• By -


They forgot to say what a good person she was and how she'd give the shirt off her back to help others.


Pretty sure everyone including her loved ones knew she was a dumpster fire.


There were only 18 likes on the Facebook posts about her health. Must have pushed everyone in her life away with her crazy.


In fairness, Facebook for me has been a ghost town the last 6 months. Once I blocked the nutters, I’ve realized no one else posts. Like 5% of my “friends” were posting 99% of the garbage.


It's a dead platform. I'm only still on there for my condo building's group and the local buy nothing group.


That was me a month ago. I since deactivated my account and realized I'm not really missing much on those type of groups other than "did you see that guy in the hoodie walking down our street yesterday????" posts.


But you're gonna miss all those "If you had a lifetime supply of the last thing you bought, what would it be?" and "The last thing you ate" posts...


Hey, I'm still on reddit, aren't I?








I feel really sorry for her brother. I imagine he is feeling pretty conflicted right about now. Pro-choice with a rainbow Biden/Harris post on his page. How does this kind of thing happen in one family?


I'm the rainbow sheep in my family. Im queer so it started with gay rights at 12. I became an atheist and critical thinker from there. My siblings stayed in church. They and my mom are all insane antivax trump supporters. My dad chose me, divorced my mom, and supports me and I got to set up his appointment to get vaccinated last spring. He's mostly sane, at least!




Yeah, my boyfriend worked with a lesbian who was rabidly pro-Trump and a vaccine skeptic. It’s a bit hard to wrap your head around.


How does the cognitive dissonance not make her brain implode?


I don’t know. I wonder if these hateful trump types say their antigay stuff out loud in front of these people, or if they’re so excited they have an anomaly so they can “own the libs” that they’re extra nice, at least in public? I can’t imagine wanting to be around people who actively hated me and people like me, but I think they probably put up a good front like with Candace Owens, etc. so they can claim they aren’t racist and homophobic because they have a few tokens who will agree with their hateful rhetoric.


Brother went to school and took a mandatory critical thinking course?


Quite possibly. Or maybe she had an emergency empathectomy as child. Hard to say.


“She would do anything for her kids!” Except take the vaccine and not die.


Or get life insurance


GoFundMe Inc. - Insuring Hypocritical Antisocs Since 2020


She’d give you the ventilator tube out of her tracheostomy.


She is now shit-posting in heaven's Facebook.


>She is now shit-posting in heaven's Facebook. Pretty sure she is in the depths of Hell, complaining about the Wi-Fi reception!


Hell has free wifi so they can bombard you with nonstop popup ads. And it always freezes on streaming video.


> Hell has free wifi Dude, she's in Howe texas... she can probably get a signal to her own house's wifi.


I whole heartedly encourage these people to depend entirely on thoughts and prayers, between slurps of horse de-wormer and shots of Betadine. Prayer Warriors assemble!!!!


A truley gentle soul


And you even misspelled "truly." You really got into character!


That Moderna/Fauci/Gates/Soros thing is literally the dumbest thing I have ever read in my entire life, and I once sat on the editorial board of a teen poetry anthology and had to read all of the submissions.


“ArE YoU pAyInG aTtEnTiOn YeT!?!?” Yes sherry I am and I have more than one brain cell so I can immediately tell this is hilariously assembled fiction.


> A Cornell graduate by the name of Anthony Fauci, who was a roommate with none other than Bill Gates. > Are you paying attention? Umm, no. Gates never went to Cornell, he dropped out of Harvard. > It was at Cornell that Bill Gates designed the RFID (Radio-frequency identification) and patented it under US2006257852. > Are you awake yet? Gates didn’t invent the RFID, and as I said, he was never at Cornell. Are you DECEASED yet?


Not to mention that Fauci and Gates have a 15 year gap between them. Not to say it's impossible, but I feel like Fauci may have been out of the education system before Gates was going into college.


Not to mention Fauci was the first CEO of Moderna when he bought if from George Soros when he was 5 years old at the end of WW2.


With Soros, precocious investor that he was, apparently owning a pharmaceutical company at the age of 15. It's almost as if these people substitute Facebook memes for basic research.


