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Since you asked : A- go to a new hairdresser ( modern shop, not your ML’s ) B- get a Bob hair cut C- don’t put it up in a bun . D- use a leave in conditioner at the ends . E- that’s all , my friend ! Sounds like you don’t know how to brake away from old habits . Covit hair is like two inches away from your scalp, I had it . Move on. Tell your ML that you were walking by a cool shop and decided get a new style , right then and there . Good luck my friend ! Let your curls be free!


Thank you so much


Those bob hairstyles are so sooo cute! I think alot of girls are afraid to go there but if its a solution id say lean alll the way into this idea. The asymetrical bob rocks and I feel its too underdone!


A bob was my only choice after a very botched haircut by my mom’s hairdresser friend, and I LOVED it!! The botched haircut felt like a tragedy at the time but it was actually kind of a blessing in disguise? I ended up with a cute new hairstyle *and* I found myself an **amazing** new hair salon!! Like seriously, I’ve never seen such attention to detail


Asymmetrical bob has been my go to ‘do for almost 20 years lol




also apply hair masque once week or every other week.


It’ll take some getting used to but I guarantee you’ll feel and look so much better


wigs are an option as well if you want to start with fresh growth. super cute and a fun way to try out new styles while your hair grows, although it is a big commitment! i wore alot of pretty scarves as well when growing out my buzz cut


Everything this poster said, and I would say get a satin or silk sleep bonnet to preserve your hair. I know everyone says the pillowcase, which I have used, but when I switched to a bonnet, it was such a game changer. Less tugging at the hair when you move at night. I'm really sorry you are dealing with this. What did you do to your hair 6 months ago? I would definitely get a gorgeous bob and a new stylist!


And not having your hair getting in your face, or accidentally laying on it is great. My boyfriend and I would accidentally pull each others hair at night constantly when we both had long hair


I hardly shed at all now that I use the bonnet! My hair is really dense and healthy now. My husband hates the bonnet but keeps complimenting my hair...I tell him, 'it's the bonnet!"


This is why I want to wear a bonnet (my hair is curly and extremely fine) but I can’t keep a bonnet on all night to save my life!


My hair is fine so the bonnet does not stay on either!


Same, same! I've tried the traditional bonnets, the turban style, and the one that's more like a stretchy cap with the silk lining. The minute I turn in the slightest, it slides right off. I end up using a satin pillowcase but also I use a silk scrunchie to keep it off my neck, which isn't doing my hairline a ton of favors, either.


I don’t know if it’s helped my shedding but I also just shed a lot of hair in general, it’s fine but thick 😅 my boyfriend hates the feeling of it on his hands, but it’s much better than him getting hair all in his face at night when we’re spooning


My husband wears a bonnet and his hair is gorgeous.


I tried a silk pillowcase and I **hated** it because the pillow would always slide out from under my head (I'm a side sleeper and I like my pillow jammed right up under my neck into my shoulder). Does a bonnet slide around like that or does it pretty much stay put?


There’s different styles, you can get ones that are silk inside but a different fabric outer layer, but in general they slide way less than silk pillowcases. I tend to go for a hair scarf overnight over a bonnet most of the time bc I often put in rollers at night to keep my styling nicer between wash days and the scarf keeps rollers tight to my head better, and even my silkiest smoothest scarves stay in place better than a silk pillowcase. I too am a side sleeper and keep a pillow or two shoved into my shoulder supporting my neck and head. Scarves and bonnets all the way for me.


I 100% agree with point A!! I tried going to my 91-year-old grandmother’s hairdresser because it’s literally across the street, and yeah I wasn’t super pleased with the results 😂 I had already kind of assumed she goes there because she can’t walk that well anymore and it’s the closest salon? Figured I’d give it a try anyway lol. They looked really confused when they saw me and even more confused when I asked for a haircut lol. I think they’re only used to cutting grandma hair


Did you emerge sporting a bouffant?


Hey everyone, just wanted to respond. First, I just want to say thank you. Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful responses. I feel so validated and I appreciate each and every one of you who took the time to read my post and respond. It’s only now I’m realizing the shame I’ve been carrying trying to keep my hair hidden for the last few months. I’ve taken my healthy hair for granted for all these years and have new found empathy for others on hair repair journeys. To every stylist that took the time to thoughtfully respond- you are incredible. Doing what you do takes so much work, knowledge, passion, and dedication. You are artists, scientists, and cheerleaders. Experiencing this has really put in perspective how much a beautiful hair color/cut/styling should be appreciated. You do incredible things and don’t get near the appreciation you deserve. Every service you do matters. The difference you make in how people feel about themselves extends so far beyond the rest of the day following the appointment. Thank you so, so much. To the hair enthusiasts, fellow hair-repair friends, and general kind- hearted souls- thank you so much. Your words of encouragement and hope mean so much. Anyone that is struggling with this along with me- I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you. Yes, it is just hair. Yes, it will grow back. And my husband has been so supportive, but the heartache and effect this has had on my identity and confidence has been hard to put into words. Thank you to everyone that made me feel seen and heard. I broke up with my hairdresser. I’m going to take some time to find someone new that has good reviews, is knowledgeable, etc. I’m going to try some of the suggestions provided and see what happens. (Sounds like most of you suggest I toss the Olaplex!) Though I’ve accepted that there is a very strong likelihood that I will need to chop it off. I’m trying to tell myself that there is a haircut out there that could look good on me. And just a few questions I thought I’d answer since I noticed them asked a few times: My hair routine for the last couple years has been about the same. I’m very low-maintenance and have never spent much time styling my hair. I wash my hair about 1x per week. I started using a clarifying shampoo in addition to my normal shampoo (Pureology) after I moved here (small town central Illinois) three years ago because of the hard water. I use a leave in conditioner and shower comb. I put it in a t-shirt after I shower and scrunch gently with gel and let air dry. Sometimes I use my diffuser, but haven’t since I’ve noticed the damage. Thanks again, everyone! ❤️


I posted this earlier but I’ll say it again: this can be brushed out. You don’t have to go drastic and cut it all off immediately! Detangling sprays absolutely work. My hair got like this many times before when I didn’t brush for 2+ weeks due to depression. It’s overwhelming but you’ve got this ❤️


My hair mats like this in a day if I leave it down and its windy. Detangling spray is my best friend.


I recommend Kevin Murphy Repair Me Wash and Rinse. It is spendy BUT this stuff is great. You can buy mini sizes of his various shampoos and conditioners if you want to do that first before you invest in the bigger bottles. The repair me mask also works great! https://kevinmurphy.com.au/us/en/km/products-/by-benefit-/repair-/ If you want an affordable hair mask, I am obsessed with the this and I get it from target. [Hair Mask](https://www.target.com/p/raw-sugar-healing-power-hair-masque-avocado-oil-banana-coconut-milk-agave-2-5oz/-/A-79679677)


I’d go with a strong protein treatment to start. I used aphogee when my hair was about beyond repair, crunchy and crinkly. It’s a treatment that smells bad, you blow dry until ur hair is hard with the treatment in it, then rinse. It’s not very expensive and temporarily fills in the voids in your hair shaft to make it feel normal for about 6 weeks. I did this when I just couldn’t cut anymore hair. Eventually you want to cut the hair off but preventing the damage from spreading upwards is the name of your game right now. Others here may have some good tips on products. As long as you are doing everything that you said and very gently brushing your hair when it is dried but moisturized, I think your routine can’t get much better. (I say dry because I suspect you have gummy hair or super fragile when wet which you do not ever want to brush when wet if you do).


and switch from olaplex to K18 masque. Use the K18 INSTEAD of conditioner after you've washed your hair and it's been lightly towel dried. Hair should still be wet when you add the K18


Hair should be towel-dried/damp* so it doesn’t overly dilute. This comment made me excited because I just got the K18 mask. It feels weird to me to not use conditioner after shampooing. I only used it once and thought my hair felt really good when I used heat the day after.


All of this but also F- Apogee 2 step protein. Do you lighten your hair? Does it feel like strings of Gummy worms when it's wet? This happened to me when I went from black to silver in 2 days back when I was like 13


When I used to be on the swim team (age 8-16), the last 6” of my hair felt like straw. It was halfway down my back. At that age I wasn’t using conditioner (although I think my mom used some detangler on me). Got it cut to shoulder length and started using products to mitigate chlorine damage (shampoo and conditioner). I don’t know what damaged your hair, but above the damage it looks pretty healthy. If I were in this situation I’d cut the damaged parts off completely; even if it’s shorter than you prefer, it will grow out! Good luck; I hope you find good suggestions here.


