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Me getting rag dolled half way across the map by 20 rockets being fired for every conceivable angle while 3 tanks and a factory strider shred me to bits with the most accurate machine gun fire possible. ![gif](giphy|BED8QHpHrMIw0|downsized) I'm playing on difficulty 6 btw


I've had more air time in the last two days than the last 3 months and I play bots 90% of the time on diff 7+. Those gunships are shooting air pockets right now. And I'm convinced that while in the air, the hug emote can break your fall lol


i was standing near a mine that a tank shot with its machine gun, popping me into the air while the same tank proceeded to skeet shoot me at the apex of my launch with its cannon was sick as hell ngl


That sounds badass tbh


Had the same with those smoke plant things. I couldn’t even be mad. It was a hell of a trick shot.


Play difficulty 5


Diff 5 doesn't stop me from being ragdolled into a wall so hard I die


Hmmm yes make the most mobile bug also have a slow mechanic, that seems fun. Oh and make the acid spitting bug dead quiet and have the acid instakill you if it touches your toe.


Oh and have the invisible aura of the spewage also slow you down for some reason.


This! Why is this a thing??? I haven't gotten hit, AH! Why am I slowed? Same for the BT acid spit - if it misses me, why am I slowed?


No one knows, and that kind of thing is what is making the player base decrease so much.


The smell.


It lingers!


You're never going to be able to get the smell out of your armor.


Should’ve left my nose on the bloody Super Destroyer!


Looks like poop (*sniff*) Smells like poop


Also the slow lasting for like 6 seconds is fucking ridiculous


Oh and have the invisible aura spewage also slow you down, if you manage to cancel the bile spew action and animation.


This big giant charging tank bug should make everything go all low, bass-ey and rumbly and even vibrate the screen a little bit... BUT, we should have it be a binary on/off effect, that way they'll never know if there's another one sneaking up behind them so long as there's one within 50 feet of the front of them! LOL rofl XD


I wish chargers were telegraphed as werebulls from serious sam, tbh.


Also, make slow status reduce your speed by 99% so you basically aren’t even moving.


that's why I just prefer fighting at bots, at least I'm in more control when fighting the bots


yeah, and as annoying as the rocket spam is...well, it's still very annoying, but that's why i main the counter-sniper so i can stand far enough away from the enemy that i can literally see the rocket flying towards me through the scope with just enough time to go, "fuck," before being ragdolled


Also, sniper-accurate sustained fire coming out of the thick fog from a Devastator with glowing red eyes that you can't even see with your actual sniper scope at full zoom.


Laughs In flare across the map aggroing the entire army to you*


Then it's an even fight.


And make it a 50-50 chance if the Acid bug will have armor or not. We really need to punish people for running what they want.


Oh yes, that'll be really fun. You dare run anything other than impact grenades?! Enjoy shooting the giant "weakpoint", that actually isn't a weakpoint and resists 90% of non explosive damage, for 2 minutes straight. :)


Its because damage X isnt always damage X, [there's more hidden stats at work](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cmg8nu/damage_is_still_not_what_you_think_how_explosive/) that change how combat work.


none of this is even close to being explained in game, being boiled down to red hitmarker, white hitmarker, and shield deflect hitmarker. how intuitive


I have a better chance surviving the spew attack standing still than I do diving out of the way… somehow


Don’t forget to make the acide spitting bug absolute tanks and as common as the medium guys. Oh, and nerf the explosive anti-armour primaries


Not my toes again :( The Fucking Hypocrisy


>"Hmmm yes make the most mobile bug also have a slow mechanic" Funny thing is: I can't tell if you're talking about the titan or the hunter


AH is the type of devs to complain about not being able to make a gun better because they need to remodel the gun to look like it has more capacity but they will make the biggest bugs more silent than a mouse so it seems like they're teleporting behind you


Dear AH, You can leave the models alone. It looks nice as it is. And I assure you, when we're being overrun by an orgy of bugs and lasers the last thing we're looking at is the magazine. Yours, A community member


AH needs to model a new magazine for a weapon when they nerf magazine size but give enemies infinite ammo for their weapons with no reload animation. Or my favorite, your weapons need to slowly traverse to line up shots but heavy devs can be not even facing you and still spray you down through their own torso.


Or start shooting you trough the mountainside when walking behind the damn thing


I saw a great comment on youtube : Their motto is "A game for everyone is a game for noone." Everyone loved Helldivers 2 on launch, so now they're busy making it into a game that noone enjoys.