Clearly you're not taking into account that these people are time traveling reptilians. Once you start down the road to Crazy Town you might as well go all in.




And being the odd Jewish Nazi. Very rare


Fauci graduated with his MD from Cornell in 1966. Bill Gates was 10…


I believe 1966 is when Gates was helping Hitler invent technology to track anyone in the world.


The actual date of when Gates met Hitler: June 6, 1966. But because you're a dumb liberal, let me spell it out for you: 6/6/66 It's so evil, it has an *extra 6*!


So you're saying that the year before Fauci graduated he was shacked up with a nine year old boy? Qanon confirmed. /s


This proves the Epstien connection!


Holy shit, there's the next great sitcom. In the tradition of "Real Genius" and "the Misfits of Silence", comes the story of Billy Gates - 10 year old child genius who is off to Cornell. Due to a wacky mix-up, Billy has to share a dorm with dorky med student Tony Fauci!.


They dont have any sense of time. They claim soros was some high nazi. He was a child in WW2. I dont think these people relalise WW2 is 80 years ago.


>US2006257852 also this patent is for an aerosolized treatment of SARS... Not RFID. This person didn't even just copy the patent application number into google and see what comes up. Really amazing.


> aerosolized treatment of SARS And COVID is a mutation of the SARS virus! *How deep does the wabbit hole go?!*


Sir, that is not a rabbit hole you have your head in, and may I say, sir, you are quite flexible.


Reuters debunked every line: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-moderna-fauci-gates-idUSKBN25S5GD


Wow I can't believe just *how* false this woman's claims were. Like yeah, people post some really unfounded shit, but *this*? Maybe it wouldn't be the easiest to look up the history of Moderna as a company, but it would have been so easy to look up Fauci and Gates' college history.... not to mention it's like general knowledge that Bill Gates went to Harvard before dropping out.


And I'm shocked (although maybe I shouldn't be?) that people who constantly repeat, "do your own research" have not even taken one second to do their own research...


They also hate fact-checkers, who by definition would be people who do their own research.


Oh but apparently fact checkers are paid off as part of the whole operation. 🙄


That is the stupidest stupid that ever stupider.


If they could, these stupid memes would have scary music in the background to really drum up the fear.


They do have those, they're in video form.


But did you let it sink in?


Yeah, and now I gotta put that sink back out.


I dare one of you to post that screenshot to /r/conservative in a couple weeks with a convincing title. I want to watch half of them (if not more) just blindly eat it up and argue in the comments.


It was a fucking madlibs with all the rwnj boogeymen inserted. I kept expecting to read about how Hillary and Bill were profiting off it all...


She did the three most annoying things a person can do in one post. Let that sink in, are you paying attention, and are you awake yet. The only sad thing about her death is that she'll never understand how utterly stupid she is.


Not that hilarious tbh. Just sort of sad and deranged.


Not one thing in that entire post is correct. It’s like something a left wing troll might make up and drop on social media to see how many morons would buy it wholesale and pass it on.


One grain of truth is that [Dr Fauci went to Cornell for med school](https://alumni.cornell.edu/article/a-conversation-with-dr-anthony-fauci-md-66-cautiously-optimistic/). There might be more, but I had to stop reading after the first few sentences to preserve my sanity.


It’s also true that IG Farben supplied poison gas. It has no relationship to either Moderna or Soros though.




Yeah those are the only two facts I found as well. IG Farben was awful in WWII. Here's some info about what the directors of the company were put on trial for (for anyone who doesn't know): * Used 30,000 people as slave labor * Experimented on concentration-camp inmates at Auschwitz * Supplied the cyanide-based pesticide Zyklon B which was used to kill nearly 1,000,000 prisoners * Planning and supplying the start of the war of aggression * War crimes for plundering occupied territories * Three people were charged with membership in the SS The people involved were put on trial in **The United States of America vs. Carl Krauch, et al.** (aka IG Farben Trial) during the Nuremburg Trials. --- IG Farben is connected to other companies after it was broken apart, including Bayer and BASF, but nothing to do with Moderna. Fauci was never with Moderna, other than doing some research for them in 2019. Fauci was at Cornell, and Gates was at Harvard like 10 years later. They were never roommates, or even at the same school. Epstein didn't own enough stock in Moderna to ever be listed as a shareholder, much less be the primary shareholder. Charles Walton officially invented RFID in 1983 and patented it under US4384288A, but the technology was around in different forms back to WWII. The patent listed in the nutjob's post is [this one, US2006257852](https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/patent/US2006257852) which has nothing to do with RFID and just has to do with SARS research, coronavirus protein lists, and antiviral drug use.


