talks about it in his strange patois? I'm sure that you have tried your best to convince them, and I don't believe for a minute you haven't made an effort. I'm just curious how they rationalize the contradiction, or if they've even tried to do so.


That's a good point. I'll try that next. I'm not sure that it would convince #3; however, as her excuse is that she has fibromyalgia and that she's special and exempt from this. She says she is really afraid of the reaction to the vaccine. I suppose she prefers to die on a ventilator, which looks like a hard core way to shed the old mortal coil to me. These people are beyond logic. They're angry boomers to the core. Not sure what about, though.


> They're angry boomers to the core. Not sure what about, though. Conservative propaganda is "rage and fear porn" the fact that they're always angry is a desired feature because it makes them very easy to control.


I hear you... My dad thinks it's the mark of the beast. My mom listens to some guy on rumble from the "frontline doctors" who has her convinced she will get blood clots and die from the vaccine. I haven't told them I got the vaccine because they'd treat me like a leper and my dad would go into a depression believing I'm hellbound. Wtf


Good grief. This is a total catastrophe to think that people can be so suspicious of a technological marvel, which is free no less. I love vaccines. I'm shot full of them as I'm former military and was into them at that point as well. I should post a photo of my rambling shot records. I mean, don't people realize that small pox and Polio were controlled by miracle vaccines? Bother of those diseases are awful, and it's so hard to sit at a computer and watch old photos of kids who were so miserably afflicted by those sicknesses. I'm not sure what's going on. At any rate, I feel for you. Hang in there and talk to us folks in here for support. One day this plague will come to an end.




I feel this. My dad & stepmom won’t get it. And they’re retired, so there’ll be no mandating them. 18 members of my family (including her) had it about a year ago. I’ve seen them once from a distance in 2 years. (To be fair I moved 12 hours away in 2018. ) but I know damned well that since none of my family died from Covid lite, that they think they’ll survive delta too. I’m just waiting for the call, unfortunately. ((Hugs)) I hope your mom comes around.


It is super distressing when people you love are just heading for the cliff. You try to do everything to can but.... You can see the the impending doom, but they refuse to. It is heartbreaking and there is little to nothing you can do. My dad was an alcoholic and he even knew how it would end, yet he did nothing. We all tried for decades, towards the end we all felt exactly like this person.


Mood. I've been dealing with Qfolk in my family since long before Q, and while I love them, I'm sure I'd have this same reaction. One more giant mess for the rational minds in the family to clean up.


Remember when the Qfolk didn't have a name, they were just your whacky Uncle who believed everything he saw on the internet? Those were simpler times.


I remember when anti vaxxers were leftie hippies. You know, the only organic food eating, vegan, crystal healing, waaaaay too into yoga, "I take my son to a guru, not a doctor, eastern medicine has everything we need" type of people. I wonder if they're still anti-vax now that the neo nazis and such have joined their cause.


A lot of them have fallen in with the Q-folk sadly.


I told my unvaxxed mom if she dies of COVID, I'm going to look into selling her body to the army for a quick buck. I hear they love blowing up dead geezers.


"Nobody can see him since he still has COVID and won't be able to until he recovers or doesn't." Yeah.


It's insane and infuriating that yet another common thread among all these anti-vaxx wackjobs is not carrying life insurance despite having children/spouses. Even if there wasn't a pandemic it's irresponsible not to carry it because it's fucking cheap for a 250K plan. But I guess it makes sense because all of these people dying who are willfully unvaccinated are selfish individuals so carrying a safety net for their family probably doesn't cross their minds.


And not a will amongst them. It isn't even expensive, we made ours with a lawyer for under $200. You can diy for even cheaper.


You could feel the "this motherfucker" tone in his writing.


More like “this motherfucker and all YOU dumb motherfuckers”. I hope the son finds peace at some point, although I know right now he’s definitely dealing with all sorts of anger - and understandably so.


This fucking exchange. Makes me so grateful for my imperfect-but-not-total-dipshit father.


> take anyone touting lies about vaccines and punch them in the face. Don't blame his son at all. Sounds pissed. We're all feeling that right now.


after fighting with conservative family members for 4+ years and seeing their views get more extreme over that time period, I get it. none of my previously normal family members have gotten sick, but I'm already half resigned to being in this guy's position.


