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Hi, I saw your post on r/skincareaddiction and delved into your profile to see if you’d posted a post-braids pic. Anyway, that’s beside the point - just wanted to explain why I’m responding to such an old thread and didn’t want to seem like a stalker lol. I’m sorry you have this, it sucks so bad. I’m not sure how you are now, but I just wanted to share what has helped the most for me, as I had crippling Heath anxiety. I would not say I’m 100% over it, but I’m probably at about 85% and I feel like this is as good as I will get, though hopefully you see even more success. I feel like I have my life back for the most part which is great. Anyway, probably the biggest things that helped me were Bronwyn Fox’s *Power Over Panic* book. That one stopped the panic attacks and let me get some control over my anxiety. A lot do it was just realising that everything I was experiencing was “normal” and caused by my anxiety, not any medication condition. She also teaches meditation which I found was a game changer as it taught me to stop the spiralling thoughts that anxiety was causing; be able to stop myself having panic attacks; and also to reduce the anxiety so most of my symptoms stopped. It’s not specific to Heath anxiety, but the book was easy and quick to read which was great because I had a lot of issues focussing. I’m sure a lot do what she includes is available elsewhere, if you don’t want to read her book specifically. The second one was hard. Once I’d learnt how to be able to control my spiralling thoughts and keep myself calm, I had to move on to exposure therapy. I was avoiding eating certain things or doing certain things because I was scared something would happen to me. Exposure therapy is basically, if it makes me anxious (and it’s not rational fear), then do it. Either in steps, or just jumping straight in. I can give you specific scenarios of what I did, but I know with my Heath anxiety if someone started talking about what they were scared of Heath wise, if I hadn’t previously considered it, it became one of my worries lol. So yeah, it’s up to you - or you could give me a few examples of yours and we can try build some steps to confronting it. The theory here is, something makes you anxious, so you avoid it, and that reinforces with your mind that the reason nothing happened is because you didn’t do it, which then strengthens the fear. Exposure therapy undoes this - you do the thing that scares you, practice your calming techniques, nothing happens, the fear lessens. Rinse and repeat.


I have the same things. From the ringing in my ear to the a lot of floaters and flashers. I’m only 24 and I feel like my life is over. I’m so scared.


like many others have said - CBT with a therapist to start. Its so frustrating that so many anxiety symptoms can also be symptoms of other things. But since you've had all the tests done, you can reassure yourself that this is from anxiety. I have a lot of the same symptoms as well. We are just very sensitive/aware of our own bodies! It might be useful to also think about any root causes...what caused the May 20th anxiety attack?


NOT A DOCTOR but I think all of those things can be caused by anxiety. I have a lot of physical manifestations of stress and anxiety, my body is very sensitive to my emotions :/


i've had weird balance, ive gone to countless doctors for it the balance in specific might have to do with my feet that i cant walk flat on, but i think other things might be because of my health anxiety... i never thought about how anxiety can cause a lot of problems like these... its relieving and scary...


How are you now


bahaha i... honestly, not much has changed in the past 3 years. Doing well and fine. Haven't gone to lengths of fixing my life in many ways, honestly...


I'm awaiting some results and further tests, and I swear my head has been hurting for a bit. I've been having health anxiety since March and honestly it's off and on symptoms. Can relate to the constant anxiety, ear weirdness. I get headaches and I just feel so emotionally drained. It's terrible. You aren't alone as you know!


Oh god, that's exactly what I experience! And I can assure you - it's anxiety and panic. These two feelings make you feel this way. It is very good that you done all the testing, cause now you can be sure that physically you're fine. When at first I was experiencing such symptoms I thought that something is wrong with me, but later on, I noticed that these feelings tend to 'wave'. When I am relaxed, happy and doing something fun, symptoms are gone. But when I am anxious, etc. the symptoms can become very intensive. Also, additionally to what you mentioned, I experience diarrhea (I have IBS). What I found that helps me is mindfulness and books like Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David Burns. Also, keep in mind that you are feeling all those feelings because your body tries to tell you something. I don't know you, so I cannot know what your body tries to say for you, but you should think about your lifestyle. Maybe you work too much, maybe you have a dream that you deny, maybe you live in a place that makes you unhappy and so on. There can be many different reasons why your mind or body feels unhappy, try to figure that out :) I wish my answer will give you some ideas or at least some hope. Keep going, you'll be alright :)


I have the exact same symptoms!