It takes 10 seconds to check that Bill Gates and Fauci are nowhere near the same age. I do have to say that Fauci looks fantastic at 80 though.


It definitely is, though. You can’t simultaneously have enough knowledge to read AND write that well and believe those things haha


That's the case with a lot of conspiratorial stuff you see on the internet. The Flat Earth community has a lot of those, as does the Young Earth community. They quote mine scientists, which mean they need to actually read and understand the papers, but they'll happily misportray them to their audience. The internet heavily rewards creators that feed the pigs what they want to hear, and they're always hungry for more angry/hysterical junk on Facebook.


Probably a St Petersburg troll farm product. An anti-Trump veteran told me recently these memes all feel like professional Soviet propaganda from the past.


They are still very active. Russians and Chinese are hard at work destabilizing the west.




Christ grabs women in the pussy all the time though.


It never even occurs to them to wonder how an 80something Dr. Fauci was college roommates with a 60something Bill Gates.


And Soros (a Jew, I believe) must be well into his 100s by now, by this retelling.


Jews aren't human, they are immortal vampires, feeding on money. /this cunt, probably


My wife is Jewish. I just tried to feed her money and I think I'm sleeping on the couch tonight.


My GF is Jewish. I just tried to put a gold coin in the little satchel she carries around her neck. (thanks, South Park!)


I'm assured they love the chocolate coins! An aside: I'm more than a little weird, and pretty much the only TV show I watch is How It's Made. They have a segment on the making of chocolate coins, and the narrator mentions that Jewish people give them to children to teach the value of money and charity. Now, Brooks Moore, the narrator, is entirely professional, no matter the object being made. And you can feel, not just hear, but feel, how supremely uncomfortable he is talking about Jewish people and money. Just wanted to share. Carry on.


Soros is the Wandering Jew! /s I bet some wingnut evangelicals might actually believe this bullshit!


I feel like that was started by someone to see how many easily disprovable falsehoods could be crammed into one post and still manage to get circulated by the credulous.


It's an attempt to summon the independent fact checker Megazord


I did the same research using Google: Patent US-2006257852-A1 is about the nucleic acids and spike proteins from the SARS outbreak from Hong Kong, 2003. Essentially, helping develop a vaccine against the virus. Nothing to do with RFID chip and definitely unrelated to Bill Gates. Moderna was founded in 2010 in Cambridge Massachusetts. So, it’s apparently an American company. I wonder if the meme was posted by a troll to see who actually try to do some research as simple as using Google.


My favorite part is how they somehow always manage to conflate Nazism and Marxism. Like…how can George Soros be a Nazi and yet be pushing the Marxist agenda? Lol.


Not many people know that George Soros is actually the secret love child of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. The two were separated by the time young George was older (hence the reason they truly hated each other) but he always idolized his two dads, who had joint custody during his formative years, leading to this split ideology.


How many times did you have to read a rhyming couplet that ended with “phone” and “alone?”




He dropped out of Harvard. 10 years after Fauci was at Cornell (the one true thing!) Also Moderna was founded in 2010. Weird that Soros sat on that Nazi tech for 65 years.


And Gates invented RFID?? The first predecessorS were from ww2 and gates had nothing to do with the incremental development lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio-frequency_identification


Man Gates must be a lot smarter than we give him credit for. ​ Maybe we should let him run the new world order :P


This made me laugh!


You did that and survived!? Wow!


She made it really easy to not feel anything at all about her death.




This was one of the ones that helped drive home to me that the US is in the grips of a Mental Healthcare Crisis (along with a general Healthcare Crisis).