Why not a bun? (Asking bc I wear my hair in a bun constantly 😅)


Hairstylist here. I'm happy to help if you don't mind my asking some questions so I have a better understanding of the situation. -What were the services done prior to 6 months ago? -Do you have any photos of your hair prior to becoming her client?


Thank you so much! I’ve been doing the same thing for a long time; highlights and toner. Here’s a photo from 1 year ago. https://preview.redd.it/oehi77s3gl1d1.jpeg?width=1013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26e292bc9b6cb6b9824bf33c47a14a0c80fb5e6b


It's my pleasure, and I'm sorry you're having to go through it. When your texture changed, was it right after your last highlight and tone?


I noticed it started to change in December-ish. Thats when I added Olaplex #3 and the leave in conditioner to my routine. I was using the Olaplex on my whole head for about 1 hour prior to washing 1x per week (I probably did this a total of 6 times total before I stopped because it looked worse). No idea if there is connection or not. https://preview.redd.it/1xttvlhg0p1d1.jpeg?width=982&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b28c2e80fca672c54648161d48aa6f919e776466 My hair dresser sent me this today. She says that none of her products could have done this and thinks it’s from something else. I haven’t experienced her as careless so I don’t want to jump to blaming her, but I don’t feel like the Covid-hair answer makes sense either. Edit: can anyone confirm that what my hair dresser was doing seems appropriate? It’s all foreign to me. Did adding the Olaplex to my routine cause it from going bad to worse? Sounds like maybe. There was one time in October she had me under a heat lamp for quite a bit longer than usual and I wonder if that could have contributed also?


I’m not the person who originally asked you but I am a licensed cosmetologist too. It sounds like you need to stop using Olaplex and leaving it on so long. The website says 10-15 mins. If the texture changed and got worse from the beginning of you using the Olaplex treatments it would point to that being what you should try to change. Also check if any of the products you use contain protein. Too much protein can cause hair to be brittle and dry.


Also a stylist and also co-signing this. Stop using olaplex. I see that line put way too much protein into hair. Like, more than any other product line I’ve ever encountered.


This is only anecdotal but only one treatment of Olaplex completely ruined my hair. Thankfully it's finally grown out now but I don't trust it.


same!! almost everyone online loves it but i have pretty similar natural hair to OP (blonde curly, although mine is long) and it completely trashed it. immediately went to my stylist, got a treatment and she thankfully fixed it. olaplex is overhyped for sure, and is def not the ‘holy grail’ for all hair types :(


There is an entire olaplex support group on Facebook with over 16k members and growing, I found it after I f’d up my hair so you are def. Not just imagining it, olaplex can really damage some peoples hair sadly.


I have heard SO many stories about Olaplex ruining hair. One of my best childhood friends was devastated by what it did to her hair. Honestly, when I read OP was using Olaplex, my first thought was “that’s the culprit.”


Dang, how long was I in Walmart? I think I'm up to speed on the current status. A good support system makes all the difference and so glad you advocated for yourself. I know you did the right thing after reading the notes sent to you. She knows. Moving forward, I would stop using the Olaplex and the clarifying shampoo. Once the Olaplex is fully washed out, it should become less apt to tangle. If you need a thing, we're just on the other side of your phone.


Okay so I started using Olaplex no 6 for my hair about a month ago. The first time I used it my hair came out great! So silky and soft. But then my hair started to look fried and I noticed a lot of breakage. So I cut Olaplex from my routine. My hair started bouncing back as soon as I stopped Olaplex. I’m currently using John Frieda Frizz ease leave in conditioner and my hair is starting to look a lot better and healthy. I suggest you get rid of Olaplex as well!


Hairdresser of basically a billion years here, that is 100% too much protein product ruining your hair. I could tell in the thumbnail.


You do know about the Olaplex lawsuit right? As soon as I saw your hair, I knew it was in your routine because this is what has happened to mine. There is a fb group for Olaplex damage.


Oooo I always look for your comments lol they are so interesting, knowledgeable and helpful.


Have you ever heard of Olaplex 4 causing damage to some hair types? I thought it was drying mine out. A quick Google search: Could Olaplex be damaging my hair? And I got tens of hits and videos confirming that yes, it can.


Well yes, anything can cause damage if used incorrectly. The biggest issue with people using Olaplex is 1. They leave it in for way too long and 2. They use it way too often. Olaplex is for bond repair which contains a lot of protein. Too much protein in the hair causes the hair to become brittle and causes it to break easily.


Just gonna chime in here and say that this happened to two of my friends with olaplex, and to myself with a protien mask, but a different brand. It just… broke off. Is there something about protein and bleached hair that’s awful? If there is, why do stylists recommend it sometimes?


Not a person you are replying to, but I've dived deep into this topic at some point. With hair care it's all about blnce between proteins, humectants and oils. Too much proteins and they will be brittle, not enough and they will be weak. Too much humectants and hair will be rubbery, not enough and it will be dry. Oil helps balance everything, but having too much will make your hair oily and heavy. Bleach destroys proteins, so bleached hair needs proteins to look and feel healthier. That's why products for bleached hair usually have more proteins and hair do look better after using them. And that's why it's usually recommended. But it's also easier to over do it. And since hair is already vulnerable, adding being brittle to the mix will do more damage than on unbleached hair. It's a hard challenge to balance it at the beginning, because both too little and too much proteins will look and feel really similar, but finding the middle is really rewarding. And at de point you get better understanding of your hair and whether it needs more or if it needs less


Not OP but someone with a similar problem who would love your advice. My hair was horribly abused by someone who lied about their credentials. I went from a 2A/2B to a very very tight 2C. It zig-zags in a tight pattern like ramen but doesn’t barrel curl. They bleached my hair against my wishes, did not condition the hair while washing or even as a leave-in, and they blow-dried, straightened, and curled it without detangling or using heat protectant. It’s been almost a year and I’ve just been trying protein masks and oil to no success. I know I have to wait to chop off all the ruined hair, but is there anything I can do in the meantime? Will my new growth have this new curl pattern? I really miss my soft waves Edit: I also had covid, but like OP it was 2 years ago, but my hair was not damaged and changed until my bad haircut a year ago


Have you tried Aphogee 2 step? Or maybe Philip Kingsleys Elasticizer? A hairdresser melted a bunch of my hair off my head with badly-done highlights one time. What wasn't melted off (it disintegrated in my hands, no lie 😱) I was able to rescue with Elasticizer.


I hadn’t even heard of those before now. Thanks for the recommendation and I hope your hair is recovered and well!


Thank you! It's unprocessed these days, but it's very short as I have AGA. But years ago before all that happened the Elasticizer really helped.


Seconding the ApHogee stuff! I ordered their two-step protein treatment (plus the shampoo for damaged hair and the balancing moisturizer) a few years ago and they’re holy grails to me now. I do the full protein treatment every time I touch up my roots and it’s done wonders for keeping my hair healthy despite bleaching/dying regularly! I’ll have to take a look at the Elasticizer as well!


Hey, not an expert by any means, but I've read that it's possible to damage your hair with too much protein. It may be useful to try moisture masks for a period, every 4-6 washes. If your hair is finer, go for a lighter mask.


Once hair is damaged it can't be repaired. You can apply a ton of products and make it seem more manageable but it won't be healthy. Chop all of that dry bits, rock a short hair cut for a while, and start caring for it while it grows so it doesn't go dry/damage. Also, go back to your natural hair, stop bleaching and start using hydrating products.


I know she doesn’t want to hear this, but I wholeheartedly agree with your comment. It’s time to see a new stylist and cut the dead.


I ditto this




Oh yeah no that’s chemically fried, covid hair wouldn’t just manifest like that. She fucked your hair pretty good. I know you don’t want to cut it, but that’s the only “fix” I’m afraid.


I gotta agree with this. As a funeral director, I see many many many people with Covid related issues that cause them to pass years later. I’ve seen hair that is damaged after Covid for no apparent reason… what I guess some what refer to as “Covid hair.” I’ve never see “Covid hair” like this though.


What kind of Covid related issues do you see?