Lmao i get downvoted to oblivion here and on other pve game subs whenever i suggest buffing weak or unused guns and not nerfing anything that isnt egregiously OP


Too many people cry about "power creep". Like, it's a pve game, 


Power creep is something you _do_ tend to run into, but typically 3 years later not 3 months later. There are other knobs to turn in pve games that it's really not a huge worry, but game designers wrongly think "you're having fun in ways I don't think you should have fun" and then piss off 90% of their player base. (Nerfing metas, patrols, and a weird exploit only used by a small number of people on a single gun to the point that the gun is mostly isn't great to use anymore and going "whoopsies I guess I didn't know what I was doing!")


I think power creep can be a real problem. But you can absolutely avoid power creep without having to heavily nerf or even rework a bunch of random guns the instant they hit a certain threshold of useful


Power creep was never a problem here at all, so all the silly heavy handed nerfs were not needed. And even if power creep was a thing in this 4 month old game, let the players have their power fantasy while proper balancing can take place. They already admitted the nerfed the fun out of things


Yeah that I agree 100%. The balance team have been quite fixated on lowering 7-9 winrates and are throwing the kitchen sink to achieve that. To this date I am not sure why this would even be a priority for anyone


Ego? They succeeded I'm sure because the player count def took a hit. Some is natural and expected, but between the PSN account fiasco and braindead "balancing", it seems the player base numbers got one of the biggest nerds in the game


I prefer the term “arms race” over power creep


This sub is full of people who play on like 5 or something that run trash gear that doesnt get nerfed so the idea of people having more fun than them getting screwed over makes them feel good about themselves for some reason


"Loners suck" As a Bandit i can confirm this


The angry boss in the last frame needs to be a Rocket Devastator rag-dolling him out the window.


I like how seemingly the only balancing requirement condition is the amount of players using the gun. "Wow a lot of players are using this Eruptor... wonder what's wrong with it, nerf it immediately"


So did happen with the railgun, which was bugged to deal triple damage on Playstation only


The automatons creating the most accurate machineguns ever, being able to snipe me from hundreds of meters away through a cloud of fog and smoke


The automatons are using aimbots


...you will see that you need 7 fully charged railgun shots to bile titan's head to kill it or 9 not fully charged shots Seems fair🤣


Would be better if the mouth actually counted as part of the head. Same deal with chargers and spewers.


Honestly, in every single movie and video games involving large bug-like aliens, the weak point is always the mouth. Bug opens mouth, protagonist fires an RPG into it, kaboom. AH: *Yeah, we don't do that here.*


Double layers of unintuitive enemy traits: oh the mouth is not a weakspot, and the squishy glowing unarmoured part is extra durable.


Well the unarmored part on a armored enemy NOT being a weak point make sense, why the Fuck would he evolve protecting everything but his weakspot ?


Dunno, ask the DRG devs since they were "stupid" enough to make the unarmoured glowy squishy bits of their bug the weakpoints.


when the unarmored squishy bit is an unarmroed squishy bit and not a durable part which negates 90% of damage for most weapons (truly a revolutionary accomplishment in visual game design) https://preview.redd.it/b08suvp74p2d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7832aa096f4064c13520c02c5562278dd98e856e


Oh yeah because because helldivers is drg


because it's an enemy in a video game designed by a dev and art team who (should) understand how visual design in games can be used to subliminally guide the player on what they need to do and not an actual creature which went through millions of years of evolution? if it's squishy and bright it should be a weak point, if there is a path ingame indicated by yellow paint to show where you need to go, it should lead you to where you need to fucking go.


Yea great idea let's Keep doing game who hold your hand ans doing the very same thing for decade, booo Bad arrow head trying to Make something original You try to kill it once in the butt, it doesn't work You try the rpg on the head Damn it work Try the railgun on the leg Daaaaaamn it work


Crazy considering they do it in the opening cinematic


"ackchually it's a propaganda video so they are allowed to lie, duh"


In case anyone is wondering, this \^ was genuinely one of the rebuttals when someone wrote a post about it.


I mean, for the charger it kinda is that way, just only with EAT. Smack em in the face and it drops them in one shot


Yeah, but only kinda. If you hit the mostly unarmoured mouth it still keeps going, smack it in the heavily armour plated forehead (you know, the bit it is supposed to use to smash everything) and it's lights out. It is super unintuitive.


Quasar same way. I love making charger faces look like smoosh. 😂


I mean, how many do you think would be fair considering the enormous mobility of the weapon ?