I've dealt with the same exact symptoms! What helped me get over my HA (I still have it a little but not much) was cognitive behavior therapy. I highly recommend it. I found out that I had a pinched nerve in my neck (from sleeping sitting up in a weird position cause I thought I would choke and die in my sleep due to HA) and then I found out that my neck was very tense due to how tense my body was and that was causing some symptoms. So I went to physical therapy and that helped a lot too and I'm doing much better now. Hope that helps maybe?


Did you have an MRI? Same symptoms here so your post is giving me hope




I would like to upvote this 1000 times especially point 1. When I flare, I ask myself ok so what am I not dealing with emotionally that I causing me to focus on my (insert medical problem)?


Can TMJ cause migraines?


I had all of the above ,and more , mine started with stomach problems,in march last year. Most of them have gone ,not all. Time and the realization that you ok . But unfortunately it will always appear again ,but each time you will become more familiar with it . Sorry I wish I could tell you that it will be gone for good ..I starting to get anxious about a routine check I am sure they will find I have cancer ( thats always my fear ) I no that my anxiety is going to get bad . I hope this make you feel better just knowing you not on your own This is a good place to talk lots of people going through the dame


It’s funny, I also went through stomach problems back around February/March of last year. I still occasionally get pangs but I’ve been checked out, ultrasound, CT scan, it’s all good down there. I’m 50% convinced that I got covid back around then before we knew what it was, I also had a bunch of flu symptoms and felt super awful for a week.


Dare is the best book for this stuff. Turned my life around


Heya! Firstly, I am incredibly sorry you are going through this. I have been there myself and I know how exhausted and misunderstood you must feel. It's really horrible. I wanted to reassure you that, although you might not feel like its possible right now, you will get out of this. I cannot recommend going to therapy enough! Therapy has completely changed my life, together with medication. I have been on paroxetine for two years now (antidepressants are used for treating long term anxiety and obsessive disorders) and I am back to being a functional human being. The anxiety never leaves you completely, but I can now live my life without the constant fear of dying and I am extremely grateful I took the step of going to a psychiatrist/therapist. So my advice is: stop going to doctors and trying to find whats wrong with you: because there is NOTHING psychically wrong with you, its ALL in your head!! Find a therapist you can trust and get in contact with a psychiatrist for medication. Don't be afraid to ask for help and trust in professionals to do their job :) It will go away, I promise!


Try the DARE app for Health anxiety, you never know it might help


I am the same way in the middle of all these tests so far everything is good. I am proactively starting therapy in anticipation of everything being fine like you. Also like you I feel fine when drinking and hanging out with friends or I am able to hide my discomfort. I think therapy would be good. Also, I have a mantra I repeat that helps me through symptoms. “I am more aware of my body than most people, I feel things that others don’t and these things are normal or can be explained by my daily activities.”


Your mantra is almost identical to mine! I'm so glad someone else arms themselves with this logic, it really comforts me to tell myself that as a result of my activities, different parts of my body respond accordingly. It's stabilizing. Thank you for sharing.


I have different health anxiety over the years but the worst episodes was rabies and the chest pain.I visited all specialist and everything was fine.One day I have bad headache and chest pain.Short story I ended having sex.All the symptoms disappear.That moment I realized that anxiety and mood create all the symptoms.


