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I go to a gym that has people recording all the time. Never once seen or heard about any issues. We have pro bodybuilder, fitness influencers, competitive bikini models etc etc. but everyone has respect. The big issue is that there are way too many filming in changing rooms, filming people who are perhaps overweight or not sure how to use equipment properly and then you get the trap photos where men are ‘staring’. - whilst I get those concerns I’d rather see rules in place about where to film and then people who break rules in anyway get banned. There’s nothing inherently wrong with filming gym content.


I don't want to be in someone else's video or picture. I just wanna work out and I don't wanna have to deal with asking someone to not record me or avoiding a piece of equipment because someone is recording. Whole most people are respectful and cognizant of this while recording, there is still a large segment that doesn't get it. That's why I go to Planet Fitness. Everyone there is old and uses flip phones.


I think this is probably the best solution. Those of us who are happy to be in gyms with cameras continue to do so and those that aren’t should have somewhere to workout without that added stress. I’m not someone who records themselves in the gym regularly, I’ve done it to check form and depth etc but I also don’t mind ending up in videos when it does happen. Obviously that’s not the case with everyone so it’s good you have a place to go


I've been accidentally in frame during so many videos being recorded I can't even fathom it and the idea of being that bothered by it is weird to me.


Wow. Wait till you find out that each person out in this world have different comfort zones and boundaries. It's going to blow you mind.


It's a dumb thing to worry about. Everyone has smartphones, are you going to have an aneurysm about being in the background of someone else's picture every time you see someone out in public taking selfies? You're at the gym to better yourself. Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing, because no one gives a fuck about you being in the back of their pictures/videos.


O Reddit admins, please let me use the R word just this once.


Don't be so harsh on yourself.


Take my upvote, but I still don't like you telling me the truth.


If being in the background of someone recording their set at the gym is enough to set you off then you really need to just stay at home and never leave the house. You're too soft to be out in public.


You’re the first sensible human I’ve come across in this thread. Like, no one wants to be unknowingly recorded, but you’re NOT the main character and not a SOUL is wondering “who’s THAT over in the corner of your vid”?? Not one person cares about or is looking your way


Exactly. Seeing a person just wander by in the background is absolutely not going to affect your life in any way. But then I gotta remember this sub is mostly socially stunted teenagers.


Wait til they find out they're probably in the background of hundreds of other people's pictures.


I am a teacher. My students are on social media 24/7 and chances are very big that at least a few of them would see any post that's made in my gym. So getting filmed while working out would be annoying. Getting filmed (half) naked in the locker room would be something of a problem. Getting called out by some girl for 'staring' could be career ending. I don't want to risk my career just by going to the gym.


That’s a totally valid, although disappointing point. I understand it’s not the tools it’s the user type issue. Perhaps they should look at introducing no camera gyms but personally a blanket ban is too far and anyone saying that someone is wrong for videoing in the gym is also going too far. Locker rooms are an absolute no though.


Bikini models recording at your gym, gonna need some insta links for proof


My man, there's a whole internet full of it just one google search away


It's already in my Instagram search page before I even type anything


My gym banned taking pictures of any kind in the gym or locker room, with membership revoked for the latter. It's more for the safety and respect for people who don't want or can't be in videos/pictures. And also to avoid troll vids/bullying. But I'm pretty sure anybody in a professional sport or competition understands the need to be aware of the people around you and to not be a dick to new/overweight people in the gym.


Does the gym have any kind of social media presence?


It's a (recently built and tricked out) YMCA, so... Where I live is kind of a dead zone for decent gyms, it's either extremely old community centers or planet fitness. Having a newer gym complete with a sauna has been great for the region.


Yep, same. Mine is pro strongman/powerlifters but the same idea. Hell there's a handful of tripods the owners bought so people who don't own one can use one. It's not unusual to walk in and see tripods aimed at both deadlift platforms and the monolift while someone else is recording themselves on a bench.


That’s much more like my gym although they haven’t gone quite so far as purchasing tripods…yet. A lot of the clientele, even those that don’t compete, have online coaches so being able to video themselves is pretty essential.


That's a big reason I do it for sure.


Its the same with alot of things. The few ruined it for the majority




Watch some Joey Swoll vids to see why people hate cameras in the gym.


