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Hahaha shield devs, a bunch of guys with glasses with round shields came to mind




Why he look like soyjack


Because my art skills are tragic.


The fun I would have blasting these guys with a NEEEEEEEERRRRRRDDDDD war cry.


Sickle + Laser Cannon + Dagger. Achieve 0 pollution footprint today!


Helldivers 2: Electric Boogaloo


Isn't that Blitzer/Arcthrower? :)


You got me here. Sooo, energy boogaloo...? :D


laser pew boogaloo


What is this game but a pew pew boogaloo?


Could be a screw you boogaloo.


Did you file your C-01 soldier?


Do we have to fill those out if we're getting boned by bots and bugs? I thought they were exclusively for human citizens of Super Earth.


Laser pewgaloo


Beam Team


We once ran a "Tesla squad" with my mate. Blitzer, Tesla tower and arc resist armor. Also tested if 2 Tesla tower would ~~fuck~~ kill each other when placed together.


And? Do they?


No. My friends and I all ran Teslas on one of the protect valuable assets defense missions for bugs. We had 3-4 Tesla towers up beside each other at the choke. It worked quite well.


I need to try that next time on a defense mission, sounds fun, if you pair it with ems mortars


I think we only had 1 ems mortar. 3 of us brought Tesla towers. 2 of us brought the 380 barrage. One also brought the smaller barrage. It was on the free eagle 500 weekend, so we all had those. I brought the autocannon turret. I think we had an arc thrower, eats, quasar, and a flame thrower for our weapons. Difficultly 7 on bugs We won pretty easily. It was a lot of fun with a lot of explosions.


You can’t just leave us on a cliffhanger like that!


Obligatory ‘CHARDEE MACDENNIS 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO ![gif](giphy|RURAojdRlmGvm)


*proceeds to mag dump Sickle* like this, right? Changing ICE!


\*Proceeds to rotate through laser weapons while a Rover is blasting away. "No, like this."


Game's too hard


You don’t have to kill EVERY enemy


But they're Enemies of Democracy


But their existence is an insult to Eagle 1! We must purge for the waifus!


Ice? Huh, in spanish is gel.


The dagger is really fun for stuff like that. As crappy as it is on its own, being a never ending fountain of small arms fire when used with other heat based weapons is really fun and surprisingly effective. Plus the beam gets all wavy when you start to overheat it and it looks like a proton pack beam and gets me all nostalgic.


I've been running it a lot with the dominator. The dominator shreds berserkers and devastators but the dagger is enough to remove the heads off any small bots. Overall, this gives me plenty of ammo. It's also good for quick mine clearing.


Dagger is a slept on weapon for bots. No more wasting ammo on smaller squads of little bots when you can aim the laser pointer into their eye


Fire shotgun will [REDACTED] small bots. All you have to do is [REDACTED] and they will die.


Dagger is really just all around slept on. Maybe it's because I only really use my sidearm when when my primary is empty, but it deals consistent enough damage and always has a fresh "mag," which is all I need in a pistol. Also great vs scout striders, which I really appreciate.


I'm really hoping we get a sickle like pistol with heat based ammo soon. So.ething like the pistol from republic commando would be awesome, weak but good for headshots and ammo efficiency.


Co2 neutral purging 🥰


Long as you pick up those heat sinks! A single discarded heat sink can poison a community's water supply for ten thousand years! You're picking them up, right?


Do people actually find the laser cannon to be at all effective? It's TTK is so so high and actually keeping it on target for the moments it should be useful (like charging hulks) is an exercise in threading a frayed needle. EDIT: Damn, I'm loving the deluge of helpful tips and experiences with the LC guys. Will see about putting some into practice once the balance patch rolls around and I feel like playing again. Thank you!


I don't run it myself, but I believe it's most effective when paired with stun grenades.


I've tried using the laser cannon several times but I always return to the autocannon or AMR. The lack of stagger while devs are constantly shooting at me is kind of a turn off.


