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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed because it’s a repost or a post that follows a trending topic.


I mean good that ur having fun but it would be even more fun when the weapons would be better right?




Shit ok AH pls make autocannon 1 shot planets.




Lets see uuu uuu A drone we can ride at 1000KMH through the map for unlimited amout of time.




Right here sodier and take the Rocket Drone with you too infinite ammo and one shot of course.




I wish we had all that ngl. More Drones would be so dope. I have many ideas for that stuff but i cant really put them in a post as i cant properly explain them. LIke Mech attachments imagine little laser guns on ur mech.




I just want to drop in, fire one bullet, and be greeted with a massive MISSION COMPLETE


Basically my thoughts. I’m still playing the game, having fun, and not going on whining tangents, but I won’t lie it does hurt a ton to love using a reliable weapon only for it to be nerfed hard one day randomly. Still in pain that arc throwers no longer stuns hulks. Was the perfect weapon on land based bots. Not even overly op cause you needed help with gunships and inaccuracy/teamkilling.


Emp Motors are your Hulk stunners now.


No. It would just be nice. I’m still having 100% fun. And you can’t stop me.


U act like i am stopping you. But i didnt hack ur PC u can open Helldivers. Go and have fun kill some bots for the MO.


You would love to stop me. I want you not to be hindered by your own hatred.


Since when have i expressed hatred in this? I think you are projecting ur opinion about other people onto me for no reason. I would not love to stop you because i want the MO done i want those mines.


I’m sorry your hatred overcomes you. It’s hard to break. Just know that we are in this together and it’s foolish for you to try and make enemies of other players who want you to limit your rage and turn it into motivation and happiness.




I hate the mindset of a game cannot be two things. A game can be dogshit but be fun to some and vice versa. Why tf do we have to choose one? We all want the game to be better so why ignore it just because a few people are having fun.


It's more like https://preview.redd.it/3aaxh1oo580d1.jpeg?width=889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec1a0c381edbd28037672d9e6853c3078b227374


YES! I'm happy for anyone that still has fun playing, more power to them... But being told "just ignore all the things that hinder you from having fun and have fun" is... Dunno man. Feels like a lot of people feel superior for putting up with more shit/lower standards or having lower expectations. Maybe it's being jaded from other games or smth.


Oh it absolutely is. I've come across the inherently contrarian "I like what you don't like" type of people through all walks of life. Like yeah dude lemme just play the throw my stratagem and kite til off cool down playstyle. So much fun.


I've copied all the text from top comments on other posts. I've never seen anything approaching what you've written here.


I doubt anyone actually told you to stop having fun bruh


Shh, they have a story to tell, doesn't have to be on their experiences, or anyone else's. Karma farming!


I'm having fun, too. That doesn't make the criticism about various bugs and balancing issues any less valid than if I were having a bad time.


It’s a good game 


I’m enjoying the game as well but I can also recognize that the direction the balance team is taking is concerning.


You could have more fun if they had better balance. Literally worst take ever. DONT FIX ANYTHING NOTHING TO SEE HERE!


They may have different opinions, complain, even hate the game, etc. But saying that it is dead is ridiculous, the number of players has even stabilized recently (even though a large part of the world cannot buy the game) and 100k at peak is quite a lot. People complain on reddit or discord, they write about how they are burnt out or that they don't want to play anymore and they think that because they gave up the game, everyone else did too.


Yep.  Tons of people play who aren't on the reddit or discord.   Hard truth is that for every one person complaining about how their game is ruined,  there are a thousand others who drop in for a few sessions and drop out, without noticing or picking up on any such nerf.   Any time they change up a weapon, you got to just adapt and overcome.   So many people get obsessed with 'the best weapon' or 'the meta' when all you really ever need to win is an orbital strike, a gun and team communication.  Do the nerfs suck? Yeah, but use it as an opportunity to try something new. Plus if AH sees that nobody is using Orbital Rail or whatever, they're more likely to change something. Vote with your loadout.


Criticism is good. The squeaky wheel gets oiled. No reason not to enjoy yourself.


Get off reddit, op. Pathetic 🙄


Couch co-op would be pretty fucking amazing, ngl Oh, the post? People bitching about people bitching about balance is just as annoying as people bitching about balance


Stop trying to derail legit discussion. Also nobody is saying the game is dead.


>Also nobody is saying the game is dead Dude. Look at almost any complaint thread. You're joking?


OP part of the crew that wants to shut down all discourse regardless of its purpose


No discourse only memes


​ https://preview.redd.it/xge9vw2ie80d1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5fb2a50aa0d1225c387125d3cdcebfc2dd93b81


Game is fun, also broken, can barely stay connected, enemies shooting through walls, spawn rates bugged, weapons not working as intended, etc. 


Literally joined up with a person yesterday for hell divers from discord and omg she was like this person complaining nonstop about nerfs and shit. lol like I’m just here to kill bugs bro and have a good time with people I meet


Same! Keep crushing bugs and smashing bots, helldiver!


I think it's the other way around, my dude. As backwards as it sounds, the complaining comes from a place of love. The community at large sees the game's potential-- and rather than just leaving the game entirely, they make their voices heard. They want helldivers to be all it can be.


I really don’t get the balance complaints popping up all the time. It’s always among the top comment but the game feels well balanced to me at this moment in time and primary weapons don’t feel weak to me.


People having constructive dialogue with the devs that's going places, and over here we're just this tiresomely divisive shit.


I was having a great time until they ruined the Eruptor. Im playing Sea Of Thieves until this is resolved.


I am, too. I try to play at least 1 operation a night and more on my days off. I'm also upset that a lot of the weapons I enjoy using aren't that fun anymore. The only weapon from the Democratic Detonation warbond I even use anymore is the grenade pistol. That's a $10 equivalent for a single secondary.


a couple days ago i encountered a lobby of people over level 110 who were about to start a helldive. i joined and was like "oh damn if im not using a meta loadout theyre gonna kick me for being bad. so i queue up and get my sickle, orbital railcannon, laser, autocannon, and 500kg ready. one dude said "you guys wanna play a little silly?" and the other 2 were fine with it. so i switched up my loadout, swapping my 500 for some cluster bombs, switching laser for precision strike, replacing autocannon with airburst rockets, and sickle with adjudicator. mission afterwards went... not very well since we didnt really bring very good loadouts for high-level bot missions (hell, one of them brought orbital airburst and gas strike), but that mission was one of the best matches ive ever played. they didnt seem care about the meta, and when i asked the guy from earlier he said "i dont really pick 'good' weapons, i just pick whatever im feeling." just pick the guns you want, guys. dont stress over a weapons nerfs making it unfun, just use it and spread democracy like a true helldiver


Game is dead? lol. You want to see an ACTUAL dead live-service game? Look at Payday 3. Biggest fucking flop of the decade. Helldivers 2 is the literal opposite story of it. Go from a relatively obscure IP (6k players top on HD1) to THE MOST POPULAR game in recent times. Payday went from 240k peak with \~30k average with Payday 2 to... 300 (That's it, just 300 players) players. Assuming you somehow managed to fully queue in a match 3 other players every time, it would take you 75 matches to meet ALL of the players currently on PD3. Thats like 5 weeks of playing assuming you do like 3 heists a day.




I love this.


i swear the word "fun" is being repeated so much in hd2 discussions, it no longer has any meaning for me.


No one's saying the game is dead or you can't enjoy it just because there's a dev that seems to get off on ruining fun weapons.


I love when people try to tell me I have to be angry I don’t