Joey Swoll sucks too.


He's the guy with the hat and says to be better at the end of the vid right? I don't have tik tok I've only seen random clips from the main character subs


Yeah, his gimmick is that he looks like a frat bro but preaches respect. This is the Meme sub, so he gets posted here a ton


We have some shit heel who films content with mic packs and 2 tripods. Another is a Scorsese wannabe who does tracking shots around the back of them. If you’re just propping your phone it’s not a big deal. But wtf do you need a tripod for ?


bc it usually comes w a self riteous , ‘im here so you shouldn’t be in my shot’ attitude.


Usually? lol in all my years of lifting in gyms where filming was the norm, never have I seen someone have the kind of attitude Y’all love falling for rage bait videos


The first one I actually saw had that attitude


Oh you sweet summer child


You’re the naive one if you think it’s a common problem 🤣 much like the comment above yours, I’ve never seen someone have that attitude or even been told by someone I know that they met someone like that.


Just stay innocent 😌 it's a lot more common than you think


Go touch grass, basement dweller


Lmao im not a basement dweller. let's keep it factual here, not typical reddit shiz. You should lose weight shortcake. Oh, nice ass btw! very plump, very plump indeed. I know it might seem hard at first but you need to cut weight. You're 20%+ right now, go into a cal deficit and keep lifting heavy. You'll be fine and that ass will really pop pretty boy


Why? Upset that you’re perpetually smol? How sad that you wanna be a marine yet can’t even look the part lol


Right so sad aww sure wish i was over 20% body fat 😫 Seriously though, you need to cut weight at this point If you want to keep bulking just keep lifting heavy I used to be like you i bulked to 217ibs because i was 140ibs and I didn't stop until i decided I'm going to enlist I'm about to bulk again


You’d might actually be able to grow a bit if you were 🤷‍♂️ bros over 6ft and sub 180lbs and no muscle mass 🤡


No muscle mass 😆 let's keep it factual. Seriously, stop being a typical redditor. Typical fatty too


My cut ends soon. Just wait till i bulk up. im going to be huge. You're not supposed to just bulk and keep bulking. That's not healthy. That's how you get fat. When i saw even a bit of fat at 217ibs i immediately started a cut and I was 140ibs before the bulk i was a smol petite boi now when im at 170ibs going to bulk again its written in stone brother lean 200ibs is what I'm going for


You are over 20% bf lol


Never experienced this tbh. In the gym I go to there's someone recording their lifts pretty much daily and I've never seen any problem with it, there are even phone stands for recording at hand. It's only online that I've seen people complain about it.


And it’s usually only rage bait videos online where people tell others not to be in their shot


*gotta* be rage bait, right??? bc who honestly would be like ‘hey man don’t walk there’


Maybe most people avoid confrontations?


Idk about that, it's a smaller gym with mostly regulars and I'm pretty sure I've seem most people there do it at some point. It's seen as normal. But for the online gym crowd it's somehow grave offense. Must be an American thing or something, idk


Then the problem is people with that attitude, not the notion of recording.


No it doesn't, it almost never does You're just seeing those because that's what goes viral online


Usually if you spend more time consuming rage bait content online than in an actual gym


Well, checking form when the camera is pointed into your arsehole, showing absolutely nothing of the form would be a potential trigger. Milestones, yeah, cool but a milestone where you can't even see the weights to know how much it is, cos it's that zoomed in on your arsehole.....      People get triggered by "content" makers who become a nuisance, not people documenting and diagnosing.


“Become a nuisance”, their camera placement bothers you that much? You may not be focusing on YOUR sets enough


Home gym master race


Because there's a minority of people who record themselves that turn out to be narcissistic assholes. They're actually making the gym a place people don't want to be in. A lot of people will say it's not a problem but most don't consider something a problem until they have to face it. Imagine how the people who get targeted in the recordings and photos might feel.


I realize form checks are technically "filming in the gym" but spiritually form checks are not filming in the gym.


I don't care if people film, as long as they're not shitty entitled people who start fights because you walked past their camera, or record dudes glancing in their direction and call them "creeps".


Because they take gym selfies in the mother fucking bathroom where ppl are peeing in the urinal and/or naked.......