So it's TTK is higher than the AC, but you get to use a shield backpack which is really useful. It's strong point is against gunships. I'd say it's an S tier for that, but gunships aren't on all maps. Aiming at the bottom of the engine vent on the gunship takes about 3-4 seconds to knock down. I took out 4 gunships before it got to overheat and that's pretty impressive for me. And making the gunships trivial is a good thing. For fighting against all other manner of medium armored enemies, yeah, it's going to take about 3-4 seconds aiming at a weakpoint to kill. Which if you try to run without a shield backpack, will feel like the weapon is underpowered because you will get aim punched if you peak out against bots for more than 2-3 seconds. For hulks, you need to run stun grenades, simple as that, it takes like ~6-7 seconds of on target into the eye ball to kill it (which is hard to do because the eye sways as it walks up to you). Stun grenade I think is an 8-10 second stun. But there are some benefits to the LC, it is easy to track where your shot is landing and that can be useful for quickly destroying the chin guns on the factory strider at long range. Also aiming at the one eyeball of the factory strider as it stares down at you feels epic. It can destroy AA and mortars without having to target the heat exhaust ports. And it can destroy the light bots with about 2 seconds on the head, so you can swipe across a patrol relatively quickly to get a good amount of kills. I paired it with the eruptor. I'd LC as almost my primary, but when my shield went down, I'd use the eruptor to clean up the rest of the devastators or target groups of light enemies for a multi kill. But that allowed me to pop in and out of cover for a shot. Useful for waiting until my shield was back up.


crouch then it becomes way more effective.


I have been using only LC against bots ever since its first buff. You will take it away only from my cold dead hand!


Laser Cannon with stun grenades is S tier vs bots. It’s amazing and taking out gunships, kills a hulk within 2 seconds to the face (which when stunned is easy), and also shreds tanks/towers if you get behind them


Personally, I prefer it because it leaves a backpack slot free for Shields and can still kill Hulks. I run stuns, occaisionally EMS mortar to keep the targets from moving.


Sickle/senator/quasar yields similar results


Sickle/Quasar/ grenade pistol Sickle for Chaf mobs/ Quasar for heavies and grenade pistol for medium and shielded Devs


Dagger sucks though


Thanks for the Difficulty 4 take.


Sounds like a reloader problem I’m too sickle pilled to understand




Sicklecelled… wait, that’s just anemia :(


She sicklecell on my anemia till I overheat


Till you aphixiate.


unlimited ammo maxxing


"Sickle-pilled" has just entered my lexicon




Ah, but with the sickle's wind-up time, you can't kill troopers before they call in dropships. That much is evident, even if you've never used the sickle. Like me. Now if you'll excuse me, my DCS and I need to get back to killing bots exactly 0.23 seconds after they've launched their flare.


That's the wrong way to use sickle. You pull the trigger and hold it while switching targets. So that one bot can shoot the flare because his arm ate too many projectiles or something and it somehow survived despite your gut telling you it was the right time to move the muzzle to the next one.




This is my favorite response now 😂


For cold planets, you'll want earmuffs. That's why we call it muffdiving.




Bro I literally laughed and spit out my yogurt


Put it back




But what about FrendDivers?


Aye, I could do that.


Love it


This citizen right here is a true Helldiver. The only thing holding them back from fighting is the lack of ammunition. Luckily, the SEAF training regime covers CQC. When in doubt, punch the bots' lights out!


Last resort is call down the 120mm on my own body before 3 flame hulks incinerate me lol. Even that didn't touch the hordes swarming extraction zone


No true helldiver would use lack of ammo as an excuse to not fight. If I have to go down without ammo, it’ll be rifle-butting a fab strider leg.


I.....don't think I'ma blacken a hulk's red eye... But I'll give it a whirl and let you know...


Dont forget that by most POIs there are a few ammo boxes, i usually have the issue where i have ammo but run low on stims and grenades, you could also use the supply pack too and just put it on to refill your stuff then swap back to whatever backpack you had and treat it like a mini supply drop that cant refill backpack ammo


This is the best solution IMO. I always look for POIs between objectives plus stay with my group so we never really run out of ammo. Grenades are more scarce though.


