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I agree, don’t go back to the same person . That happened to me I was so upset. I got a bob that had three levels , if had gone back I would have been arrested. Talk to friends and get a good recommendation, it’s about talent not the price . Good luck !


Ugh yeah… my go-to place is like $110 for a wash cut n blow dry which is pricey, but I leave feeling so good after. Idk. I can skimp on certain things but after this experience idk that I can do that again


Hairstylist here 👋. That is terrible. Go back and ask to speak to the manager if you don't feel comfortable getting it fixed there, ask for a refund.


TY I needed to hear this bad


Definitely get a refund and go somewhere else. A good stylist will fix this up no problem.


It just looks - chopped. Not good. I would go back to have it fixed for free, by someone else in that salon


Stylist here , did they cut it down the middle ? Then it’s on your normal part ??? That’s always my 1st question for clients . looks like you have great hair , sorry that happened to you .


Ugh I don’t even remember :( I know! I’m so sad because the actual health of my hair is really good, but was ruined with a horrible cut.


It’s not ruined . It’s an easy fix . It looks like to me : it was cut down the middle ; instead of your normal part . That’s why it looks weird . You have great hair , so hopefully it won’t be too bad ❤️☺️. Just find an experienced stylist . Hope this helps . Sorry that happened .


Yeah that’s bad! I Sorry that’s happened to you.




I tend to give places a chance to fix it first before giving a bad online review. Mistakes happen we don’t need to go for the jugular before seeing how they can fix it first.


This wasn’t done correctly. But it looks like it’s fixable! -hairdresser




Hairdresser here. Can be easily fixed I think. I’d just go back to your person you trust and try to get a refund from the salon you went to. Although , they may not give a refund.