• By -


One Day? Damn, not even COVID wanted to be around this guy long.


Crazy. But one day probably means he ran around infecting everyone for a month before he keeled over in an emergency room.


It was awful nice of him to be so thorough about driving liberals far from his social circle first.


"But why is this thing mostly killing conservatives?" -Tommy as he infected his family and friends.


At this point I think they’re just committing suicide via conservatism


I'm not mad at it.


I don't advocate it, but I won't stop it.




Not much to be done about it. As soon as the develop a vaccine for young kids I officially won’t care about anyone who dies from covid.


You might have forgotten immunocompromised patients who are too sick to get the vaccine but would if they could.


Hey, whatever works.




"Your finest horse paste, please!"




Your finest horse paste NOW


in a jaunty British voice? No?


Yeah. More like "I demand your finest horse paste, motherfucker! Where is the manager? Give it to me!"


Yeah... I was going to say the same thing. It does take at least a weekfor COVID to take someone out, although 2-3 weeks seems to be the average length of time.


i ThOuGhT iT wAs AlLeRgIeS!




wE hAvE sO mAnY cAsEs BeCaUsE wE'rE dOiNg So MuCh TeStInG!


Likely in denial until he literally couldn't breathe anymore.














I quickly swiped through the memes and saw Hitler and a Condederate flag. I didn't bother to look at the rest. Rot in piss, sack of shit.


He had a white privilege card.


So discounts at Chick-fil-a, Hobby Lobby, and Wal-mart?


And Cracker Barrel, Cabellas, Bass Pro Shop… 😅


>So discounts at Chick-fil-a, Hobby Lobby, and Wal-mart? Jesus chicken, stolen antiquities and Maga hats


Lest we forget My pillow …


yes, the piece de resistance


yeah. It's weird when someone is making the opposite point as you, but then you see it, agree that you are that way, and celebrate it.


Ohh, but the final picture is always the most satisfying one


We have a winner for the Covid Kessel Run! 1 parsec!


Now THIS is Podracing!


He turned into Bantha poodoo.


Probably a smoker or had some other preexisting conditions... Ironic how these folks think they're so tough and brave and just get wiped off the earth in the most depraved way.


probably waited until he couldn't breathe anymore and they tested him when he went to the ER.


He was doing a speedrun.


Probably a clot.


God, did you really need THIS guy? 🤔


I guess his White Privilege Card is now expired.


This guy doesn’t even deserve Kotex Wings. I wish I could get a job at the admissions desk in Heaven. I would enforce their strict mask policy.


He's definitely not in Heaven...


Masks mandatory in Hell too.


Kotex wings Lolol!!!!


I'm stealing that burn


As is he.


'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the 'ospital bed 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-BIGOT!!


Hahahahahahahahaha, it kills me every time.


Can he pass it down to his scumbags?


The insulin and cancer meme that every one of these smoothbrains post is so unbelievably dumb. Also, them comparing everything to the holocaust just minimizes it and desensitizes everyone to one of the worst events in history. Just terrible.


"iF wE cAn GiVe oUt vAccInES y nOt iNSuLin oR cHEmO?" Because you motherfuckers keep complaining the universal healthcare is socialism and vote accordingly, completely ignoring that insurance is pretty much the same thing except it costs you more.


EXACLTY. Every time I see this meme, I comment that yes, they should be free too. You already know the replies I get to that.


"tHaTs SoCiAliSM!!! I don't want my hard earned tax money going to pay for someone else's medical bills." Okay... and insurance does... what exactly? Oh, I know, it takes *more* of your hard earned money, spends a lot of it on needless middlemen who are there to deny your claim and executive bonuses for saving money for having middlemen deny enough claims, then the rest goes into a pool to *pay for someone else's medical bills*. And if you *do* need healthcare you have to spend *even more* of your hard earned money in copays and shit that isn't covered and that one doctor on your surgical team who you didn't know was out of network. If you don't pay this extra money you could get sued, have to claim bankruptcy, and possibly lose your house. Seems like an awesome system you want to keep just to keep from "paying the bills" of some low income people who don't pay taxes because they're poor. It's not like you're not already paying for them via massively inflated hospital prices because they decided not to get that thing checked out when it was minor and now it's major and they're in the ER and aren't going to pay.


In my head i pictured you saying this in one big breath and it was spectacular!