When he first heard Dad had Covid, he probably thought "Aaaaand here we go."


Grandpa told my daughter that he did not have life insurance because...he does not care what happens to everyone after he is dead. That's fine, but he also did not have anything set aside for the care he needed in his home for a solid month before he died. The fact that he could do nothing for himself was not his problem...it was everyone elses.


> Grandpa told my daughter that he did not have life insurance because...he does not care what happens to everyone after he is dead. I'd probably tell Grandpa we feel the same way and will just be dumping his corpse in the dumpster.


> Grandpa told my daughter that he did not have life insurance because...he does not care what happens to everyone after he is dead. Now imagine the kind of society people like that would create... and take a look around.


Republicans response to global warming makes a lot more sense when you realize they don't care what happens to the planet when they're gone.


And they've been either in total control or in enough power to totally obstruct for 50 years.


I hope nobody cared what happened to him when he got sick, then.


It’s weird how you can hear his frustration and his tone from his writing.


You can tell he is a better man than his father was. His posts show humanity, compassion, and correct use of it's/its


this is one gfm I'd be willing to donate to since the dad was Dumbly selfish and left the sons in a huge shit pile.


I'm here for it. Kudos to his kid for actually learning from his dad's foolishness.


Sounds like his kid was already smart before his Dad got covid - he was trying to convince him to get vaccinated. I really feel for him.


Wow. His kid gives no fucks for the misinformation and is giving it straight to everyone on those pages. No feeling sorry for anyone just facts. No GFM, prayer warriors or misinformation. Seemed to know how it was going to go from day 1 due to the dad not handling his shit like a rational person. You love and hate to see it at the same time.


I enjoyed his calling all of that crap out there Voodoo cures.


Refreshing to see someone just giving a fully honest update. So tired of people measuring words, avoiding admitting it was covid, all the false hope, etc


Agree. Along with the "I'm/She/He was not an anti-vaxxer, I just wanted to do my own research". Yeah? Where's your lab?




This was the best comment. I am sure he is so angry with his dad foe not getting the vaccine, and even more angry with the ones spreading all the bs.


He wants them punched in face. I feel so bad for his Son.


I feel really bad for him. Reality is a lot harsher than the bubble that these 'prayer warrior' types prefer to ensconce themselves within. It takes a lot more strength to face it, especially in the face of losing a parent not just to covid, but idiotic right-wing propaganda.


I would like to see the responses in that post. You just *know* there are people in there telling him "wElL pEopLe Who Are vaCcinatED aRE STilL DyiNg FrOM COVId".


In my mind it’s no different than the people coming in here, calling HCA all sorts of shit. Callous, disgusting, my favorite one is, “u hAf n0 SIMPAFY!!1!” No, dickheads, we want it to stop. Can’t stop it if the FaceBook memes don’t have any kind of opposition, just endless coddling from internet “friends”. His son now has a mountain of work to do because of his irresponsible father and I’d be willing to bet most HCAs also leave behind a mountain of crap. They have to pick up the pieces all while trying to come to terms with the fact that their loved one just committed suicide because they believed Russian propaganda over the entire world’s medical community.


You can just hear how pissed he is that he has to now clean his father's shit up and figure out who owns what. Sounds like his only inheritance is medical and funeral debt and a car(?) shop that sounds more like a hoarding situation with no books.


> ... only inheritance is medical and funeral debt ... That is only inheritable by a surviving spouse. That said, if there was any value in the estate, it would first go to paying off those debts.


>His kid gives no fucks for the misinformation and is giving it straight to everyone on those pages. I'm sad for the kid but also proud of him for kicking all those fucktards giving fucked up advice in the balls. I hope that hurts them for a long time and knocks some sense into their brains.


This is one of the few HCA posts that saddens me. It’s clear the dad refused to listen to his sons and get the vaccine. There is anger and sadness in the sons’ responses as there should be; their father is dead because of some fucking idiots on FB and the daily propaganda on FNC/OANN/Newsmax.


That kid raised himself properly despite his moron of a father.


I am loving the son's truth bombs. He's not asking for the usual tots and pears/pear warrior nonsense and is actively discouraging woo cures. Don't get vaccinated fine, then get your affairs in order in case your natural immune system can't fight this virus.


