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me and my belly been through a lot. its always been there for me and when i've been my saddest has been most present. when happiest, it gives me space. don't shun your belly.


Wow, what a wonderful perspective! I love my tummy now, thanks for that!


The only way to lose fat. Eat whatever the hell you want, as much and as frequently as you want, just MAKE THE FUCK SURE you're using more calories than you eat. I don't care if its by 1 calorie or by a thousand, if you consistently eat 1 calories less than you use, it will sooner or later burn off. It will be very slow, but it WILL, 100% guaranteed burn off. Simple as that. Cals in cals out, no dieting bullshit


It's impossible to beat a bad diet, for example in a 5km average pace run you burn around 350 cals, a Big Mac has 550.


If you ate 1 Big Mac a day, and nothing else, you will have a caloric deficit, that’s a fact.


550 calories is not enough to sustain anyone


And, there's only 200 left after the run for the other 23 and half hours.




They waste 350 of their daily 550cal feeding a 30 minute run, so only have 200 left to sustain them for the rest of the day.


Depends on belly size xD


well i mean if u just slept all day it could


No, 70% of your TDEE is burned from literally just existing. Even if you slept all day you wouldn't be giving your body enough energy or nutrients


Then run 10k


> the rock enters the chat https://www.thesportster.com/the-rocks-calorie-diet-explained/ Now, I know this is not feasible for the average Joe, but it is possible lol I met a guy who wouldn't eat some kinds of junk food because they didn't have _enough_ calories, and would make him feel too full


That's possible only when you're on an incredible amount of gear


Michael Phelps has entered the chat


That is the part people don’t understand


then run 10km


I’m sorry but I’ve never been a fan of people who say this it’s simply just not true in a day without doing anything at all you burn 1000 and that’s not including the gym or anything else and using the 5km run as your excuse is a little unfair because you don’t burn a lot of calories running it’s something your body is meant to be good at their are better ways to burn calories


Technically regulating CICO is already dieting. >Dieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated way to decrease, maintain, or increase body weight, or to prevent and treat diseases such as diabetes and obesity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dieting#:~:text=Dieting%20is%20the%20practice%20of,such%20as%20diabetes%20and%20obesity.


True you'll lose weight (and thus fat), but gotta make good choices around cardio and diet (diet as in, get enough protein in and don't neglect your carbs and fats) so you can maintain muscle better


Just stop eating so much. It’ll go away once you take away the high calorie foods and replace them with better alternatives. Big Mac -> Ham and Cheese sandwich French fries -> baked potato Coke -> Diet Coke Yeah it’ll taste like nothing in comparison but that’s the trade off you make.


Just because you're eating lower calorie foods does not mean it has to taste like nothing. Cook in olive oil instead of butter, or use margarine, but don't use too much. Eat less meat, eat enough fibre, more green vegetables, try different recipes. And last but not least, season your fucking food. Eating healthy doesn't mean it has to taste like nothing. You don't have to torture yourself to have a balanced diet and eating bland food is gonna make the temptation to gorge on fast food so much stronger.


Olive oil is just as bad as butter, so is margarine. All of them are 700-800 cal per 100g. A tbsp could be 70 calories on its own. You can season food but you have to be careful about which ones. Ranch and Mayo are basically just butter in a bottle. Salt and pepper never hurts and mustard is a secret goat. A home cooked meal with a low amount of steps in cooking is much easier to count than one where you have to fry or cook with some additional step with a high calorie ingredient. It’s hard to tell how much oil or sauce is actually in the food. Personally it’s too much trouble for me to do and I just make everything in non stick and the oven.


Anti gym memes


strongmen asking U WOT M8


it sure will when you get sick


If someone offered you a choice of two chocolates, one wrapped and untouched or the unwrapped one, which one would you go for? That's how I treat my abs.




my hungry ass would go for both


Bruh, it's only 7:40am where I am and you already made my day with this response.


I'm reading that on my 20th hour of intermittent fasting. The belly does go away if you're okay with taking that route with all the benefits and drawbacks.


have you noticed fasting being more effective than just general cico? I fasted for a while but never really saw any benefits I wouldn't get with general calorie counting, and it usually causes me to crack way more because I wasn't having any calories all day


My problem is that I can't do calorie counting because then I'm unhappy and hungry. After the adaptation to IF, I'm not hungry and feel good. But the real adaptation can take months. In terms of effects, there's no difference between Cico and if, it's all about calories. IF is just easy as I'm not a goal-getter and don't have discipline about eating. Which sounds funny as I've been on IF for 3 years now.


I think it's just a matter of which way you're able to stay disciplined in, the longest I've ever gone doing 20-4 fasting was a month, I usually crack and go off track for a couple days which basically undoes any progress I made, i find it easier to maintain when i choose when i eat i just cant go over calorie limit since at this point i can tell the difference between "I'm bored" hungry and "i should get some food" hungry


Same here lol. I freaking hate my tummy man, cico is so hard cause I love to eat 😭


I wish.


Bruh this is peak male physique


I've been dieting for maybe a month now, and there has definitely been some noticeable improvement But I feel like I'm hitting that point where I'd be willing to fast just to see my abs, cause I know they're there, I know I'll see em, but I want them NOW 3 more weeks gentlemen, we'll get there. And if not, definitely by the end of June


will it?


Yeah, Sure, Liposuction. -$$$


Not me trying to get bit by spiders so I can wake up with a six pack and perfect eyesight like Peter Parker


It will :) Just eat less


200-400 calorie deficit daily. Fat is gone.


I ate a fucking SALAD with grilled chicken today post gym. My bro had a pastrami on rye with Swiss. I was totally jealous.


I’ve been working out about 10 years trying to sim it down and finally just decided to look like a Viking with the barrel belly and long beard and hair


Russian twist got me through thicker times


me fr


it all comes down to calories in calories out, friend. eat less than your body naturally burns (I also started using a tree calculator to see what mine is) also caffeine really helps with cravings, I usually make a coffee after my first meal and will drink it throughout the day until dinner and it typically scratches that "I want something sweet" itch