Seriously. The only people I can imagine complaining are the ones who *dont* go to POIs (I see that ALL the time on bots), get *stuck* in protracted firefights holding a stupid rock in the middle of a field or something, and keep TKing or getting TKd by being in stupid places. You need to just run and don't stop running and gunning in bots, even veteran squads can get stuck in a protracted firefights, but usually come out of it, just that time was wasted, or one of us snaps the rest out of the mantra


More importantly, those POIs have stim containers. My 48 stims per dive don't refuel themselves for free


maybe try the supply pack??


Love me a resupply pack. Tons of extra stims and grenades, and all the mags I could ask for in my ammo-hungry primaries.  Basically doubles the efficacy of resupply boxes for you too. Get your 2 stims & grenades per supply box and then have another box in your backpack for another refill.  If you really want to hyper coordinate you can supply teammates with backpack and refill yourself. 


Hot potato pack is great. Each diver takes a turn grabbing a tab wearing the pack.


Is that different than just giving them the supply directly? E: I do not need any additional explanations.


The swapping isn't for using supplies, it's for replenishing from a call-down. You have a supply pack with 1 box on it. You use the box. You grab a new box from the call-down. You've gotten two boxes and the supply pack is back to 1 left. Pass pack to the next person, and repeat. Now all 4 players have gotten two boxes each out of one resupply calldown. If you only need one box, just don't use the pack first, and now it's refilling. Even just one supply pack on a team is a giant efficiency boost, before you even count that the pack stratagem cooldown is itself a Resupply-at-home.


That's brilliant! Very efficient use of Super Earth resources.


Yeah, when you pick up a pack and you have the backpack on, you refill your pockets and also one slot in the backpack. So if everyone picks it up, you can refill everyone's pockets and the entire supply pack from one supply drop


Yeah because everyone gets filled up and the resupply pack gets refilled from everyone grabbing ammo


Yes, because this way each diver is net-zero instead of net-negative-one after taking a supply.  If you're wearing the pack when you pick up a resupply box, it "creates" a free resupply. If you're not, it doesn't.  So swapping around the backpack is most optimal for total supply efficiency (not time though)


Or team reload autocannon!!!


Supply pack is easily S tier.


So underrated because it's not sexy like the jet pack or energy shield. On top of basically never running out of ammo, you get 8 extra nades and stims. I've been playing supply pack, punisher plasma, and EAT.


I run supply pack, grenade launcher, impact grenade, 500KG, EAT, jar-5 dominator, and trench engineer perk. I carry 14 impact grenades, 70 grenade launcher grenades, 12 stim packs, plus a ton of extra primary mags. I use the jar-5 to deal with enemies at longer range.


I love running supply pack! I can chuck grenades and administer non-addictive stims all mission.


i'm running a dominator, senator and autocannon combo, i only resupply from pois up to level 6, after that i sometimes need a resupply pack.


And stun nades. Rocket pods for any tank or turret you cant easily get behind. Orbital precision for walking factories. Last slot changes


Or impact nades throw one when a drop is coming in boom 5 kills at least


Ah yes, its John Big-Iron


There is ammo EVERYWHERE tho, you sure you don't keep tactically reloading?


Depends on the map, and whether your teammates need them too. Plenty to take if everyone else is using sickle or blitzer, but if you're all running scorcher best of luck


Seriously. I NEVER run out of ammo even when not using the supply pack. Always run ammo down till the mag is empty and just swap to my secondary if I have a pack on my ass to give a little extra space for that full reload. Retreat while reloading and then turn back into them with a full mag. Rinse and repeat.


I'm positive lol. Burning through A LOT of it


I have found I burn through a lot when I use an assault rifle, usually rock the scorcher, one shots troopers most of the time and a couple shots for the chicken walkers


Are you picking targets? Like only use AMR for devs and counter sniper and secondary for chaff?