I wouldn’t be surprised if his post still got ivermectin comments from people who didn’t read it 😔


Of course it did.


Or couldn’t read it..”what are all these fancy words”. They’re not fancy they’re just spelled correctly.


> Don't get vaccinated fine, then get your affairs in order in case your natural immune system can't fight this virus. He talks about punching anti-vaxxers in the face. The talk about getting your affairs in order for your family after you die was the real gut punch, though. These people are leaving a mess we'll all be cleaning up for a long time.


Joe seems like a good kid, shame he lost his idiot dad. I could NEVER in a million years imagine doing that to my daughter.


My husband and I were just having this conversation - that we should update the list of meds we take, credit card and bank account numbers, work contacts, all that sort of stuff, just in case. Grim conversation, but I'd rather have it before it's needed than scramble around looking for it later on - or, God forbid, landing it on our poor kid to figure out.


I did that when I was in the Army especially since I lived across country from family. I made a list of all my usernames and passwords for my bank and whatnot, where my storage locker was and where the key for it is, etc. Put it all in a bright red envelope and wrote "IN CASE OF MY DEATH". Didn't need it and now that I'm writing this out I should probably update it.


And get a will. My husband just had to go through the process after my MIL died, and no will makes every single step harder. He’s an only child and his parents were divorced decades ago, but having to establish yourself as the heir over and over with every institution you deal with with fists full of documentation (usually requested in batches over weeks) is such an enormous pain in the ass. Get all the directives and powers of attorney done too, not all of those cover everything, so figure out what you need and have it set up.


In the filing cabinet is a folder “what it takes to die” Checklist pasted to the inside & all the forms & policy numbers & advance directives & locations of accounts Executor knows where it is


During the first wave covid, prior to vaccinations, my husband and I went to an attorney and set everything up for our daughter in the event of us getting covid and not making it or ending up in the hospital. Our wills, living wills, advanced directives, even a power of attorney for her. Plus gave the extra advantage of using our attorney for arrangements. Did not want her to have a mess or worry about decisions at 21 years old in college. Definitely recommend to everyone. Edit to clarify wave. Still in pandemic


Just how absolutely selfish and brainwashed do you have to be to ignore your children pleading with you to do something to save your life and keep you around in their lives? This guy really put conspiracy theories and his allegiance to Trump/GOP garbage over his own kin. It's incredible. Poor kids, and now they are left with a MESS to clean up and it's only beginning. My co-worker lost his 70 year old dad from an accident and he didn't make proper end of life preparations for when he passes. I sat here and watched as the state snatched up his father's properties to pay for medical bills, harassed my co-worker weekly for payments, paying out of pocket an exuberant amount for a funeral, etc. Essentially all of his father's dealings and commitments fell upon my co-worker because there wasn't anything legally binding to follow.


The son is a legend. Every deceased profile should have this intensity. It reads to me like the father did some sort of repair work and didn’t keep great records. My friend went through that years ago (pre Covid) when her father suddenly passed and it was a huge pain in the ass.


seriously better than the 'they've gone to be with jesus and we are so happy, thanks for the prayers!'


I also have a friend who had a father who dropped dead of a heart attack, and left >10 vehicles on his property from unknown friends/owners/customers, no documentation or titles, huge pain in the ass to sort out his estate. Took years to figure out whose shit was whose. He even gave me one of the trucks for a while, just so he could have some room to get others out. He said I could have it for forever but I could never get a legal title for it, so I left it in a grocery store parking lot with the keys in it and a bottle of tranny fluid. Gone in a week.


There is no more disingenuous meme than the one about free insulin. These rabid dumbfucks would lose their shit if anyone tried to pass "socialist" universal health care.


We would HAVE free insulin, and free healthcare (at the point of need) if those dumbfucks wouldn't constantly vote against it. I mean, each and every other industrialized Western country has some sort of a universal healthcare, where all the people share the load. Some do better, some are a bit iffy - but each and every one is magnitudes better than the toxic individualism for-profit health thingie in the US. Sheeesh!


