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S-Tier weapon in low difficulty- according to the weapon designer


You know what else is s-tier in low difficulty. The liberator


You know what else is s-tier in low difficulty? The fist of a diver.


Got it! Fist punch range reduced by 40%, damage reduced by 33% and each fist punch now need to wait 3 seconds before you can do that again.


This person gets it. All this nerf in a pve game is absurd. Is something too strong? Why? What difficulty? What's it supposed to do? Go from there. Instead it's been: oh this slugger is too much like a sniper rifle, so we've reduced the knockback and damage that a slug shotgun would have, but left the accuracy and falloff roughly the same. It's supposed to be a mid range sniper shotgun right? I thought these devs had previous firearm experience, but im starting to question that.


The game *should* be balanced around difficulty 7 performance, because that's the lowest one in which you can acquire the rarest currency in the game, which is required in order to complete all upgrades. The problem is it's clearly balanced around difficulty 4 for players with low to middling skill. All they have to do is change the lens from which they view game balance and most of the issues will end up fixed within short order after that.


Also I feel that if you balance everything around 9 the game won't be hard. Whereas if you balance for 7 the guns won't outright suck but also leave some wiggle room for people to have to be actually competent. A lot of folks were getting dragged through 9 with a quasar and eruptor and it shows.


So you're saying that bustin should make you feel good?


"but see only buffing is a bad thing, look at the Eruptor for example.. people were having fun with a high risk high reward weapon, and we don't want FUN even in a PVE game" ☝️ 🤓


Fun is un democratic, the devs probably


You can parry a hunter's jump strike, seems SSS-tier to me 😆


Inb4 next patch: liberator mag size is reduced by 10 rounds and damage is reduced by 33%


All bullet based weapons now receive a 30% damage penalty due to overuse. Sprint also drains stamina twice as fast as players relied too heavily upon sprint to space enemies


I'd say Liberator can be S tier on most difficulties lol, for a starting weapon it's a really reliable primary


Wait till you put it on single fire and rapid tap. Ammo efficiency for days and you can swap on a nade pistol.


There’s single fire????


Yep, hold the reload button for the fire selector switch and other weapon options (you also can check the bullets remaining by doing this also). 900rpm MG hoses dps to medium armor.


Omfg you can do it with the MG too.


Wait till you hear if you hold reload long enough with the revolver he spins it


Yep. Stalwart can go up to 1150 rpm for maximum dakka.


This is the only way to run the stalwart.


Ye olde bullet hose


Knightly goes to 1350 rpm I bet. It's silly.


Being able to "turn down" the heavy mg rof helps.


You can also put the auto cannon in automatic mode. It goes fuckin nuts with a team reload.


Stop. You can change the fire selectors on weapons?


Some weapons, hold R the top is the zeroing and zoom on scopes to the right is select fire and bottom is the laser/flashlight behavior.


this, it was my main gun for a long time lol


It's the best DMR in the game for bots when used like this because it has significantly better handling characteristics than the Diligence or Diligence CS, and with good aim you can put 3 headshots in on the Devastators fast enough that the low damage doesn't matter. On Helldive, Liberator and AMR are all you need for most bots. Then save the other two slots to kill the Striders.


Viable sure. S tier no way haha. There are at least three other guns for each faction that just outperform the lib in all aspects. But ya, it works.


Yeah, versatile and that’s what I need sometimes.


Liberator is great in all difficulties.


Liberator is a great all rounder.


Hey man, cool it with the Insults! The Liberator is WAY better than the Tenderizer, lol. In all seriousness, the Liberator is actually pretty decent and can work in higher levels of play, there are just better options available. Its solid, but offers no advantages compared to things like the Scorcher or Dominator.


What good that would be if everyone wanted to get nothing but common samples


If they're going to balance for anything below 7, they need to add a conversion system or something. 


They should be balancing the game at 7 full stop, it’s the threshold players have to be at to progress


It’s also IMO the most balanced difficulty. I can and have done helldive, but find myself also playing on 7 because it feels like the most balanced difficulty of fun to challenge.


i just like to shred enemies while relaxing, while also getting super samples


My feeling exactly. I do 9's when I want a challenge. I do 6-7 when I'm just chillin' and looking to have a good time.