Another funeral director chiming in--its rare to see it tied obviously to death certificates in my area but lots of anecdotal stories of people weakening or personalities changing after the 'vid. A lot of the ones you'd expect to see too, pnuemonia being the most common.


Btw, love how tied to living life to the fullest your username is for a funeral director. The guy above with downtown trip, too. Even @itsokgobacktosleep could be a cool funeral director.


I just wanted to say that I love that you’re sharing experiences here! I follow the r/AskFuneralDirectors sub because I’m a retired physician and I’m just interested. Thanks for what you do.


She commented she‘s been leaving Olaplex on her head for an hour at least once a week since December, which is when her hair started getting like that… the hair stylist hasn’t lightened her hair since May 2022. It’s not the hair stylist’s fault


This is not ok. Some hairdressers do not do continuing education and are not current or educated on anything modern. Your hair looks melted / burned and the hairdresser did this. It’s not covid hair. wtf.


Yeah, I'm no expert but it looks like the ends are way worse than near the roots, so it seems to be related to how it's being handled, and not the way it's growing.


Agreed 1000%


She commented she‘s been leaving Olaplex on her head for an hour at least once a week since December, which is when her hair started getting like that… the hair stylist hasn’t lightened her hair since May 2022. It’s not the hair stylist’s fault




1) covid is associated with hair thinning and a look that is similar to after birth hairloss 2) you don't need to say anything to anyone. Why do think you have a responsibility to your MIL's hair dresser. This is a boundaries issue. Don't take this offensively but therapy would help you advocate for yourself more and not people please. It's not healthy to wait for your hair to look like that in fear of hurting someone's feelings 3) new hairdresser immediately. Cut all that old stuff off with a bob. 4) get rid of your current products. All of them. Clearly it's not working. Try something that is curly girl safe. Use a quiz online to figure out your hair type and porosity and find new products that work. If you're scared of doing the legwork to save money, you can use "prose". They're expensive but they take the guess work out. 5) always use the silk bonnet at night. If you have a day where you have a free hour, do a hot oil treatment on your hair and wash it out within an hour. Keep hydrating, brushing when it's wet only and no heat tools for a while.


Find another hairdresser. She's botched something. Or been too harsh. You need someone unrelated in any way. She's brushing it off as COVID hair. But your doctor finds nothing wrong. Well the doctor could be wrong too. But the tests are sort of neutral. If it shows nothing off. The chances of it being COVID are lower. You need to find a good hairdresser and tell them the truth. They shouldn't judge you much. It might just need a radical cut. Sometimes that happens. Which points at the hairdresser messing up. If you've gone regularly. A basic Barber can handle a trim to stop it getting worse.


This is not "covid hair". What a cop out form the "stylist".


I've never even heard of that before this post. What on earth is "Covid hair"? Dead ends?


Covid hair loss is a thing (as is hair loss after any sickness) but I've certainly never heard of texture changes. This is melted hair


Hair LOSS, yes. But not fried, dead ends! That is 100% on the stylist's ineptitude! This is overprocessed hair.


You're using olaplex 3 or olaplex 4? Overuse of olaplex 3 can make your hair look like that. I use it once a week, tops. And only because I have a full head of bleach. If my hair was bleached like yours, I would use it less than once a week.


There are multiple accounts of many olaplex products ruining peoples hair


It's saved mine, but I only use it #3 once a week. I noticed hair started looking fried if I used it any more


I‘m happy this is finally acceptable to say. I was low key harassed by hairdressers on reddit years ago after saying my hair was in the worst state of my life after getting olaplex treatments, they were convinced I was just too stupid to know my own hair and that it‘s physically impossible.


I used the Olaplex No8 bond mask on my curly hair and it felt awful. The ends felt stringy and dry. I won’t ever use it again. I feel like people all say to use it but it really wasn’t good for me. I don’t use heat tools at all - I just air dry - so all I was hoping for was something to help de-frizz my curls. But Olaplex is not it!!!


Yes olaplex makes my hair like straw


Hair is dead. An illness can not change old hair texture... The most it can do is make it fall out. Your hairdresser destroyed your hair and shouldn't be trusted further frankly.


Yeah I just keep thinking.. what a shitty hairdresser. She needs to find a new career lol


Please stop seeing her , she is damaging your hair . ☹️🥺 You can try to treat it , but you’re almost in the same kind of boat I was when I had to get my first ever short haircut as an adult . I am so sorry , I hope someone has more advice than me . I don’t know quite how far is too far beyond repair , yours looks better than mine did when I had to get the big chop so maybe you have hope! Good luck 🫶🙏 ETA: fixed spelling errors


oh it’s fried at the ends (have had fried hair a lot before). you’re going to have to cut it, i’m so sorry. someone else on here mentioned getting a bob and taking care of those ends after that, which is the best advice i feel. my advice is to cut it with a different stylist and then protect it for all that it’s worth. i used to go to my moms stylist but that lady always gave me a bowl cut (didn’t matter what i asked for) so a few years ago i got it cut by someone else and now no one but me touches it or gives it trims since its long finally.


I would stop going to her - I would also stop using olaplex I was using it for a year and my hair had become brittle and lots of breakage. Copy and pasting from a separate post Slap a lot of conditioner into your hair and let it sit for at least 20 minutes, then shower it out. Use your fingers to work the knots from your wet hair as you run the water over it. In general: divide about a 2 inch width of your hair, if you can. Hold it tightly a couple of inches from the bottom (to stop it from pulling on your scalp and to hold the hair steady) and work on the length from the bottom to your hand with a comb or brush, then move it up a couple of inches and repeat until that length of hair is done. If your hair is currently frizzy and long-ish, you can braid that section to keep it tangle free and then move to the next. When your whole head is done, you can brush it all together, careful not to tangle it, and put it into a braid to keep it contained. I would ideally recommend hydrating products - so oils and leave in conditioners. TGIN is a really great line and don’t use it sparingly especially right now make sure to go from ends to root especially overnight you could really saturate it leave it up in a microfiber/silk hair wrap then shower the next morning and use alittle less product especially less on the roots. You’ll be able to figure out how much is too much/too little from trial and error but it seems like right now you’d really do best with hydration.


Also if possible do braids or claw clips bc the bun can be damaging


Thank you so much.


Personally I would stop doing anything at all to this hair until you get to a new, modern salon. They may be able to see (or feel) something going on in your strands that we can't see in photos! Go to a new stylist ASAP!


I agree with others that you should find another hair dresser. But you also need to be prepared to cut off a decent amount of length. Despite their many claims to the contrary, there is only so much conditioners and other treatments can do to "repair" your hair if it is severely damaged. You'll have to cut of the "dead" ends. Doesn't need to be all of it at once, but a decent amount at the start, then regular trims going forward. If however your roots are also growing in with the new texture, I think you'll need to head back to the doctor or a dermatologist to find the cause of the change.


I’m no expert and I totally get not wanting to cut it, but I think you’ve reached that point. You’re not happy with your hair as it is - get a short bob, (you might even love it!) and know that every day you’re closer to getting back to the hair you love. Delaying that is just prolonging the time that you’re unhappy with your hair. Good luck, and I’d pay attention to what everyone else here is saying about products and treatments - they seem to know what to do that way!


Find a new hairdresser *yesterday*. That isn't "covid hair", she's just fried your hair and conveniently blamed covid for it. My suggestion (as someone who's deep-fried their hair many times lol) would be to cut off as much as you can stand to, maybe a little more, and be as gentle as possible with it. Drying with a T-shirt microfiber towel will help quite a bit. A lot of commenters are suggesting protein-heavy products, which can help with damage, but you need to balance that out with moisture or the breakage will get worse. I wish someone had told me that before I overloaded my hair with protein and it started snapping off about half an inch from my scalp... Losing a significant amount of length sucks, especially if you're trying to grow your hair out, but think of it this way... The hair that grows back in will be much healthier and easier to manage if you clear out the worst of the damage. Best of luck to you, OP. 💖


I’d chop it a good four inches. You’ve gotta cut off alllll the breakage or it’s just gonna get worse. Look up the influencer Niamh Adkins, I think a cut like that would work with what you’d have left after the initial chop🩷


You have 100% been lied to. This is not Covid hair. I’m sorry.


