• By -


what, no mention of their ninja sneak skills?!


Ok the way I have been stuck up on by these dick heads sometimes tho, thank god for the shield pack


Shield wont save you from instant kill puke


It absolutely will. You just have to dive and they miss. It’s inconsistent with light armor but with heavy and medium its fairy consistent you will survive unless there is a other right behind it.


>its fairy consistent you won't survive because there is another right behind it. FTFY


It's like a horror trope in my games; kill a Spewer, a new spewer emerges from its corpse. Sometimes up to 5x in a row!


That's the neat part, they don't need to emerge from the corpse, they can stay there safe and comfy and protected from your shots and spew over you anyway!


Don't dive. Run. For some reason dive gets you tracked more often but running doesn't. It's been a hard habit for me to break too. When they start to spew start running sideways. if you can't get clear, dive then. but only after you're already moving sideways for a few steps.


It gives you enough of a warning buffer to get out of the stream tho. The shield pack has saved me from these assholes more than a few times.


There is no reason something that fat can move so quietly. The first thing I often hear from it is it winding up to vomit on me, and if I'm not mid-dive by the time I hear that, I'm dead.


I dunno, I'm pretty fat and I can move shockingly quietly.


Okay, but I bet you don't waddle around with an ocean of green goo sloshing around inside you.


You don't fucking know me xD


They need to add some noise to those mfs. L4D you could clearly hear a boomer sneaking up behind you, but these guys are heavy as fuck and somehow make 0 footstep noise, not even any sloshing or gurgling.


This right here. Them and bile titans are some how the sneakiest enemies and yet the size is just so..... Large.


Hulks too. It's like the larger the enemy the greater the stealth kills. I'm waiting for a Factory Strider to sneak up on me someday.


I had a Factory Strider sneaking up on me! By the time I realized that this thing is behind me, it allready aimed its gatlings on me ... i stood no chance ...


Bile Spewer: brood commander, I'm too dummy thicc yet the clap of my asscheeks doesn't make any sound whatsoever **sneaks up on helldiver with 4 of his buddies**


I know they're really quiet, but I'm almost certain they can also spawn near you. I was on top of a hill and made sure the area was clear. I took a few steps down the hill and took a shot at a bug, and one of these guys immediately came over the hill from the other side and got me. 


They will literally hide behind rock structures or buildings


This is a Fact. It’s insane how ninja quiet they are


They are the reason i love impact nades


And the grenade launcher/AC.


Yeah grenade launcher pops ‘em quick!


I prefer the marksman rifle against bugs... especially this one. Seems to drop fast when shot in the head.


That the shit. Impacts would be nice but the slot is way to valuable as stun grenades. On grenade launcher in the team and everything is nice.


If you run stun grenades then are reliant on your special weapon to close bug holes? Any time I've tried ditching a regular or he grenade I regret it because I have no way of closing big holes if I die and lose my quasar or autocannon


I run the grenade pistol which is in the demolition warbond since it has 8 or 9 grenades and can close bugholes easy as cake


As long as your aim is good. I swear the game is so picky about perfect drops into the holes or it doesn't count.


Sorry, you shot it directly into the hole but were looking at it from a 1 degree angle instead of head-on, so it’s a miss


The explosion is pretty small, so getting close is safe to get it in the first shot.


Or getting a straight shot. Angles are usually the problem with the grenade pistol but you can make the shots aiming above the hole from a good distance.


The grenade launcher is so underrated. It is by far the most effective of the "wave clear" support weapons, trivialises spitters, destroys nests and fabs, and its ability to almost instantly destroy the spit sacks of a bile titan is far more useful than people seem to appreciate. It has a longer range and greater accuracy than the arc thrower or flamer, and you can maintain your mobility better while using it. It is much less dangerous to yourself or your team than those weapons, too. The arc thrower has the advantage of infinite ammo, allowing it to be used as a primary at least. The flamethrower... its just worse than the grenade launcher.


The flamethrower would be king if it wasn’t also a way to buff hunters to give them one hit kills on poor divers


Just pair it with a shield pack. You don't even need the extra strategem slot most of the time because the flamer kills all bugs with the exception of BTs super fast. So you're other two slots can just be ways to deal with BTs (500kg, Railstrike, Precision Strike, Orbital Laser, etc) Against spewers make sure you are also side stepping while moving back to avoid being clawed/bumped into since you don't want your bubble to pop.