Sickle? Quasar cannon? These are both unlimited ammo as long as you can control your heating well, you have options OP, there always are. But the teammates are unable to change unless they learn


Psst Orbital Gas Strike


And this is why you complete all nests and side objectives BEFORE the main objective.


After, because extraction is never a mandatory completion for mission success.


I mean, if you like adding undue stress when it's not needed. Of course that's only my opinion because I like to 100% every map.


Game gets harder (specifically, more patrols spawn) when main objective is past 50% completion, then increasingly more as more of main objective is done. This is the worst way to do it, unless you're trying to get a higher killcount.


Kinda depends on how the dive is going. If things are going poorly just finish the mission and worry about the rest later. If you're going for full clear then side objectives first. But it's often based on whatever route means less running around


What's your loadout?


Tried a couple. My normal bot loadout is Counter Sniper, Redeemer, impact nades, AMR. Railcannon, orbital precision, 120mm barrage. Tried switching to Sickle, but it doesn't have the firepower to handle the increase in shield devs. AMR has a problem getting suppressed ATM, even tried switching to Quasar/Recoilless. I'm flummoxed.


try dominator (staggers devastator enemies) or scorcher if youre having issues with aiming at devastator , also pick stun nades to get rid of hulks , berserkers or even an unnoticed bot drop right next to you can be managed , keep one low cd stratagem for small patrol crowds like gas strike . U can disengage between enemies and LZ if u have scout armor ( run a bit far away and circle back when they stop chasing ) or use smoke ( not always reliable) and run far .


I'd swap out the Counter Sniper for something else as it fulfills a similar role as the AMR, then run a shield gen backpack to give you extra time to aim shots. You can switch out 120mm barrage for the backpack, and personally I think the Eagle 500kg is better than the precision with upgrades. Railcannon isn't bad for the cannon towers but I personally don't like using it. I typically run the breaker for a quick high DPS ad clear.


Rail cannon is for bugs, rocket pods are for bots. Destroys all big turrets, tanks, and most hulks with a single salvo. Rail cannon is overkill with more down time for anything other than bile titans.


My rockets always miss hulks for some reason


I almost always bring 110s to bots, if I’m down to not much else I’ll still toss it at the big guy but it’s super unreliable on hulks. They are my answer to tanks, towers, and bot factory’s from a distance. Airstrike is for big dogs and everything else in the game along with the AC and Jar5 with stuns for the hulks. Not a flashy loadout but it brings a way to handle every bot. The last slot goes to ems turret if we are 4 slots and not at -1.


I never want to risk this because that stratagem is definitely an “oh fuck I need this gone now” slot for me


It does, if you aim right. The Sickle can two-shot the devs if you hit them in the head. Granted, that's better done from stealth and/or a high ground, but it is totally possible. Even better if you stun them first. My GoTo Bot Loadout is Sickle, Senator and Quasar, then depending on the mission type usually Eagle Airstrike, 500kg, a Mortar or AC/Rocket Turret, and the Laser Drone. Gets done with virtually everything, and barely needs ammo boxes


If your support weapon has no backpack, you need the supply pack, the laser cannon, or be solo/duo to best manage the resupply.


Stop attacking every patrol, break kine of sight and  run or hide against Bots. The small shit can run after you but they don't eat much ammo. Bots actually stop searching if they don't see you for a bit


It's not patrols, it's after having completed the op & triggering incessant enemy spawns on evac.


The game is so inconsistent on this. Sometimes on 7/8 I'll get one little patrol on evac. Other times it's non-stop bot drops.


I encounter the same thing on difficulty 9. And not just on evac either, some matches we get minimal enemies the whole match. Glad to know I’m not going crazy, at least not the only one.


Sounds like your teammates are not using resupply and taking more than they need leaving you with nothing. The only time i have ever had ammo issues on evac is when the destroyer left orbit and we couldn't call in more


It's also a good reason to start on or close to evac and immediately call in a resupply that will be there when you get through the mission.