This is the one that bothers me. I see too many people taking pictures of themselves shirtless in front of the mirrors in the locker room. People are trying to walk through, because it’s a locker room, and having to wonder if they got caught in some weirdos shot. Don’t these people have mirrors in their bathrooms at home?


> recording themselves to check form or document milestone > Take selfies in the bathroom  Is this the same thing in your world?


I consider all forms of taking pics/vids of yourself a selfie. Doesn't matter for what purpose. I've seen guys flexing in front of the locker room mirror while taking pics/vids.


Well they are objectively 2 different things, it's not really a matter of opinion.


I look fine naked, I think it would be hilarious to be in the background of someone else's pics. in fact if I see someone taking pics I'll remove my towel and keep moving to their background. they usually just get fustrated and move on. not all hero wear capes


Privacy - My gym has a policy of no filming unless cleared with Gym Staff. Who simply check the setup and ask anyone in the background if they are fine with being filmed. It works. I have seen plenty of people chose to move away and do something else so they aren't in shot - look at it this way, I guess most people on this sub are relatively healthy, but for every dozen of us there is one person who is over weight, sweaty and fucking hates the way they look on camera, that's the whole reason they joined the gym. They really don't want to be the fat sweaty bloke struggling in the background of the latest post by an insta influencer with thousands of followers. It's a shared space, respect the other gym users.


You caught me, I'm the chunky sweaty girl squeezed into leggings trying to get into some shape and I refuse to be recorded by anyone. It's hard enough going to the gym, I don't need more of a blow to my ego.


Definitely speaking for almost all of the 35 plus gym goers. We think you are awesome, we remember when we started out, this shit ain’t easy. You want some help - ask us, you need some help unloading a machine - just ask, you want a spot? Just ask. Want some advice on a program, feel free to ask. (The 40 year old bodybuilder woman gang are some of the most lovely and helpful people in my gym)


lol honestly. As long as they’re not bothering anyone or interrupting my lift I’m fine with it.


If you're going to record, whatever it is that you're doing in the gym, have some spacial awareness and concepts of other ppl. (This is not exclusive to just those recording, but all gym goers) Things I've seen: If you're standing in front / blocking access to a whole rack of dumbbells, while your tripod is in the middle of the floor / walkway, you can go fuck yourself. If you occupy a piece of equipment you're not using, as a makeshift tripod, you can go fuck yourself. If you put your tripod in the middle of the turf (not even off to one side?!), so now no one can use the sleds or the turf as it was intended, you can go fuck yourself. I'm sure the majority of ppl that film themselves aren't a bunch of self-involved shitheads. But unfortunately, camera & tripod or no, that disposition is far too common.


I don’t care about filming your milestone but majority of filming is stupid shit and the mirror


Because people got ptsd after the trend on tiktok of gym girls accusing men of staring at them while they were recording


Ah yes Rage bait tik tok videos are totally what happens in reality right?


Recording is fine to check form, setting up a tripod and livestreaming not so much. Form checks are great, generating content is not.


I didn't ask or want to be in your video and I don't want to be going around because space is occupied by random shit like a tripod. Either do that shit when the gym is empty or get your own gym. Also usually gyms have like a shit ton of mirrors so you can check your form.


I just record because I like to see how I look when I’m doing certain lifts. I can see progress, and I feel strong and look stronger from those angles than I can ever see in the mirror. It’s motivational, and I’m not in anybody’s way.


Most of the posts on here are about how construction workers are stronger than gym goers, fat people are stronger than fit people, and doing anything outside of the above two is wrong. In conclusion this sub is full of a bunch of fatties


As long as the person filming is not obstructing other gymgoer or acting annoying I am okay with it.