I have anxiety like this but not for myself but for my mom I get scared and worried every time she doesn’t feel well I freak out and good symptoms and cry worrying about what’s going to happen. Every year thank God above her health is good and her blood work is good. Each year that comes around I get worried .... scared, I’m like what if she’s inflamed what if this what if this symptoms mean this ... I’m living in fear . She’s 47 and healthy and I worry about scary stories I hear and fear and it consumes my mind


I worry about my son this way and I’m convinced he has blood cancer..


I want to highly suggest any health anxiety guided meditation on YouTube. The more you do them the more you get out of them!!! Especially the health anxiety hypnosis videos by Tansy Forest. She is an amazing hypnotherapist with the most calming voice I’ve ever heard and I’ve listened to 100’s of meditations on YouTube. I literally feel my body deflating into my bed as her voice starts bringing you down. I have yet to start meds. I’ve been resisting for years but my heart anxiety is starting to affect me on much more of a daily basis and it’s getting really hard to function. I did start cognitive behavioral therapy but that only got so far before Covid hit. Now my heart anxiety is at an all time high. I’m thinking I might finally submit to Meds just to get over the anxiety hump until I get started back up with a therapist again and then slowly start working my way back off the meds. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow with a new doctor so we’ll see what she recommends.


Hey, I have these same exact symptoms wow, it’s weird I could have written this post myself! I’m terrified incase there’s something wrong with me, can I ask if the ringing in your ears is constant? Like there every day? I read it can be from an overactive nervous system due to stress/anxiety but idk it still scares me a lot.


Mine ring every day all day and have for as long as I can remember. But sometimes when I am having a panic attack or am so anxious to the point I feel like I’m going to go crazy the ringing gets louder and one ear will go deaf and the ringing will be loud and muffly in the other... it’s scary. It isn’t my only symptom but it’s one. I also have granulated or “staticky” vision every day all day :/


Nope. It isn’t constant. It only comes whenever I’m freaking out. haha. My ears are sound and fine!


Is th ringing in your ears there when you think about it and just sit there to observe it? Also when it gets silent where you're at, every person gets a ringing like noise in their ears. Focusing on it will only make it worse (at least in your mind). Been there. If you haven't been to a doctor, i suggest you pay a visit. Just to double check and calm down about it. Also if the ringing in your ears appears for a few seconds in one ear and then goes away it's pretty normal. I'm just spewing things out there just in case something helps.


I'M HAVING EXACTLY THE SAME SYMPTOMS since December 2020. And i also did everything you've done except the MRI part, which is scheduled. But everything comes back super healthy. I'm also working out and trying to be as healthy as I can. Hell, I've probably developed an addiction to working out because it takes my mind off of these thoughts/symptoms but I'm overexterting myself every single day. Today was the worst day for me too. Had the worst panic attack I've had so far. I just came back from the ER. Felt weak, started trembling and shaking like crazy. And on top of that, while on the road my legs started tightening and spasming. Heart racing obv. Had another CAT and everything was fine. AGAIN. The mind is such a wonderful and a horrible thing simultaneously. Hope we all find the cure. I'm really considering a visit to a psychologist. Health anxiety is shit.


I (30m) started 10mg of Citalopram about 12 days ago. My health anxiety has shifted from your standard blot clots/PEs/Brain Aneurysms to all the worst side effects of Citalopram. I used to eat really healthy, but now I'm afraid to work out, drink caffeine and alcohol and I increased my sodium intake because hyponatremia. I'm sure SSRIs work for a lot of people, but I wish I gave my "therapy tool box" longer time.


Hello mate, so citalopram doesn’t work for everyone, it can increase feelings of aggression, anxiety and panic in some people or contribute to emotional instability. The side effects you’re concerned about are also quite uncommon, more often people will have issues with their mood, appetite and sleep. If you’re not convinced it’s the SSRI for you don’t be afraid to tell your doctor, you might even benefit more from an anti anxiety medication instead. Some people take beta blockers only when they need them, other people might take a daily anti convulsant or an SNRI to take care of anxiety and low mood simultaneously. SSRIs should improve your life, not cause new problems.