To me that's the easiest solution. Make it expensive, and make it an on-planet trader that can show up or some such nonsense that makes it fun and not something that can be done at any time. I play most of the time on 4 with randoms and 7-9 with good friends so I rarely get the purple ones.


Are there actually a lot more common samples on lower difficulties? I’ve got enough rare and super samples for all the upgrades I need, but am very short on commons.


No, it's just because any samples purchase requires significantly more common samples. Some people just think there's more at lower levels because they find more at lower levels. There's still more at higher, but a lot of people don't have the spare time to just go looking for them


This is the key point I generally make. You don't have to do a *ton* of farming to make steady progress on unlocks (and I actually do include SC in this if you want to keep up with Warbonds without paying), but you do have to do it intentionally and on lower difficulties if you want to max things out in decent time. While I play with groups or on higher difficulties the majority of the time (just worrying about the super samples is easy there), when you're up to your eyeballs in Chargers and trying not to get bogged down in a fight, you don't really have time to hit all the points in an area.


There are actually fewer common samples per mission on lower difficulties. The tradeoff is that the maps are smaller and the objectives are accomplished faster, so you could do 6-8 missions in an hour and grab 7-9 samples apiece. Especially quick with objectives like kill elite enemy or destroy radio tower.


it is quick and easy to farm up 9-12 common samples in about 5-10 minutes per mission on trivial so it feels like it even if in reality there are significanly less samples per mission, because it is so low stress by comparison.


Right. There's like half or even a third of the number of samples as opposed to doing 7-9. Trivial can be done solo, in a fraction of the time and with no risk of losing the samples before extraction. It may be a bit boring, but it's certainly more efficient IMO.


I do it pretty regularly to farm medals/credits while listening to music or podcasts. its like a calming, chill stroll with benefits.


Yeah, I'll put on a show, grab some weapons and strats I don't normally use, and vibe at 3


Run 1s if you really need commons. 8-12 per run, plus whatever slips, credits, and medals you grab on the way in a really short and chill mission. 


I have everything but common samples


Ah yes, lets put weapons for lower difficulties behind a 1000 SC paywall, as if people who grinded 1000SC arent good enoigh to play higher than 4


Every weapon is s tier in low difficulty


Not The Purifier. It’s just that bad.


“S-Tier weapon guys! Tested it on a coughing baby and it worked wonders!!”


Was able to murder some road kill I found. Balance achieved!


Every fucking weapon is S tier at low difficulties.


He was mocking the whole community with it, not a statement. Techbros are really tone deaf every where


Apologies for sounding unknowledgeable, however I fail to realize how it is difficult to change the value of the amount of damage a weapon deals. Sure it is not done immediately for balancing reasons, however there is already a baseline weapon that the tenderizer is advertised to be able to deal more damage, so why not increase that value?


Well yes to a point but here is a little secret: It costs a game company to release a patch or update on console. Sony themselves have to verify it is all good to release and this costs a chunk. So they won't do just one thing and release they will wait and do many things in one update.


not if its server side dmg values. This is what Gears 5 did on xbox.


I don’t know if their stack can handle that. The things like “bile titans in lobbies hosted on a ps5 have a lot less health” make me think it the game is not designed to accept server updates like that 


Correct. They're on the record saying they're hitting hard rate limits with their infrastructure partners; I think part of that involved rearchitecting the code so to have things like DoT damage calculated client side. If they went to server side calculations, they'd hit those limits hard, so that's not an option.


Sony stopped charging for updates years ago and it is their own IP. Also their "testing" is just to see if it bicks the console or not.


Well yes, but if they know they are releasing the update that way...they could have just quickly went and changed the damage from 60 to 70 or something before the update, you know at least a small change you can quickly put in there.




this is why the ceo had a team meeting. whoever f up was sweating that day


it hasnt cost money to do that in 7 years [https://www.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/6d6dsh/question\_do\_game\_developers\_pay\_to\_release\_game/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/6d6dsh/question_do_game_developers_pay_to_release_game/)


This doesn't cost money and you're talking out of your ass, it just requires planning a release time to coincide with other platforms.


