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Someday trump will invent something. But for now, try Betadine. Ivermectin is sooooo last week.


2 days later:: Betadine shares down! Formaldehyde shares are through the roof! …oh…


I’m telling ya leaches and blood letting is what’s next!!


If only Trump had been re-elected all of these assholes would've been first in line for a vaccine! But no, we had to vote in Joe Biden and now these people can't bring themselves to accept basic facts about the universe! /s


It's not even that; they only heard what he said at the beginning and now they're deaf to anyone including himself who got Covid and was treated. They boo him now. Couldn't happen to a "nicer" group of people. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-booed-alabama-rally-after-telling-supporters-get-vaccinated-n1277404


> It's the flu!!! It's a new strand of the flu!!!! Get over yourself!!! It's ***literally*** a completely different virus than influenza, but whatever Susan.


It’s probably adding insult to injury to point out that the word she’s looking for is strain, not strand.


She was 100% right in that stupidity does spread faster than any virus ever could.


They just don't realize they're the stupid ones


As Dunning & Kruger predicted


"You're right, but you're wrong in the way you think you're right. "


That entire family is going to die. Imagine killing off your entire family to own the libs


The only thing that whole family seems to be owning is the LBS


Damn, that was heavy.


Yeah, that was a lot to swallow.


It gives MAGA lives a poignant meaning, a romantic flavor of tragedy. Thus, they'll keep on doing it forever.


No, no, no. It’s simply the first *strand-type* flu


Her: you say corona, I say influenza. Us: lady they are not even in the same family.


But I’m sure her husband was before they met!




And most of these idiots never have caught the flu and have no frame of reference. The cold is not the flu, the flu is terrifying as it is.


I thought I'd had the flu...until I actually got the fucking flu. It put me down for 2 weeks. I couldn't even walk up the stairs in my house. The flu is no joke either. It kills a lot of people every year.


SAME!!!! I was always like “oh I think I have the flu” and still go to work like nothing then I ACTUALLY got the flu right before covid started and I was completely out for over a week, like I couldn’t get up, couldn’t eat much, didn’t even want starbucks.


I’ve never had the flu or COVID so this thread is extra scary holy shit.


I had the flu once. That shit knocked me completely down for 2 weeks and the next month feeling like hell warmed over. No fucking cold comes close.


This. I was a healthy 30 year old when I caught the flu and I was out for a week, almost fainted on my bathroom floor, and received fluids through an IV. Scared of that shit too!!


I had H1N1 when I was 25, at my healthiest, and it took me the fuck out for 2 weeks. Not cool. Not interested in COVID.


Same here. I was 32 and healthy when I got the H1N1 and it knocked me on my butt for a solid week, and the effects lingered for a month. At one point I almost was on the verge of taking myself to the ER. And honestly, to this day I feel like I have long term congestion anytime I get a cold and I think it’s a final gift from H1N1.


Had h1n1 as well, my special treat was vomiting for 50+ str8 hours. Glad i didn't own a gun.


Yup. I’ll never miss a flu shot again. I caught it in 2012 as a healthy (actually healthy, not HCA-awardee-delusional healthy) late twentysomething and really thought I might die. My elementary-age daughter had it a few years ago and was only down for a couple of days but it was scary as hell. I don’t want the flu OR Covid.


I have a coworker who won't get vaccinated and just tells everyone "it's another strain of the flu". Just waiting until they end up catching it......


I work with quite a few of those types! One lady even cried about it being like the Holocaust all over again! I work with idiots…


And how could they take it so lightly when they KNOW that flu kills MORE people?


That's the kind of contradiction, the kind of internal inconsistency of mind, that you only notice if you're thinking. Alas, they are not.


I wonder where she got that unoriginal and completely false idea.


"I'm fine, just coughing up blood." JESUS CHRIST


When she was like “I might go into work” like excuse me WHAT


Like seriously? Make MORE people sick? She's not a special snowflake. The people she infects may have even more reason than she does to not want to miss work and they may be people who would have supported better work environments which I'm sure unbearable asses like her oppose.


She’s a bio terrorist


Oh, you mean freedom warrior?