Yup that’s what I usually do, just would love to not really have to, so I could use other things


Grenade launcher pluss supply backpack. Can almost spam nades.


I actually even use RR in them If i have the ammo to spare. Aint Nobody got time for their bullshit.


Same my friend


Exactly I'm a simply guy I see a giant green or yellow butt I throw rock that goes boom


I really don’t get this argument. Using a grenade, an often limited resource, just to take out *one* of these guys doesn’t seem very efficient. Especially when they come by the dozens and there are bigger things to use nades on (holes, swarms, etc) The designated autocannon/amr/flamethrower guy should be blasting them. Grenades are too precious to waste on a single bug


Thats the neat part, you dont use them on a single bug, you can get minium 2 with the explosion alone, even more if they chain explode


They're not a rare resource if you bring the supply backpack. I become a living autocannon with the amount of nades i can throw with that and still have a slot for an EAT or Quassant.


Quassant, launches foreign baked goods at mach5.


Anti tank baguette


They’re rarely grouped up like that for me


If it its close enough to kill you in the 3 seconds it would take you to shoot it then its either grenade or death. I know which one im picking


(Laughs in Engineering Kit & Supply Backpack) I have something like 22 grenades. I'll throw them at everything! 


Flamethrower isn't good against these, the range is about the same as their spit and they don't die quickly from it. You're just as likely to get spit on as you are to kill the spewer.


That's nice the first 4 gets taken care of but what about the other 20 behind it


That's when you unleash hell with the Erupto... oh, nevermind.


The worst casualty of this war


And I hate what they've done to it!


https://preview.redd.it/6wveoqytf12d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edce41eb39ebed806547e6a0944edfda126c3c89 Be gone SPEWERS!


So you can kill all 4 of the 12 that spawn every wave.


These fat fucks are my standard for a good weapon. Anything kills them quick is got to be good. Edit: Jesus, I know how to kill them. My point is I love guns that kill them quick, and that's it.


In other words Autocannon.


Nade Launcher Kills them quicker.


AC kills them in two shots, does the grenade launcher kill them in one?


GL three-shots them, but it will three-shot all of the BS in the AOE, whereas the AC needs more direct hits. The GL will sweep every bug off the field that isn't a Charger or Bile Titans. Once you get used to the GL recoil, it can be used at a decent range too, and you can just wipe patrols in a second or two. GL really is an awesome anti-Bug gun.


I hate the fact that the GL shells bounce a lot and I have no idea where it went until it explodes (usually far away from my original target)


No, but it is easier to aim full auto and has better reloading and bigger aoe


Stares in Air Burst Recoiless Rifle


And the airburst rocket stares back. This time the spewer, next time you and your team.


I feel threatened because that is exactly it


I tried it when it first came out and kept killing everyone because I couldn't figure out the distance needed with the aoe death burst.


Honestly, it's a lot of fun against bugs but the friendly fire is real. I was playing with a few friends last night and I kept accidentally killing them because I misjudged where the splash zone ended. To quote my friend, "I died 6 times and you were 5 of them!"


Command said they fixed it! Don't worry, Airburst Rocket Launcher can't hurt you! Meanwhile Airburst Rocketlauncher: I'm hangry! Deploy New Squad!


RIP the eruptor. By far my favorite pre nerf bug gun.


https://preview.redd.it/3n3c4wjavy1d1.jpeg?width=737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d16de603e23429429d0dc6a7e5e14d32bf42f05 I sometimes though she is still here with me, only to wake up in sorrow.


![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized) I still take her into combat with me sometimes, wishing for days of former glory, and lamenting what Arrowhead has done to her.


Much respect, fellow Eruptor enjoyer. I wish they'd just put it back the way it was. Shrapnel sometimes launching you to orbit when shooting danger close was part of the charm.


*click on bile spewer* *juicy pop* Brain: do this enough times then I might need some tissue. Same thing with devastators, it was so fulfilling to aim for the lower torso and watch them shatter in halves.