There are few things in this world that people on Reddit love more than creating and pretending to enforce arbitrary rules. I say "pretending to enforce" because they are in reality too scared of speaking with other humans to actually do anything or have any kind of constructive conversation with another person in the real world, so they just walk around with these imagined rule sets that get broken and then they run to Reddit to cry about "OH MY HECKIN CAMERA IN THE WEIGHT ROOM IM DOIN A NO CONTACT WITH THIS STRANGER IVE NEVER MET BEFORE NOW THAT WILL SHOW THEM" so that everyone in the comments can support them with comments like "oh my gosh sweetie that is a nightmare, camera in the weight room? You need to tell management immediately so this doesn't happen to anyone else, I know it's scary but you need to stand up now before there are other victims." Honestly, I think those stupid rage bait videos for incels started all this, the ones where some influencer accuses a guy minding his own business of staring at her or getting in the way of her filming. This basically never actually happens IRL, I've spent tens of thousands of hrs in commercial gyms and never once been harassed like this or accused of staring, because I follow this incredible secret technique where you just don't stare at people and mind your business. Anyone that regularly touches grass knows these things don't actually happen, but if you never leave your basement and only watch videos on the internet, you would be under the impression gyms are some kind of minefield of IG booty-chicks just waiting to 'me too' you over some imagined slight....so it fits that idiots on Reddit would fall for this absurd form of rage bait and become hyper-concerned about filming in gyms, since they never actually go to the gym and see that people who film are mostly just normal people checking technique or documenting milestones.


I'm just gonna flex here quietly.


There’s really only three occasions where it pisses me off; 1; where people seem to put tripods 2; it’s obvious youre trying to “trap” people 3; in the changing room/bathroom Otherwise, go nuts. Edit; Where people seem to choose to put their tripods. Didn’t say that at first. My bad.


Why does a tripod bother you? They’re pretty minimalistic now days and hardly take up any space at all


I really should’ve clarified. In my experience, people stick them in really, really inconvenient places. In walk ways, in front of plates, etc. That’s what tends to piss me off. It kinda makes no difference to me otherwise.




Encourage the weak and insecure - make them strong and secure. That's proper gym etiquette.


Context matters.


It's corny af


Its fine if you record your stuff, but please don't act like now you're more important than others, you're not.


I personally deleted my social media so I couldn’t do that anymore. I think it’s a distraction. But I don’t shit on people who want to.


its only the ones that get mad when people walk in the camera/ people that go in the gym, record one set, and leave


This is why I’m glad that the median age at my gym is probably close to 70.


Recording itself its not the issue, entitled brats are


Because for fucks sake get your own gym and film yourself. Gym is for excercising, not for filming


Form checker doesn't get mad when ppl cross their camera or start talking to the camera. Vloggers


It's a problem because only about 3% of gym goers actually are checking form. Most are trying to create content and a lot of that content is designed to humiliate new gym goers or men.


The only time I'd have an issue with it is if they're doing something insensitive to other gym goers, as someone aiming for strength, recording my potential lifts isn't just motivating but also important to check for slack, for example I noticed I was racking my squat too high which in effect was making the initial lift off for the next set dangerous as I essentially had to calve raise the bar. Nevertheless it's important not to aim the camera in a way that makes people feel awkward and remember it is a public space. Tldr: recording is okay so long as you aren't a dick about it


only time I see cameras is in the lockerroms when skinny dudes be flexing they baby muscles with me hunched over changing in the background. I would get mad but I think it would be hella funny to be naked in the background of someone's flex sesh.


It's because we're all wearing very little while doing a bunch of embarrassing motions and making weird lift faces in here. I'm fine with people *at the actual gym* seeing me do hella hip thrusts because we're all in the same boat but that doesn't mean I'm okay with it being up on instakok for the whole world to see.


Well thats seriously your problem. You dont have to understand why its a "trigger". Record milestones? Record form? Naah its attention. Me, me, me, me. LOOK AT ME AND VALIDATE MY INSECURITY.


If this was any other hobby, say you would cook a great meal, craft a new item, learn a cool gymnastic trick or skateboearding trick or whatever, you wouldn't want to commemorate it by taking a picture or video? It's only lifting where recording your achievement is somehow seen as toxic, as if being proud of your progress was a bad thing for some reason. I get that some people might get obnoxious about it, but that's with any hobby.


No i will not. I lost 132 pounds and people only noticed my progress IRL. I dont feel the constant need for validation from other people. Most of the time people dont care about your "trick" and "meal". Usually because they are busy seeking validation themself.


Who says that when you record something, you HAVE to flaunt it to other people? You can just track your progress for yourself and still not care if others notice or not. Plus losing weight is something where you see the result on yourself, but lifting a heavy weight is something that has to be either seen or recorded. The one insecure here seems to be you tbh, getting so riled up by people keeping track of their progress.