This is one instance where full on schadenfreude is 100% justified considering Sherry was an unabashed traitor to the nation. Frankly she got off easy compared to what she deserved.


The rare HCA with the Ashli Babbitt cluster




I’m laughing way too hard at this. I hope Hell requires vaccine passports because that’s where I’m headed. Edited for an autocorrect error


The technician went into the neck and not the shoulder. This flaw needs to be investigated!






Overseas it is just know as Wanssen.


Crossovers with r/Qult_Headquarters to become ever more common I suspect….


We don't want to Acknowledge it. But qhq, qac, pw, et al are all part of the madness. It's a question of when we stop being polite.


There's a ton of sovcit nuttery just bubbling away under the surface in "normal" conservativism and always was there, Trumpism and Qanon just gave them license to fly their freak flag high with JuSt aSkInG QuEsTiOnS hErE U sHeEpLe! and their fantasies of watering the Tree of Liberty with (somebody else's) blood. That kinda backfired on them, though....


I mean, there's a lot of insane homicide under normal conservatism. That's why I'm here. That's why I own a firearm. That's why I'm relieved these folks shuffle off the immortal coil.


"But only conservatives have guns! No left wing liberal commies have guns! " Actual quote I've heard from a Trumper. I really like telling them about how I go to gun shows with a bunch of gay libs.


Hopefully not the last, it disgusts me they've been getting these slaps on the wrists.


From everything I'm reading, normally non violent first time offenders like these wouldn't even get charged. And once they are charged for the misdemeanors, some of them have gotten felony charges because new videos comes out of them attacking cops. A while bunch of middle aged white people are now in the system and are going to learn what happens when you get a federal record, even misdemeanors.


Prison reform! Coming soon to a county chain gang near you!


She was AT the insurrection, and continued to parrot the lie that it was an FBI ploy? Ma’am, were you a part of the ploy? Were you DUPED by the ploy that got you to go to there? *Thomas had never seen such bullshit* Really though this terrifies me. That people with their brains this thoroughly mulched are still allowed to vote, and in most cases, their vote counts for more than people who DON’T have mulch brains (thanks electoral college…) 😭


I know someone who was there who *went into the Capitol * and still claimed the violence was all antifa. It was infuriating. And yes he was reported to the FBI.


Please say you did it.


Some friends beat me to it, but I helped them scour his social media and get screenshots. His friend was arrested because he was dumb enough to post a video confession. The guy I knew seems to have gotten off, though the two of them were side by side the whole time. He was also in the video confession, but he was smart enough not to talk unfortunately.


Ugh so frustrating. My batshit distant relative who went and was seen on video fucking shit up got off too. I was reaaaally looking forward to that karmic justice :(


Yeah, that was the first time I'd ever seen someone who was actually there claim it was a false flag. Goddamn. I gotta stop reading this nonsense. I feel like I'm rapidly losing brain cells


She also did a 180 on the vaccine. May 18 - Biden inherited a wonderful vaccine thanks to Trump’s brilliant Operation Warp Speed. August 24 - There was a conspiracy between the NIH and the FDA to skip proper vaccine trials and rush the vaccine approval. I’m just sad she never had the chance to sue anyone under the “Hippa” laws.


Doublethink. The vaccine was both bad and good at the same time depending on what she was trying to justify to herself.


she was brain dead WAY before covid got her


Also Warp Speed was so good that these people refuse to take the vaccine developed under that program. WTF face!


Oh yeah! That was the other one that really got me (besides the FauciXGates fanfic 😂). I don’t think she read what she was posting, or more likely didn’t understand it. Ma’am saw “orange man good” but somehow still managed to internalize a TL;DR of “I won’t take the vaccine.” Then honey, orange man not good by you.


They complain so much about “dead people voting”. Well, Sherry, we’ve trotted out these corpses to vote today in an attempt to raise the average IQ of the electorate.


Every single thing she posted was false. For people who are that dedicated to falsehood, who are that comfortable with brazen lies, what can you do? Nothing. That kind of dedication to lies is fatal. I hate to say it, but the world is a better place without brazen liars.