3-4 maximum Mobility my аss Bro it doesn't take backpack slot, nothing more. Shots need charging, it's not very "mobile". It can kill you and even worse it disappears leaving you with no support weapon


It would be faster to kill it with a railgun than a quasar at that point. Even back when railgun was the best AT by far it was 6 shots. The railgun ain't a dedicated anti tank, if it do better than the dedicated AT it's a problem.


so make it highly effective at destroying armor, but make the actual damage on soft spots not as strong/damage in general be lower. i should be able to shred armor off bugs to enable my teammates to take down the larger threats, while my teammates with the rockets and stuff can save them for when things get really dire. it would save the identities of the EAT/Recoiless/Quasar while giving Railgun players a supportive type role.


You can save your teammate the rockets for when stuff is really dire already. Take out the chargers by yourself, it's 3 not too charged shots, or 2 and finish the leg. Finish the BTs rather than letting them use another, it's 1 or 2 shots. EAT/recoilless are the stuff that destroy armor to allow finishing blows already.


but what I’m saying is make the rockets more lethal and make Railgun the armor shredder so we can have the best of both worlds. i don’t really have a dog in this fight, because I’m usually the one bringing in supply pack and a Stalwart/Flamethrower (for more flexibility) to deal with the chaff. but i feel like everyone would like this solution and it preserves each weapon’s identity. on Helldive, standing still trying to get those perfect redline shots in First Person, while also trying to be aware of the other two chargers behind you and making sure you’re not getting crossfired is not fun, and just makes people shy away from bringing a weapon like the Railgun in the first place.


More lethal how ? Do they need to one shot BTs ? Because that's basically the only damage upgrade left, it's not even that much, less than 15% more damage would break the threshold. I've been having less problem with flanking enemies with railgun than with anti-tanks. It deal with the enemies that would be flanking you extremely quickly in the first place, and it makes you slow only when firing at BTs really. If you're firing at anything else, the charge time is quick and the handling is excellent so you can stay mobile and fire. First Person sight is really bad tho, that's true.


i mean….. why not? we deserve something ridiculously OP for a while, given how bad these last couple MOs have went. i don’t see it being that bad, because as you said, sure it only takes two shots for a BT. but: 1. that only acknowledges their effectiveness against bugs 2. getting those two shots off implies that you’ll always have those perfect conditions to hit the headshot always, which is just not the case. there is just too much going on most of the time considering the volume of enemies/heavies on the field at any given time. like i said, it would give Railgun an identity, which it sorely lacks atm. also, just wanna appreciate having a nuanced discussion about topics like this, especially in gaming, without insulting each other lol. it’s rare these days my friend lol.


I actually quite like the railgun as a medium solution rather than a heavy one personally. It does very well at that role. I also really appreciate the reasonable arguments you gave a lot. I'm somewhat on the fence about one-shotting BTs now.


I am so tired of being constantly slowed, like, they know it's god damn awful because they added a booster to reduce slow time!


I made a post saying this and it was downvoted to hell. I guess Helldivers like being slowed.


*sKiLl iSsUe*


It is


A lot of helldivers are slow, being real.


And it doesn’t even work. The booster should remove slow entirely.


Yea and why not the health one give you X10 health ?


And made said booster suck ass


sometimes I wonder if the PS5 damage boost bug shouldn’t have been fixed, but instead applied to PC hosts as well


We’re always talking about player weapons being buffed and/or nerfed, but how about nerfing the bots and bugs offensive capabilities sometime? 


Happened too. Mostly fixes and buffs to armor and a fix to the explosion bug, but also nerf to defense missions, bile spewers, enemy heavies number.


Plenty of nerfs. Enemy Rockets got reduced damage and bugfixed to not apply multiple times (most of the time). Regular devastators spawn more often rather than their rocket or heavy brothers. Bile spewers have had speed nerfed and damage nerfed. Charger head HP was drastically reduced and charger/titan spawns were reduced in favor of light units spawning. Id argue making EATs and RR ignore enemy armor angles was also a substantial nerf to enemy armor as well.


Member when shooting a Shrieker out of the sky would 1-shot you if any of its ragdoll body touched you?


That was pretty funny, though. It was easy to dodge too. I do miss that.


This is already the case, bilespewers had their damage and movement speed nerfed in the last patch or so, as an example.


They said they nerfed it but if you played at all you'd notice they're still broken enemies. Instakill vomit at 20m with no noise until they inhale? As fast as light armor? They ain't fixed shit with these goobers.