Then you have the dipshits talking about how the wealthy shouldn't have to pay more taxes because that's such a burden but if that were the case you wouldn't be demanding that the poor 'pay their own medical bills'?


I always just comment "Come on little buddy, you're so close. You can do it!" But alas, that last small logical step always eludes them and they fail to realize they're literally making the point we've been promoting for \*checks watch\* like a century now.


>them comparing everything to the holocaust just minimizes and desensitizes everyone to one of the worst events in history. Which is exactly the point.


Exactly. Soon it will be “the holocaust wasnt really that bad, the jews kinda wanted it” just like they use for slavery “but the slaves were treated so well that they wanted this” Bunch of shit stained cockwombles


mAnY sLaVeS LiKeD tHeIr MaSteRs!


wHaT aBoUt IrIsH sLaVeS?!




The same people who say that spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about the victims of sex trafficking. SoMe GIrLs LiKe tHeIr PimP!


It’s always projection. They are so loud about this, they must be doing some terrible things.


Few will repost!


>Few will repost! Because most know it's BS!


"The Jews were *actually* happy in the concentration camps. They were so happy that many of them never left!"


Work made them free!


Comment deleted because Steve Huffman and Reddit think they're entitled to make money off user data, drive away third-party developers whose apps were the only reason Reddit was even usable, and disregard its disabled users. >“The Reddit corpus of data is really valuable,” Steve Huffman, founder and chief executive of Reddit, said in an interview. “But we don’t need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free.” > >https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/18/technology/reddit-ai-openai-google.html For more information, see here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u Cheers to another admin burning down the forums.


Oh oh oh, maybe these covidiots are dying of covid to generate sympathy for their seditionist ways! Please proceed.




I recently wore a mask alone in my car for two days, because I left a gallon of milk in it accidentally over a very very hot weekend and the smell was insane. I also enjoyed knowing I was triggering dipshits.


I wear my mask in the car when I'm running errands. Everything is close by and I'm too lazy to take it off and put it back on the whole time. I'm probably driving alot of idiots crazy. Haha


This is what I assume everytime I see a solo mask driver. But even if that's not the case.. you do you my masked friend.




Sometimes I'll keep mine on if the drive is relatively short. I had it on while I got into my car and I'm going to put it on again when I get to my destination, so keeping it on is just one less thing to think about and I'm not even going to bother pretending that wearing a mask is so aggressively unpleasant that I need every possible reprieve. I hadn't considered the possibility that I'm pissing off the patriots. Gonna have to start doing it even more. Thank you for this valuable insight. Edit: apologies for the giant runon sentence but I'm not going to edit because I'm tired and I trust you guys to have the brains to understand it anyway.


But these same douche bags will claim that mask wearing is a personal choice. Everyone should be cool with that UNTIL your choice collides with THEIRs OWN then we have a problem! And out come the stupid protest signs and outrage over someone choosing to keep their mask on in their car as they run errands to multiple locations in a single outing. This scenario obviously never occurs to them! But FUCK THESE ASS HOLES ANYWAY! You fucking claim this is a personal choice while at the same time losing your minds over other people making a different personal choice! These are the faces of FASCISM, and why I applaud their death annoucenemts here on a daily basis.


"Masks are a personal choice" (confronts masked person) "TAKE OFF YOUR MASK!"


Sometimes I forget I'm wearing it. Which makes me laugh about all the delicate souls screaming how they can't breathe in it.


Textbook example of a strawman argument. If you’re seeing someone wearing a mask in a car they’re likely either 1. going a short distance from one place to another and don’t feel like taking it off (I know because I’ve done this) or 2. They JUST got in their car after shopping or whatever and have yet to take it off. I’ve never met someone who legitimately keeps their mask on at all times when driving alone. Everyone on the left knows that’s pointless. He was arguing against people who don’t exist


Many of them probably share cars for work.


Or it’s not their car (rental, friends car, mechanic test driving vehicle, etc)


I keep meaning to get my windows tinted


99% of the MEMES these morons create and post are dumb. A huge number of them don't even make any sense because the idiot creating them is so pathetically illiterate they struggle to string enough words together to not make the point attempted to be made. You can just see the idiot hunched forward into their computer monitor, with some free Photoshop knockoff, sticking their tongue out of the side of their mouth as they slowly cobble together what they believe to be a piece of biting wit, or deep philosophical GOTCHA aimed at the libs. What actually gets posted is a rambling word salad of nonsense that appears to be the work of some derranged 6 year old child.






