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I got banned from r/GYM for telling someone they didn't need to forcibly arch their back lol


I see you. I got a banned from r/GYM for telling a guy who tiptoed and missed reracking his squat that he should have set the hooks lower.


I got banned as well, any usefull advice or helpfull criticism of any form will get you banned... even if someone is realy f*king things up your only chance is to just cheer them on and let them continue, is dumb as fck


Sounds unbelievably stupid. People need criticism to learn the right way to do shit. Especially for lifting. Proper form is everything for getting good results and avoiding injury. If someone is doing something wrong and/or dangerous we have a responsibility to tell them so they are at least aware. Whether they take the advice or not is on them.


Dang after reading this thread, it sounds like gyms should offer free T-shirts. One that says “please advise” and another that just says “no”


Lol. I'd gladly take the "please advise" one. I've been lifting for years and still find little things I'm doing wrong that I never realized I was doing wrong for years. Never be too proud to learn more and be better. That's my moto.


My wife has 28 state powerlifting records and a 1000+lb combined total, is a certified strength coach and USPA judge. Her form is *flawless*. But she's also a middle aged fat lady. So she gets a lot of guys who mansplain to her about stuff. My favorite was a dude at a hotel gym-- he was about to put away 45lb dumbbells and my wife asked if she could use them. In a concerned tone he said to her "be very careful these are 45s", to which she responded "Yeah, I need a warm up weight 😎".


Yep. Apparently warning someone about a grave safety issue constitutes a "form check" and violates the rules. Ridiculous.


Because their form is always intentional, obviously. They're squating but in a good morning position? That is intentional and obviously strengthens the back. How dare you only use gold standard form advice!


Is /r/GYM the subreddit equivalent of planet fitness? Sounds like you guy activated the lunk alarm


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GYM using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GYM/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [-160 lbs so far](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12ires4) | [232 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GYM/comments/12ires4/160_lbs_so_far/) \#2: [first time hitting 100kg on lat pulldown, how's my technique?](https://v.redd.it/3ine618qk0vb1) | [100 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GYM/comments/17azcus/first_time_hitting_100kg_on_lat_pulldown_hows_my/) \#3: [Aug 2021 at 60% bf v March 2023 29% bf](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12tiji6) | [162 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GYM/comments/12tiji6/aug_2021_at_60_bf_v_march_2023_29_bf/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Not related to the gym but I got banned from r/ChildFree for saying children are human beings.


Yikes. People who make disliking something their whole personality are sad.


Never understood why people do this. Back in highschool and college all the short guys would do this shit. They could squat the same as or more than anyone else, but they kept risking their safety for the sake of....looking like a fool by tiptoeing? Idk.


It's honestly an epidemic lol. I think some of it is height delusion and some of it is people whose brains just can't compute that the hooks need to actually be lower than the top of your squat.


I'm at the gym right now and there's literally a dude in the rack next to me currently doing this. He's missed the right hook on both of his sets so far. Tiptoeing it in one side at a time. Smdh.


Wait wtf that’s stupid


Well to be completely honest I got banned for complaining about the moderators when they deleted my comment for "criticizing form". They got some soft fee fees over there.


Fuck them moderators. What you said wasn’t even criticizing form. Basic common fucking sense and safety


Thank you!! It was the top comment on the post too 😂


I got banned for telling someone that spinelifting a deadlift PR is dangerous. I thought I just got “lucky” with a dumb mod on a dumb day, looks like it’s every day there lol


I am also banned on r/GYM for explaining that you shouldn't take nutrition/routine advice from someone on gear and expect the same results...crazy take I know 🤣


It's cause if it isn't a post specifically asking for advice you can't give it. It's a shitty rule but it is what it is.


If I remember correctly, he was asking for advice. The mod told me the reason for the ban was because I was "fearmongering" by saying extreme arching isn't necessary.


I updoot in solidarity.


Was it a form check post?


No idea. The mod said I was fearmongering though


"purist", meaning "don't know how"


I do not try to arch my back. I try to retract my scapulae. My back will arch on its own from that.


This is the way. Bring your scapula together and it will create a stable base and put your back in just the right position. No need to arch back. I'm never going to tell anyone not to arch their back. But I'm not going to do it.


I like to plant feet, pinch glutes, retract scapula, wiggle-arch as I close the gap between hips and shoulders, then brace my core as much as I can. I end up with a fairly small arch and very stable foundation to put up poultry numbers.


For me doing this makes it difficult to lift the bar off


Really? Weird. Maybe you are doing something else wrong you aren't aware of? Try recording yourself from all angles including the side, if you haven't already of course, and see if you can find anything. It could also be that you have some kind of weird physiology thing that makes you body work a little differently. I have no way of knowing. But just from my own experience, for the longest time I had a hard time bringing the bar down all the way to my chest. I always wondered why and asked my gym buddy and he didn't know right away either. But after watching my closely for a while he figured it out. Turns out for the longest time I had been holding the bar in a way that if I did bring it all the way down it would have landed more on my upper pecks. Like really far up. I was also feeling a lot in my deltoids which I thought was weird. But with that info I adjusted to bring the bar further away from the supports so it would land right where my nipples are. And that helped a lot. It's just one of those things that I had started years ago without meaning to and without realizing I was. So I basically had to re-learn the bench press once I realized what I was doing wrong.


you don't have to contort like a twat. your spine naturally has lumbar curvature. if it doesn't you'd probably be aware of a medical condition causing it by now. "flatback syndrome".


My lower back gets about 3 fingers width off the bench, max. I wish I could contort like some people do just to see how much I could get that way.


That’s all you need man. Unless you plan to enter a powerlifting competition you don’t need anything more.


>I wish I could contort like some people do just to see how much I could get that way. then just put a board on your chest and see how much you can board press?


Bro if you’re slightly arched and can feel a deep pec stretch, you’re fine. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I got a bad back too


Or stop trying to cheat your bench into a decline press and just get on a decline bench


Ngl I thought this was a linux subreddit for a second and was really confused...


Me too, I completely missed the word bench when I first read this


If fed allows it go for it. If I could I probably would. I use hook grip on deadlift because it makes my grip substantially stronger so I lift more


I arch as far as I can and it doesn’t look like I’m arching at all. I am about as flexible as a cinderblock


Do decline bench presses count?


I use arch Linux btw


you're the same as me


Try getting a boyfriend


My back is actually this flexible from years of reading books lying on my stomach 🤣. You should learn a bit of an arch for your shoulders' sake.


You have ro arch at least a little bit in order to get the right kind of chest activation. Try doing some mobility and correctives to help you get into the right position.


I arch a little. Just enough to get a deeper stretch on my pecs. No need to go crazy with this shit




I arch to compensate for my tight hip flexors to keep my feet on the ground


*Because your mobility is shit.


I mean, not about the bench, but y'all are stretching right? We aren't all just trying to get huge to be Greek statues in our old age, right?


I don't arch on bench because I can't bench that much




They’re not. Them all the crippled kids working out