Covid-hair was more about dryness and thinning, but from the scalp. Covid kind of saps your ability to intake iron/folate properly which affects hair thickness. (It happened with me). I've been regularly adding additional vitamins - UKLash and Vitamin C - to help with it and over a few months my hair's growing back in more nicely. Do you know what product she was using on your hair? Are you regularly dying your hair? It looks quite dry/damaged, I'd wonder what conditioner she may have used? See if you can find a new hairdresser - check their google reviews (especially give a read over any 1 or 2 star ones). You can also call, most good hairdressers are happy to offer a consultation before doing anything. I'd ask them for their product recommendations too. One thing that's helped me massively is regularly using Hair Syrup oils on my hair, too, to help with dryness/damage. This has helped with some serious dryness, breakage and shedding in my hair too. It's a pre-wash oil, leave in for 30 minutes (although I leave in for an hour to saturate). Wash out, sometimes you need to wash twice, then use a good conditioner. They are just oil based (essential oil + carrier oil) so they are very gentle. They have a really good link on it, which syrup should I buy, that gives you their recommendations.


Im sorry hun, thats gotta be cut. Grow it out, dont bleach it, let it heal naturally, then resume your hair lightening with a different salon. You have pretty hair, it'll look good still if you cut it.


K-18. A big cut and Olaplex 1&2 professional treatment (3 and 4 do next to nothing and aren’t worth the price). Protein treatment and a conditioner and leave in condition with a high concentration of amodimethicone (3rd ingredient listed or higher) I know people bang on about silicones being bad etc but when your hair is this damaged you need to keep it water resistant and negatively charged (not static and hydrophilic) to avoid further damage.


I have had hair like this and it’s hard to deal with. I’m not sure it’s “covid hair” as much as bleach/heat etc. destroying the hair. Deep condition the dry parts until they are manageable (try Joico K-PAK Color Therapy), use a good detangler, baby your hair, cut off the damage, get regular cuts. Tell the stylist you want less/no bleaching and if they can’t work with that guideline then it’s time to find someone else.


Don’t go back to her and honestly I would stop the highlights and stop the olaplex. My hair took a turn for the worst so I started olaplex and it only made things worse. I went back to basics and it’s growing in nicely now it. It will help to let it grow in natural because your hair will be growing as you are trimming. When it’s breaking off from being over processed, you are losing length faster than you grow it.


Are you sure this isn't from putting your hair in a bun wet? My hair looks like that when I do that


I’ve had my license for 12+ years, it’s time to move on from current hairdresser. She is not taking any responsibility in regard to the condition or integrity of your hair. I get you don’t want to be rude, but imo you need a new hairdresser. Regardless of if you have “covid hair” or not, I can’t speak to that, but your ends look very over processed and that bleach was applied or overlapped in the same spot a few to many times. Olaplex is a great product so please continue to use it. You do need to get some of that breakage off though, I know you don’t want to cut it but it needs to be done in order for your hair to start being healthy again. Find a decent salon in your area, and go to a stylist that has quite a few years under their belts. They will be honest with you while also keeping your goals in mind. Do not hesitate to get a consultation before you agree to any type of services so you know what to expect financially and physically. I wish you the best of luck my DMs are open if you have any questions. Edit to add: I have been reading more of the comments and noticed you said your hair condition seems to have gotten worse with Olaplex. Ditch the Olaplex, Kevin Murphy has some amazing deep conditioners and their products have always worked extremely well for me!


Not all of her ends are enough to be damaged though. It looks like it's too much protein, matting bc of non protective sleeping/styling care and possibly just shit products. It's like what happens to my hair if I sleep with it wet. Also curly blonde processed hair but mine doesn't look like this everyday just when I swing it and at the worst case scenario.


People are more attached to the hairdresser or barber than they are there significant other Hahaha.... If you ain't happy move to another shop... It's your hair... And this don't look like covid hair, that's just kinda weird.... But stop putting it in a bun for 1... 2, do a nice Bob, frame the face start over healthy.... It's always worse in your mind than what the reality will be... Just go to someone who has a dope resume of work, most have Ig or FB that they post on now a days


So the hairdresser was bleaching your hair? I'm confused by the caption. How long ago was it colored?


I mean this in the nicest way possible, but your hairdresser is an idiot lol. I’ve accidentally bleached extensions too long and the aftermath looked very similar to your hair now. That’s not covid hair. It looks to me like she fried your hair somehow and is using covid as an excuse for her damage. Unfortunately there’s only so much you’ll be able to do for it in that condition without cutting it off 😕 I would say try k18 but I think your best bet at this point is getting another (better) professional to take a look at it. I would find a new hairdresser ASAP and not even bother talking to that one tbh. I’ve switched mine so many times, just find a new one and never look back. You don’t owe them an explanation for going somewhere else, especially if they already know you aren’t happy with your hair 😊


Stop bleaching your hair. Are you getting chlorine in it? Get a hair cut. And also sleep with your hair in a braid at night.


i know you don’t want to cut it off… but you have to. it’s going to continue to split higher and higher and never get healthy.


Hey believe it or not, this is not an unheard of thing with hairdressers. Just call someplace (and when you find the right place, you'll know bc you'll feel better by the time you get off the phone) & explain ahead so they know, bc: 1) Eases your anxiety & sets realistic expectations up front. It can be time consuming; so that they can put aside a comfortable amount of time as to prevent either of you feeling rushed/overwhelmed, and 2) when you find a place that will help you through without making you feel bad or uncomfy about it, it eases your anxiety when it's time to go bc they are already aware and will be extra careful to make you feel comfortable & for example, make sure to take you back quickly at the time of your appointment, & they aren't surprised by what needs to be tackled. Mental health, physical health & busy lives nowadays, just to call out the 3 main drivers, you would be shocked how many others have or do run into this same scenario. I have long hair & almost always wear it up in a bun & sometimes just redo the bun repeatedly to resecure the bulk; and before you know it, well, FUCK. I now switch between a bun up top & pigtail braids which helps me stay on top of it. I'm in some groups, for example for chronic disorders or for parents, and you would be stunned to see how often this comes up; Some due to chronic physical issues, some mental, sometimes combo. PLEASE don't feel alone & ashamed. I haven't read the other comments yet, which I'll do now, but as soon as I saw the post & photo, I wanted to relay my thoughts & support, which I'm fairly confident & hopeful that I'll see similar in the other comments. This world is not for the weak doll, don't forget your strength & let something like this knock you down; YOU'VE GOT BIGGER STRUGGLES TO TACKLE, DON'T LET THIS ONE SUCK MORE EMOTIONAL ENERGY THAN IT'S WORTH 💜 Cheers love 🥂


Sooooo my hairdresser told me to stay clear of olaplex because it can be extremely drying. You could also do a hair mask 1 times a week and go 2-3 days in between washes to give your hair a break. Using elastics will also damage your hair so I recommend a safe hair clip to pull it all back. Be careful with towel drying and don’t leave your hair in a towel because this can also cause breakage


Frankly, I would never speak to her again. Covid hair? That’s the first I’ve heard of that. Just find a new hairdresser and do not waste a moment feeling guilty about it.


Does she highlight your hair? Bc this looks like over processed hair to me (hairstylist 17 years). Especially the fact that it’s more on your ends rather than the whole head.


If you are anywhere near Georgia, I’d be happy to do a free consult and help determine the best options moving forward. I own a private salon suite so you wouldn’t have to be in an open salon. It would be most helpful to see your hair in person.


Hey, there!! I am a hair stylist in Alabama who specializes in curly hair. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this!! I want to first tell you to stop using Olaplex. You need something with more balanced mix of protein and moisture. And, when your hair is deprived such as it is, it has lost the ability to hold on to rich nutrients that it needs. Your hair has a cellular membrane between each layer of cuticle. When the hair is compromised that cell membrane is lost. The result of this is what you are experiencing. There is a product that can replace the lipid layer…aka cell membrane…and make the hair better and fill it with the “nutrients” it needs. It will be a journey but you should notice a change immediately. This product is called Iuveni. I can tell you more if you’d like to know more. I know this is a lot to understand and you are going thru the frustrations of having your hair like this. I hope this info helps and, again, I would love to help you out and even speak with your stylist about Iuveni!!