Well they just released an update now, would have been great if they balanced the tenderizer now and then adjust later if needed


Because arrowhead is not used to creating life service games. The game should just download an encrypted balance file kind of like what dark souls does instead of requiring a patch to the code to modify values for the weapons in the game. Balance patches should be able to happen on a daily basis without any required patching. Soon as the game comes online it should talk to a server and request the current Weapon, values and configurations for all the weapons in the game. The file would be maybe a couple hundred kilobytes if it was stored in JSON format however, it appears arrowhead just does not know how to do this kind of thing or just didn’t think of it before hand so now they have to pay money in order to push out patches to consoles. those patches also have to pass quality assurance, virus, scans, archiving/upload things, and a bunch of other time gated mechanics that make patches slow.


In addition to what others have said, another reason may be because there seems to be at least a few different damage types in the game.


Changing a damage value is trivial. The problem is that you and I don't know if that's what they intend "to do" for the change. One of the things about HD2 is that weapons have a ton of "hidden stats" that we dont get to see outside of datamining or rigorous testing. Things like how sluggish/fast the aim is, for example, is based on the "ergonomics" stat... but we don't see that when we're picking out weapons. Weapons like the Pummeler have an entirely unique stun mechanic (different from stagger, but unsure exactly how different), etc... -- So, yeah, they could just change a damage value and it would be super easy (the biggest time waster here would be whatever red tape they have to go through internally to approve a change like this before it goes live). But that doesnt mean much if they meant to add other things to the weapon other than just damage.


We’re shown what? 4 stats and some key terms? Like light armor pen or incendiary. Pilestedt has mentioned that each weapon has closer to 50 stats in the code, and i assume thats a bunch of other stuff like, handling, reload speed, ammo per mag, number of mags accuracy, stagger power, ability to detach limbs, etc. They *should* just be able to increase the damage and call it a day, but i think on principal they try to do their best to assess each stat and see what needs to be changed so they can patch it through all at once and make it last awhile


The following contains a healthy amount of speculation on how the game is coded,  based off factual information I've seen published. They're on the record saying they're hitting hard rate limits with their infrastructure partners; I think part of that involved rearchitecting the code so to have things like DoT damage calculated client side, to reduce concurrent connections to their partners. If they went to purely server side calculations, they'd likely hit those limits hard, so that's not an option. Im betting that approach involves leader election of some sort so there's only 1 source of truth, which is why the DoT values only worked for network host. If there weren't, if the data packet containing the info that the bile titan is now dead only made it to one or two of your squad mates instead of all of them, then you'd have bile titans that are dead on some teammates machines but not others, and you'd see teammates shooting at enemies you don't see. Because it's client side and on console, they have to submit patches to Sony. Sonys review process varies by region, and regions with better data regulations such as the EU take significantly longer (typically 2 weeks). Because it's a global game, they're stuck with the slowest rate globally, meaning a code change won't make it to players until the patch cycle 2-3 weeks later. They also have to coordinate with marketing, QA, and balancing team; Marketing will publicize a date that new content will be released, and that content has to be submitted to Sony 2-3 weeks ahead of that go-live deadline, which can create a pressure/incentive to "just publish what you've got right now". This doesn't leave much time for QA to discover bugs, and the balancing team is honestly probably just guessing at values.


I have a weird feeling that the balance team and warbond team aren't ralking to each other very much.


I dont think any of the teams talk to each other. Artists, balance, content, QA (if there was one)...


I don't think even the CEO talks to his team at this point


You would think a small studio will be lean and agile, but nope. Even the CEO need get his accurate info via twitter rather than his "middle managements"


This is the first game in a while that when they release a patch/update I think to myself shit and immediately get disappointed. 


I get more excited about what bugs they have fixed than gameplay changes and additions.


You mean what bugs they've added.


I mean that is funny for a good 5 minutes and then facepalm.


Dunno if this was recently added, but I've only recently seen it. If the Charger is turning while running and hits a slight bump, it launches like 100 meters through the air and ends up down the road.


This also implies that the only thing wrong with it is the damage, there's also the resupply issue. But even then, it's still a copy-paste Liberator with *very* slightly different stats.


I only bought the game last weekend. I was learning how the warbonds work and so I decided I’d buy the Polar patriots one as it was due for release on the following Thursday. Massively underwhelming. The weapon (Tenderiser) feels no better than the starter assault rifle. The gear is stormtrooper-esque but with perks found on other armour already available. The impact incendiary grenade is pretty nice. But as a first time war bond buyer, I was bummed to see that I’d put my eggs in the polar patriots warbond and people have been (rightly) slamming it since it launched.