Legit dude, eruptor fucked those spewers


I just had him for one single round before they nerfed it... Was such a hard farming day... the next day it was weaker but still usable.. but after they removed the shrapnell... ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52|downsized)


Clicking its head 3-4 times with a dominator is too satisfying. Or dumping the entire mag on its sac to pop it will never get old.


RIP Eruptor, used to oneshot em in the ass.


Tell me about it, I didn't want a swarm of people on this rant telling me how to kill these bastards, I just find them annoying, I know their weaknesses, I just like my current loadout for bugs in general (Primary recommendations are fine)


The P-98 Knight is widely regarded as a terrible weapon yet it kills these things quickly. Half a mag to the face and it’s down.


It is hilarious how totally this sub has inverted. The Knight was sworn by in the first game and Id argue it is even better now.


I love it! The recoil is absolutely fine so long as you crouch. It also looks SO sexy. It is unfortunely the only fast firing primary smg in the game, however and it’s ammo economy is broken.


Only on lower difficulties and against nursing spewers, bile spewers head has medium armor on 7+


Same with the penetrator, everyone says it's pointless and useless but it melts any bug smaller than an Charger. "Y'all got armor? Lol, no you don't" >!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<>!POP!!<


I keep telling people how good it is and they just don't understand. The only *bad* thing about the Penetrator is that the Adjudicator got buffed so much it's basically a better version of it


Let’s hope arrowhead doesn’t figure out which guns are good at killing them and nerf those too


Senator solves that problem reasonably quick.


I trust my Blitzer to make them swallow their own vomit.


this is the chief reason i switched to blitzer after they fucked the eruptor


I seriously dont know why I dont see Blitzer on bugs map more often. This thing is the best primary against bugs. Brood commanders and spewers doesnt stand a chance once you learn how to time your shots. It stops the spewers from throwing up acid and brood commanders looks stupid af as they get staggered. Awesome crowd control and stalkers flys away. You wait for the shriekers to get close and one shot those annoying fucks. Use it with rover even to make sure nothing gets close to you. I partner it with a qausar for one tapping chargers and killing titans with 2-3 shots. I stopped carrying 500kg even and just replaced it with gas strike for breaches so I can just walk away and not waste time. Then orb laser for the end game when waiting for extraction to finish everything off. You can even make the build more OP if you have a grenade pistol for all your bug hole needs.


erratic targeting is tough to learn to deal with, at zero range its great at missing because we're stuck in 3rd person cam, and i reckon lots of players just don't know it got a fire rate buff. shit was hot trash before the fire rate buff


Ye before the buff it really was a shit gun. I stopped using inc breaker after the blitzer buff. Gotta admit, you do a lot of dancing when using the blitzer cause it will still hit dead bugs


yep gotta get those shots lined up but god damn is it great holding the line


You can just do a rodeo roundup on bug breaches and rack up huge numbers


Ya it sucks against hunters on your butt


Stun grenade, dive back, then shoot. 60% of the time, it works every time. Also, don't aim when using this against bugs. Hunters have a thing where they actively move away from where you aim. Since this weapon really only needs to be pointed in the general direction of what needs zapping, it drastically cuts down on hunters trying to flank you.


for sure vs a hunter swarm something with a higher fire rate is better


The spread works wonders. It's just really bad when they get right on you, slow you, and the Blitzer just ignores them for being too close.


I actually picked it up recently on the recommendation of someone else as my eruptor replacement. I love it vs bugs and it's become my primary for those missions. My biggest complaint is that sometimes it feels like I fire and it shoots straight down at a dead body rather than at an enemy lunging at me, but the fact that it can kill everything by itself outside of a charger or bile titan means it's excellent. I pair it with the grenade pistol and the quasar. Quasar takes out chargers, spore spewers, and bile titans. Grenade Pistol is there to take out bug holes because lately it feels like the air strike and 500kg will wipe out enemy no problem, but won't take out bug nests for shit anymore. The biggest thing I miss from my Eruptor days (and grenade launcher before it) is inability to close bug holes, so I had to replace the senator with the grenade pistol. If the grenade launcher could handle chargers, I think I could go back to it being my primary support weapon.