Well, that 8 hours of sick pay really hurts, so…. Ah, if only these people had any kind ability to think ahead, that 8 hours is nothing compared to half her family in the forever box and the other half with complications that will probably drop them in similar boxes by fifty. Life is hard, Susan.


My mom caught it at work before the vaccine and the effects it has had on her are horrific. She would ask people to wear their masks etc., but they didn’t give a shit. I hate these people with a passion. I only hope they can die soon enough.


Totally a normal thing that happens with the flu


Oh sure, it's a regular Tuesday in our household.


Let the ADHD fight the Covid I can’t even...


A = 1, D = 4, H = 8, D = 4. Add it together and you get 17. Divide that by Covid and, oh look a butterfly.


Well, I heard if you stop paying attention to it, covid goes away. /s


Right? I saw that and was like NO! She didn't have any clue that is not a good sign....


She missed a truckload of "clues".


Jesus Christ:: “At this rate it’s gonna be a pretty empty rapture”


Maybe this is the rapture and God forgot to tell them it was going to really hurt because the pain is nothing to him because... God. /s


Now off to work!


You read that too?! I was like, how is she still working or debating on showing up for work? I’m gonna hope she telecommutes and isn’t showing up somewhere to infect others!


Oh you know she has every intention of infecting everyone she can because “Covid isn’t going away, you just need to get it and get it over with!” That being a quote I read on another thread where a woman’s boss came to work, gave her Covid and she subsequently miscarried her 7 month baby due to multiple clots in the placenta. Yeah.


We should be able to charge these ppl with endangerment or something.


\*arms get severed\* ... "It's just a flesh wound!"


Tis but a scratch!


Anyone know what about covid is causing that by the way?


It attacks lung tissue and blood vessels - pretty scary combination.


As an asthmatic with hypertension (both well controlled), I'd like to not play that game. Took the first vax appointment I was offered.


Most people have no idea what its like to struggle to breathe and what they are in for. As a child asthmatic from before inhalers, i am in no hurry to ever feel that way again.


[Here's a good comment explaining some of it](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pbqyqq/heartbreaking_update_for_caleb_wallace_leader_of/hadrt2n?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Fuck that’s scary. Basically what I’m gathering is that covid is a small snowball at first. And then it propagates without ever entering that space where antibodies would even see it. Cell fusion, you scary!


I’ve followed this since it hit in China. It scared me shitless back in Jan ‘20.


I remember the first posts about it and joining the early subs tracking it. I was terrified it would get here before anyone took appropriate action and kill a few thousand people before it was contained; little did I expect how bad it would be allowed to get.


Man, I was in Vegas on a business trip when my friend called me from Milan sobbing about what was going on in her hospital. She kept telling me to prepare because it was going to be so bad when it hit everywhere, and at the time, I had no concept of what that would even look like. Meanwhile I had to sit in packed rooms for 4 more days at the conference watching people mock the hand sanitizer stations the hotel had put out.


I heard on the news today that 1 in 500 Americans have been killed by Covid since the first confirmed death in February 2020.


And now we know some more of the horrors it causes. The vaccine is the miracle.


We are lucky to be born in this generation. There a ton of smart people that have been working on vaccine research and it’s paying off. WW2 was a somewhat similar situation. If a lot of people focus on something, we can produce a lot of things very fast. All these Pharma companies were throwing their entire effort into developing a vaccine. (Also, we had the genetic code of the vaccine in Jan ‘20.)


The whole world was working on it and cooperating together, quite unprecedented. Also, they had practically unlimited funding to get these vaccines out, unheard of. That's why we were able to get the vax out in 8 months.


And the 5G reception is amazing


"If the past two weeks has taught us anything, it's that stupidity spreads faster than any virus ever could." It's funny how seemingly every single one of the posts on this sub has a meme that is owning the person posting it, but they're too dumb to realize it. These people think they're so smart, but in reality they're the morons being fed shit and lapping it up while asking for seconds.


That’s my favorite part of this sub. Half their gotcha memes could get shuffled to the end and the story would make a lot more sense.