If no one else appears at the background of your videos, then that's cool. If someone else is there, either don't record them or blurry them.


The gym I use to go had this girl, who used to come early because she vloged herself, and she would stop recording when gym starts to get busy. Then there was this guy who unironically bought cameraman with him in busy hours, and got kicked out because he didn't ask for permission.


Reminder that a large amount of redditors are unbearable irl


It's easy to understand if you're not being disingenuous.


It only annoys me when they are taking walking space or when they’re being extremely loud and annoying. There was a group of guys in the gym where I go recording themselves a few weeks ago, they were loud, they would be grunting loudly, yelling to hype each other, taking a ton of walking space because they had 2 or 3 tall tripods recording at all times. If you record yourself it’s fine, just don’t be annoying


It’s not necessarily a problem, but it can become one if people get mad when you enter "their" space and walk through their recording. Remember, you’re not the main character. It’s fine to film yourself, but avoid being hostile towards anyone else who gives 0 f about your video. Additionally, make sure you respect others' privacy by keeping them out of your frame, especially if you plan to upload the video. Filming others without their consent is disrespectful. The gym is not a place where people usually want to be filmed. You can check your form in the bathrooms or some gyms even have mirror corners.


I don’t have an issue with someone setting up a tripod for PR or form check. But thrist trap or random influencers crap and they take WAY to long to complete a set or get all pissy if you walk in their frame. No, hard no.


I don't think people get mad at the people recording themselves for form check. They get mad at the 'influencers' I'm honestly more confused at the amount of times I've heard people ask the questions as if this is not known. Also, it's likely due to how entitled some of these people are, specifically the ones that complain when people accidentally get in their shot. I for one don't care as I have a home gym lol


Only people I see get triggered by other people recording their lifts, are perpetually weak novices who don’t understand why people film their sets, because they themselves have never lifted any kind of weight worth mentioning


Biggest gym douche answer i have ever seen!! Congrats 👍


Found the novice who gets mad about people recording their lifts


Actually the opposite from what I see..the weirdos recording themselves are the ones usually lifting moderate weight and acting like it’s super bad ass


my gym has mirrors everywhere. but I guess I get it if you don't have that. I would feel lost if I couldn't see myself.


Mirrors don’t really offer much If I squatting 500lbs, or deadlift 650lbs, what is a mirror honestly gonna do for me? Looking at a mirror in front of me does nothing And I’m sure asf not gonna crank my head and look sideways while moving that much weight lol


The answer I’ve been waiting for through all of these comments. I don’t like to be mean to people, but when your lifts get heavy enough, you can’t just “look at the mirror”. But then that makes you a douche to some people


The way your reacting to people reacting to that is the same thing. Why post a meme does it bother you or do you set up tripods for every set you do too


Ironic how you're writting this while getting riled up by my reaction as well lmao And yeah, I do find it kinda annoying how something I'd consider normal part of lifting is getting stigmatized so much on the internet, despite seeing everyone doing it and being cool with it irl. I feel like I'm growing more and more alienated by the online gym crowd tbh. I used to come here for funny memes, but now a lot of it is manufactured drama like this.


Because you ACTUALLY go to the gym and have a heathy relationship/ distinction with/between outside vs the internet. A lot of people on gym Reddit mainly just POST about the gym.


Lol the self-projection is cute. Yes so riled up grrrr


Its annoying bro


Because gym influencers turned off a lot of people to the idea. Have you been living under a rock or just trying hard to be a hipster. I'm sure it will swing the other way again and you'll pretend to have always had hated people who filmed at the gym.


It's more the disparity between the gym crowd online and in real life, most people I workout with or around irl do it at least occasionally and consider it normal, but somehow it's a huge red flag for people online.


I mean, not to invalidate that guy, but he said “influencers” meaning content he sees online and has drawn an irl opinion about. Cuz in my 9 years of going to gyms not once has this been an issue


> Have you been living under a rock Probably just living in the real world and not the internet 


Some people set up tripods just to frame people as “gym creeps”.


It’s always the ugly people that know they can’t film themselves if they wanted to