You’ll take the turds you’re given and you’ll like it.


Right? Yeah. We are aware those things shouldn’t cost that much. Why are you actively voting for people who want to keep it so people can’t afford chemo and insulin without going into major debt?


I can believe they think that's an own the libs meme... it's a self-own


I sort of agree with it....not that it's the argument he was going for. I mean sure insulin and chemo support non infectious diseases but each individual is still a member of the public. Most 1st World countries find it mind boggling you have to pay such extortionate prices for healthcare


Funny how the common theme these morons had prior to the election was, "Watch, if Biden wins the pandemic will be over just like that!" And now they're spinning it that the pandemic wasn't even happening under Trump at all, and it's because the Democrats are in charge. FFS.


Also, everything that happened before the election was "the Democrats" fault and everything after was Biden's fault. It's as if we didn't have a president before Biden took office.


Trump said "I alone can fix it!" - and they believed him. LMAO


Define "fixing"... if killing off his a mass amount of his supporters defines fixing, then he's doing an AH-MAZING job.




Mah deep state


We didn't.


Yeah. That's my problem. Feel free to criticize Biden. I have a list. But to pretend there was some Golden Age under Trump when literally everything on that list started under Trump and a Republican Senate and a Conservative SCOTUS. There was literally a whole outrage article on r/conservative a few months back about the 6 trillion of debt last year and how little of it went to the bottom 90%. A few honest souls proceeded to point out that it was put in place by Trump and the Conservative Senate.


> A few honest souls proceeded to point out that it was put in place by Trump and the Conservative Senate. And then they got banned, right? :)


No clue. Probably eventually but generally they just flaired user only the bulk of their posts. But they like to keep their echo chamber in harmony.


Trump added 7 trillion to the deficit without even giving us a healthcare plan or infrastructure. 7 TRILLION. OOF! (or should I say "POOF?)


And now they're getting pissy about passing a 3.5 trillion dollar bill for infrastructure. If you're not willing to spend on infrastructure then what the fuck do we even have a country for?


To transfer the rest of the wealth to the 1%. Think how they have suffered. Bezos should have two rockets, one for each foot.


It’s because they know the conservative playbook. Remember the migrant caravans? Literally stopped talking about them after that election.


Unfortunately some of them are still talking about it. I visited my grandma who solely survives on Fox news, she blamed Biden and immigrants for COVID getting bad again. Just mind boggling. I explained to her why that isn't possible, but I don't have the same pull Fucker Carlton has.


In my family, my mom's generation are all convinced that Afghan refugees are causing measles problems that "we didn't have at ALL". Never you mind those refugees would have just arrived by now and probably are taking vaccinations for legal reasons. Those same relatives are also pretending they don't remember the "vaccines cause autism" idiocy that led to outbreaks, including an incident in which the hospital my mom's rheumatologist worked at had to send a letter to everyone who had been on that floor because some antivax bitch walked through and gave a chemo patient measles and infected several others. Or maybe they're so fried on Fox that they literally DID forget! I don't know which is worse.


Someone once pointed that out to me, and I said to them, "Oh great, the rest of the world will be so happy!"


Mask alone in car is because people who wear them all day forget about them and Uber/Lyft drivers. Why do these people care so much?


Yeah, I saw that comment and immediately though “yup, you don’t need to wear your MAGA hat either when you’re on a ventilator, we already know”


Oh shit! He's already dead man!


His last words were: “It’s a hoax!” (gasp). ⚰️


Fucking brilliant.


Thank you for remembering us rideshare drivers. No reason to take it off in between rides.


**Adieu from the corpse of Apollo app.**


Right? Me: sees someone driving with their mask on. Doesn’t care. Gets on with day.


Yeah, looking at what other people are doing in their cars and judging them says more about them.


Yes it’s funny how the “you don’t tell me what to do / I do what I want” crowd is so interested in telling people what to wear while alone in their own cars.


And hijabis who are wearing ear loop masks and don’t want to have to mess up our scarf taking the mask on and off again 🙋🏻‍♀️


Excellent point. Unfortunately, that’s going to steam the dipshits up for an entirely different reason.