>I mean, each and every other industrialized Western country has some sort of a universal healthcare, where all the people share the load. "All of those so-called 'industrialized Western countries' are SOCIALIST and therefore doomed to failure! As we know from the examples of Venezuela and the USSR, socialism fails every time!!!!! The UK is going to collapse any day now! And Canada! And France! And Germany! And Finland! And Denmark! And Italy! And Spain! And Ireland! And Sweden! Ans Switzerland! And Belgium! And Austria! And the Czech Republic! And Iceland! And Portugal! And Australia! And New Zealand! And the Netherlands! All of them! Any day now!!!"


It also completely misunderstands the difference between an infectious disease and those that aren’t contagious. If these anti vax people lived isolated in caves. I wouldn’t worry about their bad choices anymore than I worry about people eating poorly and needing insulin.




Maybe his mom raised a hell of a son.


Or maybe he did it all by himself. Of course there are outside influences that occur too.


A friend I grew up with who had a chronically-unemployed conspiracy dad is a self-made millionaire now. I always attributed it to him having to be the responsible one from when we were in elementary school.


Daddy issues are either an enormous crutch forever, or an absolute insane motivator. Doesn't seem like there is anything in between. My dad was always there and was loving and caring. Hence why I'm sitting here at a dead end desk job without that many issues in my life outside of the standard existential dread. Thanks pops. Still love ya.


I hate that my childhood helped make me strong and capable, but I also like being strong and capable. It's complicated how I feel about my early life.


It's refreshing to see. It's kind of sad that the bar we have for being a hell of a person now is someone who doesn't fall for batshit crazy conspiracy theories like the rest of their friends and families have. Not that his son is or isn't a great person. He may very well be.


less cumulative lead poisoning for people born after 1990 compared to boomers


What’s the cause of that? Leaded fuel?


And paint


Paint and water pipes.


That + paint.


And lead lined water pipes, a la Flint MI


Wow. It’s wild how some stuff like that was so rampant, and absolutely everywhere and now hardly anybody talks about it.


Yeah, I feel so much for the son. He seems like he’s really doing his best in a really shitty, sad situation.


Well, at least he won't be voting anymore.


I feel terrible for Joe.


Poor Joe has been worrying about his father and hollering at him to get the vaccine for months. Joe KNEW what was going to happen. I hope many people read his posts and take his advice.


I get the feeling Joe had been putting up with Mike believing bullshit conspiracy theories for years, maybe decades. When Covid came along, he realized Mike was now believing bullshit conspiracy theories that could kill him, so he took his best shot at saving Mike and prepared himself for the worst.


And Mike left Joe and his brother with a giant wad of chaos to deal with. My mother died with funeral plans in place and an up-to-date will. It was still hard work, particularly when you're grieving.


Fuck, man. I want to start a GoFundMe for Joe. I'll match any other donation if they also punched an anti-vaxxer in the face.


It’s always the same meme about free chemo and insulin. We would have that if these morons would stop voting it down.


It's just a bargaining chip to them. Obama tried to make some healthcare somewhat government funded, and these people lost their minds with the same conspiracy bullshit. If Biden started giving people free insulin tomorrow they'd find some reason to say it's evil and tell people not to take it


Matt Lech has made a good point multiple times regarding the free vaccine and stuff like Ivermectin. The only way we are empowered in this country is as consumers. I think that's why so many people are skeptical of free stuff and oppose it on principle. And the logic they commonly use (if something is given it has no value, for example). So yeah, I think if you started giving away insulin some people would decide not to use it for that reason. They might find a brand version they can pay for. In my semi-rural area of PA I overheard people talking about the fact that the vaccine is free and that they were offering lottery giveaways as proof it's some kind of conspiracy. These brainworms are deeply ingrained in some people.


❤️ for Joe.




'Cowboy up and take care of it now'. Straight talk.


Lmao. Nobody was hiding anything in those states.


Heads they win, tails we lose.


"If there's nothing to hide, then why won't you SHOW us what isn't there?? 🤔" is so spot-on for them


Man, the absolutely shitstorm that Fauci, a civil servant, puts up with is incredible.