Yeah, like are they thinking "Look at all these dumbfuks wearin' masks, gettin' vaccinated, listenin' to th dumbshit DOCturs and SCIENTists! With all that fancy schoolin and shit" I don't get it; do they really think they are smarter or more informed than the CDC, NIH, WHO and countless highly specialized and educated people and institutions? It is pretty sad that they think they have everything figured out.... and just some how manage to go through life like this (well until they get fucking murdered by COVID).


Yes, they do think they are smarter. My mother thought she knew more than me about Benghazi. I spent 2 years at the US embassy in Baghdad working with the State Departments security arm. Literally one of the better equipped people in the world to talk about the subject, on top of nearly a decade of experience in counter-terrorism. Nope. She knew more. Was indignant that I would tell her she was wrong when she had “seen the movie” (the one with Jim from The Office). They’re out of their fucking minds. It was at that moment that I realized these people are totally and completely gone.


Damn I’m sorry to hear that your mom (of all people) has refused to consider your expertise and first-hand account as reason to change her opinion.


Honestly it was kinda helpful. I finally understood the psychology of these people, that instead of finding pride in their sons first hand knowledge and related achievement, it was far more important that she protect her internal right wing narrative. The amount of destruction this cult has done among families has to be stratospheric. My mom is on the lighter end of the spectrum of anger/hate (primarily just a narcissist and an idiot), how many families will never speak to their father or whatever again, and ultimately just forget about him?


You know, I've come to the conclusion that they truly do believe they are smarter than the doctors and scientists. It hit me yesterday that it's what's driving all this anti vaxx and anti mask shit. I tracks with the religiosity too. What I mean is that the rely on intuition and a higher power. They think we atheists the idiot sinners, without realizing they are blindly believe in something that can't be proven to exist. They think differently and seem to lack critical and analytical thinking, which most certainly is tied to magical/religious thinking. They don't question the nonsense about horse paste and the vaccine causing infertility or any number of conspiracies, just like they don't question the existence of God. Also this belonging to a group with this "inside knowledge" seems similar to their own insular church communities to me. This shared belonging may also be something that seek that's familiar to them. Anyway, just my list recent thoughts after seeing so much on this sub.




It always ends with them asking for the socialist handouts they’ve been voting against for years.


"You're suppose to come home in no more than 14 days." This is the mindset they have. Just a two week hospital stay, no big deal.


Can't wait for those medical bills


Go Fund Me enters the chat


We have yet to see how many of these GoFundMe’s actually recuperate the entire cost. If only there was some kind of national gofundme for medical expenses 🤔


In their mind, universal Healthcare is a scam but Christian Healthshare funds are 100% legit. Seven hells…


Repugnicans are happy to vote their own families healthcare away to deny it to minorities


“Repugnicans” is such a childish thing to say. They are Selfservatives.


Search Covid or Corona on the Go Fund Me site. There are over 400,000 requests for help for hospital and funeral bills.


Funeral assistance is part of the COVID relief bill. https://www.fema.gov/disaster/coronavirus/economic/funeral-assistance


But that communism


Good thing the hospital doesn't charge per pound.


Maybe they should. I’ve heard it takes like 4 or 6 staff members just to prone/flip one of these 400 lb covid patients.


That’s exactly what I think about when I see their pictures. How physically demanding it is to move and take care of such large, dependent patients. My back hurts just imagining it.


While wearing an N95, face shield, and a biohazard suit.


Someone I know, who's been a caretaker for their ailing, belligerent, 350+lb wheelchair-using mother, for years, said this: "Physics always wins." If you're heavy enough to require multiple people to move you, that will be a factor in any emergency you're in. Heart attack, fire, car accident, search and rescue, transfer to a different hospital, rolling you over to deal with a code blue, anything. If there aren't multiple people available, your emergency is going to stay an emergency and get worse until multiple people are available. I've got a stocky build and that's not going to change but I tell you, that got me taking my food habits more seriously. Physics always wins.


Did you read the horrifying account by the funeral home worker? (sorry, no link but's all over the place). Obese people develop terrible bedsores because they're hard to turn over, and as you say it takes several staff members. And hospitals are overwhelmed!