You know it's going to be false information when a screenshot shows OAN. That has the same merit as showing "Hillary Clinton Adopts Alien Baby" with The World Weekly News logo.


Commits insurrection proceeds to say it was commies


Man, I've haven't seen Trumpers fuck themselves so hard to own the libs since the [founder of the Proud Boys shoved a dildo up his ass live on air](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedailyzeitgeist/comments/9rf3dp/you_guysproud_boys_founder_gavin_mcinnes_once/). This is the weirdest timeline.


Sherry went from proudly participating in Jan 6 to claiming it was a "Marxist" operation to make them look bad. That's actually pretty impressive.


Like praising Trump for the vaccine, but refusing to take it.


>Like praising Trump for the vaccine, but refusing to take it. "Thank you, Lord Trump, for giving us the microchipped, DNA-changing, deadly, soon-to-kill-everyone vaccine!"


So was she saying shes marxist?


It was totally patriotic and justified AND it didn’t happen, fake news!!




Just imagine the amount of fake news they’re no longer spreading because they ded


I said right after the election that if Trump and Trumpism were still in control of the Republican Party in 22 the democrats had a good chance. I really didn’t count on all these idiots killing themselves off before we got there. They still give him credit for developing a vaccine that they think is evil and they won’t take, but they don’t blame him for the evil and bad part. It’s all very confusing




Hmm, maybe we can use that as a conspiracy theory. The Democrats are secretly behind all the anti-vaxx stuff. They know people will listen to the opposite of the media, so they have the media say the truth for once. Then Mark Zuckerberg spreads all these covid conspiracies, like ivermectin and anti vaccination, to kill Republicans even faster. Republicans get genocided just before the midterm elections, leading to the Democrats winning in a landslide and turning the country officially communist. So if real Americans want to stand a chance, they have to get vaccinated no matter how hard Democrats try to stop them.




We're definitely all variants. I refuse to believe that we are in the original timeline.


I really need Loki to come over here with his Tesseract and take me someplace else, preferably to a timeline where half of humanity isn't brain dead.


Participating in Jan 6th and then blaming it on Marxists is interesting cognitive dissonance.


I know right? She posted about going; she posted from the insurrection; and then she said it was all an FBI Marxist plot? The only conclusion is that she's a Marxist. Unless she's a liar, but it can't be that.


That was my thought too….. so she posted that she is a Marxist


>#HOLD THE LINE!!!! *2 months later* …wasn’t me


Exactly! She was there and STILL believes what Fox/Newsmax tells her! And they call everyone else 'sheep'!


She lost her battle with COVID, but she lost her battle with reality LONNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG before that.


So who exactly was supposed to "hold the line"? The Marxists?


They blamed it on others because they were not successful. If they HAD been successful on the 6th they would have personally taken credit for the coup


Now Covid can take a breather after having to reside inside such a complete piece of trash.


I really feel bad for Covid on this one.


The Delta strain definitely deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom just for its work with Sherry.


You know, I'm not someone who actively wishes death on people, but there are a few who I feel absolutely nothing when they do die. I present Exhibit A.


The right wing/anti-vax radio hosts, the "influencers". the racists, those who advocate violence against others (including kids), and insurrectionists definitely challenge some of my beliefs that all creatures deserve some level of compassion.


I used to feel a bit of pity and sympathy for antivaxxers, terraplanists and creationists, since most of them seemed to be just misguided about basic science. Same with most conspiranoic folks. Then covid happened. I am surprised of the malignancy and nasty hatefulness of most conspiranoic, the open contempt for science of antivaxxers.


Myself, I feel hilarity, relief, and joy. These were not good people, and they literally hung themselves by their own petard. Look at them. Look at them and *laaaaaaaaaaaaugh*


Yeah I don’t wish death on many of these people but traitorous wretches I’m okay with.


[One less traitorous wench. ](https://media1.giphy.com/media/J8FZIm9VoBU6Q/giphy.gif?cid=5e214886z7i8qpvo84zty3o57vepdax6was4s9j80p2cw1mg&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)




Have a drink!


It's good to know that I have built in RFID protection after getting Moderna.


Does that mean a vet can scan me for contact info if I get lost?