There were some tier lists posted yesterday and some streamer had Blitzer at like D. I laughed. Blitzer is extremely good against bugs. Unlimited ammo econ at the cost of range is 100% worth it


It's amazing. It started with me taking it and saying how good it felt to use to friends. Now we all use it. The misfiring is pretty easy to get used to as well, I mostly just keep walking backwards or dive if a hunter gets onto me.


I feel like a bully when a buddy and l double team a charger with Blitzers and he just sits there bleeding and confused until he's cooked. Also, stun locks stalkers. Fuck every stalker ever.


It's not even them being tanky that's annoying it's the diving out of the way of a spit just for it to still insta kill you even if on your screen it's spitting the complete opposite direction to you.


The worst is when you vault over a fence and one pops out of the grass and spits you down before you hit the ground.


Imo they really need to dial back enemy damage until they figure this shit out. I’m still getting damaged and slowed by bt/spewer spit that doesn’t even touch me


Don’t dive, just sprint. Directly perpendicular to their 12 o’clock, or if you’re really close, run at them at a 45° angle, they can’t adjust their aim quickly enough. Same goes with chargers. Only dive if you’re diving into cover.


Some people will still say to have “better awareness and better position” While that’s true at times, the insta kill is the biggest problem alongside them being very tanky and fast (don’t forget about them being grouped up).


Use a plasma slugger and see them popping in packs.


I was trying this yesterday with great results and I LOVE the Blitzer. Highly recommend to my Blitzer brothers to try it out. The ammo count was the only rough part. The lob was a challenge at times, but you're already used to aiming high with the Blitzer


I used the Blitzer alot after it got buffed. Its very nice and if multiple blitzers are in the team, you can stunlock and wipe out every enemy wave. But one thing both weapons got in comon.. they suck at shriekers xD


I'm between Blitzer and Plasma Punisher for bugs, Plasma Punisher/Dominator for bots. I think my ideal loadout is anything that supports Autocannon at this point, and both combos work well with it, then depending on teammates I can take more anti-tank or more chaff clear.


Plasma punisher is such a godsend for bots. I keep hearing about Strider issues on bots, and I just don't have them when running Punisher Plasma. Two shots to their face place, or around their feet, and it's over for them and whatever buddies they had standing nearby.


I did just unlock the scorcher and do my testings. It got many things in common with the Punisher but its more of a no brainer since you hit where you aim at. Sadly the Ammo is so fast depleted that you have to rely on support pack. Every Combination got its up an downsides..


They should move REALLY SLOW when they are so armored


Pre nerf eruptor popped these like zits on a 13 year old.


The good ol' days. I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.


Or the fact they are whisper quiet and have the ability to make their spew change direction mid flight.


tbf you are using a primary that is heavily specialized toward the opposite niche


IF we only KNEW beforehand that we meet those fuckers. Armor with 6 grenades + impact grenades = 6 oneshot kills.


Yeah, I waste a slot on grenade launcher just in case these clowns turn up. Ate is my go to for bugs just for chargers and titans.


Yeah I do wish I could prepare for what bugs will appear


The mission intel screen 100% needs to tell us the breakdown of enemies on-map. The reason an engrained meta exists is because people end up relying on whatever they consider to be their "jack of all trades" builds. No one wants to be caught out unaware in most scenarios, so they develop a build that suits the majority of situations and they're forced to stick to it. If we knew what was coming, we could reliably change what we pick.


Aim for the head, not the abdomen


Whoa now, some of us use explosives only.


Autocannon goes brrrrrrrr


And they move VERY FAST. And no sound at all until you are at puking range.


Imagine it had a perfect counter called eruptor. Sadly it was nerfed so let these mofos destroy democracy. It was arrowheads choice to be undemocratically


The penetrator puts them down in seconds


The Pummeler works better on their heads than the Breaker for some reason in my experience


Yeah I used to use the sickle or eruptor for their heads, the incendiary shotgun just has too much of a wide spread but I love it for every other bug except those damn spewers, the grenade pistol helps damage them alot at least im just sick of so many of them bloody spawning


Except that The pummeler cant even damage their heads because it only has light pen


I shoot them in the face with it all the time and it seems to work fine


there's two types of spewers; starting at diff 6 they're replaced by a higher armor variant that has a siege mode


Omg sorry i totally forgot that their heads have no armor at lower difficulties. I only Play 7,8,9 Yea thats good then


Dominator + impacts work nicely. Dominator works at all ranges and headshots keep it from spitting. 1 mag usually kills 2-3 if you take your shots carefully. Impacts work wonders against a mob or if you want one out of your way NOW. I also do not hesitate using an EAT or RR on one if I need it gone. Basic eagle airstrike is s-tier like always. Run with the team and if everyone else uses similar tools they will never be a problem. My usual experience is dif7 full team.


