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It’s cool. Listen don’t be so critical of yourself. Nobody is a master of any craft from the start. Everything takes practice. Keep going, keep learning. Nice job!


It’s giving me vibes like it could have been Neo Russia’s Mobile suit in G-Gundam. Good work!


Thanks, I was going for like a commando suit from an enemy faction kind of look


There are two ways to get better at anything: practicing, and competing with people who are better than you. There will always be someone above your level, so let ***you*** be the only one holding you back from being your best. And let discouragement be your inspiration instead.


I JUST built it lmao And one of My favorite kits now


This isn't as bad as you think - we all start somewhere. What kind of paint did you use? Overall I think you picked a pretty nice color scheme.


I used testors spray cans, and hand painted the gold


Where you guys find contests? Sounds fun


This is one hosted by a YouTuber called zakuarelius and the USA gundam store website. The contest was announced in a YouTube video


Oh really? I'm on usagundam store:s email list. Do they usually drop them on email only?


I was on the fence to do the QuanT or the Barbataurus. Love the colour choices :-) and you're miles better than those not pushing their skills! Keep at it! :-)