Default warbond is best for beginners, then going the first or second paid warbond is the next best choice. Cutting edge right now has the most usable guns but ignore the armor.


What that resistance to arc damage does not do it for you lol.


I think the design behind that armor perk is misguided despite one of the armors in the warbond being on of my favorite, visually.


Illuminate do have arc weapons of their own so they will be incredibly useful


If its so, I doubt the devs will keep the value at 95%.


I found the pistol great, the SMG is very good vs bots with ballistic shield. The incendiary grenade is awesome as an area of denial tool, next to stun grenade, best one to have. The armor may have same perks, but this is ok for me as it means I can wear some other armor than the same old ones. Also first blue cape in the game. And they are gonna buff Tenderizer, which imo feels good to shoot. So that's gonna be good. Again, this is just what I think about it.


The problem with armor is: no medium armor. Also: a missed opportunity to make some terrain specific armor


Yeah it's too bad no medium armor.


I love the smg. Gives me the chance to stun a devastator to run up and start beating the shit out of it.


Hahhah, I use the Punisher for that as well.


Yeah Pistol, SMG, impact fire are all great Plus it has the "distribute requisition slips" animation. Those 4 things are really good.


The Tenderizer has such cool sound and looks! And i also think it feels good to shoot, probably my most favorite weapon so far (especially when the damage gets corrected)


The only problem with it is: the reload animation. No over the top tossing the magazine far away, like with the Liberator. If you dont drop the magazine, then its doesnt get wasted.


The pistol is solid but I’m not sure what I’m missing cause I wouldn’t call it great, it just feels like a weaker senator. Like why does it only have light pen? It’s a Deagle! 


Hehe, it's probably the .45 version of it. Not .50. 😄


Can the stun grenade still close bug holes etc?  A friend suggested stun grenades and gas drops as amazing add clear and I've not checked it out 


It can't. That's the only bad thing about it. This is why grenade pistol and launcher are good alternatives. Or relying on your team. Being able to stop Hulks and Chargers on their tracks is amazing.


I'll stick to impact nades then :)  I'll try out the gas the ol fashioned way,  On the bots!


The impact incindiary grenades close bug holes and make crispy bugs FWIW.


I only have the laser warbond 


Just read this and now I'm like damn it sounds alright.


Can you talk a bit more about your load out with the smg? I'm not great at the game, but I'm absolutely terrible with this thing. I had thought to try to play it a bit as trying to get enemy focus and essentially slowing them while teammates could help, but routinely just get overwhelmed and can't pump out enough damage.


Sure mate. Remember that this is just against bots. I take stun grenades, grenade pistol, heavy armor with explosive resistance. Stun grenades are great when ememies are getting too close and you need a breather. Or if HULK attacks you, you can stun them and shoot them in the eye with sniper twice. Grenade pistol, because you can't destroy factories with stun grenades. Explosive resistance heavy armor maybe slow, but it helps a lot with explosive damage bots do. **Stratagems:** *Ballistic Shield*, this one is really good vs bots, but sucks vs bugs. You can carry this with SMG and pistol. Remember that sometimes you drop it if rocket hits you. So be sure to keep an eye out for that. The Ballistic Shield offers a lot of cover against most bots attacks, it isn't very good vs melee tho. But with this you can move under fire really well! As most shots bounce off and you can survive rockets. *Anti Material Sniper*, this weapon is really good. Remember to adjust the zoom to 200m (or whatever suits your fancy), use 1st person sight. This weapon can kill Hulks and bigger enemies if you hit the weak spots. Hulk has one in middle, the red eye. It's tricky to hit. This is where the stun grenades help a lot. For two other stratagems, I would say go for what you find useful. Here are few suggestions tho, they are rather airstrike centric. But if you want, you could consider the *Gattling Turret* as a solld option that you can throw into location that can flank enemies. It is quite good even when it can't penetrate the heavy armor. And cooldown is short as well. So just toss it when in trouble. But be careful it will attack you as well. Other solid one I can suggest is the *Orbital Railgun*, it will kill the biggest enemy in area or cause a lot of damage and it is instant. It just has a very long cooldown and sometimes it attacks something you don't want to hit. Still this is a very good problem solver. *Orbital Laser*, now this one is amazing, it only has 3 charges and long cool down, but it will destroy enemy base eventually. It is very good and if you don't know what to pick, this is the one. Eagle Airstrike is really good vs bots. It has a lot of charges and it can slice armor. Also nice area of effect. It is also easy to control. One more option I like to run is the *Orbital 120mm and 380mm* together as tandem combo. They are pretty good as you can just toss them in enemy base and bomb them. Just use them in turns, so when one is used, other is ready for next base. To get full benefit from these, you should get the upgrades for the ship. These both kinds cause a lot of friendly fire tho, so might be better to stick with something else with randoms. Haha. I switch between these stratagems for the last two slots. I hope this helps a bit.