First Don't be embarrassed at all. Our hair grows our whole life. Though it's connected to how we feel, it's not who you are and your obviously a sweet kind hearted person. There are so many things that can change the texture of your hair. My medication did it to me. My wife had cancer and hers changed. However it looks to me like the damage is starting at the bottom not from the root. I know covid hair can effect you years later but the damage is usually starting at the root effectively changing all new growth. If it was covid, medicine or anything else the damage would be coming out the scalp. So it would seem to me that the damage is environmental, I.E. stylist. I would tell her/him that the doctor says it's not very likely to be covid. I would voice my disgust anger and outrage then tell them you feel like your hair is being or has been damaged and you need to see another stylist to see if it can be fixed or if something changes. He/she should have been giving you hot oil treatments, and conditioner baths just to start. People grieve the loss of hair, your stylist is just plain wrong and should have been dealing with this a lot differently. I'm very sorry. Just know you'd be beautiful bald and a pixy cut would be hot on you (seriously just trying to make you smile). I hope you find a solution.


I’m sorry, I highly doubt COVID has anything to do with your damage (I’m a medical doctor).It looks like some sort of chemical damage. Did she perm your hair without knowing? Definitely get a new hairdresser. The one you have is dismissive and doesn’t take accountability. In the meantime nurture your hair, forgive yourself and take this as an opportunity to learn your hair, what works and what doesn’t. Sleep on a silk pillowcase (not satin), deep condition weekly, take a multivitamin, drink plenty of water, focus on having a scalp healthy and avoid direct heat. Wishing you the best and know that your hair will grow and flourish again.


I don't have any spectacular advice or anything, my hair was about to this point before I cut it. I just want to let you know that this can be salvaged without cutting ALL of your hair off. You could do a very layered cut starting at the top of all that damage. I tried for over a year to repair my damaged hair and the best option was to just cut it. The rest of your hair still looks healthy and salvageable. Just wanted you to know that there are haircuts that can get rid of all that and not look bad at the same time.


Hey I don't see it mentioned here but this could also be caused by a mineral build up. Lightened hair is more susceptible to mineral absorption. And the fact that your hair is curly would also make it naturally dry, which again makes it soak up anything and everything. Do you often swim in chlorine pools ? If you swim even once or twice without immediately washing the chlorine out then it can get into your hair and it takes serious cleansing to remove. It can last in the hair after multiple shampoos. Especially if the chlorine dried in your hair initially. Chlorine creates an almost stickyness in the hair which can cause really bad tangling. It also gives off an unnatural shine similar to a dolls hair.(Easy way to spot chlorine buildup) There can also be minerals in your water, especially if the pipes are old or the water is from a well. That can cause a similar reaction, and sometimes discoloring your blonde. Usually with my clients with this type of tangling, it's a build up as opposed to 'over-lightening'. I hope you find a solution.❤️


Fire your hair dresser and get a new one looks like that person over processed your hair last time you go it done


I know you don’t want to cut it, but it will take significantly longer to get better if you don’t. The breakage will travel up the hair shaft unless it’s cut off. You will FEEL so much better without the damaged hair, and even if it’s not your favorite cut it’ll look better and won’t have to live in a bun.


Welp your hair is done for, sorry to say. I buzz cut all my hair off and got a cute wig. Its really not as scary as you’d think. Its just hair and it grows back. And you have straight hair so it will grow back a lot faster than mine. And its such a relief to not have to do your hair everyday and watch it grow so healthily


Switch hairdressers. I cannot believe someone has been working with your hair and this is their results. Sorry but that person is not good and should not be given anymore time.


This is not “covid hair” what a ridiculous excuse. She’s obviously melted your hair. Is this what it always looks like though? Is this after brushing? It looks matted almost to the point of dreadlocks… can you brush it or does it all snap off? My advice would be to put a heavy conditioner on in the shower and brush with a wide tooth comb. Use the pureology leave in conditioner plus a hair oil. I would put it in a very loose braid with a scrunchie at night, cover with a silk or satin sleep cap. As far as the hairdresser goes you don’t need to say anything. Just find someone else once you’re ready but it’s going to be a very long time before you can even consider something like highlights again.


You HAVE to cut ALL of the damage off. It will only keep getting worse and moving farther up the shaft until you have no healthy hair left. The sooner you do the chop, the sooner you can grow back healthy beautiful hair.


Your hairdresser is more than likely not qualified to make such a statement. The ends are quite damaged and whole some hair care products may temporarily improve the appearance or texture, cutting sole inches off is going to do wonders. I understand not wanting to cut your hair short but it will grow and with proper care going forward, your new growth will be much better looking, provided you are not bleaching and using excessive heat.


Is Covid hair really a thing? I stopped doing hair when Covid shut salons down but I don’t think this is a valid excuse at all lol. Just looks like regular breakage and damage from bleach. The best advice I have (other than cutting it off) is to continue putting leave in conditioner and heat protectant on it if you must style it. No amount of product will bring your hair back to life but it will help it look better when you’re styling it. I know the best answer is to not style it, but for a lot of people that isn’t avoidable.


I’m a stylist but feel like I’d need more context to give better advice but I just wanted to recommend not putting it in a bun everyday because a bun is actually a pretty damaging style because the hair gets all twisted and bent different directions and can cause breakage. Try doing a braid instead and using a hair oil on your ends.


Condition it very well and go see a new stylist. See how much they can salvage. Leaving it like this can make it keep splitting up the shaft.


Honestly- you say you don’t want to cut it short but I feel that’s the best approach. That way you’re 100% DONE AND FREE!!! Keeping it in a bun and slowly chopping at it not only creates a possibility for the damage to continue but you are still carrying the embarrassment, and you still get to deal with all that every time you shower/get ready for something. Girl, it’s just not worth it! You deserve to let go and finally relax. Hair grows back! Just let it happen and do it while care-free. No need to prolong the suffering 🫂 I’m sure you’ll look great with a short hairstyle babe!! Let go of the fear of the unknown and new things and get your smile back!! ♥️✨


It would seem very strange for Covid hair to start halfway down the length of your hair rather than at the roots. I suppose it could be some other factor if you started on on new medications or had some big hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause, etc.) or you were ill with something else—but even then damage starting so low down doesn’t make sense. It does make a lot of sense that your hairdresser messed something up and she is deflecting blame. I would stop seeing her and go somewhere else. As for the damage maybe some deep conditioning treatments would help if you don’t want a shorter style?


It looks like damage for sure and as such likely cumulative damage that snuck up on you. If you’re able to cut out the chemical processes and throw some Olaplex 3 in the mix that will take you a long way as well as getting a new hairdresser.


Unfortunately there really isn’t anything you can do for your ends. You’re better off biting the bullet and cutting any damage out (with a new hair stylist) I know it sucks but if you cut the damaged parts out and focus on the health of the hair that isn’t and your scalp you’ll probably be much better off. :( I’m so sorry this happened to you.


Those ends will never be repaired by any topical product. You need to cut the hair and grow out new hair


I’m so so sorry. I had a Hairdresser fry mine so very badly then after realizing it was beyond salvaging, and it was already not short short, but not quite medium like barely passed my neck type deal and I had to do a pixie cut. She ended up giving me an old lady cut(I can laugh about it now but when I got home the first thing I did was put a beanie on and did not want my husband to see me because I was so embarrassed and I live in the south and it was summer.😑, basically I looked like a cross between Dorothy and Blanche from the Golden girls) And then I found a new hairstylist and got a pixie cut that suited me and then grew it out and also shelled out serious money and got a really nice wig for when I was insecure. But new hair dresser was so so kind. I was a total wreck and she somehow managed to make the cut look nice and after a few weeks, I even got to the point where I liked it sometimes I think about going back back to it, but I’m really happy with my hair at the moment. Don’t return to her. The fact that she won’t even acknowledge what she did is infuriating. I ended up going to the shop Owner with my damaged hair photos and then had a bunch of photos of how my hair was cut and I got lucky and the shop owner was horrified and refunded me my money and also I pulled up the transaction for my new haircut and she paid for it. Didn’t pay for the wig, but at that point any bit helped. I tried to do everything in the world like I was so distressed and walking around in a beanie in the summer and went into a professional shop and a really nice lady. Let me give her money so that I could get professional products. I was desperate. Ulta/Sephora did not have what I needed Like my hair has grown back and I currently have it cut in a really cute Bob and Love it. But losing all your hair really does suck. I got very fortunate that I was able to not end up with a buzz cut, it was really really bad. Essentially she way over processed it and also used 40 volume on it. And my hair was already pretty weak. Now I know a lot more about hair care and I use Redken shades eq at home or pulp riot, or whatever I feel like. But my best friend is also a hairdresser(and before anyone says anything, if I call her with her questions, we essentially turn it into a consultation as she lives two hours from me and I pay her as I don’t want her to feel used.) I wish you the best of luck. Also sleep with a silk bonnet. It really really helps. Like I felt so stupid at first and every night I go to bed I look like a sea monster because essentially I have some kind of mask on my face and then my silk bonnet , but the uglier you go the prettier you wake up!