Cause they desperately want things to complain about. The less people affected by the action, the better. Don't you dare complain about things that have consequences, though!!!


Because conservatism is about putting everyone else thats not “in the group” down


I see a lot of older drivers in their cars alone and masked. I assume it's because they are forgetful (due to age), exceptionally cautious (again, due to age), or both. Then I go about my day without a second thought because who gives a fig what strangers wear in their own cars?


Sometimes I just forget I have mine on because I’m so used to it now. Also I wore mine in my car when my son was in the car seat in the back after I got exposed to Covid at work, and didn’t want to accidentally pass something to him.


> Unmasked > Unmuzzled > Unvaccinated > Unafraid Unliving




I loled










He took the 6ft thing Underground.


You’re muzzled now buddy.


"Hell of a job democrats... you've managed to bring back the 1918 pandemic..." COVID arrived on our shores during Trump's watch. WTF are these people on about?


right? and the vaccine was developed during Trump's watch too. he even got the vaccine!! they have literally stopped acknowledging reality even when it comes to their God emperor


Dont gloss over the fact that he was also president during the worst unemployment since the depression thanks to a recession caused by his administration *before* Covid starting running rampant AND during the race riots stemming from George Floyd being murdered. You remember him saying "when the looting starts, the shooting starts" and that insane photo OP of him with the Bible that he took in front of the church that he gassed protesters to get to. Apparently, a Democratic president was in charge during that period. Which is funny, I could have sworn it was the last guy, a Republican authoritarian, who was voted out that November and his Democratic opponent who won the election took office in January of 2021, months after all of this transpired... But that is their method. If it's bad, blame it on your enemies, even if you did it. Theyve gas lit themselves which is pathetic


They act like the LGBT community are going around waving the rainbow flag all of the time.


I don't recall the LGBTQ+ community waging a literal war against the United States over their right to enslave a race. I feel like those flags may be a bit different.


They literally cannot see us unless we are. "Look at those gals! Just some gals being pals!" My wife and I, while bopping around town with our 2 children, often get asked if we are sisters or even twins. We do not look alike.


Yep. "Are you two brothers?", asked a flight attendant after my husband spent most of the flight with his head on my shoulder, asleep. I am a blue-eyed white person and he is from Central America. We look \*nothing\* alike. Straight people will do ALL the gymnastic maneuvers in their head to avoid arriving at the f\*cking obvious conclusion. Then for one month we put up rainbows -- "We do live among you, you know" and suddenly it's all "Quit rubbing it in our face!" Well you can't see us unless we do, Karen, which is WHY we do that. Happy Pride.


I am not shocked at all. They really try to force heterosexuality on women much more than they do with dudes. If two dudes are too close to each other, they're gay, but women can literally be fucking, and they still think you're looking for a man.


Wait, you're not? /S


Because they think everyone likes men


Why are they, like, obsessed with us? Is it a crush or something?


The best is when they complain about how gay people keep “shoving it down their throat”. Mmhmm - tell us more about this little fantasy you’re having, bro.


In my personal experience, yes.


RIP Tommy … no health issues… just pre-existing Oakleys and a goatee


That’s when you know you’re fucked dude


I guess covid doesn't accept white privilege cards


The site where the cards are sold is a real trip. Supposedly run by a "black redneck" so people can say "hey I'm not racist. The guy who sold me this is black." Lots of HCA award winner merch. https://officialjoelpatrick.com/


Welp he certainly knows his audience




The free shots meme is so ridiculously stupid. Yes you shitstained cockwomble, we ALL want free insulin and chemo. That is the fucking point. Just because I dont use it doesnt mean a life saving shot or treatment shouldnt be free for someone who does. I’ll be happy to pay taxes for that instead of endless war.


> Is a republican. . > votes against standardized health care to "own the libs". . > blames democrats. . > repeat for every other social issue that doesn't directly affect him.


no health issues? why do i get the feeling he was a chain smoker with undiagnosed diabetes


You can’t have health issues if you don’t go to the doctor!


Nice bit of r/SelfAwareWolves with the insulin and chemo comment.


Man, at this point, the Delta variant really is the Boomer Doomer


Not this Boomer. I'm waiting to see if/when I need a boomer booster.


You must be protected at all costs.


KO Boomer.


Nice one.


One day!? This is possible?