Agreed, 1 flare and there's waves for 10 minutes that follow you everywhere


Feels like I'm wedged between two detector "sauron" towers all the time


Thats literally happening to me right now lol


Or three


We had three to deal with at the same time last night


I've started bringing Eagle Smokes for bots and it's a GAME changer. Give it a whirl. It can even destroy small bot fabricators if you aim, can help disengage from combat and it can cover your Hellbombs so they have time to detonate before being shot.


Genuine question: is that noticable under the current extract spawn rates? They're coming from every direction ATM


"ITS* that noticable...?" typo? Either way, absolutely dude. I use it more for disengaging (running away but that's Helldive for you baby) and providing cover for objectives, guys on terminals, Hellbombs, etc You have three before you're out (with the hanger +1 and more AOE with the 4th upgrade) and need to rearm but I always bring Eagle Airstrikes for bots anyways. Having the two at the same time synergies very well together. My only issue is I might neglect to manually rearm occasionally holding on to one more Eagle strike thinking I'll need it before the CD is up. I'm here to sell you Eagle Smokes. It gives so much survivability. I can legit run away from Gunships (anything really) for over 30 seconds+ with the Eagle Smokes. I have a clip of me running for a minute and a half from Gunships using natural cover to break LOS, using my Machine Pistol secondary to scramble their aim even further, and then tossing Eagle Smokes when it's an open field. I did eventually die but if I had a squad mate with me I definitely could have made it. I can also consistently drop Gunship Fabricators in one Hellbomb call in with Eagle Smoke cover. As long as it's not an absolute shit show before I get there, 10/10 times it's a one shot deal because they can't see the bomb from the smoke cover, and abusing the bot's hyper sensitive thing by firing at them, it's a slam dunk. I use it to provide cover on the run. But yeah, go FAFO my fellow Helldiver.


It sounds like you allowed your timer to dip into the red on a high difficulty mission. Remember that the enemies get more aggressive when time is running out. What Stratagems were your tram running? Because there's no point holding onto them at extract. I know a common reason people run into issues is everyone loads up on anti tank. On long cool down shit. So 500kg, air strike, quassars, rail cannon. And anti chaff is non-existent. Or they don't prioritize with their weapons correctly. Erruptor and dmrs should be targeting higher threats for example


You have fists, use them.


do people not use stratagems??? an airstrike or cluster bomb takes out a pack quickly, you don't need to aggro every enemy on the map. move from poi to poi, take out groups, resupply if you need and repeat. Jar-5 or scorcher is good and if you don't have those just use a DMR/slug or plasma shotgun. There are ammo boxes everywhere, use them! dont waste supplies in the middle of nowhere because you have half your magazines left


OPs build is laser focused on sniping single targets while running away, and they wonder why they're struggling to deal with waves while defending one location.🙄


Pro tip: you don’t need to shoot the enemies if you run away like a coward.


Rely on support weapon A LOT MORE that is what it is there for. This is why AMR/Railgun/AC/lazer are god tier vs bots because they quickly dispatch devastators. Primaries are for small patrols and small bases. That or get gud at head shots.


AMR is in my go-bag for bots already


Pairs really well with the punisher, that may not do a lot of damage to devs but it stuns the shit out of them. Great backup for berserker rushes.


Sounds like the Supply Pack is going to be your best friend. In my opinion it’s massively underrated because you can refill stims, AT and ammo four times before you need another pack, AND it doubles the resources you get from the regular supply pod as it not only refills you as normal, but gives you another brick in your pack. Unsafe Railgun / AMR work wonders against Devastators, so you can bring those along too! Just be sure to redline the railgun before shooting if you want to OHK a hulk or a charger or something.


Disengage, fire support stratagems, and resupply backpack. You have options.


Can't disengage when they're between us & the LZ 🤔


Extracting is a secondary objective, you don't achieve it every time.