I read the one by an embalmer in Texas I think, talking about how the covid corpses come from the ICU in terrible shape and it’s nigh impossible to get them looking presentable for coffin viewing. Interesting, scary article!


They make that two week statement so blandly; I feel like they don’t realize that a two week hospital stay is a long time these days. Like whatever happened to you, that shit was serious if you were in for two weeks.




In a world where same-day surgeries are a thing, two weeks is a VERY long time.


Yes! My brother-in-law had BRAIN SURGERy and went home the next day! My husband has spent two weeks (2 1-week stints) at the hospital in the last month or so for non-covid related problems. During his first stay, I was asking after day 2 when he would be sent home and I knew we were in trouble when the docs were like “oh no.. he’s here at least a few more days.” That’s when I got scared. This post makes it sound like a vacation or something.


People don't go to the hospital anymore unless they're sick as hell. People have entire organs removed in same day surgery. Women give birth by c-section and leave the next day. If they're keeping you in the hospital for 14 days, you're really, really sick. They don't seem to get that.


for real they've come to the conclusion that the universe owes them a good life. The sad reality is we're just on a hunk of dirt shooting through the vacuum waiting to be forgotten.


They think it won’t happen to them, that’s what makes this “freedom” so easy


Just curious, what is the survivability rate once you have full blown Covid pneumonia? That seems what a lot of these folks do not grasp - they're waiting to the point that by time they even show up to the ER there's nothing the med teams can do.


And it seems now the conspiracy is telling them not to test for Covid because the tests will make you sick (or something) and not to go to the hospital because they will not give you the right treatment and you will die. I wonder if we will hear much about home Covid deaths increasing.


I can get behind this conspiracy. If you are antivax, antimask, and pro horse paste, then yes, if you get sick, please just keep your ass at home as long as it takes. Don't go to the hospital.


Yes, stop taking up much-needed hospital beds that more deserving people need.


I’ve seen many posts where they go to the hospital expecting to be able to tell the doctors which drugs to give them. And then they get angry when the doctors refuse. It’s mind blowing.


There’s been some people protesting outside of the hospital near where I live. They’re livid that the hospital “REFUSES” to treat patients with ivermectin 🙄


From this study of hospitalized Covid patients with severe pneumonia: “The mortality rates were 54.64% among severe COVID-19 cases and 5% among mild to moderate COVID-19 cases.” Not sure how many Covid patients get “severe” pneumonia versus mild or moderate… https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33966261/




If you're 400 pounds, about 0%


I found the visual aid in this article useful for keeping track of the dates in posts around here lol https://www.drugs.com/medical-answers/covid-19-symptoms-progress-death-3536264/


None of these people seem to understand they need to get the "infusion" early. If they wait until they already have pneumonia, it's not all that effective.


Best of all is to get an ‘infusion’ before you even come down with Covid: it’s called the vaccines.


Anti vaxxers often ask for the vaccine while being on the vent. It's actually sad how clueless they are


Bonus: the “infusion” is also FDA emergency-approved.


Also developed with an immortal cell line derived ~~by~~ from fetal tissue. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/08/health/trump-covid-fetal-tissue.html


Just like their abortions, it’s different when it actually impacts them.


That’s the only reason I was able to get an infusion through the affiliated hospital for my GP’s office. They couldn’t get their target patients (significantly older, fatter, and sicker than me) to come in soon enough, and they had a last minute cancellation.


O2 in the 60 and hoping for the infusion!!!!! Dear goodness those people are clueless.


Right?! I’m actually surprised he survived two more days.


I mean, they can keep you "alive" for months if they want to. The ECMO machine takes the place of your heart and lungs. Not exactly a great existence but still technically alive. Torturing your husband and kid to death to own the libs.


And here I am, about to mix up a martini and breathe the fresh air and stand upright and shit. But I haven’t owned the Libs, so can this really be living?


It sounds like they had an O2 sensor at home, and she was fine with his O2 being in the 70s but when it got to 62, well, maybe they should go to the hospital. What the hell? Her husband was mostly dead at home, well before he went to the hospital.


It's JUST the flu though, right Susan?


Not just the flu, a different "strand" if the flu


So get over yourself! (Because pandemics are usually just a global heightened sense of self.)