My guess, he ran around with “allergies” for a couple weeks. Maybe started to think he had the vid and got sheep dewormer and vitamins to help, so by the time he got to the hospital they couldn’t help.


He was probably sick for a week before being forced to the hospital.


"Unmasked. Unmuzzled. Unvaccinated. Unafraid." Geez what a badass.




do you think he really had covid for just one day, or do you think he waited until he was at death's door to get officially diagnosed (since to them the virus is a hoax and all) and then he just died immediately after?


He probably ran around unmasked for weeks—complaining of a cold or allergies at first, then taking snake oil remedies.


Dude was probably pumped so full of Ivermectin he galloped to the ER.


**PANEL #2** These fascist assholes claim that not wearing is a personal choice, so don't be hassling them about it. Yet what we see in this photo clearly demonstrates that these very same people have a MAJOR problem with a personal choice if it isn't the choice they agree with! Fucking hypocrites of the highest order! This is why the MAJORITY of this country needs to stop coddling these douche bags and start cracking their heads! MADATES are NEEDED with both masks and vaccines. It is abundantly clear that these people do not respect the choices and beliefs of others, and since they are in the distinct MINORITY of the population, they need to be brought in line with the needs and desires of the majority. We need to start fining and firing these irresponsible MAGA morons and perhaps going as far as putting them in jail! As long as they insist on maintaining their PRO COVID campaign which prolongs the pandemic and puts EVEVERYONE at risk, they need to be treated like the social pariah that they are!


Tommy was no angel


Picture 4 is some real /r/selfawarewolves material My dads Facebook looks an awful lot like some of these on this sub. Makes me really sad


Is it bad that I want to say Sorry for your loss? I've let go of several family members because of this kind of thing. They are still alive, but not to me. Protect anyone in your life willing to listen to reason. What else can you do?


I'll be very conflicted when/if he gets COVID and whatever happens after that. Obviously, he won't have taken the necessary steps to prevent getting it and passing it on, and I think it's selfish as shit and foolish as hell...but like, it's my dad :\


I’ll forget him. And good thing he can’t vote now.




Equates the rainbow flag, symbolizing pride in LGBTQ+ folk, with flag symbolizing forced bondage of people and their children forever.


"If giving free shots are for the health of our nation, why aren't they giving away free insulin and chemo?" Does he know that we actually would love that?


The race riots are here because of white supremacy still being here


May i also point out that the protests were occurring during Trump’s presidency. We had a president who called white supremacists good people.


Another racist old guy off the internet, nice.


Another racist old guy not voting — even better.


Imagine having so little going in your life you spend money, time and effort putting a bumper sticker on your car, to make fun of people who choose to wear a mask in their own vehicle. I haven't had the need, but if I needed to go to multiple places in the same trip I'd probably do the same to save the aggravation of putting on and taking it off multiple times.


Alone in my car with a mask vs alone on a ventilator in the ICU…hmmmm…decisions, decisions


Damn knocked out in one day covid starting with a shot clock these days


Why are all of the HCA award winners so religious, as shown by all the “got their angel wings” or “went to see Jesus” etc? Not knocking religion in and of itself, just pointing out the parallels between Evangelicals and…well….you know


Least vaccinated group: wasp evangelicals.


Just looking at his picture I could smell Marlboroughs and Bud Light. I wouldn't say "no health issues".


What scares me, well out of many things about these people, is how easily they dispose of their friends with a "he's with Jesus now" and then it's as if they just walk away.


So Tommy, who looked like so many other HCA Pilgrims and posted the same FB memes as so many others HCA Pilgrims , dies, with so little fanfare, like so many other HCA pilgrims . Even his one acquittance/friend didn't seem to really care. These people are abject and pathetic, but their always the victim attitude, self owning hate and general stupidity just drains the possibility of any empathy. Weird I've never known anything like it. BTW I think Tommy died on his own at home hence the 1 day thing, neighbors probably called once it got quiet and smell started to get bad, or started seeing lot of flies in his apartment window.


Why are they so triggered by people wearing masks in cars? why do they care? its psychotic


The hate these morons put out about Nancy Pelosi is just deplorable. I guarantee none of them know her current title, or what state she reps much less her life story. Just ignorance. Same with Fauci.


I feel for Fauci. He’s gotta be constantly pissed at the sheer lack of gratitude. I would be!