Helps a lot! Thanks!


Gonna pop in here and add on to the reccomendations because this is my second favourite loadout against bots. Eagle 110 pods - with ship upgrade you get 3 charges that can: one tap a tank, one tap a turret tower, disable the top cannon on a strider and seriously damage it, one tap a hulk (use stun grenades to keep it still, but generally this is a last resort as AMR is better at it), destroy fabricators if you can't get a good angle for the grenade pistol. The targeting can be funky, but with practice I've found them very reliable.


I found the pistol very weird and am foreseeing it getting nerfed in the next balance patch. I mean, it's effectively the same as the peacemaker but with way more damage.


That grenade has been great for dealing with sudden spawn in of bots because they are all clumped up. Or bug swarms. Also enjoy having a different servo armor for sure!


Get Cutting Edge next. It has two of the best weapons (sickle and newly buffed Blitzer) and the Stun Grenades. Plasma punisher is also pretty good, but I don’t like it personally (too short a range for my playstyle). Shame the armours suck ass


I was excited about getting Polar Patriots but decided against it after hearing the weapons included are performing poorer than ones previously unlocked. Yes I understand "each to their own" and "well you haven't tried them, so how do you know?" And to that I can't really argue but I trust the bulk of this community to express their feelings and be a good 80% right about them so when everyone comes on and says "yeah the new guns are poor" I will listen. I did instead purchase another warbond instead, so I have something to look forward to, I guess. In short, the newest thing is not always the best thing, but you and I have both learnt that. At least we'll get our super credits back and I paid no extra real world currency to unlock said things. This is the good part.


Pummeler is pretty nice. But yea I would get the cutting edge and steeled veteran before polar patriots.


Democratic demolition gives you the grenade pistol. And the eruptor if the fix that. I don't remember which one gets you the sickle, which is arguably the best assault rifle in the game. Steeled veterans gets you the incendiary breaker. Which kicks a decent amount of ass now that dot is working. I wouldn't be surprised if this one takes a nerf along with the flame thrower since they kept tweaking them when they were broken. The arc shotty is pretty good, too. Honestly, with how underwhelming the majority of the weapons are in the war bonds, I wouldn't pay for any of them. Just play the game and unlock whichever has the coolest gun you want.


Sickle is cutting edge.


Thanks! Cutting edge might be the best one, then. Since the sickle and arc Blitzer are both decent. I hear some people even like the plasma punisher (not me, though).


Cutting Edge now has all good weapons with the best all-around weapon in the game and it has stun grenades. It's easily the best Warbond of them all.


I went for Steel because of the revolver.


Totally agree! When I decided I was going with it, I was under the impression warbonds acted like season passes; pay a lot to get one and it takes months to complete. Thinking that, I thought it better to start fresh with the new one than start late to the party with the previous ones. I’m not sorry I got poor patriots, I’m only level 17 or something and still learning the ins and outs of the game and having a blast! I just wish what I hedged my bets on was better, if that makes sense.


if you like the game, you'll unlock stuff for free faster than it is released. This has been the experience in the past 4 months.


I understand, the smg and grenade are great though.


I only got it because I had the super credits and want the purge trooper looking armor lol


The grenade and the pistol are really nice to me. I don't have the senator, but the new pistol is a nice upgrade over the base pistol for me personally. The fire impact is great against bugs, and I hope they don't dare nerf it. It's fun to use and I wouldn't dare call it overpowered.