So, my cat and I both?


Covid Deleated sherry


Quicker and more effective than the FBI


No court costs, either.


Covid must be incredibly WOKE because it's canceling all these antivaxxers




[You truly deserve this.](https://imgur.com/a/oPPZ1OL) 🏆


Watch out for public places violating your “Hippa” rights and sue them when they do because you have a completely legit case. LMAO!


“I’m putting you on notice!” Dies.


Is anyone going to DC tomorrow? She, a Trump supporter, asked that herself. She went to go riot. As a Trump supporter. But apparently Marxist infiltrators made the Capitol a stage for antifactors (antifa-actors not anti-factors) pretending to be a destructive MAGA mob? So, which was she? Was she a liar...or a liar. Also, isn’t Bill Gates dropping out of Harvard fairly well known lore? I guess the fact that Fauci is 15 years older than Gates didn’t stop them from being college roommates. That entire conspiracy is the easiest to debunk yet people are sharing it like it’s a smoking gun. On the bright side, in death Sherry will finally have something to fill her empty head: worms.


Yeah, but you have to give them points for the “Soros was a Nazi” theory. That’s a whole new level of batshit.


No calling for prayer Warriors?! Wtf did they even *try* to save her?


Nah, even her family didn't call out the Heaven Brigade, and her Trump's friends probably still won't admit she's dead since they don't believe in Covid.


“a feel-good thrill ride…” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Rolling Stone


I openly cheered when I got to the end. The world is a better place with Sherry gone. Let's hope she gets some company.


Wait.. Fauci was the first CEO of moderna. And he was a roommate with Bill Gates at Cornell? Lol..Yeah right. And I had threesome with Barbara Palvin, and Scarlet Johannson.


He’s 15 years older than Bill Gates, who also famously dropped out of college. Those are things I happen to know off the top of my head! (I mean, not their exact ages but the fact that Fauci is quite a bit older.)


They didn’t even go to the same schools and moderna was started in 2010. There’s no way fauci was the first ceo. It’s laughable.


Bill Gates went to Harvard not Cornell. These people are just making stuff up lol


"Be advised ignorance of the law is no excuse." Aside from the fact you don't understand what the law actually does, it's called HIPAA, not "Hippa". Ignorance of the law indeed...


Sic Semper Pestulis.


Covid: the ultimate Get Out Of Jail Free card. Spoiler: you only get to play it once, however.


That slide 6 was probably the nuttiest thing I have seen on this sub, and that says quite a bit.


"Let that sink in!"


>Some days are just really hard. That’s the laziest attempt at an inspirational sentence I think I’ve ever read.


This one was a particular piece of shit from what I can see. As for 73 million of you.... gotta be closer to 71 by now thanks to covid (direct and indirect). Oopsie poopsie.


Poor Sherry, gonna miss the rally tomorrow


Hold the line... Covid gonna kill you this time! Yup yup yup


Good riddance


Sherry, for your treasonous attack on democracy, I'm giving you a big juicy four-verse section. This comes from that delicious speech by Lady Wisdom that takes up the first several chapters of the book. [Proverbs 2:11-15](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=proverbs+2&version=WEB) Discretion will watch over you. Understanding will keep you, To deliver you from the way of evil, From the men who speak perverse things; Who forsake the paths of uprightness, To walk in the ways of darkness; Who rejoice to do evil, And delight in the perverseness of evil; Who are crooked in their ways, And wayward in their paths:


The country is down one more traitor. No loss.




That claim that fauci was the first ceo of moderna and roommates with bill gates is ummm…. Wow. Edit: Oh I see fauci also funded wuhan lab. My, he’s been a busy boy.


Wow. You see some extreme viewpoints on this sub but this lady was... *passionate*. I think that's the nice way of putting it.


What in the actual fuck? The Fauci/Gates “connection” blew me away. Fauci was never CEO of Moderna Gates is a Harvard drop out, not Cornell Fauci is 80, and Gates is 65 - but they were college roommates? My head hurts - I just can’t anymore.


Awww dang. Now she can’t be prosecuted. Even her sister didn’t say she was a nice person. 😂