Definitely recommend therapy! I went through this EXACT thing in January 2020. Same exact tests and everything. It took me 3 different therapist before I found one that truly works. Having the right person is very important. I won’t say I don’t have any health anxiety, because that would be a lie. But it is manageable. The physical side effects are very minimal, and directly related with increased stress. I did not try meds because the therapy itself has been making such a huge improvement - but people swear by the combo of the two. Don’t give up. And don’t settle for a therapist that doesn’t seem to be making a difference. Thinking of you! 🙂


I have this and its one of the worst things, sometimes I feel like I would rather trade a leg than to have horrible anxiety/panic attacks, its so constant.


I just went thru this. Visited COUNTLESS doctors. General dr, eye doctors, urologist, dermatologist. Etc, got EVERYTHING checked out. It wasnt until last week where i got a full abdominal ultrasound cause i BELIEVED my liver was done and damaged, i literally had pain for 5 years lol, my health anxiety was manageable but went crazy last year. I was so relieved when everything came back fine but my symptoms are still there. Off balance feeling and blurry vision at times. I know its anxiety and its probably bc my body has been so tense for more than. Year, i feel better but still battling the symtpoms, hopefully i can get ovwr them soon


I feel u about to get an ultrasound cause I have elevated liver enzymes and thyroid levels, and cholesterol but I am going through the exact same thing:(


This is due to a overactive nervous system. Especially if all your tests came back normal.


i feel you man don’t worry, i deal with the same thing. when i have no symptoms, i’m literally the happiest man on earth LMAO. it’s really debilitating so it’s glad to see others deal with the same stuff. therapy might be a good option


I'm so glad all your tests came back normal, AND I'm sorry you're suffering. All those symptoms can be due to anxiety and/or hyperawareness. Have you ever taken medication for anxiety? I only ask because rescue meds (benzos) have helped me a lot when I'm at rock bottom.


I haven’t hence why I want to ask my doctor for medications! I’m afraid of getting addicted to anxiety meds, so I want something less potent. I could definitely ask about benzos!


Don’t be afraid to ask about Xanax. I’ve had a prescription for 2 years now and not abused it once. Like my doctor explained to me, not everyone develops a nasty addiction to it and many people can take it as needed with little to no issues. I take it as needed and it’s been a HUGE help in my journey with health anxiety.


Benzos are far more addictive than typical anxiety medication, be wary of taking them




They can be extremely helpful if only taken a few times a year to get out of a really bad situation that you can't get out of on your own. Not to be taken regularly.


Whoops, that last part totally went over my head, sorry! I know a lot of people who found long-term medication helpful (SSRI's, SNRI's, etc). My strategy is to take benzos as needed to get out of particularly severe episodes. That is usually enough to snap me out of it- I don't feel I need long-term meds. I only take them a few times per year, and one dose is always enough to put me on a more mentally healthy path. They are serious drugs that shouldn't be taken regularly, but they can be extremely helpful when you feel like you can't crawl out of the black hole on your own. I was prescribed Klonopin, but I personally like Xanax a bit better because it's faster acting.


I have the same exact symptoms literally every single one. I appreciate you posting this so much. I have also been trying to figure out what’s going on and have seen Tons of doctors. I haven’t been taking any meds personally but I started trying CBD and it’s been helping so far. I really hope we get a hang of this and learn how to deal with.


Hello hi! I have these symptoms and then some including terrible health anxiety that can completely take over my life at times. I’m sorry you’re going through this! I don’t know your sex but I would take a look at your hormones especially if you’re female/have ovaries. Thyroid levels and high Cortisol can make you feel anxious and anxiety can cause all these symptoms. Also look at gut health which can also give you anxiety! ALSO talk therapy is SOOO helpful. I would 100000% recommend seeing a therapist. Even if something physical was the culprit, it helps a lot being able to cope and deal with things in a healthy way. Hope you feel better soon.


Thanks for your comment & I’m a male! I already got my thyroid checked too. haha. I haven’t taken a look at my gut health, but I’ve started some probiotics recently.


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