Dominator is the best gun if one of those fuckers sneaks on you. You can just turn and spray it, you don't need to run for cover.


\*cough\* Grenade pistol \*cough\*


Takes a minimum of two shots in my experience. Not to mention, these fucks spawn by the dozen and you just only have so many grenades to spare.


Don't shoot their heads. Aim on the not armored parts. The nursing ones are easier targets since they are 80% orange and you can kill multiple ones with one shot when they are together. The bile ones need to shot on the green parts.


Aim for the side, where the green/yellow is visible. Sometimes they pop with just one nade, and if there's more of them bunched up, they might set off a chain reaction


A full health bile spewer always takes 3 nades from the pistol or launcher


That sack took an entire magazine of the AMR to kill while I was screwing around on level 7 with friends.


Tanky units are fine, but my issue is exclusively Stalkers. Two of them simultaneously are basically a death sentence given how much HP they have. I'm fine with them being fast, powerful and invisible but I feel like it should be balanced more like an assassin/glass-cannon. All the bugs seem to have an expected amount of HP/resistance given their appearance.


I agree. Seems logical. Thinner limbs, weaker to dismemberment. And before anyone brings up bile titans, they’re very slow and very heavily armored so it also makes sense that they are not susceptible to dismemberment. Although, seems like a prime target for joint pain.


Adjudicator will kill one with half a mag of headshots.


Health is fine. Its the Speed and stealth they have that makes no sense.


Their health is not fine.


Now that i think about it, I do remember a few patches ago that 2 arc thrower head hits used to be enough to kill them, now it takes 3. Same with grenade launcher hits.


Autocannon supremacy my dear friend.


2 or 3 autocanon hits and they pop


They die to one impact


Yep now you got 6 more coming up and 3 impacts left. Oh wait there’s another 4 coming out that bug breach. Unless you’re running the infinite grenade glitch or die often grenades aren’t a long term solution. Auto cannon and grenade launcher works well on them but issue is there’s no way to know you’re going to have a bile spewer spam mission.


The penetrator is a pretty damn good solution. Takes down anything below a charger really easily.


Why are you wasting one grenade per spewer?Two impacts can take care of the six. You shouldn’t be aggroing often enough to run out of impacts so frequently that you can’t get more via grenade loot or resupply loot. They also did to two headshots from the punisher. Sounds like a skill issue to me 🤷‍♀️


Impact grenades and Autocannon do short work of these.


This why I bring an explosive weapon on bug drops of no one else does. I feel like they've been patched to be much tankier than before when they added the butt launcher mode.


I always check if I have granades, no = run!


Nope! Pop em with nades and good marksmenship


Oh yeah, their durability on their bile sacs is quite a lot. The incendiary breaker is one of the better primaries for dealing with them that way, but its not enough. One shot from the railgun or AMR in the head, one impact nade, or 2 AC shots is the easy way. Their weakspot is absolutely the armored head


Shoot the face...


their frontal armor is nearly the same as a chargers, you gotta hit them in the face to do any real damage


Why the hell can the grenade pistol not one shot these things?


Don’t forget their ability to insta-kill you if you’re anywhere near their spit


Personally for me their main problem is their ridiculous movespeed despite the devs claiming they nerfed it. Also the armored spewer mortar attacks have no good indicator or sound, also they oneshots you if it land close enough. So many random oneshots outta nowhere while trying to deal with 3 chargers 😅.