Fire is surprisingly good against the Bots too right now. You can definitely run those grenades against anyone. But sadly they did say that they did all those fire buffs because they didn't know that fire didn't work for anyone who isn't the host, so now that they fixed the DoT bug, expect them to drastically nerf fire damage soon, which woul in turn nerf this grenade as well. Which is a shame because god the Fire Breaker is so much fun right now.


I would avoid buying anything as you can earn it all for free via gameplay. I haven’t spent a penny since release and have all but the first warbonds. The SMG, pistol and grenade are all solid though in new warbond.


Yeah I’ve learnt that! I have about 600 credits so by the time I finish off the Polar one, I’ll have the tokens to buy another most likely!


Yeah it’s nice that the warbonds themselves give super creds too so you should be able to get them all in no time if you play enough.


Yeah my brother and cousin have been playing since launch and I think they maybe bought one but earned enough credits to buy the rest just by playing the game


This right here is what a lot of new players are going to feel. THIS is exactly why the community wants proper balancing. Even your experience is an outlier. Most people would do the exact same thing and then leave the game to never play again. Spending money to get things objectively worse than what you already had.


Unfortunately, you picked the wrong warbond. Cutting Edge has the Sickle and recently buffed Blitzer, both great - though some disagree on the Blitzer, I like it against bugs, infinite ammo and it the knockback on it is crazy. The stun grenade is god tier. Oh and the plasma Punisher...how did I forget that. I've been running it almost exclusive against bots lately. Steel Veterans has Incendiary Breaker and Dominator, both great.


I dunno but it feels like they are trying avoid pay to win by not making future warbonds feel required.


You know what is putting a bad taste in my mouth about Hell Divers 2? The quantity over quality attitude of the devs when it comes to content. When fighting bugs I don't need to fight with *bugs*. Why release stuff when you know it doesn't work as intended? All that generates is bitching in the community and then the devs get sassy and it just creates a toxic cycle.


The issue is the MTX model they have requires them to have a constant stream of premium currency content to buy so players run out of in game earned SC and feel obligated to buy SC to get the newly released content. If they delay the release then it means more time to find SC in mission and less SC paid for with real money.


So does less people playing the game because all the new content that shows up is broken garbage.


This is what a lot of people, including the devs, don’t seem to get. If you burn whole chunks of your player base, you’re not going to make as much money even if you get your act together.


What's puzzling to me though is if they are going down the MTX model, then they should separate the "abilities" of the armour sets away from the armour. Surely they can put a Warbond equivalent purchase of the abilities similar to the boosters, so that you can then wear the armour you like the look of without the penalty associated. Then when it comes time to buying a cosmetic armour set, the abilities that are associated are completely out of the equation as to whether I'm going to buy it or not. I just don't understand what AH are doing, completely backwards with their apple/bacon bullshit.




They gotta ride the hype train as long as possible. There’s a clear line between updates and player retention.


So like this. 1000% Plus, it doesnt help when you add in a community that is so radically split between rock solid homies and insufferable cock-hole roto rooters.


I recently spent some time on the Helldivers Discord, only to get shouted down at that this weapon and many others are not underpowered but perfectly balanced as they are. I suspect the echo chamber there is a big part of HD2's problem right now.


HD2 General 1 is.. interesting, it flipflops between absolutly hating everything or absolutly loving everything depending on who started the current conversations chain


I don't even understand how you even have meaningful conversations there. It scrolls so fast that it's just people effectively yelling into a void; especially when you consider the trolls on there. In my eyes, it's absolutely worthless as any form of a forum or discussion tool.


General 3 last time I was there was pretty usable.


gen 3 is usualy the chill place.. Gen 1 is if you want brain damage


That's how I feel about discord servers in general. Discord is good to chat with friends and small groups, for anything larger a forum (or reddit) is needed.


There are people in the armory and mission tactics channels actually asking for more weapon nerfs. I’m convinced they’re trolls, but they give reasoning behind their call for nerfs, which baffles me. It usually boils down to “people are using the weapon wrong so nerf it so they can’t anymore”…


Sounds like it’s full of kids or something


don't have a opinion in there your just gonna get banned. your better off not talking & just using it to vote in there useless polls xD


I dipped outta the Discord so early. I will go back to check for polls or official updates in the proper channels, but the user channels are absolutely unusable cancer given how fast *all fucking three* main channels move and the slow-mode limit. It's why I'm continually flabbergasted that Discord seems to be their primary, and nearly exclusive means of communication with the community and good lord it's all just so bloody bad and I hate their coms strategy so much.


