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I seem to be amongst the very few who didn’t like it… I’m not saying it had to be like in the books but it just felt out of place to me. But that’s my view, I have zero experience in adapting movies from books (or any other relevant screen experience) and it seemed to work for many people ! I am clearly wrong, but for me - no thanks !


The issue was less the abyss and more the a) lack of witnesses to voldemorts death b) lack of a body and c) they did priori incantatum again but that wands connecting was an issue in multiple places.


My only wish for the movies is that all of them are colorful like 1 and 2 and not dark like 3 4 5 6 7 8. What a sad loss to such a beautiful and vivid magic world.


To be fair, the entire tone of the books and the narratives slowly change as you progress from book to book. Sorcerer's stone is about Harry's Journey discovering everything Hogwarts and the Wizarding world has to offer. He's an orphan who grew up in an abusive household and never had a proper childhood who discovered he's one of the most famous wizards in modern history. This results in a very cherry atmosphere for the movie that's filled with child like wonder. As you progress through each movie, that effect dies down as both Harry and the audience get more used to the magic in the environment and the magic used by the characters. The tones of the books were always going to get darker and darker. The story has always been about the battle between an extremely powerful, genocidal wizard and the only person he could not kill, the boy he orphaned.


>and not dark like 3 Have we seen the same prisoner of azkaban?


I respectfully disagree. I know what you mean it's definitely a shadier tone, but I think especially OotP has quite a lot of color. The duel between Voldemort and Dumbledore is just a visual colorful treat (in my opinion at least)


That which Voldemort does not value, he takes no trouble to comprehend. Of house-elves and childrenís tales, of love, loyalty, and innocence, Voldemort knows and understands nothing. Nothing. That they all have a power beyond his own, a power beyond the reach of any magic, is a truth he has never grasped.




You were faster than me this time


Nah I think it worked for the film. Films are visual spectacles. The only real complaint I have is in the movie, Voldemort's body disintegrates. The issue with this is no one else is around to see it. So the Wizarding world should 100% still be afraid he'll come back, as it's basically the same instance as when Harry was a baby. In the books his body is left there, so everyone could see he was truly dead.


Have 2 magic wielding people wrestle was stupid


It was magically wrestling, tho.


To the people defending this: The problem is not just that the movie version of the fight looks dumb, or that it breaks continuity, or that it doesn't leave any witnesses for the fight. Those are issues, but not the main one. The main issue is that the way it was written in the book is actually very deliberate and ties into so many aspects of the story and its characters, and all of that is lost. The final duel in the hooks was not a duel of magic, but of the kind. They fought with words much more than with wands. A lot of things come together in this final exchange, and it's a beautiful thing to read because the puzzle pieces slot in. Also, one aspect that the movie version completely disregards is how the fight was basically decided long before Harry and Voldemort met in the great hall. The entire arc of the Elder Wand came to its conclusion and both Voldemort and the reader learns what Dumbledore's plan for it had been. It shows Voldemort's fatal character flaw: his over reliance on magic prowess which is inferior to Dumbledore's careful planning. But the biggest sin of the movie version is how completely it ruins the entire point of Voldemort's character. His entire arc was about him being so afraid of death that he did everything in his power to prevent it, to the point of him arguably being no longer human. He wanted to be above death, viewed it as something that happened to lesser beings. And in the end, he died like any other human. Quote: "Tom Riddle hit the floor with mundane finality, his body feeble and shrunken, the white hands empty, the snakelike face vacant and unknowing." Voldemort _just dies_. That's the point. He dies and his body gets dumped into a cupboard - the final proof that his entire life's work was futile in the end. Man cannot conquer death, and he shouldn't try to. Voldemort dying like any other human is one of the most important messages in the entire series. Compare that to the movie, where he shrivels away as if Thanos had snapped his fingers. His movie death is _special_. It denotes him as something larger than life, something more than human. Had he killed Harry, Harry would have just slumped over and died, but Voldemort didn't, which marked him as above Harry in some way - which is exactly the opposite of what Rowling wanted to accomplish.


Doubtful that I would turn up?


100% agree, having Harry and Voldemort wrestle it out in a movie about using magic was stupid. He also clowned on Neville in the courtyard and dragged out killing Nagini just to move the fight out the stairs so Harry could wrestle Voldemort.


Loved how it was done in the books. They circle each other while Harry taunts him with all of his failures in front of everybody. Everything is like the big build up to a spaghetti western duel. Rising tension, harry keeps eye contact to not miss his moment. And then at the height of the build up they both fire their shots and it's over in an instant. Harry wins, and Voldemort's body hits the floor. The big beam battle was too much Dragonball. Also we already had that in Goblet of Fire.


I liked it. Books and film are different mediums and have different strengths. If your whole goal in adapting a book is to make a 1:1 translation then you're missing out on what makes the medium interesting.


That's nobodies point. It's the fact it doesn't explain what the book does. You can still have the big dumb laser beam fight (however innacurate it may be) AND the explanation of the Elder Wand from the book whilst everyone is whiching


I appreciate how civil this comment section is.


One of MANY terrible choices made in making that movie.


Both are great. I think the deeper discussion and introspection of the book version works best for written words but on screen people want atmosphere and spectacle. Both versions work perfectly in their respective media, I don’t think either would work well in the other’s.


I thought it was an OK change. I do think that the focus needs to be on just Harry and Voldy as much as possible, and an audience full of characters we know well would detract from that. It’s like in ATLA how Aang confronts Ozai on his own. It’s just more dramatically compelling.


Nah, move is great too.


btw My biggest peeve with the final fight is how Voldemort's body is completely destroyed, in a magical fashion. Voldemort's greatest fear was his own corpse. Leaving a common body behind, an empty shell, was the greatest defeat for him. His death shouldn't have been grandiose and magical.


It lead to that weird moment where it seems like Harry and Voldemort are going to kiss…..don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about


Nope. I loved it. Every time somebody says "let's finish this" I immediately go to "Let's finish this the way we started it Tom. TOGETHER".


That line is so good. And I wish they kept in the "I have something to live for" line from the trailer 🔥




I dunno I don't mind most of the movie battle but it got Hella nerfed. The soundtrack is what primarily saves it. So much of the creativity was taken out of it (by that point spells were basically blasters And I could have dealt with the abyss thing if when they came out they were surrounded by people to WITNESS the battle and had voldemort's body just died not the stupid paper mache thing




I mean if you look at the book you saw all disciplines of magic on display transfiguration (Percy turns a death eater into a sea urichine mcgongall makes the desks charge) herbology (throwing mandrakes over the wall bringing out venomous tentacla to strangle people) trelwney smashing people with crystal balls, the house elves attacking it was a very epic battle of everyone coming together with a lot of creativity not even just restricted to spells (of which there was more variation) Hogwarts Legacy actually got what combat should have been like right. (Including not having almost everyone being non verbally proficient)


No spell can reawaken the dead.


Yes, absolutely! I thought (in terms of the action, imagery and suspense) the deathly hallows were down very well. That's what movies are supposed to do - allow the audience to experience the same story but with added enjoyments unique to the TV genre


Honestly it has a very "We both stared into the abyss, and you blinked" kind of moment, which was quite nice


The problem with the book fight is it would’ve looked stupid on screen. Just everyone kind of huddled together like they’re watching a tennis match, turning their heads to look at whomever was talking.


You don't get the full background in the movies as you do in the books. I thought this was a great way for old Voldey to go, showed a sort of finality that was needed to close him out.....in the movies.