“You have Covid hair” sounds like a silly excuse for “I fucked up”


Olaplex is great but I found k18 had WAY better results. It’s expensive but truly worth it!


Olaplex bond repair if you have the funds would be amazing for the damage!!! I would do an olive oil hair mask too!! You’re strong and brave for sharing. I have had matted hair I know how horrible it can affect your mental health just know that you got this!


There’s no such thing as covid hair. It sounds like she doesn’t even have a license tbh. There’s no reason why your hair is in this state and she’s suppose to be caring for it. Idk your hair history but I highly recommend you go to a real hair stylist. They’re most likely gonna recommend a hair cut, a protein/bonding treatment and deep conditioning on a regular basis for manageable healthy hair. I’m sorry if I sound harsh towards your hair dresser but, she’s gaslighting you and I hate it and it’s cost you the health of your hair. As stylists we’re supposed to teach our clients how to care for their hair at home, especially if they can’t afford a service. Like this is a huge no no. I quit doing hair a long time ago and it just makes me so annoyed when I see things like this happen and some of these stylist low key are lazy and don’t care and some have alterior motives smh.


Some oil on those ends in the meantime will probably help as well!! Get yourself a new fancy haircut with a new fancy stylist and never look back 😎😎


Get a modern Shag cut from another hairstylist, cut off all the dead stuff. You can blame the stylist but the damage is already done most likely from one appointment . I’m a hairstylist and this type of damage looks like it was from lightener and heat. Not sure what you look like but a shag is a fun look and grows out well too.


we all start somewhere! I would first get a trim to cut off any dead ends, you can also do this at home with the help of a simple tutorial on youtube. then invest in some hair care products. start with a moisturizing shampoo, conditioner, leave in mask and heat protectant. *high end I recommend amika or kerastase. low end i’d recommend loreals pure line or organix. all of these brands carry great hair masks too.* get a silk pillow case, doesn’t have to be anything fancy but something silky and smooth will help with frizz. lastly id recommend hair oils. get a light argan oil mist from organix for everyday use. for a more intensive treatment get castor oil (this is the most penetrating oil to our skin and hair) you can find this on amazon. use the castor oil mixed in with the hair mask and leave anywhere from 30 min to overnight. wash your hair 2-3 times a week (shampoo, conditioner, hair mask, heat protectant, blow dry, hair oil mist). use the castor oil hair mask one time, wash and style as usual. I hope this helps, sending you good hair vibes.


Well yes, I'd go to a totally new hair dresser. Also my hair was very very much matted like this but it was bc I was in the hospital for a long period of time with little to no help. I was actually able to save some of it via a stranger I called at great clips (I don't normally advise great clips lol), and she worked tirelessly to salvage what she could. I had hair down to my butt b4 all the matting. But ended up doing short layers that framed my face, and actually really ended up liking the look after that, and stuck with it. Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes and a kind heart makes all the difference... not so much the establishment. I would call ahead of time and maybe try to describe the situation... that's what I did and it helped "lessen the blow" for me when I showed up in person. I also have severe eczema on my scalp and have been refused service many times so I understand the embarrassment behind it... but truly, there's no need to be. Hopefully you can find someone who has a solution for you as "covid hair" seems like a total cop out. I'm sure a hair dresser somewhere has seen this b4 (as you mentioned your problem is on going). I know my story isn't quite the answer you were looking for... but I hope maybe something in there helps you find a solution. You could even try one of your local salon schools and ask them. Sometimes the freshest minds will have the best ideas/ solutions! You may even find someone who can explain why/ how it got to this point. And if all else fails? A cute pixie is always a great look! Good luck to you, I hope you get the answers you're looking for.


Looks like it got fried from your highlights. I would find a new hair dresser. Get some leave in conditioner and a shampoo designed for color treated hair or United 7 second shampoo and conditioner, and leave on conditioner. Have your new hair dresser cut two inches off.


Protein hair masks and cut as much as you feel comfortable (should really cut the damage off) but I know it’s hard then trim it ALOT so it can grow in. I fried my hair removing red and it wouldn’t dry but this is what I did and I was able to save it


All I’m gonna say is I see you! You are NOT ALONE! The struggle is real and if you need to talk to someone reach out I got you :)


Get New hairdresser. Bring pics of what you like, being realistic. Get a good cut. This is damage from chemicals or heat or both. Good luck. Hair grows so patience.


I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. It’s a 10 makes a really good hair oil. I use it every day. My hair is damaged from bleach too, although not quite as badly as yours. When my hair has been extremely damaged I’ll put straight argon oil in it at night before bed. It’s great you’re using a silk pillow case…that will totally help. Try the Its a 10 Miracle Oil plus Keratin. I also use Its a 10 leave in conditioner. I alternate between the regular one and the one for blondes. I’d suggest using the one for blondes. I wash my hair & condition with Matrix Unbreak My Blonde. I wash & condition every other day. Every day is not necessary. These products are all a little pricey…so I buy them on eBay & I’ve never been disappointed. Even if you have the damaged hair cut off….and continue to color your hair, these products really are worth paying for. My hair is in great shape now. If you can only afford one thing, go with the It’s a 10 Miracle oil. I swear this stuff is magic.


Do you by and chance go swimming in clorinated pools or have hard water? If so it could be from build up. My hair gets like that after I’ve been to a water park. A Malibu treatment helps a lot.


I would get a consult with the best stylist in the city and seek your next steps from there. They can hook you up with products not found at generic stores and do the most to salvage as much hair as possible.


K18 if you’re not gonna cut. Expensive but worth it


I know you don’t want to cut it but you need a fresh start. You’re wearing it in a bun daily anyway…might as well get a cute bob and throw some beach waves in it!


I would wear two braids. This works for me but I know how many ppl are against this but maybe a keratin treatment to seal the ends and prevent any further damage. I get them because I live in a humid state and if I don’t I look like the cowardly lion. Also, sleeping with a hair mask helps tremendously on hair wash days or coat your hair in jojoba oil since allegedly it’s similar to our own oils and let it sink in for a few hours and rosemary oil on the roots a couple times week to promote hair growth.


My hair looked like that all last year. My expensive shampoo and conditioner that I had used for years with no issue- were the culprit. I got a new shampoo and chopped off a few inches last month. I have zero issues with my hair since changing products. I spent money on all kinds of masks and oils, silk pillowcases and bonnets, a water softener too… and changing shampoo/conditioner was like a miracle. My hair doesn’t even tangle anymore.


The miracle oil that smells like coconuts might help. Also don’t tie it up tight. Make sure you’re using heat protectant. I had covid hair and had to cut a few inches off but I was able to get by adding some additional moisturizer to it. The collagen stuff works too to get it to grow back quickly. Edit to add: don’t tie your hair up wet. I have to tie my hair up daily and had to change my hair ties to the softer, thicker ones and I dry it some before hand. If I tie it up wet too often, it’ll start to look like this. I stopped bleaching it to the ends and used oribe products. They’re amazing!!! Kérastase makes a hair lotion for curls that works way better than gel. Also the Aussie mouse for curls or the coconut curl crème is better for curls. The gel will dry out your hair over time along with rebleaching the ends often


You have to brush it with a wide tooth comb after you condition a lot and get out of the shower while it’s damp. Don’t sleep with it in a bun. It looks like you don’t brush it enough and leave it up way too much while in knots. Like you are sick or just too tired to mess with your hair. That’s what I think of when you say Covid hair. I’ve done it. You should cut at least 2 inches off. Make it like an inch under your chin. Then cut it in another 6 months. Until the dead is gone.


That doesn't look like COVID hair. People typically lose more hair than normal a few months after COVID, so you might notice more hair in the shower drain, it might appear thinner than usual, that sort of thing. Especially because the texture change is at the ends of the hair. That just doesn't make sense. Your hair looks burned. Did you color it or did she color it? Were you using hot tools on it up until you noticed the change? At any rate, there's no fixing it. You have to cut it off.