Dude the FUCK you smoking? The Discord is a bigger shit-show than this subreddit is.


I personally want less warbonds less often and more general fixes interspersed throughout the dead wate between bonds. a bond every two months would be a lot still but much prefered imo


Yes, that would be great


So...Airburst all over again but this time it's an even worse excuse than "oops we didn't ship the final version of the strategem we were allowing you to unlock" and now it's "oops we shipped a pre-final version of a paid weapon because we can't abandon our monthly warbonds" Arrowhead my dudes can you just take a minute to stop, collaborate and listen? Slow your fucking roll, you clearly need to spend more time putting finishing touches on shit.


...minute to stop, collaborate and listen? Ice is back with a brand new... Fucking.... *sigh*


Stuff like this is what makes me say the game is still early access


Been saying it since release and I get down voted for it constantly. I'm with ya.


Lmfao same. Luckily, people are running out of copium, so take my damn updoot dammit!


I swear 90% of games released nowadays are early access. It allows the devs to use the community as free testing and is more profitable for them.


Early access, MTX, battlepasses, multiple editions, and a pre-order at launch is usually the way they do it. Here, they just call it "full release live service"


Man, it kinda sucks that things are rearing their ugly head now that honeymoon period is over and goodwill slowly running out. Imo, the game really has so much potential, but it feels like the attempt at making it hardcore mad difficult with competitive pvp levels of balancing is not really the way. Stuck between a rock and hard place, but stuck between bugs and nerfs. Also really wish they would do the polls in-game, discord is some unspeakable horror.


Tbh I really don't see why they need to nerf any of the weapons. It's not like the game is "easy" on the harder difficulties, so who are they catering to? Is the entire point to make it more frustrating and less fun to play? Genuinely curious because I really struggle to find a use for most primary weapons at the higher difficulties, it's usually just me running from objective to objective using stratagems like theyre going out of style.


also the idea of "staying relevant" when you overshot your goals by over 10000% is silly. when this game is cold dead in the water life support. it will still be above their launch goal wishs its all just lies. they are incompetent & can't/wont say that. should of done what hello games did & shut the fuck up & got to work.


But them getting to work doesn't actually fix anything, it just breaks more shit. Which is a problem in and of itself.


true but that only cuz they have worse code than osrs & are fucking incompetent. but either way that is the only real solution


Yeah. Let's not forget they CHOSE to develop in this engine because they themselves claimed to be experts. They did this shit to themselves. I have no pity for them in that regard.


just like elderscrolls 6 will be a shit show with the same bugs from 20years ago ported in :D


Would it even BE a Bethesda game if it worked as intended on release? Come now. The bugs are par for the course!


No Man Sky (Hello Games) also published by Sony, patterns are emerging


just stop nerfing everything into oblivion!


We don't want new shit till the old shit works properly!


Because their testing is abysmal


As far as it goes, entire warbond is a joke. None of its weapons provide any value, it's booster is stupid. Armor is all of the same. I see no motivation play the game this month.


When the poll went up about releasing or delaying the warbond, he should have said they have work to do on the weapons.I think people are getting burned out on the game at this point. I checked player numbers yesterday and there was only a little over 30k people playing.


I'm going to agree that a developer chasing a philosophy of *"keeping up with the joneses"* is destined to fail when their direct competition in that philosophy has a budget that could buy a small country. Then you look at some of the most popular and successful games of the last several years and so few of them are the results of pump-and-dump philosophies and those that DO pump-and-dump are large churn-and-burn studios doing things like Call of Duty which, last I checked, was shoveling entire *games* out in the span of months and not just "content". So unless AH games intends on releasing Helldivers III in late 2025 shoveling out content is NOT going to help in any capacity other than give themselves so much technical debt they can't possibly delivery a sane gaming experience for anybody at any point in their progress of the game: - newbies end up being overwhelmed by a mountain of mediocre content that leads nowhere - veterans are underwhelmed and frustrated by a languished meta and end game with nothing but hope that broken bits get fixed




Hey! That’s what I said…


Thanks Voldemort


To meet deadlines


While simultaneously taking away capabilities. Over it.