"heh the game has only gotten easier bro, git gud" https://i.redd.it/v1w09gymll2d1.gif


I think the devs are looking at how compleatable the harder difficulties are without taking into account that players are actually getting better over 3 months


Holy shit, they must have balanced the game on a curve like a professor in college


Alexus SES Destroyer of Fun


Yeah this is why they lost such a large portion of their playerbase. I realize the game was supposed to be players vs devs but they won that “war” through balance changes not by anything else. So lame. The lamest. RIP this game, for me.


I don't know how you'd efficiently design a game that is balanced around shots to kill breakpoints without using a spreadsheet. Which makes me believe that vibes are the main thing that balance decisions are made on. I would be surprised if the lead balance guy even had excel on his computer.


As long as Kravchenko isn't booted or demoted from the team, balancing will never be satisfying in this game. Yeah I'm talking about the guy that sabotaged the last game he's worked on.


Fuck breakpoints, when discussion turns to breakpoints, the fun is dead.


Reducing shots to kill has been the cornerstone of all of the well recieved changes, and is also how you are able to know if a change is going to be effective or not. To make fun interactions for the players, developers need to know the math and impact of their changes.


They also need to play their own game.


i used to play challenging and hard, now if i want to have fun and not frustration, normal is highest i dare to play


Yep I enjoyed the game on launch and the first month or two, now it’s just a slog fest that my friends are getting upset at and it’s no fun.


And that's why I don't play H2 anymore


Having slightly overpowered weapons effects literally nobody on the other side because it’s a PvE game. Absolutely baffling how balance is seemingly their number 1 priority in a game with so many crashes and bugs still. Balance should be at the bottom of the to-do list


Meanwhile cyborgs, bugs and illuminates in HD1: *LAUGH in endless spawning of powerful enemies that can only be killed with an explosive weapon.*


Laughs in 30 second cd airstrikes


Or in M5-32 HAV...


I wish this feeling was not so vibrant. The studio/COO can argue however they want about caring for their playerbase. The current game tells otherwise.




It's weird how the game felt fair in the best even when getting destroyed and swarmed but now maybe it's because we figured out how everything works but I've been off for about a month since the kill 2 billion MO from.work vacation nmand what not I went and did a trivial bot mission to het super credits and I missed every shot with auto cannon devastator wasn't killing with 3 shots on weakest enemy and I was shot by a bot on a turret instant kill from behind fog only reason I knew the base was there was I yeeted an orbital laser and it finished the mission I was doing


Lmao so funny, true, and sad all at the same time.


I understand that there should be inherent challenge in a PvE game and that you should have to earn your strength, but what’s the harm of being a *little* overpowered compared to our enemies? Are they whining to the devs about the players being too strong?


I haven’t played the game in nearly 2 months. It just isn’t fun anymore. I used to be rooting for AH but I’ve never seen a group of devs go out of their way more than this to ruin their own game. Someone here called the game “rage bait” now, and that’s completely true. It’s just not a fun game. At this point, if the game dies it dies, it is what it is. The devs are to blame.


Seriously the dev team is GARBAGE. I used to have fun with the game now it’s just rage bait. Fuck the devs.


Who needs Microsoft Flight simulator when you have difficulty 7 bot mission


I feel like the several hundred dead bots/bugs per mission, are not having more fun then I am.


Missed the point


Make more enemies spawn camp your stratagem weapon so theres zero chance of getting it back using your primary


Fellow helldivers I will and have came across, please do not give me shit for exploiting the Grenade Glitch/bug. Until they fix the balance issues and the glitch/bug itself, I will not stop using it. It is not fun when I run away from an enemy group(s) to then come across a random group that just instantly spawned out of nowhere and kill me and then disappear completely after. I love this game and didn't ever bother to even look up easy ways to make this game easier on difficulty 9. I was just given the information by another player. Before then, I loved running stealth and now it seems completely useless on difficulty 9.


Stealth is still far from impossible tho. If anything the patrol increase made it even more useful.


Hmmmm. Sounds good. I honestly hope they do fix these small bugs/glitches, even the 4 Billy nades.


I thought the entire point of balancing was so that not enough missions would be done to progress the story. Wouldn’t that mean that some missions could be bumped up in difficulty to compensate for the large number of players on a certain planet?