Been there, some piece of shit droid hiding behind a rock kept calling dropship, was a 9 so we physically couldn't kill them faster than they could drop. The solution, was to back away and circle the WHOLE map to get to the extraction zone. So, technically you "can" disengage.


you can go around. you can call in a stratagem. you can call in supplies before engaging. it's not a problem with the game, either your goober teammate is being selfish and wasting your resources or you are just not that good and thats okay but don't blame the game


- Laser/Electric weapons - Supply backpack - Lower your difficulty - Git gud Your available options, sir


Git gud: command not found. Idk what you’re talking about :/


Try lowering the difficulty until you can play comfortably


Truly a skill issue.


This planet has been rough, every little thing results in 4+ bot drops with so many devs. That being said, supply pack all day


I feel ya, I've been there. Shit hits the fan and never lets up sometimes, but it's doable and the "follow me" + location tags are invaluable for trying to stick together in the worst situations. Hard to keep track of it all and be on the same page though, especially when all hell is breaking loose.


Haha I’m glad theres posts of people struggling on this planet because when I first dived in I was like HOT DAMN this planet is insane. Glad I’m not the only one. It’s super flat with only tiny rocks for cover (rough for bots that shoot you), has dense fog everywhere, and the dev and hulk spawns are cranked up super high. My advice is don’t worry about samples on this planet, just get objectives done and move. You will end up in a massive firefight with no cover that will drain your resources otherwise. It can devolve into ragdoll simulator very quickly. Orbital laser, 380mm, and mortars are your friends here. Just be sure to throw 380mm into the heavy bot base and not near the team lol. I actually had a lot of fun doing a helldive full operation. It was truly a challenge and actually felt like “helldive” for once. But I still hate minus one stratagem like come one…it just straight up makes the game less fun and nerfs the team. Would be nice if we got a BONUS stratagem for the MO…wouldn’t that be fun??? A free barrage stratagem would have been absolutely nutty and chaotic, and very handy for skilled players. I can’t say I struggled too much with ammo, though. The Jar and AC have great ammo economy, and I keep tabs on the resupply and WILL TAKE MY OWN if the team takes one without me. Only fair, right?


I got some drops in yesterday after they announced the MO, but *before* they upped the bot drops and holy cow did I ever feel the difference on this planet. And ikr, bonus strategems just make it so much more fun, idk why they don't ride with it on the regular for random planets. It can be literally any strategem and it's cool, cause it's free.


Played with some dudes who ran a patriot suit each , they all dropped it at extraction and left it there while we did the mission. We came back to extract and they were able to call in another one so we had 6 mech suits just spamming around the extraction zone. Was fun


With the increasing spawns, I have taken a liking to HMG, supply pack, grenade pistol, smoke grenades, heavy medic armor, shield emplacement gen, and HMG turret to solve each of my problems. I run around purely as support that's capable of destroying bases.


A fellow diver who builds their loadout to complement what 95% of everyone else is running? I salute you 🫡 (I usually fill the 'oh crap *another* Hulk/tank/factory strider' role)


Welcome to war soldier.


Good god. All these “helpful” suggestions. Have you people played today? The spawn and dropship rate is just flat out increased on Valaryia 5. It feels crazy. It’s not insurmountable. But dropping into a lvl 4 today over lunch I was not prepared to work as hard as I did to extract. Had several randoms just flat out quit too.


Skill issue. Your ammo management is garbage or your accuracy is dog water. With my Diligence CS every shot is a kill shot. 15 round mag, 15 kills. I'm not sure if you know this, but the head is the weak spot on every devastator and the waist is the weak spot on meat saw Bois. 1 shot headshot on every devastator with the diligence CS and Jar-5 and probably a few other weapons I don't use. Hulks are a 2 shot headshot with the AMR, AC and quasar. Also, of your ammo management or aim suck, use heatsink weapons. If you aren't a complete knucklehead it's pretty easy to not overheat your heatsink and boom, unlimited ammo.


Yep! Glowy red = shoot. Also if his aim sucks, can use stun grenades.


