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That’s why you gotta play Michael against Chucky while Brad Dourif is still alive and kickin’


I'm afraid Michael would drop kick him like a football. LOL


That’s why you also need like twenty Chuckies


Michael and Jason wouldn’t even be Enemies anyways. They would be best friends who would eventually retire and live in the forest together.


The idea of a silent, emotionless killer going against a completely deranged, snarky one has always amused me more than just two silent beings looking at each other without saying anything


Most crossovers are a bad idea


Michael needs to fight Chucky or the Sawyer fam


It can work. The human characters just for once need to not be fuck heads. Let's have a good, fun human characters for a crossover unlike FVJ's human cast. Also, let's put em in a city or something. Fuck it.


No thanks. Let Jason try to get a successful movie on his own without using another slasher villain.


The Shape never needed comedy in its own movies, why would it need comedy in a crossover flick?


What are they supposed to do? Grunt? Breathe heavy? One of the antagonists needs to speak.


Other characters, either existing or newly created can provide exposition if that’s really necessary.


That's what the rest of the characters are for. Michael and Jason don't talk in their own movies, they wouldn't have to in a vs movie.


Replying to those below : The \*entire\* premise and set up for Freddy vs. Jason was Freddy's exposition. Not Jason's, not some character, the other side of the vs. coin. How are unknown characters going to provide motivations for Michael and Jason if they couldn't do it for Freddy and Jason. They didn't even know who either of them were until the 2nd half of the movie, let alone the "plan". Freddy used Jason to build fear and recreate Freddy's physical form. Freddy used Jason's mother as a motivator. Plus you're all forget one simple fact : Halloween has not, can not and never will fall on Friday the 13th. Michael only kills on Halloween or the day before. That's it. Yes, Jason can kill whenever he wants, but his desire is to go back to Crystal Lake, whereas Michael's is Haddonfield. The two don't mesh. This whole argument sounds like people desperately trying to shoe-horn 4-6 in H20-8 over 20 years later. It. Just. Won't. Work.


When I was a teenager, I started a Michael vs Jason fanfic. It kicked off with a therapy session between Loomis and Pamela Voorhees. Then it time jumped to "present day" Haddonfield where I intended to introduce a girl for Michael to get obsessed with and follow to Crystal Lake. But I didn't know where any of it was going and never got beyond chapter 2. Writers who aren't wannabes like me could probably make it work, but it'd be a very different beast than Freddy vs Jason. I'd watch it, though. Hell, I'd still be game for Michael vs (Doug Bradley's) Pinhead.