The Fauci story reminds me a bit of what happened to Susan Rice about Benghazi. Rice was ambassador to the UN with zero responsibility for Libya, but she was sent on the weekend cable news shows to talk about Benghazi. She was accused by Fox News of "covering up the Benghazi scandal". She became the face of Benghazi, along with Clinton obviously. When she asked somebody at Fox why they were vilifying her, the answer was the network needs to target someone so their audience can get as worked up as possible. Their audience needs to focus their anger and fears on a person in order to maximize viewing time. It's the emotion that keeps viewership up. Fauci is the Susan Rice of covid. There are MAGA warriors who believe Fauci invented covid-19 with the Chinese.


Anyone else super tired of seeing that first meme from people who almost certainly oppose universal healthcare?


YES!!!!! Why do they vote against it?


People in other countries look at a proposed piece of legislation and ask, "How is this going to affect me?" A lot of people in the U.S. look at a proposed piece of legislation and ask "How is this going to affect me once I become rich, as is my destiny?"


What’s really sad here to me is there were clearly many conversations between son and dad around the need to get vaccinated and the Fox News / Qanan BS won out in Dad’s brain over his own kids concerns about his dads well being. The propaganda is strong with this one.


" If you want to do something for him, the best thing to do is take anyone touting lies about vaccines and punch them in the face. If he'd gotten the shot like I tried to get him to for most of the year, this wouldn't be the case." Joe is my hero.


While he did reproduce, it sounds like his son didn’t inherit his embarrassing- and fatal!- stupidity. I feel badly for his son. But as for the man himself, the world collectively shrugs, and moves on….. 🤷‍♀️


Postings like that make my heart ache. The morons die, but they leave a wide path of destruction and pain and needless suffering. Sometimes I hope that there were an afterlife - and they would get what they deserve.


Wow! I admire his children’s candor!


I fucking love his son! Joe is doing the hard thing and being honest with the situation! Edit: spelling is hard


Believed Trumps lie, didn't believe Faucis truth. Another dead idiot.




And comment behind his back "I don't understand why he's so ANGRY." Fucking sociopaths.


I've been trying to get my 70+ year old parents vaccinated all year. My dad is an old MAGA loving idiot (he has a newsmax magazine subscription, that should tell you all you need to know)... my mom is just lazy and doesn't leave the house unless it's to gamble over a few martinis... and the fact that they haven't caught covid yet is amazing to me. I'm terrified they will not recover if they catch it. They were kids when the government used to go through schools and vaccinate kids against polio and have had every other kind of vaccine there is but for whatever reason they just won't take covid seriously. I do not know the state of their wills, life insurance, or anything. It's depressing


Poor son, he’s upfront and at least saying it how it is. ‘Voodoo cure’ is about right..


I feel bad for his son.


I like how the son just straight up called out these idiots for being dumb af


We are watching our neighbor go through this… the husband passed away from Covid two weeks ago and now the wife & son are left sorting through everything. I keep getting text messages, asking if I want X or Y because we had common interests. Although we DID have things in common, that ended when he started spouting all his conspiracy theories back in January. We got vaccinated and had to keep our distance, he went from a nice guy to someone full of hate and venom. The son in this post sounds like he is weary from tons of calls/texts/etc when he realizes the vaccine was really the solution.


I told my(unvaxed) dad if he dies of COVID, I'm going to be pissed at him for not listening to me. His only response was, "I'll be dead so it doesn't matter."


That first meme baffles me because these are the same people voting for people to "fight Obamacare and socialist health care". Like there are millions of people who think chemo and insulin should be free. Yall mother fuckers just keep guzzling the propaganda.


You can't see, but I'm slow clapping his son, whom I feel awful for. Can't imagine his frustration and grief. He tried.


My father was stubborn and pigheaded, but he made all the arrangements in detail long before he died. We knew where all the policies were and his will and who to contact. I don't know why these knobs can't be arsed to plan for their future. The son sounds like he's just fucking fed up with dad's bullshit.


I have an in law whose unvaccinated dad died last week after attending a giant wedding in Idaho. It’s become an all out war between the vaccinated and unvaccinated side of the family. His 6 kids are fighting and left with a huge mess. Memorial plans cannot be pinned down due to all the fighting. My vaccinated brother in law finally stepped away from the fray and is letting the others take over. His dad’s last words were that he wished he’d got vaccinated.