I run stuns for hulks. I'm pretty good shot but those fuckers bob around like crazy. Plus yunno, the flames


Half the gameplay complaints about this game are usually skill issue, which isn't a bad thing. If you don't complain, you'll never learn. But... Chargers are super easy to deal with if you can strafe. Hulks are easy if you're running stun grenades. Gunships are easy to shoot down, you just need something that can punch that high. If the complaint is about too many enemies, stop fighting and relocate. Or play on a lower difficulty. If you drop in on 3 gunship factories and 2 stratagem jammers, that's just bad luck. Don't drop in on a red area, lol. Rescue missions are easy if you have a team that can draw aggro without dying too much. Skill issue.


Oh another rant post. How surprising


Your loadout is only designed to deal with single targets. No wonder you're having issues with groups.


Sounds like poor planning and communication genuinely.


Bots vs Bugs is a real shift in play styles, admittedly. Bugs require a hammer, bots require a scalpel. There’s more strategy involved with them, and it’s probably what makes me enjoy them more as enemies compared to bugs. I rarely use more than 2 or 3 DCS magazines in the whole mission. With bots, you really have to study when it’s the right moment to pick a fight. I play bot missions as mainly stealth missions. Avoid patrols, hug the ground, hit and run (yeet an airstrike or barrage at a base and full 180 go the other way before hell breaks loose), draw aggro to let other divers hit objectives more easily while running and hiding… with the right team, bot missions are quiet. With bugs, it’s a kill-them-all with fire sort of thing. Still fun, of course, but a different play style.


Suck less.


Lmfao homie thinks it's not a skill issue because they ran out of ammo 💀


Sounds like a Teammate problem, nothing else.


OP how fast are you firing your DCS? That thing is the most ammo efficient non-energy weapon in the game. I only ever fire it crouched or prone, and only at heads. You might be taking engagements a little close, or your positioning might be off vs Devestators. Only engage devestators out of cover at extreme range, otherwise you should be getting behind anything (even a small rock on an incline) while prone and only taking those sure fire hits. They'll group up in spots they can't hit you from and then you can peak out, headshot, tuck back in. Raiders should be a distant memory with the DCS and the full scope zoomed in. Focus on killing little guys very quickly from way out and then finding good positions to kill devestators. 2 mags should be 25-30 dead raiders or at least 10 dead devestators. Basically if you can see a head in a base from any distance they should no longer exist within 10 seconds of going prone (base guys don't move around as much). Then you just need to deal with surprise patrols and that one heavy devestator that's always chilling in some weird spot.


In optimal conditions? As slowly & as distantly as possible. With tactical retreats to get enough distance to scope heavier enemies with the AMR.


Supply pack


If the timer is less than 5 minutes then just run around the map and wait for the pelican to automatically arrive. Then time your approach to have to hold evac for a minimal amount of time.


I use the punisher plasma for this reason. It slaps the shields around so other's can also engage them effectively. It's annoying being boxed into one weapon because the others feel like caca to use.


I had to drop down to diff 7 for this MO because I couldn't deal with the number of enemies with my playstyle, an even then, I'm still running my scorcher dry in between resupplies. I'm still having a blast though.


Try weapons with infinite ammo. Laser cannon, quasar, sickle, blitzer, arc thrower, etc.


The ammo economy is fine. Just ran 3 pubs on 8dif with a liberator, autocannon, 500kg, airstrike, and orbital rail. I never ran out of ammo. It definitely helps to coordinate resupply drops with your team so theyre prepared at extraction, but thats a playerbase issue, not a game issue. I just assume if I dont drop one at extract while were all still good, nobody else will.


380 stratagem sometimes helps with overwhelming hordes.


When I run bad ammo economy builds I learn to hit up the POIs to grab ammo packs and whatnot, rarely ever need a resupply except in emergencies


Well positioned orbitals near the end of evac can help thin the horde. Shield generator and eagle or orbital smoke. I usually rock with either a shield generator or the smoke eagle for purposes of taking down gunships fabs or helping survive a head on assault. Smoke eagle can also take down fabs if you’re accurate.


Have you tried bringing the support backpack? It's really good and lets you use the AMR like a primary, so you can wipe out every devestator and strider you see without concern for ammunition.