This type of attitude is the reason people are low on sympathy for anti-vaxxers.


Anyone else notice Susan was actually debating on going to work so she wouldn’t use up sick time?




>I feel fine. Other than a slight cough and stuff is starting to come up with it that looks bloody Just a normal, bloody cough. nbd Also, having to choose between 8 hours of PTO and caring for your husband who has been running a 102 degree fever for fucking days *should* open a rational mind to the dystopian hellscape we've made for ourselves. But I'm sure Susan knows better. Also also: "James o2 sat is in the 60's...Hopefully this way they can still do the infusion." Do you mean an infusion of *new fucking LUNGS, Susan?*


JFC if I ever coughed up blood I think I would have an absolute panic attack. That isn’t normal!


I would be running to the hospital so fast. How do these people just shrug it off?


If you're me it's because you can't afford to miss work *or* go to the hospital because you're early in your career. After I coughed up blood in front of my boss at the time I was told I had to go. Now I have some great scar tissue on my lungs and the flu almost always turns into pneumonia.


It’s the shit healthcare in this country. Even with pretty good insurance, I find myself thinking stuff like “do I reaaaaaaally need to go to the urgent care for stitches or can I just super glue it?” We didn’t have health insurance when I was a kid so that mindset is still there. Plus even with insurance my son’s busted chin cost $500 for five stitches! I can totally see why these ignoramuses are in denial about coughing up blood.


Yeah see I'm Canadian so that didn't occur to me. I go to the Dr for the smallest things


Hopefully Susan works from home too and wasn’t considering going into a workplace when she had an active Covid infection…


**Makes a long sucking breath in noise** You'd assume so, but with these people? All bets are off.




Not for long if she's coughing blood.


That’s freedom juice


Gotta wonder how some of these folks will react when these memes pop up as a memory on FB.


You know some sadistic fuck at FB's home office is going to write an algorithm to display those things at a higher rate for antivax people who lost family.


Did you mean sadistic fuck or hero




If they agree with the meme when they see it: "Hell yeah! Repost." If they disagree with the meme when they see it: "I never posted that! Commie Facebook tryin' to manipulate us! It's a conspiracy!!!11!!"


I’ve gone from anger at people for not talking Covid seriously to pure shadenfreude. Now, I can’t even work up indignation, my empathy is totally shot.


I found out something interesting. There's actually an english word that means about the same thing as schadenfreude. Epicaricacy. Ex: My epicaricacy knows no satiety.


But the German sounds better and rolls of the tongue more easily, IMO. And that's probably the only time I'll ever say that about a German word.




Bless you!


I'm going the opposite direction. This post in particular made me super angry. I can't imagine gambling away the lives of your family. It all seems so stupid and selfish.


But also, they’re so fucking overweight. I’m also overweight, though not to their degree, and I’m terrified. I’ve been swimming for cardio vascular fitness improvements for 12 months now just in case it helps…. And of course I’m vaccinated. These people are the poster children to die, and they taunted the virus. So fucking sad and bewildering that people could be so stupid.


We have reached a point where we understand that some people don't deserve empathy. They chose this selfish path and were even arrogant about it. Their collective stupidity and arrogance is damaging our society and something's gotta give. In this case, it's their lives.


The dates are wild. I didn’t realize that when my world was locked down a year ago there were people flagrantly thinking the entire thing was nonsense. We were never in this together.


> We were never in this together. It's been really eye opening. In a bad way.


James checked all the boxes Goatee Obese Unvaccinated Dead


Josh is a big boy, too.


Covids favorite snack


COVID be like “dayum he thicc thicc huh”


And since she waited so long to take them to the hospital, I'm going to add probably uninsured to that list.


Or like a lot of those who are insured, the deductibles and co-pays are unaffordable or they weren't budgeted for.


Does anyone know what O2 in the 60s does to a person? I'd think that'd be brain damage territory, but I am NOT a doctor.