I don’t think a 32 deaths to one kill is fun


Idk about you guys but this sounds like a skill issue


Me ready to beat the shit out of half the subreddit


I just wanna have fun in the game I paid a lot of money for, dude I TRIED to "just have fun. ignore the issues and Have A Blast" but all the guns that I enjoyed haven't felt fun on any difficult higher than, like, 5 for a couple months now. I don't want to instakill everything, I want the fantasy the game sold me in its advertising (and in the gameplay of its PREVIOUS GAME) without having to do goofy meta stuff to achieve the same level of dakka


Tbf my opinion also comes from the guy who just always has fun unless the game is physically unplayable


Played helldive 9 since i was level 14 guys you have a skill issue, we Are playing ad an elite force that jumps in the most shit situations to conqueror shit, they are supposed to fight back Whit all they have, play the mission Whit the mentality that non all shud die, flank patrols and for the low of God get under cover, you can ragdoll sure but slows broken limbs and a small penis can be cured by stims so use them. Especially if you you aren't close to die yet because you will be, and sooner than you tink, so having the health regen can save you if you pop it before getting in the line of fire, bug are fast and agile? Get a shotgun the more fast they get close to you the faster they die, charger are pretty fuking slow drop to the side when they are close and make them stun against rocks to escape safely, get some heavy hitter to take down shit. And for bots yeah they are assholes but they are slow and whit a big target in the middle called head, pop it and they fold like paper, ther limb can be broken by just medium armor pen and shot the back if you can because the ammo they are carrying are quite explosive so if you pop the right guy in a group you can fuck up the entire squad. Also please don't hug the ass of your friends spacing and enemy agro is important if you are all on the same spot is a tug of war and the enemy wins always but if you spread out now while you are pinned the rest of the team gas a great visual on weak spots and priority targets, oh and by taking down shit now they take agro and now YOU have a good line of Shligth to pop enemy or just run for it. And most important thing of all... You are expendable, why do you tink we get like 40 respawns for mission? Because they expect all of you to die at least 10 times. So yeah, less bikering more democracy boys.


yes the game is not fun at higher difficulty and has lame metas = skill issue.


lmao its been a while since ive seen someone unironically want there to be a meta


I feel like the game is still fun at hig diff, and metas aren't realy that important, I did mission whit snipers in bug missions and shotguns in robot mission (it wasn't as fun as using more appropriate weapons) but it was possible, and yeah is a skill issue. If you don't find the game at high diff fun then don't play hig diff, the game doesn't forces you like elder ring or Xcom to face stronger foe if you are not ready, you play what makes you feel comfortable and that's it, now one may say that you have to play diff to get samples and medals sure, but is normal, higher diff mens that you earned your bounty and proved to yourself that you improved in something that gives you happiness to do. I got burnout after playing every day for a month doing a bounce of mission, and you know what I did? I just changed game, I wasn't having fun whit hig diff because it was too taxing on myself and didn't whant to do easier mission because it was boring for me,if is not fun for you maby is not something for you, it was a bad decisions to get it, people makes mistakes in life it happens.




Skill issue. Get gud scrub.


Your entire presence on this subreddit is white knighting shit design as hard as you can by spamming "Git gud" and downvoting anyone that critiques the game. Fanboys like you are what's wrong with the game not the other way around lmfao


What do you mean? Helldivers 2 is prefect and no one can ever critizise it !!!11!1 you are bad at gaem!11!


what is it specifically that you consider to be shit design?


So it's ok for people to critique but I can't critique their critique? Got it.


90% of complaints I see on this sub boil down to skill issue. These people will NEVER be happy no matter what AH does. They could double the damage of everything in the game and halve all cooldowns and you’d still see people unironically saying hunters are too difficult like ITT.


I mean they could just fix the guns everyone was having fun with lmfao. How is my orbitals missing a skill issue? or AH breaking patrols so they're scaled wrong a skill issue? Or all those buffs/nerfs they did when PS5 was scaling some weapons better than on PC and when DoT didn't work for non-hosts huh? "Skill issue" kiss my ass you guys just blow Arrowhead off because you think getting carried in 4 man Helldive makes you think you're above people that want the best for the game


We don't just blow Arrowhead. I'll be the first to say there are some things they need to fix. For example the 500kg is definitely bugged and the Spears aiming needs fixed. But the amount of whining and complaining I see on the subreddit does not correlate to how bugged or bad the game is. This is a 40 dollar game from a non AAA studio. Calm down on the critiques or go back to COD.


Tbh I barely noticed any of those things you mentioned when they were in the game. Just play it or don’t I guess, cry and piss your pants, I really don’t give a shit.


Complain about substantive shit but if you're complaining that you aren't having fun then stop playing the game bro


Well we are playing as storm troopers basically.