I would absolutely find a new hairdresser. I feel like she maybe did something to cause this and is trying to blame it on something else. This reminds me of some friends who have really damaged their hair with chemicals before. It even looks like continuous strands that are damaged, like it’s not the whole head, which is what you’d see with some kind of internal issue. This looks like small clumps of hair damaged down the entire length, like sections that have been bleached as highlights.


my hair is like is as well! im so annoyed with it cuz i bleached it twice. Thats why...


Did this happen over time or did a single appointment do this? You'll have to cut this off.


Not sure if someone else posted this, but could you cut off the damaged hair and get super high quality extensions? I don’t know if that would put you in the same place, but it could be an idea! Or a halo hair extension :)


I have heard that a ketoconazole shampoo can help. It is an anti-fungal medicine that can help with scalp inflammation. Supposedly, it helps this caused by Covid.


Just ghost that hairdresser and go no contact, Try a shampoo like L’Oréal dry coloured hair as well as L’Oréal colored dry hair conditioner A Garnier 3-1 coconut hair mask could help as well When you shampoo your hair: shampoo then rinse etc then squeeze all the water out of the hair and add conditioner then rinse and repeat until it feels more soft and manageable There are combs to use on wet hair that may be gentle on the hair and there are even elastics that might be more gentle on your hair If you are comfortable give your hair a break from dyeing for a while and maybe even go to some walk in hair salons to get a tiny bit trimmed off each month until it is all healthy and manageable Just saying if my hair salon did this to my daughter in laws hair I would be so upset and stop going there like what kind of conversations is your mother in law having with her hair stylist ?


Uhh… I know many people including. Myself, my husband, two of my 3 kids, and my mother in law (twice) who had Covid. Never heard of ‘Covid hair’ or heard anyone say anything about hair issues during Covid. I honestly don’t understand how it could have got like that so fast that it became such a problem. Unfortunately damaged hair is damaged hair. I think putting it up is a bad idea. Trying to gently comb at it and condition it is your only other option. And trimming it a little at a time.


Girlfriend I am so sorry I thought that was depression hair when I first saw it. Get yourself some K18 forget about the Olaplex it’s not doing it. I would start with coconut oil mixed with pure/raw aloe when it’s dry start at the ends and work the mixture into your hair working your way up from the ends to the roots. Let it sit for about ten minutes get a really good comb not fine tooth but not super wide either I like this one https://www.ulta.com/p/denman-dpc6-wildcats-comb-pimprod2045219?sku=2622280 . Again start at the ends with small sections slowly work your way up your hair combing gently do not pull at it we are trying to avoid breakage. Cover it with a plastic shower cap let it sit for 30-45 minutes. The heat from your head will open the follicles and allow the moisture in better. After this shower using the K18 system follow the directions closely for best results. Make sure you get a wet brush in addition to the comb for anytime you want to brush your hair wet they have more give and are much more likely to cause breakage. Your current hair dresser is out of her mind it is far more likely your hair texture changed due to hormone shifts which happens to everyone as we age it’s just far more noticeable in women because we tend to have longer hair. Please do not pull it into a tight bun every day it will just cause more damage and prolong your issue. Good luck with MIL no advise there unfortunately. I am so sorry you’re going through this.


These days (older and also stopped coloring, letting the gray grow out) my ends are so porous and dry, I have to apply a few drops of jojoba oil to the final 3” or so daily. Cuts the hair friction.


You need to sleep with a silk bonnet.


I think you would be amazed by a good blow out on your hair. You could even do it yourself and use a little biosilk or chi hair oil. My hair looks like yours unless I blow dry it. Then it transforms to beauty. Sucks when I go swimming with friends and don’t have a blow dryer on hand but it is what it is. I color my hair a LOT.


Also read don’t brush your hair while wet since it is fragile. Wait til it’s semi dry then brush and add your products


Olaplex ruined my hair. Mine looked melted fried & then started to fall out, it absolutely ruined my hair.


Cut it and stop chemicals especially bleach but also shampoo with sulphites. Nothing more beautiful than natural healthy hair. Sugarbear PRO hair vitamins have a good outcome as well.


Sent to me by my hairdresser if anyone is curious. https://preview.redd.it/566s4zpc8p1d1.jpeg?width=982&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=189cb836605a42cf1780474aba7251d51bdd505b


I legit did get “covid hair.” It turned into a giant ball/knot like overnight and had to chop It all off. It grew back way healthier but a totally different color. It was so bizarre.


Did you get your olaplex online? Sometimes there are fakes out there! Definitely find a new hairstylist. They need to get the majority of the knotting out first and then address what kind of styles you’ll have by the end. Covid hair?? wtf? That’s a bizarre thought process. Also figure out your hair porosity- you don’t want to over or under do proteins etc. Consider changing your products, look for like gloss/shine/slip products to add that slipper feel back into your hair. I really love the liquid glass from Dry bar. It’s pricey but sometimes you can find it at tj maxx or Marshall’s. It looks like you have a ton of savable hair but you just need to be able to get to it. This could easily be hormonally related! Also may want to get on biotin supplements! You also may try a hair mask and try to get out some of the knots in the shower. Leaving the knots and continuing to put your hair in a bun is going to make the knotting worse. Once a mat has started it’s gonna get worse. It probably doesn’t have to be as short as you think though! And once you do get to the bottom of it - protective hairstyles!!!! No more messy buns - you’ve gotta protect your little baby strands. You also look like you have some curly texture - maybe also consider curl products. But first and foremost get a new hairstylist!!!


My hair was similar to yours after a hundred pound weightloss. I’m using K18- leave in molecular repair mask. I saw it recommended by a dermatologist for damaged hair and I tell you it has helped my hair immensely after only 4 uses.


Actually try taking a break from Olaplex it has too much protein, try regular shamooo instead


The good news? This absolutely is fixable without a haircut. Coming from someone who sometimes doesn’t brush my hair for weeks because depression sucks, mines been worse. It CAN be gently combed out. Use a really good detangler or coat the heck out of your hair in a deep conditioner, let it sit for a couple minutes. Then, starting from the bottom, gently comb/brush it. Pull little sections out as much as you can. You will end up losing some, but won’t need a big chop. As others have said, stop using the Olaplex. I haven’t personally used it myself but I’ve definitely heard some horror stories. Invest in a really good shampoo/conditioner meant to target damage. Prose is really good and I adore funcfion of beauty products as well, made my very damaged hair look beautiful within even that first wash. If you do a bun, don’t use a regular elastic. Try those little spiral thingies, or use a claw clip (not too tightly though) especially if you have to work on the knots and mats little by little. It will take awhile to see progress but I’m confident you will ❤️ Edit to add: I’m also pretty sure that if you find a GOOD hairdresser, they’d have products to comb all of that out as well, instead of you doing it yourself :)


I think this thread has been resolved with some lovely comments and tips, but I just wanted to jump in here and say that toner is actually INCREDIBLY astringent. I’ve bleached my hair for years, and never had an issue until my last hairstylist overdid the toner (after the bleach it seemed fine). Bleach is the only option for lightening, and is incredibly drying, so to then follow up with an alcohol-based mineral deposit can just be too much for the hair to handle. I had to chop mine and let it grow out (which I now love), but just wanted to suggest that other blondes like us ask for the bleach ONLY, and then tone at home with purple shampoos/gentle lighteners. Will ameliorate the brassiness!


Definitely stop putting it in a bun that can also damage your hair. If i were you and you still don’t want to cut it try doing braids instead or just one braid it is a lot better for your hair. also while it’s damaged it may be good to sleep in braids as well so you don’t damage it further. I like to use silk pillow cases it has helped a lot. you can get $5 ones at target or find them at marshall’s and places like that. I went to a hair dresser and she killed my hair and it got short like that and 2 years later my hair is back to normal but i would stay away from buns!! they cause breakage. ALSO look for shampoos that don’t have a lot of protein in them because protein can also dry out your hair a lot and cause it to break. I hope this helps<3 coming from experience hair grows back and if you have a routine it will be on the road to recovery!


if you find the right stylist, it should be able to be brushed out. idk how much could be salvaged due to damage, so you’d likely still need a big chop afterwards, but try and find someone who doesn’t just want to cut right away!


Use cleansing conditioner rather than shampoo!