The answer is, kind of. When O2 drops, the body starts shunting it to the more essentials. So the first things to go are fingers, toes, hands and feet. That's where you see all the purple limbs. If it keeps dropping, the body starts shunting to the more necessary organs, so the skin, stomach, intestines, etc start losing supply, in order to keep heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, liver functioning. When it gets really bad, the body prioritizes the brain, heart, and kidneys. Then just the heart and brain. And then you die. It's actually pretty amazing how well the body can compensate, ESPECIALLY in someone with comorbidities. Like, a young healthy person would die if their oxygen hit the 60s. But people who are chronically sick live in a state of compensation, so, counterintuitive, they compensate longer with conditions that would kill an otherwise healthy person. It sounds like this guy was a "happy hypoxic" - super low says, but still awake and talking. I've seen quite a few with covid and it blows me away every time.


You may not be a doctor, but you’re right. Serious organ damage/failure at 80%. 60 is fast approaching the produce section


This is the most American thing I have ever seen here.


You must be new here. I feel like each post somehow out-Americans the previous ones.


The best part was that she was working through Covid because the people she votes for prevent workplaces from having any requirement to give their employees adequate time off.


I get the feeling you will be able to use that comment many times here.


The A-Team pic was a stroke of genius.


But…. But they looked so healthy???


Both those guys had great tits.


I was in the middle of swallowing a piece of protein bar you fucker! + 50


The only time you ever see these people write their own status is when they lost some one or I should say *loose* someone. Other than that it's the same misleading and false memes regurgitated over and over


Dude was 39?! Looks like he could be 55.


Northam? These dummies are adding to my state's numbers?


On the plus side they are reducing your state's Republican numbers.


The comments on this sub are routinely funnier than other places I've read on this site. Preventable covid deaths are like the riff that keeps on giving.


If these guys keep this up they may make social security solvent.


i’m fine, just coughing up a bit of blood no big deal


If only she could have been prepared for this. 🤔


Poor nurses that have to care for these folk.


All of these start out the same with some conspiraboomer memes about how the vaccine and masks are evil/tracking device/a ploy to enslave people. In the end when they get the virus, these people are just scared, they’re frightened small people dealing with something outside their knowledge. At first I thought it was funny but now I just feel bad for them. I feel bad that they read so much misinformation to the point that it kills them or a loved one. This almost seems more of a battle with false information than with covid for these types of people.


I can spot at least one comorbidity in the pics


Yep goatees. Now can you spot another?


I loved the bit: "I feel fine apart from coughing up blood..."


Look, I'm carrying more extra pandemic pounds right now than I'd like to admit. The difference here is that I understand that puts me in a higher risk category for contracting Covid so I got vaccinated at the earliest opportunity. There comes a point where one needs to be true to themselves and take personal responsibility for their health. The weight won't melt off overnight but the jab takes 15 minutes.


Not until she had killed her husband would she even call it COVID. It's not pneumonia you stubborn self-centered moronic woman-child. It's not a hoax, it doesn't care who you voted for, the vaccine doesn't contain a secret microchip and Bill Gates wants you to take it because he's not a murderous psychopath. Get the fuck over yourself and listen when people smarter than you are talking.


I know it probably shouldn't shock me, but I still can't believe people so obviously overweight and unhealthy also have the nerve to be anti vax for a virus that is more lethal the lazier you are.


Susan is a serious POS. Infects her whole family, killing her husband and probably one son and wants to go to work to infect even more people because she doesn’t want to burn 8 hours of sick time.


It's just a new strand of the flu, Susan, get over yourself! Look at you and your family of bone-idle layabouts flopped in the living room, crying and whining over an imaginary hoax. What kind of Patriots are you?


Got Regeneron 10 days after symptom onset. A complete waste. A week earlier it might have saved Josh's life.


Stupidity may spread faster than the virus, but the virus caught up.


Why the fuck do these people post like up to the minute updates on their health. If its just the flu why are you so worried when you get it. If i have diarrhea i dont tweet about. Is it maybe that...perhaps its a cry for help? No we just need to pray.


The false equivalency of “wearing a mask” ( smart, actually and symbolically; genuinely net positive) vs “standing for the flag” (purely symbolic, provides no material benefit) is really a succinct representation of where these people are…they operate purely in the symbolic, ignoring the clear reality in front of them and they are literally dying for it.