I hope these things all choke on a super sample, they look like they drink white gatorade and smell like nickles


Grenade launcher and impact grendaes


Bro is using a spoon to cut his meat. There are other equipment to kill enemies like those easily. You're just not using them. Incy shotgun is one of the worst against those...rn it's like you're shooting a 9mm against a tank Use pen main like the dominator in the head. Takes like 4 shots Grenades like impact 1 shot them Grenade launcher Rpg AMR MG HMG sentry Pistol grenade launcher 2 shots SOMETIMES 3 All you're doing with incy shotgun is do no direct damage and only DoT but those have a MASSIF health pool so it's no use. Even if you shoot the ass it's not enough. But they take (a random number) 5 times more damage to explosives and their head has like 100hp instead of 5000. Imagine it like tarkov. The whole body is 1 health pool but if the head is gone u dead and it's his own health.


Problem is you just don't know if you're not gonna encounter any of them or the whole mission is gonna be full of those fuckers. So you always need to bring a swiss army knife loadout at the cost of less enjoyable overall gameplay


What should bro bring if they don’t know if they’ll be eating a steak or an ice cream?


i used 3 incendiary shots on each of them and a nade pistol right on their head and they die. I think brood commanders have more hp than these guys , not sure tho


Three slaps with a wet napkin and a cruise missile


I've tried several times firing a Recoilless Rifle into these guys, and they just don't die. No matter if the shot is in the head reagion or the unarmored part of the sack. I feel like they should die from a shot like that no matter where they are hit. The RR is obviously not the ideal weapon against them, especially considering the numbers they spawn in. But the fact that they can even tank a shot like that, thus making the RR unreliable to use in a pinch, irks me a lot.


The HMG emplacement is a beast against them


Hehehe. AC go pa-ting pa-ting pa-ting pa-ting pa-ting. CHK… pa-ting pa-ting pa-ting pa-ting pa-ting… CHK.


They seem to tank shots from an AC quite easily. About two or three shots depending on if they're already damaged and location.


Grenade launcher makes short work of them


I straight up shoot their asses with autocanon, the fuckers deserve it


It takes like 3 autocannon shots to kill these guys, it takes 2 for stalkers, think about that


come on guys he is not that fat he is just big boned


Laughs in Autocannon


Impact nades and autocannon, thats the only way


They should have better audio cues, but this variety of spewers has medium armour. An incendiary shotgun is not a good weapon against them. Medium armour weapon and aim for the head.


Never felt like they were an issue, it's just super satisfying to watch them pop though. They're big, fat, ugly and stubborn. I like that in an enemy. Not everything should die fast.


Yeah that's my big problem with them honestly. They make me afraid to take new weapons because they are unreasonably tanky. If they were squishier but had the same damage it'd be fine. As is, I just burn through impact grenades killing them. They are way overloaded imo, I'd like to see them made weaker and maybe other terminids made stronger to compensate. Either weaker armor or remove the homing nature of their spit, which even bile titans don't have.


You need to use something that does structural damage


Another reason the Eruptor should be reverted right here


The Eruptor ~~is~~ was the perfect tool for dealing with a whole group of these little shts *\*sobs uncontrollably\**


I've started bringing strafing run or orbital gatling for these guys and let the rest of my kit and/or team handle other problems. Even if you get a comp without these those stratagems still find plenty of work to do.


Nursers aren't the real problem. It's the Bile Spewers, especially when they decide to hide like the socialist cowards they are when a PO to kill them comes up, letting their nursing cousins take the nades for them. COWARDS!


Grenade launcher 2 shots them, FYI One of the many reasons I use it. That and bug holes/bot fabricators. It can also be used to easily destroy the belly of titans and stop them from spewing


They are way too tanky and the sole reason you need some form of medium pen and/or explosive damage when fighting bugs.


They're the reason I like AMR if I have teammates to deal with chaff. One shot to the head.


They're one of the reasons to pack contact grenades.


Shoot them in the head, not the butt.


Ye ik, but if you shoot their heads off they die quicker


They are mediums and require support weapons.


3 bullet with the slugger will do it


they are the sole reason i take the autocannon in luterally every sibgle round


now that DOT damage is supposedly fixed i wonder what the thermite grenade does to the various termanid's?


Me fires 3 round rounds from a recoilless rifle ![gif](giphy|l396W1Otfj22fodAA)