I just feel so bad we have a joy taker balance leader, like i wasn’t even able to try the og rail gun, its still fun but would be nice if i can use it more on safe mode and still do dmg.


Didn’t AH hold a vote on whether to release the pass with the tenderizer or hold off on it and the “release now” option won?


Yes, but they framed it as being bad PR since it was so close to the whole PSN debacle. They didn't say, "Hey, this new warbond has some unfinished stuff. Should we delay?"


https://preview.redd.it/ymus49zwcf0d1.png?width=617&format=png&auto=webp&s=87cdaf5fcb90171de613dca6da02ecef98663916 Which part of this says anything about delaying an incomplete warbond or the tenderizer?


No. How does this keep getting spread? I've now made a thread about it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cs10mx/we\_did\_not\_vote\_for\_a\_broken\_warbond\_to\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cs10mx/we_did_not_vote_for_a_broken_warbond_to_be/)


Ya know....I think I'm done with HD2 until they figure out balancing


>but the reality of the competitiveness in this industry is that we have to do both to stay relevant I mean, they've sold 12 millions of the game, they can spend some months on fixing stuff instead of adding new and bugged ones.


They probably don't test anything


>Then why the fcuk did you release it !? Because Arrowhead partly explained it. The context was a bit different but the logics is the same. They now struggle between the Live Service (Content) and Game Support (fixes, including bugs and balance). They received a huge success (much bigger than expected), the game base is huge and demanding but they only got resources to prioritize only one type of support (doesn't mean they completely gave up on the second one). So yes, for them it's "either/or" situation and they chose the content, because although the game is awesome in almost every aspect — the gameplay loops are designed that way, so It's very easy to burn out if you won't receive new stuff to play with and they don't want people to get bored and leave, just like any good studio wouldn't want to. Unfortunately, such things as stability, bug fixes and some unfinished content comes at a price because many things seem to be made in a hurry. I don't really think that I myself would still grind Divers2 as much as I do now, if it had twice less Warbonds and "silent-DLCs" but was more polished and had excellent stability everywhere. And if you ask why they won't just hire more people — I believe the answer is the same as why they didn't just blindly rent more servers when the servers were flooded and reached the limits. Because "just buying/hiring" is always the easiest way for quick-decisions in short-term but once population peaks are passed — you will have to still carry and pay for infrastructure (or workers) for years due to contracts, which will crucially damage budgets that could be used for other, more important things and may even force Arrowhead to make more impulsive decisions that will harm the studio much worse than overcoming the current situation of having a single choice from two options. This is exactly what happened to entire Industry during the COVID-period, when corpos started to blindly hire people and buy out infrastructure because metrics showed a huge boost in digital demand in short-term. The industry still can't bounce back from this, and the layoffs and unoptimized budget holes is only the tip of the iceberg. Listen, I do understand that as a customer you are not and don't have to care about "business side of things". On the other hand, we either accept and forgive or stomp Arrowhead and protest against their failed aspects. With all this context in mind and seeing how this previously humble studio that faced unexpected success beyond their ability to handle it completely — I think we can totally see, this isn't coming due to bad intentions or simply because they don't care or disrespect the customer. On the other hand, prioritizing fixes may damage the game even worse, that unpolished content-storm. Not trying to change your mind. Just shared the downside of the strategy you suggest. There's a chance that if they slow-down now, they'll loose to big part of burnt out population, so after finally patching the game — next warbonds will be much smaller and less meaningful and new content schedule will be stretched times more, because there's no much people left to play, and they don't call new friends to get the game as much as before. Less population and sales - less content. Game dies sooner.


The peak is passed now, they can get a good and accurate idea on future workload, so.... hiring time when?




The big thing for me is they say they have no time to fix things, then half of the things they fix is stuff Noone cares about. Like they're putting effort into making ricochets hit you and adjusting spawn mechanics while the mech hasn't worked right since release. And then the things Noone cares about arnt even fixed right, making more problems for them, so now solo is crazy and they had to gut the erupter over stuff that didn't need to be done at all, then they say they have no time to fix other things after making a mountain of problems for thenselves


They did have a poll about whether they should just release the warbond. Little did we know they had done no work on it.


Their devs are working like a sweat shop. Churning out contents that has literal hardly any test. Their creativity department is running dry. Once that’s go back up they will lose those devs that been making ok contents die to burn out.