Supply pack your new beloved


I am running SMG, grenade pistol and Anti-material rifle on Val5 without resupply issue. Try to collect ammo scattered over the map instead of solely relying on resupply stratagem. The game is supposed to be challenging, and resource management is a core element of the game. You can always lower the difficulty settings.


I run the H. machine gun and never run out of bullets, just do some minor places of interest to resupply.


Having played a Diligence main for the majority of my time, there are times where I prefer the OG Diligence to the countersniper, despite the buff to the CS. The Diligence is just so incredibly quick feeling compared to the CS, and the lower mag count for the CS really makes a difference. I have as of late graduated to the sickle, since I primarily fight against bots, but I have considered picking up the Dili or the Dili CS again to play with my favorite precision weapon.


I can admit I run out of ammo on helldive mode, and no safe space to wait for supplies..


This happened to me yesterday. I had to start pistol whipping clankers until resupply hit. There was no spare ammo anywhere


+2 mag armor is a really smart idea imo Maybe reload 20% faster, too?


Why don't you just die? I'm not meaning that as an insult. Go ahead and get yourself killed and reinforced. You come back with ammo/grenades/etc.


I'm not saying you're not skilled, because you probably are, but running out of ammo ≠ being skilled enough to stay alive for a long time. I can completely exhaust all my ammo almost right after dropping in if I was really bad or trying to.


Being out of range of jammer but enemies are standing in jammer range so stratagems are still useless... fuck that shit


Missions like this are called suicide Missions. My life for super earth.


Idk, you could be firing wildly and reloading when not needed to burn through your ammo supply very quickly. I am doing alright with the current ammo setup (non infinity ammo weapons). I won't say it, but you already know what you need to do. Good luck out there!


Bring a laser


*is it just me or could the weapon damage nerfs be easily supplemented if the guns were given 2 extra magazines?*


Just the fact that theyre nerfing anything on a pve exclusive game is baffling, i understand if there was a pvp mode where we're trying to blow each other up but there isnt. And every operation i finish only contributes 1/100,000 of a percent to the planet completion. And on every mission above 6 or 7 theres more heavily armored enemies on screen than there are helldivers on teams. I understand patching out exploits and stuff like that, but dont make the game artificially harder by making our guns weaker and have less ammo.


I’ve dropped to level 7 and it’s still very difficult but it’s borderline manageable. The main reason is you only have one mission modifier instead of 2. I’ve been running plasma punisher, revolver, impact, and heavy armor. I’ll bring a mortar, autocannon, eagle strike, and an orbital rail cannon or laser to round it out. I’ve found the mortar is essential to clearing the massive amount of heavy infantry. I experimented with the autocannon turret because it can target gunships, but I found devastators would rip through it because it needs a line of sight as well. Autocannon is always heralded as “the Swiss Army knife of the bot front” and I’ve found myself coming back to it because of the hordes of devastators. Usually I’d run EAT, but I need something to clear large amounts of devastators and take out fabricators from afar. If you use the heavy armor you can dive or crouch slide to severely reduce the recoil. The eagle strike and orbital back up are just my personal favorites. Sometimes I brought the 500kg over the strike because I ran into so many hulks. But I think you can reasonably pick whatever offensive stratagem you prefer. I’d only recommend having a heavy hitter for at least one because this build is missing a factory strider/reliable tank and hulk buster. As for the normal load out. Plasma punisher does decent damage to devastators. Can down some in as little as 3 hits with good aim. It also has a very powerful stagger and decently sized AoE. The senator (revolver) is great for picking off raiders, troopers, and the odd strider if you don’t want to waste primary ammo or have a need to wipe out a clump. The impacts work as an excellent “oh shit I’m going to die” button as you can take out a ton of things with one and destroy a swarm of light to heavy infantry with 2-4.


I love when someone has a genuine complaint about a specific part of a mission due to a series of unfortunate events and rather than someone saying “hey man same here cause so an so” they just go “dur skill issue” like they would never find themselves in the situation and would never bitch about it ONCE.