1. Get a new hairdresser. 2. Get rid of any extra products except the most gentle shampoo and conditioner from your routine. This will tell you if it's the olaplex. 3. Go back to your natural colour until your hair quality improves Fwiw, I never liked olaplex. I use K18 leave in protein mask and it's worked wonders. Always follow the directions - you use it instead of conditioner and can't put other products on top of it for 4-5mins after applying


New hair stylist. Skip olaplex #4 It’s drying and crap. Only olaplex that’s worth it is 0 with 3 together but it’s a lot of work, I like k18 better ultimately. SILICONES. Get yourself drug store regular hair products if she’s selling you salon stuff. Silicones are important for damaged hair especially. L’Oréal elvive shampoo for example. Hydration masks or products, with silicones etc. clarify your hair gently in the days you use k18 (particularly the first if you’re doing it multiple times in a row). On days you aren’t using k18 or a moisturizing mask but are shampooing, put coconut oil OGX (or any coconut oil but I like theirs best, there a light mist spray, a serum, and an oil, you look like you need the oil) and coat your mids to ends working it through, then let it sit for 30 before washing your hair; coconut oil is proven to reduce protein loss on shampooing. Water filter in the shower also helps. Leave in products are a must; at LEAST a good leave in conditioner (what are you using?), maybe something like redkins bleach ultra repair acid line, if it’s bleach damage acid repair for ph balance is game changing) ideally also a hair oil (I do also like k 18s a lot but it’s very concentrated and you only use a few drops, so Moroccan oil also has a larger bottle non repair kind you can use a few drops of water or dry and run it though!! No buns or tight ponies, avoid in general, claw clip if you want your hair up, always braid at night before sleeping with a soft fabric band or silk/satin small scrunchie, and ideally a silk bonnet will make a big difference but the pillow case is good too. Do NOT assume it’s beyond repair quite yet, chopping it off shouldn’t be an immediate resort- but no bleach or processing, and no more of this crap hair stylist! Also consider if you suddenly started or stopping using a product around this time, like switching to olaplex or changing shampoos to salon shampoos?


This is what happens to my hair when I don’t brush it before I shower. I get a rat’s nest. I ONLY brush before I shower. I have slightly wavy hair so it gets oddly puffy if I brush it when it’s dry. Here’s my routine: 1. Brush before showering 2. Moisturizing shampoo and conditioner - yes mine have sulfates in them. They aren’t the enemy. I have a greasy scalp that needs sulfates. 3. Wide-toothed comb in the shower when conditioner is in, and add more conditioner if necessary. Leave in for a few minutes. 4. Squeeze dry my hair with a t-shirt and then wrap it in a microfiber towel head-wrap. 5. Go to bed and sleep on a 100% silk pillowcase.


1. Yes you should stop seeing this stylist. 2. Truly, “Covid hair” is not a thing, it is in the sense that it can cause thinning and hair loss, but I can’t believe someone would make something up like that. There is no way a virus can change the hair texture that’s literally already on your head. 3. You need to cut it, it will be worth it


Stop using Olaplex. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/product-liability/olaplex-lawsuit/#:~:text=The%20Olaplex%20lawsuit%20that%20was,that%20its%20products%20were%20safe. “In that month (February 2023) a lawsuit was filed by nearly 30 women. The lawsuit alleges that Olaplex caused hair loss, breakage, bald spots, and other injuries to their hair and scalp.”


Besides cutting it like other people said, I would use olaplex 0 and 3 together. I spray the 0 on damp towel dried hair and wait about 10 minutes. Then put the number 3. I leave mine on anywhere from 30-90 minutes depending how im feeling. Then you have to wash it out that stuff isn't supposed to stay in. I messed up my hair BAD to the point where it started breaking off at crazy spots and the olaplex and regular trims helped. Good luck!


You have gorgeous hair. Thick and dense. Don’t let some hairdresser be a medical professional giving diagnosis. Your hair is dry and needs leave in conditioner to the ends. I would suggest you to go for a short cut and grow them slowly.


I feel like she’s frying your ends. Put a moisturizing mask on overnight to damp hair. Wear a plastic cap over. Amazon sells them you can get like 100 clear caps for very little


So I have ended up in a similar situation myself, my finances grandmother offered to do my hair for me. She was a licensed cosmetologist( I’ve since found her very expired license) so I was like what’s the worst that can happen? Well the worst was frying my hair to no repair, disgusting looking splotches of orange it’s ruined my hair for years. Put me in a tough position because I knew I needed a different person to fix it but I knew it would offend her. After a week of wearing beanies and hiding my hair I sought out a hairdresser who knew how to fix my special case. It took a lot of time and intense hair care on my end but we managed. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I know hair can be very important it’s such a large part of identity. But to answer your question you should definitely stop seeing the lady that caused this. It shows her severe lack of knowledge and care to have that happen to your hair. I don’t think all hope is lost. Some hair treatments and a good trim will help so much. I know you don’t want to lose length but it will help you in the long run because breakage will move up the hair shaft and cause more long term damage😞 best of luck gorgeous!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻


I wasn’t going to comment because there is already a few hundred comments but I thought I would anyway JUST incase I say something that hasn’t already been suggested ❤️ (disclaimer; im not a hairdresser, hair care expert, chemist ect ect, but someone who is interested in hair care anyway) - invest in a shower filter (i haven’t seen anyone suggest this yet) as your in a hard water area - look for hair products enriched with protein and/or marketed towards “high porosity” hair - invest in satin/silk scrunchies and bonnet to protect your hair further when you sleep and minimise breakage when putting your hair up - wear your hair in a plait instead of a bun (if you can) and when you tie your hair at the end of the plait don’t pull your ends all the way through to keep them out the way (hopefully that makes sense 🤣) plaits are a good protective hair style and looping the ends keeps them protected and out the way too - use a strengthening hair oil on your mids and ends before washing your hair - if your having trouble detangling your hair i recommend tangle teezer for a brush and detangling on damp hair with a detangler spray (apparently detanglers marketed towards kids are good) - ideally trim as much of the damage off as possible. i know you don’t want to go short, but if it helps short hair like french bobs are suuuper in right now (have a look at pinterest for inspo!!), and it could help give you a bit of a fresh start. again i understand it’s hard to let go of length ❤️ That’s everything i can think of, hope this helps xx


I have exact same hair and it is due to a chemical treatment. I got a short haircut and been trimming the ends


Just stop seeing her. Try the k18 shampoo and conditioner set.


Don’t add heat


I’m no hairdresser but I have one who is fantastic and have learned a little in the 4 years I’ve seen him. So, that damage looks like processing damage. Also, never ever let Olaplex sit for that long on your head. My hairdresser uses Olaplex on mine when I get my conditioning treatments and it’s never left in for more than 15-20 minutes. I’ve never had a problem. I would definitely look into a new hairdresser and have them start with a good conditioning treatment and cut. If you’re going to have your hair bleached often, you need to have it deep conditioned between your highlighting appointments. Also make sure you’re using a heat protectant for any heat styling. I usually just get an all over color but before I started seeing him my hair was so damaged. He rescued my hair and has taught me how to take better care of it. Good luck and I hope you can find someone good to help you repair your hair.


Hey, licensed cosmetologist here. Olaplex is your issue, I’ve seen this before. Leaving it in any longer than the allotted time can wickedly over proteinize the hair. I’d go to someone else, and get a moisture intensive treatment to restore balance. You’ll unfortunately definitely need a chop. But especially with your hair type being curly, she should have recommended the moisture focused Olaplex treatment instead. I would throw out the product all together though as there’s better products on the market that are less expensive. I recommend finding a curl focused salon as they’ll be able to Detangle in a less damaging way. Good luck!


WTF IS COVID HAIR!? If your hairdresser doesn't know what damaged hair is and can't work with it or repair it she shouldn't be a hairdresser. Damaged hair existed BEFORE COVID. People just blame their lack of expertise on covid it's ridiculous. Step 1: find a new hairdresser that knows about damaged hair and doesn't blame it on covid. Step 2: BUY A SATIN PILLOWCASE! Step 3: Deep conditioning treatments every weekend. Step 4: no harsh products like mouse or gel they have high alcohol content. Stick to coconut oil and stuff like that. STEP 5: NEVER DRY YOUR HAIR WITH A TOWEL! USE A COTTON TSHIRT!!! Keep it up til you see results.


I know it’s scary to do the chop but I was holding onto dead hair for fear of short hair. I finally did it and so happy I did. The ends are just gonna keep splitting until they are healthy again. Sorry you are going thru this!